383 research outputs found

    Going Further with Point Pair Features

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    Point Pair Features is a widely used method to detect 3D objects in point clouds, however they are prone to fail in presence of sensor noise and background clutter. We introduce novel sampling and voting schemes that significantly reduces the influence of clutter and sensor noise. Our experiments show that with our improvements, PPFs become competitive against state-of-the-art methods as it outperforms them on several objects from challenging benchmarks, at a low computational cost.Comment: Corrected post-print of manuscript accepted to the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV) 2016; https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-319-46487-9_5

    iPose: Instance-Aware 6D Pose Estimation of Partly Occluded Objects

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    We address the task of 6D pose estimation of known rigid objects from single input images in scenarios where the objects are partly occluded. Recent RGB-D-based methods are robust to moderate degrees of occlusion. For RGB inputs, no previous method works well for partly occluded objects. Our main contribution is to present the first deep learning-based system that estimates accurate poses for partly occluded objects from RGB-D and RGB input. We achieve this with a new instance-aware pipeline that decomposes 6D object pose estimation into a sequence of simpler steps, where each step removes specific aspects of the problem. The first step localizes all known objects in the image using an instance segmentation network, and hence eliminates surrounding clutter and occluders. The second step densely maps pixels to 3D object surface positions, so called object coordinates, using an encoder-decoder network, and hence eliminates object appearance. The third, and final, step predicts the 6D pose using geometric optimization. We demonstrate that we significantly outperform the state-of-the-art for pose estimation of partly occluded objects for both RGB and RGB-D input

    Recovering 6D Object Pose: A Review and Multi-modal Analysis

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    A large number of studies analyse object detection and pose estimation at visual level in 2D, discussing the effects of challenges such as occlusion, clutter, texture, etc., on the performances of the methods, which work in the context of RGB modality. Interpreting the depth data, the study in this paper presents thorough multi-modal analyses. It discusses the above-mentioned challenges for full 6D object pose estimation in RGB-D images comparing the performances of several 6D detectors in order to answer the following questions: What is the current position of the computer vision community for maintaining "automation" in robotic manipulation? What next steps should the community take for improving "autonomy" in robotics while handling objects? Our findings include: (i) reasonably accurate results are obtained on textured-objects at varying viewpoints with cluttered backgrounds. (ii) Heavy existence of occlusion and clutter severely affects the detectors, and similar-looking distractors is the biggest challenge in recovering instances' 6D. (iii) Template-based methods and random forest-based learning algorithms underlie object detection and 6D pose estimation. Recent paradigm is to learn deep discriminative feature representations and to adopt CNNs taking RGB images as input. (iv) Depending on the availability of large-scale 6D annotated depth datasets, feature representations can be learnt on these datasets, and then the learnt representations can be customized for the 6D problem

    Cash Transfers to Increase Antenatal Care Utilization in Kisoro, Uganda: A Pilot Study

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    The World Health Organization recommends four antenatal visits for pregnant women in developing countries. Cash transfers have been used to incentivize participation in health services. We examined whether modest cash transfers for participation in antenatal care would increase antenatal care attendance and delivery in a health facility in Kisoro, Uganda. Twenty-three villages were randomized into four groups: 1) no cash; 2) 0.20 United States Dollars (USD) for each of four visits; 3) 0.40 USD for a single first trimester visit only; 4) 0.40 USD for each of four visits. Outcomes were three or more antenatal visits and delivery in a health facility. Chi-square, analysis of variance, and generalized estimating equation analyses were performed to detect differences in outcomes. Women in the 0.40 USD/visit group had higher odds of three or more antenatal visits than the control group (OR 1.70, 95% CI: 1.13-2.57). The odds of delivering in a health facility did not differ between groups. However, women with more antenatal visits had higher odds of delivering in a health facility (OR 1.21, 95% CI: 1.03-1.42). These findings are important in an area where maternal mortality is high, utilization of health services is low, and resources are scarce. (Afr J Reprod Health 2015; 19[3]: 144-150). Keywords: Maternal mortality; conditional cash transfers; prenatal care; delivery location sub-sharan Africa L'Organisation mondiale de la Santé recommande quatre consultations prénatales pour les femmes enceintes dans les pays en développement. Les transferts de fonds ont été utilisés pour encourager la participation à des services de santé. Nous avons examiné si les transferts de fonds modestes pour la participation à des soins prénatals pourraient augmenter la fréquentation aux services des soins prénatals et d'accouchement dans un établissement de santé à Kisoro, en Ouganda. Vingt-trois villages ont été randomisés en quatre groupes: 1) pas d'argent; 2) 0,20 dollars américains (DA) pour chacune des quatre visites; 3) 0,40 DA pour une seule visite du première trimestre seulement; 4) 0,40 DA pour chacune des quatre visites. Les résultats étaient trois consultations prénatales ou plus et l’accouchement dans un établissement de santé. Nous avons mené une analyse de la variance Chi-carré et d'équations d'estimation généralisées pour détecter les différences dans les résultats. Les femmes du groupe de visite de 0,40 DA étaient plus susceptibles de trois consultations prénatales ou plus que le groupe de témoin (OR 1,70, IC à 95%: 1,13 à 2,57). Les chances de l’accouchement dans un établissement de santé ne sont pas différentes parmi les groupes. Cependant, les femmes avec plus de visites prénatales étaient plus susceptibles d’accoucher dans un établissement de santé (OR 1,21, IC à 95%: 1,03 à 1,42). Ces résultats sont importants dans une région où la mortalité maternelle est élevée, où l'utilisation des services de santé est faible, et les ressources sont rares. (Afr J Reprod Health 2015; 19[3]: 144-150). Mots-clés: mortalité maternelle; transferts monétaires conditionnels; soins prénatals; lieu d’accouchement, Afrique sub-saharienne

    Virtual Immortality: Reanimating Characters from TV Shows.

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    The objective of this work is to build virtual talking avatars of characters fully automatically from TV shows. From this unconstrained data, we show how to capture a character's style of speech, visual appearance and language in an e ort to construct an interactive avatar of the person and e ectively immortalize them in a computational model. We make three contributions (i) a complete framework for producing a generative model of the audiovisual and language of characters from TV shows; (ii) a novel method for aligning transcripts to video using the audio; and (iii) a fast audio segmentation system for silencing nonspoken audio from TV shows. Our framework is demonstrated using all 236 episodes from the TV series Friends [34] ( 97hrs of video) and shown to generate novel sentences as well as character specific speech and video

    Multi-centre parallel arm randomised controlled trial to assess the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a group-based cognitive behavioural approach to managing fatigue in people with multiple sclerosis

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    Abstract (provisional) Background Fatigue is one of the most commonly reported and debilitating symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS); approximately two-thirds of people with MS consider it to be one of their three most troubling symptoms. It may limit or prevent participation in everyday activities, work, leisure, and social pursuits, reduce psychological well-being and is one of the key precipitants of early retirement. Energy effectiveness approaches have been shown to be effective in reducing MS-fatigue, increasing self-efficacy and improving quality of life. Cognitive behavioural approaches have been found to be effective for managing fatigue in other conditions, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, and more recently, in MS. The aim of this pragmatic trial is to evaluate the clinical and cost-effectiveness of a recently developed group-based fatigue management intervention (that blends cognitive behavioural and energy effectiveness approaches) compared with current local practice. Methods This is a multi-centre parallel arm block-randomised controlled trial (RCT) of a six session group-based fatigue management intervention, delivered by health professionals, compared with current local practice. 180 consenting adults with a confirmed diagnosis of MS and significant fatigue levels, recruited via secondary/primary care or newsletters/websites, will be randomised to receive the fatigue management intervention or current local practice. An economic evaluation will be undertaken alongside the trial. Primary outcomes are fatigue severity, self-efficacy and disease-specific quality of life. Secondary outcomes include fatigue impact, general quality of life, mood, activity patterns, and cost-effectiveness. Outcomes in those receiving the fatigue management intervention will be measured 1 week prior to, and 1, 4, and 12 months after the intervention (and at equivalent times in those receiving current local practice). A qualitative component will examine what aspects of the fatigue management intervention participants found helpful/unhelpful and barriers to change. Discussion This trial is the fourth stage of a research programme that has followed the Medical Research Council guidance for developing and evaluating complex interventions. What makes the intervention unique is that it blends cognitive behavioural and energy effectiveness approaches. A potential strength of the intervention is that it could be integrated into existing service delivery models as it has been designed to be delivered by staff already working with people with MS. Service users will be involved throughout this research. Trial registration: Current Controlled Trials ISRCTN7651747