1,027 research outputs found

    Exploring Family Change Processes: A Dynamic Qualitative Analysis of Family Trajectories, Change and Coordination in Child Protection Cases

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    This paper reports an exploratory discovery-oriented study aimed at inspecting change processes and dynamics in families referred by the Courts and Child Protection Services for family assessment in the Integrated Family Assessment and Intervention Model (IFAIM; Melo & Alarcão, 2011, 2013) due to child neglect. The families received support for change during an assessment aimed at facilitating and exploring their potential for change. The parents reported, in quantitative diaries, their family’s experiences and changes inside and outside the sessions. We coded the data with a qualitative coding-scheme emergent from a preliminary qualitative exploration based on grounded theory methods and sensitizing concepts from Complexity Science and Dynamic Systems Theories. Core categories of Trajectories of States, Trajectories of Coordination and Influence and Other Coordination Effects emerged as relevant indicators to understand the families’ potential for change, describing basic dynamic change processes and contributing to understand therapeutic outcomes. We discuss the implications of the results and directions for future studies

    Instrumentos para Avaliação da Capacidade Parental e Familiar em Situações de Risco

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    The Integrated Family Assessment and Intervention Model (IFAIM) incorporates an assessment process whichaims to inform decision making in situations of psychosocial risk or danger for the child, as well as the elaboration or familysupport projects. The Instruments of Synthesis of Comprehensive Assessments in IFAIM (ISCAI) were built to support theorganization and synthesis of this assessment process. The purpose of this study is to evaluate its psychometric propertiesconcerning construct validity, concurrent validity and reliability, considering internal consistency and inter-rater agreement.The ISCAI revealed quite satisfactory psychometric properties which allow recommending its use in the organization andsynthesis of comprehensive assessments.O Modelo de Avaliação e de Intervenção Familiar Integrada (MAIFI) incorpora um processo de avaliação que visa informar a tomada de decisão em situações de risco psicossocial ou de perigo, para a criança, bem como a elaboração de projetos de apoio à família. As Grelhas de Síntese da Avaliação Compreensiva no MAIFI (GRESAC) foram construídas para apoiar a organização e síntese desse processo de avaliação. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar as suas propriedades psicométricas no que diz respeito à validade de constructo, validade concorrente e fidelidade por avaliação da consistência interna das subescalas e acordo entre-cotadores. As GRESAC revelaram propriedades psicométricas bastante satisfatórias que permitem recomendar a sua utilização na organização e síntese de avaliações compreensivas

    A montagem e manutenção de exposições temporárias : relatório de estágio no Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona

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    A presente dissertação é o resultado de um estágio realizado no MACBA - Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona, de janeiro a julho de 2015. O estágio incidiu sobre o trabalho quotidiano do Departamento de Conservação e Restauro, sobretudo de montagem e manutenção de exposições temporárias.This dissertation is the result of a traineeship at MACBA-Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona, from January to July 2015. This traineeship focused on the day-to-day work of the Conservation and Restoration Department, especially assembling and maintenance of temporary exhibitions

    The measurement process in micro and small software maintenance companies: empirical study

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    With the dissemination of quality models and the need for measurement-based management for software organizations, a variety of approaches and models are emerging to support organizations on this journey. According to a Systematic Review of Literature that selected 30 of 692 papers returned from search sources, it was noticed the need for guidelines and guides regarding the measurement process in a specific sector: micro and small companies that work with software maintenance. In this work, an empirical study was carried out to understand how the measurement process aligned with quality models can be implemented in these organizations. The field study followed the implementation of an improvement program based on CMMI® level 2 in 7 Brazilian companies from Maringá, Paraná. Finally, it was found that the process for the definition of a measurement guide can be common to a specific group of companies, taking steps and guidelines for its execution, always aligned with the organization’s strategy, giving top management an objective view work and process, supporting decision making

    Potencialidades y limitaciones del desempeño de las enfermeras en el Centro Parto Normal

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    Objective: To know the potentialities and limitations of the nurse’s performance in the Center for Normal Birth (CPN). Method: Qualitative approach, exploratory-descriptive type, carried out in 2018, with six nurses working in public intra-hospital CPN in the metropolitan region of Fortaleza, Ceará, Brazil. The collection of information occurred through individual interview, with analysis from the assumptions of the sociology of professions, focusing on the themes: knowledge and autonomy; credentialism; division of labor; labor market and value chart. Result: The nurse’s performance in the Center for Normal Birth (CPN)enhances good practices for childbirth and birth, as well as increases the importance and visibility of this professional in maternal and child care. Clinical care and management emerge as the focus of the nurse’s action in the CPN. However, even with the induction of the State to this action, there is still the need for recognition of the competencies and autonomy of the nurse in obstetric care by other professionals. Conclusion and implications for practice: There are challenges that need to be overcome such as the expansion of autonomy and respect for the accreditation of the nurse to work in the CPN and the harmonization between the management of the work process and management of clinical care by this professional.Objetivo: Conhecer as potencialidades e limitações da atuação do enfermeiro no Centro de Parto Normal (CPN). Método: abordagem qualitativa, do tipo exploratório e descritivo, realizado em 2018, com seis enfermeiras atuantes em CPN intrahospitalar público na região metropolitana de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. A coleta das informações ocorreu por meio de entrevista individual, com análise a partir dos pressupostos da sociologia das profissões, com foco nos temas: conhecimento e autonomia; credencialismo; divisão do trabalho; mercado de trabalho e quadro de valores. Resultado: A atuação do enfermeiro no CPN potencializa as boas práticas para o parto e nascimento, bem como amplia a importância e visibilidade deste profissional no cuidado materno-infantil. O cuidado clínico e a gestão emergem como foco da ação do enfermeiro no CPN. No entanto, mesmo com a indução do Estado para essa atuação, ainda há a necessidade de reconhecimento das competências e autonomia do enfermeiro no cuidado obstétrico por outros profissionais. Conclusão e implicações para a prática: Há desafios que precisam ser superados como a ampliação da autonomia e do respeito ao credenciamento do enfermeiro para atuação no CPN e a harmonização entre a gestão do processo de trabalho e gestão do cuidado clínico por este profissional.Objetivo: Conocer las potencialidades y limitaciones del desempeño de la enfermera en el Centro de Parto Normal (CPN). Método: Enfoque cualitativo, del tipo exploratorio-descriptivo, realizado en 2018, con seis enfermeras que trabajan en el CPN intrahospitalario público en la región metropolitana de Fortaleza, Ceará, Brasil. La recopilación de información se realizó mediante una entrevista individual, con análisis basado en los supuestos de la sociología de las profesiones, centrándose en los temas: conocimiento y autonomía; credencialismo; división del trabajo; mercado de trabajo y tabla de valores. Resultado: El desempeño de la enfermera en la CPN mejora las buenas prácticas para el parto y el nacimiento, así como aumenta la importancia y la visibilidad de este profesional en el cuidado de la madre y el niño. El cuidado clínico y la gestión surgen como el foco de la acción de la enfermera en la CPN. Sin embargo, incluso con la inducción del Estado a esta acción, sigue siendo necesario que otros profesionales reconozcan las aptitudes y la autonomía de la enfermera en la atención obstétrica por otros profesionales. Conclusión e implicaciones para la práctica: Hay desafíos que deben superarse, como el aumento de la autonomía y el respeto de la acreditación de las enfermeras para trabajar en la CPN y la armonización de la gestión del proceso de trabajo y la gestión de la atención clínica por parte de este profesional.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Este trabalho foi realizado no estuário do Rio Anil, São Luís, Maranhão, onde foi analisada a estrutura da comunidade zooplanctônica, com a finalidade de serem obtidas informações sobre qualidade ambiental através do estudo da composição, densidade, diversidade, abundância relativa e freqüência de ocorrência desses organismos. Foram efetuadas coletas mensais entre dezembro/2004 e maio/2005. Fixaram-se quatro estações de amostragem, onde foram realizados arrastos horizontais na superfície da água. O material coletado foi acondicionado em frascos e conservado em formol a 4%. Dados hidrológicos também foram simultaneamente coletados. Verificou-se neste estuário uma grande densidade de organismos zooplanctônicos, sendo as larvas de Polychaeta e os nauplii de Copepoda os mais significativos. As estações à montante do estuário (1 e 2) apresentaram elevada densidade zooplanctônica e índice de diversidade reduzido, enquanto as estações à jusante (3 e 4) foram caracterizadas por apresentarem densidade reduzida e índice de diversidade mais elevado. As análises estatísticas demonstraram que a densidade apresentou correlação com o pH, o oxigênio dissolvido e os nutrientes (fosfato, amônio e nitrato), enquanto a diversidade esteve correlacionada com a salinidade, o pH, o oxigênio dissolvido e os nutrientes (exceto nitrato).     Abstract   ZOOPLANKTON AS BIOINDICATOR OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY AT ANIL RIVER ESTUARY, SÃO LUÍS, MARANHÃO   This study was realized at Anil river estuary, São Luís, Maranhão, where was analyzed the structure of the zooplankton community, to obtain information about the environmental quality through study of composition, density, relative abundance and occurrence frequency of these organisms. Monthly collects were effectuated between December/2004 and May/2005. Four collect stations were fixed, where horizontal drags were realized in water surface. The collected material was packed in bottles and it was preserved in formol at 4%. Hydrologic variables were collected simultaneously. A big density of zooplankton organisms was verified in this estuary, and the Polychaeta larvas and the Copepoda nauplii were the most significatives. The stations in the inner of the estuary (1 and 2) presented high density of zooplankton and low diversity, while the stations at the mouth (3 and 4) were characterized to present low density and highest diversity. Statistics analyzes demonstrated that density presented correlation with pH, dissolved oxygen and nutrients (phosphate, ammonium and nitrate), while diversity was correlationed with saltishness, pH, dissolved oxygen and nutrients (except nitrate).   Keywords: zooplankton, Anil river, bioindicator, estuar

    Anticariogenic and Antimycobacterial Activities of the Essential Oil of Siparuna guianensis Aublet (Siparunaceae)

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    Siparuna guianensis is a Brazilian plant with extensive ethnobotanical indication and identified as one of the priority species that should be preserved in the Brazilian Cerrado. This work aimed to investigate the chemical composition and the antibacterial effects of the essential oil from leaves of S. guianensis (SG-EO) grown in southeastern Brazil against a representative panel of oral pathogens and mycobacteria. Anticariogenic and antimycobacterial activities of SG-EO were evaluated in terms of their minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs). The essential oil from leaves of S. guianensis was analyzed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Forty one compounds were identified, accounting for 92.7 % of the SG-EO composition. E,E-farnesol (18.0 %), β-myrcene (16.0 %), germacrene-D (10.0 %) and siparunone (14.6 %) were the major SG-EO constituents. SG-EO showed the strongest anticariogenic activity against the aerobic bacterium Streptococcus mutans (MIC of 50 µg/mL). SG-EO was also evaluated for its antimycobacterial activity, and showed MIC values of 250 µg/mL against Mycobacterium avium and 500 µg/mL against M. tuberculosis and M. kansasii. These results imply that S. guianensis may be a new alternative source of substances of medicinal interest. This is the first report of anticariogenic and antimycobacterial activities of essential oil of S. guianensis. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17807/orbital.v0i0.93

    The sealing ability of MTA apical plugs exposed to a phosphate-buffered saline

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of exposure of the mineral trioxide aggregate (MTA) - with and without calcium chloride (CaCl2) - to phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) on the apical microleakage using a glucose leakage system. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixty root segments were randomly divided into 4 experimental groups (n=15). After resecting the apical segments and enlarging the canals with Gates-Glidden drills, the apical cavities were filled with MTA with or without CaCl2 and the root canals were dressed with a moistened cotton pellet or PBS, as follows: 1) MTA/cotton pellet; 2) MTA/PBS; 3) MTA+10%CaCl2/cotton pellet; 4) MTA+10%CaCl2/PBS. All root segments were introduced in floral foams moistened with PBS. After 2 months, all root segments were prepared to evaluate the glucose leakage along the apical plugs. The amount of glucose leakage was measured following an enzymatic reaction and quantified by a spectrophotometer. Four roots were used as controls. The data were analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests (p;0.05), and 3 and 4 (p>;0.05). The addition of CaCl2 to the MTA significantly decreased its sealing ability (