1,488 research outputs found

    Projeto “O Corpo Humano”

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    A aprendizagem da Matemática é mais significativa quando os alunos têm a oportunidade de experimentar e de verificar os conceitos nas suas vivências do dia a dia. Com este intuito, desenvolveu-se um projeto no Colégio do Castanheiro, em São Miguel, Açores, numa turma do 3.º ano de escolaridade, em que as crianças tiveram de construir modelos do corpo humano, com recurso constante a ferramentas matemáticas. Este artigo apresenta a estrutura e as várias fases de implementação do projeto, realçando no final alguns aspetos que consideramos importantes no âmbito do trabalho desenvolvido

    Letter to the editor: virtual community of researchers and prevention experts: approximating drug research and practice fields

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    This paper presents the key findings of a virtual community of addiction experts set up to share evidence- based programmes of prevention on novel psychoactive substance (NPS) use in Portugal. Using a theoretical framework that combines contributions from a virtual community of practice and learning in a virtual environment, with prevention science, this paper traces how members interact in order to improve their prevention intervention domains and approaches, and consider the political and practical implications.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Relação existente entre a motivação e a aprendizagem em alunos do 7º ano de escolaridade

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    Dissertação apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Psicologia, ramo de Psicologia Clínica e da SaúdeEste estudo tem como principal objetivo analisar a existência de relação entre a motivação (motivação/atitude; responsabilidade; autoconceito) e a aprendizagem (enfoque na aprendizagem; realização ou abordagem das tarefas; ritmo de aprendizagem; atenção/concentração) em alunos do 7.º ano de escolaridade, de ambos os sexos, que frequentam escolas do Grande Porto. Pretende, também, analisar se existem diferenças na variável motivação e na variável aprendizagem em função do sexo (feminino, masculino) e do rendimento escolar (baixo, médio, alto) à disciplina de português e de matemática. A amostra deste estudo compreende 163 alunos, do 7.º ano de escolaridade, com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 15 anos. Como instrumento de recolha de dados foi utilizado o inventário de Variáveis Intervenientes na Aprendizagem que mostrou ter qualidades psicométricas aceitáveis ao nível da validade, fidelidade e sensibilidade. Os principais resultados encontrados mostram relações entre a motivação e a aprendizagem dos(as) alunos(as), assim como variações nestas dimensões quando são consideradas as variáveis sexo e rendimento escolar. Assim podemos concluir que os(as) alunos(as) do sexo feminino possuem melhores resultados em relação aos do sexo masculino. Concluímos ainda que são os(as) alunos(as) com rendimento escolar alto os que possuem melhores resultados globais no questionário, em comparação com os de médio e de seguida baixo rendimento escolar.The principal aim of our study was to analyze the existence of a correlation between the motivation (motivation/attitude; responsibility; self-concept) and the learning process (focus on learning process; realization and understanding of the tasks; pace of learning; attention/concentration) among 7th grade pupils, male and female, who are enrolled in different institutions in Greater Porto. It also pretends to analyze if differences exist on the motivation variable and on the learning variable according to gender (male, female) and academic performance (high, average, low) in the following subjects: Portuguese and Mathematics. The sample of this study was composed of 163 pupils in 7th grade who were 12 to 15 years old. The data collection instrument used is the inventory of the variables involved in the learning, which has showed acceptable psychometric qualities regarding validity, precision and reliability. The principal results showed correlations between motivation and learning process as well as some variations in these dimensions when the variables “gender” and “academic performance” are considered. We can therefore conclude that the female pupils have better academic results than the male ones. We can also come to the conclusion that the pupils with higher academic performance get a higher global score in the questionnaire compared to those with average or low academic performance.Cette étude a pour objectif principal d’analyser l’existence d’une corrélation entre la motivation (motivation/attitude; responsabilité; concept de soi) et l’apprentissage (accent sur l’apprentissage; réalisation ou appréhension des tâches; rythme d’apprentissage; attention/concentration) chez des élèves de 5ème, filles et garçons, qui sont scolarisés dans des établissements du Grand Porto. Il prétend également analyser s’il existe des différences sur la variable “motivation” et sur la variable “apprentissage” en fonction du sexe (masculin, féminin) et des résultats scolaires (mauvais, moyens, bons) en portugais et en mathématiques. L’échantillon de cette étude est composé de 163 élèves en classe de 5ème, âgés de 12 à 15 ans. L’instrument qui a été utilisé pour collecter les données est l’inventaire des variables intervenant dans l’apprentissage qui a démontré des qualités psychométriques acceptables en termes de validité, fidélité et sensibilité. Les principaux résultats ont montré des corrélations entre la motivation et l’apprentissage des élèves ainsi que des variations dans ces dimensions quand sont considérées les variables “sexe” et “résultats scolaires”. Nous pouvons ainsi conclure que les élèves de sexe féminin ont de meilleurs résultats que ceux de sexe masculin. Nous pouvons également conclure que les élèves ayant les meilleurs résultats scolaires sont ceux qui obtiennent le meilleur score global au questionnaire en comparaison avec ceux ayant des résultats scolaires moyens et mauvais.El objetivo principal de este estudio es analizar la existencia de una correlación entre la motivación (motivación/actitud; responsabilidad, auto-concepto) y el aprendizaje (enfoque en el aprendizaje; realización y abordar de las tareas; ritmo de aprendizaje; atención/concentración) en alumnos de 1er año de ESO, de ambos sexos, que asisten a escuelas en el Gran Oporto. También tiene la intención de examinar si existen diferencias en la variable “motivación” y en la variable “aprendizaje” según el género (masculino, femenino) y el rendimiento escolar (bajo, medio, alto) en las asignaturas siguientes: Portugués y Matemáticas. La muestra de este estudio se compone de 163 alumnos de 1era de ESO que tienen entre 12 y 15 años. Como instrumento de recolección de datos fue utilizado el inventario de las variables involucradas en el aprendizaje que demostró calidades psicométricas aceptables en términos de validez, fidelidad y sensibilidad. Los principales resultados muestran correlaciones entre la motivación y el aprendizaje de los alumnos así como variaciones en estas dimensiones cuando consideramos las variables “género” y “rendimiento escolar”. Por lo tanto podemos concluir que los (las) alumnos(as) de sexo femenino tienen mejor resultados que los de sexo masculino. También podemos concluir que los alumnos con alto rendimiento escolar obtienen mejores resultados generales en el cuestionario en comparación con los alumnos que tienen medio o bajo rendimiento escolar

    Reconciling the control of the native invasive Jacobaea aquatica and ecosystem multifunctionality in wet grasslands

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    Grasslands are managed to provide multiple goods and services. During recent decades, abandonment of marginal grasslands and intensification of the most productive sites resulted in biodiversity losses and reduced ecosystem services (ESs). Moreover, invasion by unwanted plants impaired ESs, as seen in Jacobaea aquatica, a poisonous native invader in pre-alpine grasslands of Central Europe. Invasion by this plant compromises fodder quality and endangers animal health, resulting in abandonment of grassland use. We tested different management regimes to reduce J. aquatica in wet grasslands of Southern Germany and assessed how its regulation affects grassland multifunctionality. We monitored indicators associated with productivity and conservation, such as the abundance of J. aquatica, forage quality, yield, abundance of specialists, and pollinator-relevant plants. Intensive management favoured multifunctionality by promoting productivity and biodiversity, yet also increasing the abundance of J. aquatica. Reduced management regulates J. aquatica cover close to an acceptable threshold while also reducing ESs. Thus, we conclude that moderate management strikes a balance between the control of the poisonous plant and the supply of grassland multifunctionality.publishedVersio

    Lactoferrin and cancer disease prevention

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    Lactoferrin (LF) is an iron-binding glycoprotein that is composed of the transferrin family and is predominantly found in the products of the exocrine glands located in the gateways of the digestive, respiratory, and reproductive systems, suggesting a role in the non-specific defence against invading pathogens. Additionally, several physiological roles have been attributed to LF, namely regulation of iron homeostasis, host defence against infection and inflammation, regulation of cellular growth, and differentiation and protection against cancer development and metastasis. These findings have suggested LF's great potential therapeutic use in cancer disease prevention and/or treatment, namely as a chemopreventive agent. This review looks at the recent advances in understanding the mechanisms underlying the multifunctional roles of LF and future perspectives on its potential therapeutic applications.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - SFRH/BPD/26064/2005

    Mapping accretion and its variability in the young open cluster NGC 2264: a study based on u-band photometry

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    We aim at characterizing the accretion properties of several hundred members of the star-forming cluster NGC 2264 (3 Myr). We performed a deep u,g,r,i mapping and a simultaneous u+r monitoring of the region with CFHT/MegaCam in order to directly probe the accretion process from UV excess measurements. Photometric properties and stellar parameters are determined homogeneously for about 750 monitored young objects, spanning the mass range 0.1-2 Mo. About 40% are classical (accreting) T Tauri stars, based on various diagnostics (H_alpha, UV and IR excesses). The remaining non-accreting members define the (photospheric+chromospheric) reference UV emission level over which flux excess is detected and measured. We revise the membership status of cluster members based on UV accretion signatures and report a new population of 50 CTTS candidates. A large range of UV excess is measured for the CTTS population, varying from a few 0.1 to 3 mag. We convert these values to accretion luminosities and obtain mass accretion rates ranging from 1e-10 to 1e-7 Mo/yr. Taking into account a mass-dependent detection threshold for weakly accreting objects, we find a >6sigma correlation between mass accretion rate and stellar mass. A power-law fit, properly accounting for upper limits, yields M_acc \propto M^{1.4+/-0.3}. At any given stellar mass, we find a large spread of accretion rates, extending over about 2 orders of magnitude. The monitoring of the UV excess on a timescale of a couple of weeks indicates that its variability typically amounts to 0.5 dex, much smaller than the observed spread. We suggest that a non-negligible age spread across the cluster may effectively contribute to the observed spread in accretion rates at a given mass. In addition, different accretion mechanisms (like, e.g., short-lived accretion bursts vs. more stable funnel-flow accretion) may be associated to different M_acc regimes.Comment: 24 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    The role of osteopontin in tumour progression and metastasis in breast cancer

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    The use of cancer biomarkers to anticipate the outlines of disease has been an emerging issue, especially as cancer treatment has made such positive steps in the last few years. Progress in the development of consistent malignancy markers is imminent because advances in genomics and bioinformatics have allowed the examination of immense amounts of data. Osteopontin is a phosphorylated glycoprotein secreted by activated macrophages, leukocytes, and activated T lymphocytes, and is present in extracellular fluids, at sites of inflammation, and in the extracellular matrix of mineralized tissues. Several physiologic roles have been attributed to osteopontin, i.e., in inflammation and immune function, in mineralized tissues, in vascular tissue, and in kidney. Osteopontin interacts with a variety of cell surface receptors, including several integrins and CD44. Binding of osteopontin to these cell surface receptors stimulates cell adhesion, migration, and specific signaling functions. Overexpression of osteopontin has been found in a variety of cancers, including breast cancer, lung cancer, colorectal cancer, stomach cancer, ovarian cancer, and melanoma. Moreover, osteopontin is present in elevated levels in the blood and plasma of some patients with metastatic cancers. Therefore, suppression of the action of osteopontin may confer significant therapeutic activity, and several strategies for bringing about this suppression have been identified. This review looks at the recent advances in understanding the possible mechanisms by which osteopontin may contribute functionally to malignancy, particularly in breast cancer. Furthermore, the measurement of osteopontin in the blood or tumors of patients with cancer, as a way of providing valuable prognostic information, will be discussed based on emerging clinical data.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FC

    Controlling the abundance of a native invasive plant does not affect species richness or functional diversity of wet grasslands

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    Aim: In this study, we tested plant community-based management methods to reduce the abundance of the invasive native plant Jacobaea aquatica (marsh ragwort). As J. aquatica mainly occurs in species-rich wet grasslands, our aim was to define management measures that do not reduce the conservation value of the resident communities. Location: Data were collected from 20 independent sites which varied in productivity and management intensity across the pre-alpine Allgäu region (South Germany). Methods: We monitored effects of temporary abandonment and decreased mowing intensity in very low- and low-productive sites, as well as of decreased mowing and fertilization at moderately productive sites. Abundances of J. aquatica and the co-occurring species were recorded at start and end of two experiments (2018–2021: very low- and low-productive conservation grasslands; 2017–2020: moderately productive agricultural grasslands), while functional traits data of all species were gathered from the literature and specific databases. Generalized linear mixed-effects models (GLMMs) were used to analyse the effects of management intensity on the abundance of J. aquatica, functional diversity and species richness of the resident communities. Results: At all productivity levels, the abundance of J. aquatica declined under reduced management. Changes in community composition and species richness of the resident community were less pronounced than the reduction of J. aquatica, but species richness declined under lowest management intensities. Thus, moderate reduction in management intensity provided the most benefits in terms of reduction of J. aquatica, and maintenance of species richness and composition of the resident plant community. Conclusions: Reducing management intensity in wet grasslands decreases the abundance of J. aquatica and thus is a suitable method to control this species. As plant community responses were only partially consistent, management plans must account for the productivity of invaded sites. To avoid negative effects on grassland biodiversity, only moderate suppression of J. aquatica is recommended.Controlling the abundance of a native invasive plant does not affect species richness or functional diversity of wet grasslandspublishedVersio