16 research outputs found


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    From the juridical standpoint that there are issues that are not acomodate in the technical regulations for the procurement of goods and services, in this presidential regulation Number 54 year 2010 along with the revised document. In an implementation of the contract for the procurement of goods and services, such as the implementation of the construction made possible the occurrence state of kahar.  the goal of the research in this paper is analyzing the meaning of termination of contracts in the procurement of goods and services and analyze the legal consequences of termination of the contract against the execution of a contract for the procurement of goods and services .Research methods used in the writing of scientific papers using normative legal research methods. Research results show that the meaning of termination and termination of Contracts for the procurement of goods and services differs. Termination of the contract is a contract that is caused by the suspension not work power force of the implementation of the contract, but the contract still exist, such as the circumstances of the termination of legal consequences whereas kahar contract is the Provider is entitled to payment for the work that has been done and the user must make payment upon receipt of the goods/services; and the provider is entitled to financial compensation, in unison with the user having to provide financial compensation for the delay in payment, include the clause of the contract to change the determination of the length of time until when the contract is terminated and payout system. &nbsp


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    This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of Brand Extension on Purchase Decision through Brand Image (study on visitor in the Plaza Marina and WTC Mall Surabaya).This type of research is a conclusive research studies. The study is quantitatively analyzed using probability sampling technique by using SEM analysis method. This study used a sample of 200 respondents. The results showed that there are significant direct effect brand extension on brand image and brand image on purchase decision. But, there is no a significant direct effect brand extension on purchase decision.    Keywords: Brand Extension, Purchase Decision, Brand Imag

    Development of Marine and Coastal Tourism Based on Blue Economy

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    Marine and coastal tourism as one of the largest segments of the maritime economy sector, as well as the largest component of the tourism industry, often leads to controversy over environmental  impact  and  compatibility  with  other  human  activities.  The  application  of economic  and  tourism concepts  that  are  oriented  towards  environmental  conservation  and natural resources is one option to overcome the problem. The Blue Economy concept offers an economic concept based on ecosystem principles, where the development will not only generate economic growth but also ensure ecological and social sustainability. In addition, the concept of ecotourism also offers a tourism activity that prioritizes aspects of nature conservation and improving the welfare of the communit

    Profil Tingkat Kesegaran Jasmani dan Keterampilan Teknik Hanpal Obo Mechigi Pada Tim PORPROV 2018 Kota Surakarta Cabor Yongmoodo

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    ABSTRAK Dimas Tegar Mahardhika.PROFIL TINGKAT KESEGARAN JASMANI DAN KETRAMPILANTEKNIK HANPAL OBO MECHIGI PADA TIM PORPROV 2018KOTA SURAKARTA CABOR YONGMOODO. Skripsi, Surakarta : Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Desember 2018. Tujuan penelitian ini untukAlasan yang mendasarinya adalah karena dalam penelitian ini yang mengambil masalah tentang bagimana kemampuan kesegaran jasmani, terampil dan tidaknya atlet melakukan teknik, Bagaimana kelemahan kesegaran jasmani atlet, dan bagaimana peluang dan hambatan pada tim PORPROV Yongmoodo Kota Surakarta tahun 2018 di Surakarta. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode diskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan kualitatif Partisipasi lengkap dengan metode pengumpulan data triangulasi. Sumber data diperoleh dari tes kesegaran jasmani dan keterampilan Atlet yang berjumlah 11 atlet. Tehnik analisis data dengan diskriptif kualitatif yang didasarkan pada analisis judgment expertdan analisis SWOT. Hasil penelitian ini adalah untuk tingkat kesegaran jasmani atlet PORPROV tahun 2018 Kota Surakarta cabor yongmoodo dengan jumlah keseluruhan sebelas atlet, memiliki prosentase kesegaran jasmani berikut ini : 1. Pada tingkat sempurna terdapat 4 atlet dengan prosentase 36%, 2. Pada tingkat baik sekali terdapat 1 atlet dengan prosentase 10%, 3. Pada tingkat baik terdapat 2 atlet dengan prosentase 18%, 4. Pada tingkat cukup terdapat 1 atlet dengan prosentase 11%. 5. Pada tingkatan jelek terdapat 3 atlet dengan prosentase 24%. Kemampuan teknik hanpal obo mechigiuntuk atlet perempuan menurut ketiga ahli menilai kurang terampil. Kemampuan kesegaran jasmani atlet Yongmoodo memiliki kelemahan pada komponen kelincahan dengan rata – rata 100% laki – laki dan perempuan, daya tahan aerobic dengan rata – rata atlet terbanyak 75% jelek untuk perempuan, 28,6% untuk laki – laki, Kecepataan dengan rata – rata tlet terbanyak 28,6% laki – laki 50% perempuan.interpretasi penilaian jelek, dilihat dari indek dalam analisis SWOT penelitian ini, pengelolaan organisasi cabor masih kurang baik berdasarkan indek hasil ada 9 aspek kelemahan antara lain (Struktur, rencana kerja, data prestasi), pembinaan prestasi mendapatkan nilai jelek berdasarkan indek hasil 17 aspek kelemahan antara lain dari (aspek teknis, Kualifikasi pelatih, prestasi pelatih, prestasi atlet, tata cara penunjukan atlet), unsur pendukung cukup baik berdasarkan indek hasil 6 aspek kekuatan dari indek (sarana dan prasarana, kerjasam dengan instansi lain). Menurut hasil penelitian cabor memiliki peluang terbanyak dalam aspek pembinaan prestasi, dengan jumlah aspek 7 aspek dan kelemahan cabor paling lemah dalam unsur pembinaan prestasi dengan mendapatkan 17 aspek dalam indek. Simpulan penelitian ini adalah Profil Tingkat Kesegaran Jasmani dan Ketrampilan Teknik Hanpal Obo Mechigi Pada Tim PORPROV 2018 Kota Surakarta Cabor Yongmoodo memiliki kualitas kesegaran jasmani yang jelek dan kurang terampil dalam melakukan teknik menurut para ahli. Kata Kunci : Kesegaran Jasmani, Keterampila

    Desain Palka Kapal Pengangkut Ikan Hidup Dengan Sirkulasi Air Laut Alami

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    Sebagian besar ikan yang dikirim menggunakan kapal disimpan dalam ruang penyimpanan pada kapal. Kondisi ruang penyimpanan akan berpengaruh pada ikan. Permasalahan yang biasa terjadi yaitu menurunnya kualitas ikan. Oleh karena itu dirancang sistem palka ikan hidup dengan sirkulasi air laut alami dimana palka diberi lubang sirkulasi sehingga air laut dapat bersirkulasi secara alami. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui rancangan sistem sirkulasi air laut alami yang sesuai pada palka kapal ikan hidup. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan menggunakan metode berbasis simulasi CFD (Computional Fluid Dynamic) dengan membuat model lambung dan palka kapal. Kemudian dilakukan variasi pelubangan pada palka. Berdasarkan hasil analisa data dan pembahasan dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa aliran yang terjadi di dalam palka adalah aliran turbulen. Kecepatan arus di dalam palka pada semua variasi pelubangan berkisar antara 0,05 m/s – 0,33 m/s. Hambatan kapal terkecil yang dihasilkan yaitu sebesar 26,1 kN. Volume ruang palka semakin kecil akibat pelubangan, yaitu sebesar 22,9 m3. Ruang palka tersebut dapat diisi ikan kerapu sebanyak 2,08 ton. Dari perhitungan ekonomis dapat diketahui bahwa pemilik kapal akan balik modal setelah dua sampai empat tahun. ======================================================================================================= Most fish are shipped and stored alive in the holding cell (storage room) before getting offshore. The holding condition, without a doubt, will affect fish quality. Common problems include decreasing quality of the fish. Which is why it is necessary to design a circulation hole, therefore seawater can naturally circulate inside the holding and keep the fish fresher. The main objective of this study is to identify appropriate design for seawater circulation hole on live fish holding room. Method used is CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) based simulation, modeling the hull and the hold of the ship. Data analysis revealed flow inside the hold is turbulent. Current speed ranged from 0,05 m/s – 0,33 m/s. Smallest ship’s resistance showed at the level of 26,1 kN. Holding room volume is decreased along with the addition of circulation hole as big as 22,9 m3, but still can contain up to 2,08 tons of grouper fish. Economic calculation revealed the owner would have a turnover after twofour years

    The Role of The Land Deed Officials in Mortgage Right Credit Agreement in PT. Bank Jateng Branch Slawi, Tegal Regency

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    This study aims to determine the implementation of Credit Agreement with the guarantee of Mortgage Right made by Notary of Land Deed Officials at PT. Bank Jateng Branch Slawi, Tegal Regency, to know the role of Notary Land Deed Officials, to know the constraints faced by Notary and what the solutions can be considered to solve the problem. This legal investigation included a descriptive type of empirical legal research. Research location was at PT. Bank Jateng Branch Slawi, Tegal Regency and the Notary office of Dewi Milasari, S. Sos., S.H., M.Kn as Notary PPAT partner. Based on this research, it found that credit granting mechanism in PT. Bank Jateng Branch Slawi, Tegal Regency is done through 5 stages: stage of loan application, credit analysis, credit decision, credit agreement and credit binding stage. Before credit agreement is executed, Notary as a partner is obliged to check the validity of guarantee of Mortgage Rights, Notary PPAT in credit agreement with guarantee of Mortgage right provides legal certainty for parties holding credit agreement. The constraint faced by Notary in making credit with Mortgage Right is the credit agreement draft which has been prepared by bank (creditor). However, the contents are unfair or more disadvantageous to the customer (the debtor), and the banking party often (creditor) absent in the signing of the deed.Keywords: Role of Land Deed Officials; Credit Agreement; Mortgage Right


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    Tooth decay is an infectious disease of microbial origin. Considering the increasing prevalence of antibiotic resistance due to their overuse and also their side effects, medicinal plants are now considered for use against bacterial infections. This study aimed to assess the effects of Graptophyllum pictum extract on inhibition of Streptococcus mutans. In this experimental study, serial dilutions of the extract were prepared in 13 test tubes for each bacterium. Standard amounts of bacterial suspension were added; 100ƛ of each tube was cultured on prepared solid agar plates and incubated at 37°C for 24 hours.Serial dilutions of the extract were prepared in another 20 tubes and 100ƛ of each tube was added to blood agar culture medium while being prepared. The mixture was transferred to the plates. The bacteria were inoculated on plates and incubated as described. The minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) was 0.04 mg/mL for S. mutans. The minimum bactericidal concentration (MBC) was 0.09 mg for S. mutans. Conclusion. Graptophyllum pictum extract has significant antibacterial activity against S. mutans cariogenic microorganisms. Keyword: inhibition, Streptococcus Mutan, Graptophyllum pictum

    Challenges and Solutions for Poverty Reduction Feminization Program (PFK) as Gender- Based Sustainable Economic Development Efforts in East Java

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    This study aims to outline the arisen challenge and applied solution to the implementation of the feminization prevention program towards gender-based poverty of female-headed households in East Java. The study employs qualitative textual based, which refers to discover data from research journals and government institutions. The results of the study indicate that in the process of implementation, PFK still has challenges regarding the low education of rural communities in East Java, which affects the business continuity process of female headed-household. Therefore, this study suggests in implementing poverty programs for female-headed households in East Java include; specialized training for KRTP to start an independent home-based business. a collaboration between PKK cadres and educational institutions as well as non-governmental organizations to deal with problems during the realization of independent home based business


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    This study aims to examine and analyze the influence of Brand Extension on Purchase Decision through Brand Image (study on visitor in the Plaza Marina and WTC Mall Surabaya).This type of research is a conclusive research studies. The study is quantitatively analyzed using probability sampling technique by using SEM analysis method. This study used a sample of 200 respondents. The results showed that there are significant direct effect brand extension on brand image and brand image on purchase decision. But, there is no a significant direct effect brand extension on purchase decision.    Keywords: Brand Extension, Purchase Decision, Brand Imag