798 research outputs found

    Sheath ionization model of beam emissions from large spacecraft

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    An analytical model of the charging of a spacecraft emitting electron and ion beams has been applied to the case of large spacecraft. In this model, ionization occurs in the sheath due to the return current. Charge neutralization of spherical space charge flow is examined by solving analytical equations numerically. Parametric studies of potential large spacecraft are performed. As in the case of small spacecraft, the ions created in the sheath by the returning current play a large role in determining spacecraft potential

    The amylase gene cluster in house mice (Mus musculus) was subject to repeated introgression including the rescue of a pseudogene

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    Amylase gene clusters have been implicated in adaptive copy number changes in response to the amount of starch in the diet of humans and mammals. However, this interpretation has been questioned for humans and for mammals there is a paucity of information from natural populations

    Site-selective adsorption of naphthalene-tetracarboxylic-dianhydride on Ag(110): First-principles calculations

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    The mechanism of adsorption of the 1,4,5,8-naphthalene-tetracarboxylic-dianhydride (NTCDA) molecule on the Ag(110) surface is elucidated on the basis of extensive density functional theory calculations. This molecule, together with its perylene counterpart, PTCDA, are archetype organic semiconductors investigated experimentally over the past 20 years. We find that the bonding of the molecule to the substrate is highly site-selective, being determined by electron transfer to the LUMO of the molecule and local electrostatic attraction between negatively charged carboxyl oxygens and positively charged silver atoms in [1-10] atomic rows. The adsorption energy in the most stable site is 0.9eV. A similar mechanism is expected to govern the adsorption of PTCDA on Ag(110) as well.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, high-quality figures available upon reques

    Quantum transport through STM-lifted single PTCDA molecules

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    Using a scanning tunneling microscope we have measured the quantum conductance through a PTCDA molecule for different configurations of the tip-molecule-surface junction. A peculiar conductance resonance arises at the Fermi level for certain tip to surface distances. We have relaxed the molecular junction coordinates and calculated transport by means of the Landauer/Keldysh approach. The zero bias transmission calculated for fixed tip positions in lateral dimensions but different tip substrate distances show a clear shift and sharpening of the molecular chemisorption level on increasing the STM-surface distance, in agreement with experiment.Comment: accepted for publication in Applied Physics

    The role of the segmentation gene hairy in Tribolium

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    Hairy stripes in Tribolium are generated during blastoderm and germ band extension, but a direct role for Tc-h in trunk segmentation was not found. We have studied here several aspects of hairy function and expression in Tribolium, to further elucidate its role. First, we show that there is no functional redundancy with other hairy paralogues in Tribolium. Second, we cloned the hairy orthologue from Tribolium confusum and show that its expression mimics that of Tribolium castaneum, implying that stripe expression should be functional in some way. Third, we show that the dynamics of stripe formation in the growth zone is not compatible with an oscillatory mechanism comparable to the one driving the expression of hairy homologues in vertebrates. Fourth, we use parental RNAi experiments to study Tc-h function and we find that mandible and labium are particularly sensitive to loss of Tc-h, reminiscent of a pair-rule function in the head region. In addition, lack of Tc-h leads to cell death in the gnathal region at later embryonic stages, resulting in a detachment of the head. Cell death patterns are also altered in the midline. Finally, we have analysed the effect of Tc-h knockdown on two of the target genes of hairy in Drosophila, namely fushi tarazu and paired. We find that the trunk expression of Tc-h is required to regulate Tc-ftz, although Tc-ftz is itself also not required for trunk segmentation in Tribolium. Our results imply that there is considerable divergence in hairy function between Tribolium and Drosophila

    The Kondo Resonance in Electron Spectroscopy

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    The Kondo resonance is the spectral manifestation of the Kondo properties of the impurity Anderson model, and also plays a central role in the dynamical mean-field theory (DMFT) for correlated electron lattice systems. This article presents an overview of electron spectroscopy studies of the resonance for the 4f electrons of cerium compounds, and for the 3d electrons of V_2O_3, including beginning efforts at using angle resolved photoemission to determine the k-dependence of the resonance. The overview includes the comparison and analysis of spectroscopy data with theoretical spectra as calculated for the impurity model and as obtained by DMFT, and the Kondo volume collapse calculation of the cerium alpha-gamma phase transition boundary, with its spectroscopic underpinnings.Comment: 32 pages, 11 figures, 151 references; paper for special issue of J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. on "Kondo Effect--40 Years after the Discovery

    Physico-chemical foundations underpinning microarray and next-generation sequencing experiments

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    Hybridization of nucleic acids on solid surfaces is a key process involved in high-throughput technologies such as microarrays and, in some cases, next-generation sequencing (NGS). A physical understanding of the hybridization process helps to determine the accuracy of these technologies. The goal of a widespread research program is to develop reliable transformations between the raw signals reported by the technologies and individual molecular concentrations from an ensemble of nucleic acids. This research has inputs from many areas, from bioinformatics and biostatistics, to theoretical and experimental biochemistry and biophysics, to computer simulations. A group of leading researchers met in Ploen Germany in 2011 to discuss present knowledge and limitations of our physico-chemical understanding of high-throughput nucleic acid technologies. This meeting inspired us to write this summary, which provides an overview of the state-of-the-art approaches based on physico-chemical foundation to modeling of the nucleic acids hybridization process on solid surfaces. In addition, practical application of current knowledge is emphasized

    Analysis of Microsatellite Polymorphism in Inbred Knockout Mice

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    Previously, we found that the genotype of 42 out of 198 mouse microsatellite loci, which are distributed among all chromosomes except the Y chromosome, changed from monomorphism to polymorphism (CMP) in a genetically modified inbred mouse strain. In this study, we further examined whether CMP also relates to the homologous recombination in gene knockout (KO) mouse strains. The same 42 microsatellite loci were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in 29 KO inbred mouse strains via short tandem sequence repeat (STR) scanning and direct sequence cloning to justify microsatellite polymorphisms. The C57BL/6J and 129 mouse strains, from which these 29 KO mice were derived, were chosen as the background controls. The results indicated that 10 out of 42 (23.8%) loci showed CMP in some of these mouse strains. Except for the trinucleotide repeat locus of D3Mit22, which had microsatellite CMP in strain number 9, the core sequences of the remaining 41 loci were dinucleotide repeats, and 9 out of 41 (21.95%) showed CMPs among detected mouse strains. However, 11 out of 29 (37.9%) KO mice strains were recognized as having CMPs. The popular dinucleotide motifs in CMP were (TG)n (50%, 2/4), followed by (GT)n (27.27%, 3/11) and (CA)n (23.08%, 3/13). The microsatellite CMP in (CT)n and (AG)n repeats were 20% (1/5). According to cloning sequencing results, 6 KO mouse strains showed insertions of nucleotides whereas 1 showed a deletion. Furthermore, 2 loci (D13Mit3 and D14Mit102) revealed CMP in 2 strains, and mouse strain number 9 showed CMPs in two loci (D3Mit22 and D13Mit3) simultaneously. Collectively, these results indicated that microsatellite polymorphisms were present in the examined inbred KO mice

    Fermi-liquid instabilities at magnetic quantum phase transitions

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    This review discusses instabilities of the Fermi-liquid state of conduction electrons in metals with particular emphasis on magnetic quantum critical points. Both the existing theoretical concepts and experimental data on selected materials are presented; with the aim of assessing the validity of presently available theory. After briefly recalling the fundamentals of Fermi-liquid theory, the local Fermi-liquid state in quantum impurity models and their lattice versions is described. Next, the scaling concepts applicable to quantum phase transitions are presented. The Hertz-Millis-Moriya theory of quantum phase transitions is described in detail. The breakdown of the latter is analyzed in several examples. In the final part experimental data on heavy-fermion materials and transition-metal alloys are reviewed and confronted with existing theory.Comment: 62 pages, 29 figs, review article for Rev. Mod. Phys; (v2) discussion extended, refs added; (v3) shortened; final version as publishe