154 research outputs found

    Opplevelsen av hjemmeskole. En kvalitativ studie av elevers opplevelse av digital hjemmeskole under Covid-19 pandemien

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    I pressemeldingen den 12. mars 2020 vedtok Helsedirektoratet at alle barnehager, skoler og utdanningsinstitusjoner skulle stenge for å hindre spredningen av Covid- 19. I Opplæringslova (1998) er det slått fast at all ungdom har rett på videregående opplæring. Da skolene stengte ble opplæringen gitt som digital hjemmeskole. Denne masteroppgaven undersøker hvordan elever på videregående skolen har erfart digital hjemmeskole under Covid- 19 pandemien. Min problemstilling er: Hvordan opplevde elevene digital hjemmeskole under Covid-19 pandemien? Jeg ønsker å se på hvordan elevene har opplevd det å sitte hver for seg uten den tradisjonelle undervisningen i et klasserom. Studiens problemstilling har blitt undersøkt kvalitativt. Studien har et elevperspektiv, og jeg har gjennomført 6 individuelle intervjuer av elever som går tredje året studiespesialiserende på en videregående skole. Studiens teoretiske rammeverk bygger på den sosiokulturelle læringsteorien som retter sitt fokus på at læring og utvikling skjer i samspill med andre. Resultatet i denne studien viser at fravær av fysisk kontakt under digital hjemmeskole har vært en utfordring for elevene. Relasjonene til både lærer og medelever ble utfordret. Digital hjemmeskole har for elevene vært utfordrende med tanke med fellesskap, selvstendighet og motivasjon. Elevene ble i stor grad selvstendige og følte mye ansvar for egen læring. Flere av elevene føler digital undervisning har ført til at de har lært mindre enn de ville gjort ved fysisk tilstedeværelse på skolen. Ved at elevene har arbeidet mye selvstendig, uten tilgang til støtte, kan elevene ha blitt hindret i å nå den nærmeste utviklingssone. Lærdom av denne studien vil kunne gi økt kunnskap om hvilke hensyn som bør foretas dersom en ny periode med digital hjemmeskole blir nødvendig

    Videre elektrifisering av banenettet : utdrag fra hovedrapporten

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    Amfibier våkner snart opp av dvalen. Bli med og kartlegg observasjoner!

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    A Review of the Developmental, Behavioural and Physiological Adaptations of the Ringed Seal, Phoca hispida, to Life in the Arctic Winter

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    Ringed seals Phoca hispida, the smallest of the marine arctic pinnipeds, are one of only two seal species in the world adapted to life in the land-fast sea ice. The habitat is characterized by a stable ice platform forming in early winter and lies at latitudes subject to extreme low temperatures. The small body size of adults and semi-altricial pups are an unusual adaptation to cold, allowing ringed seals to use shelters that they construct in the snow overlying their breathing holes. These small subnivean structures act to hide adults and pups from predators, especially polar bears, Ursus maritimus, and arctic foxes, Alopex lagopus. It appears that dry lanugal pups could withstand the arctic cold without shelter, but pups that have been wetted become hypothermic and require shelter to regain thermoneutrality. Since female seals actively swim away with their pups from attacks on their birth lairs by foxes and bears, both the physical and the thermal protection of alternate subnivean lairs are important for the survival of the neonate. Weddell seals, Leptonychotes weddelli, resident in the land-fast ice of the Antarctic, are the ecological counterpart of the ringed seal. Their large body size is typical of the usual cold adaptive strategy of other polar phocid seals.Key words: ringed seal, behaviour, development, physiology, adaptations, arctic winter, Phoca hispidaMots clés: phoque annelé, comportement, développement, physiologie, adaptations, hiver arctique, Phoca hispid


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    The aim of this roundtable session was to discuss reintroduction of native crayfish and habitat restoration providing practical recommendations of value to environmental authorities, decision makers and local managers. A (re)introduction may be appropriate: a) to reintroduce a population recently lost, b) to extend the distribution of an ICS into historic range and c) to create new or isolated populations to conserve genetic diversity or the species. Before (re)introduction it is imperative to demonstrate the probability that the receptor locality is empty of crayfish, to know the reason for crayfish extinction, and that the reason is removed before restocking. Before restocking, the receptor locality should also be assessed for crayfish suitability, including: water type and chemistry, physical conditions (shelter), presence of crayfish plague, risk of NICS, predatory fish. In general, major constraints in a restocking project is money and availability of stocking material. General recommendations: a) if have abundant/readily available and acceptable donor population use adults and young/juveniles as available, b) if short of stock boost with hatchery rearing, and c) if want population quickly, stock as many as can afford and several times. Trade offs: time vs. cost. Genetic distinctiveness/possible spread of diseases must be considered. In general, the preferential ranking is donor from: 1) same watercourse, 2) same catchment, 3) adjacent catchment or one nearby in the same biogeographic region for crayfish, and 4) any other catchment. Habitat restoration can be a valuable action, and should be prioritised to: 1) give greatest overall benefit to the ecosystem, 2) benefit ICS and 3) be achievable and cost effective. Natural characteristics of waterbodies in local area should be considered. A key factor in the protection of ICS populations is the knowledge and attitude of local people. Objectives and actions should be agreed with local stakeholders to improve chances of success

    Gel Pills for Downhole Pressure Control during Oil and Gas Well Drilling

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    During drilling of petroleum or geothermal wells, unforeseen circumstances occasionally happen that require suspension of the operation. When the drilling fluid is left in a static condition, solid material like barite may settle out of the fluid. Consequently, the induced hydrostatic pressure that the fluid exerts onto the formation will be reduced, possibly leading to collapse of the borehole or influx of liquid or gas. A possible mitigation action is placement of a gel pill. This gel pill should preferably be able to let settled barite rest on top of it and still transmit the hydrostatic pressure to the well bottom. A bentonite-based gel pill is developed, preventing flow of higher density drilling fluid placed above it to bypass the gel pill. Its rheological behavior was characterized prior to functional testing. The designed gel pill develops sufficient gel structure to accommodate the settled barite. The performance of the gel was tested at vertical and 40° inclination from vertical. Both conventional settling and the Boycott effect were observed. The gel pill provided its intended functionality while barite was settling out of the drilling fluid on top of this gel pill. The barite was then resting on top of the gel pill. It is demonstrated that a purely viscous pill should not be used for separating a high density fluid from a lighter fluid underneath. However, a bentonite or laponite gel pill can be placed into a well for temporary prevention of such intermixing.publishedVersio

    Effects of butter naturally enriched with conjugated linoleic acid and vaccenic acid on blood lipids and LDL particle size in growing pigs

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Cow milk is a natural source of the cis 9, trans 11 isomer of conjugated linoleic acid (c9,t11-CLA) and trans vaccenic acid (VA). These fatty acids may be considered as functional foods, and the concentration in milk can be increased by e.g. sunflower oil supplementation to the dairy cow feed.</p> <p>The objective of this study was to compare the effects of regular butter with a special butter naturally enriched in c9,t11-CLA and VA on plasma lipids in female growing pigs. The experimental period lasted for three weeks and the two diets provided daily either 5.0 g c9,t11-CLA plus 15.1 g VA or 1.3 g c9,t11-CLA plus 3.6 g VA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The serum concentrations of c9,t11-CLA, VA and alpha-linolenic acid were increased and myristic (14:0) and palmitic acid (16:0) were reduced in the pigs fed the CLA+VA-rich butter-diet compared to regular butter, but no differences in plasma concentrations of triacylglycerol, cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, LDL particle size distribution or total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol were observed among the two dietary treatment groups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Growing pigs fed diets containing butter naturally enriched in about 20 g c9,t11-CLA plus VA daily for three weeks, had increased serum concentrations of alpha-linolenic acid and decreased myristic and palmitic acid compared to pigs fed regular butter, implying a potential benefit of the CLA+VA butter on serum fatty acid composition. Butter enriched in CLA+VA does not appear to have significant effect on the plasma lipoprotein profile in pigs.</p

    Regionfelt Østlandet. Konsekvensutredning for temaet: Vann og grunn, inklusive dyreliv i vann

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    Årsliste 2001Rapporten omhandler en statusbeskrivelse for vannkvalitet og vannlevende dyr i Regionfelt Østlandet. Dette inkluderer generell vannkjemi, tungmetaller i vann, moser, løsmasser, tålegrenser for surt vann, bunndyr, krepsdyrplankton og fisk. Det er utført en konsekvensanalyse på bakgrunn av foreslåtte lokaliseringer av målområder, standplasser, kjøretraseer, baneanlegg, ingeniørøvningsfelt, broskole og oversettningsområde samt bruken av disse, inklusive ammunisjons-regnskap. Tiltak for å begrense skadeeffekter er diskutert og konklusjonen er at de mest effektive tiltakene ligger i en god plan for lokaliseringer av målområdene og de ulike manøvrerings-områdene. Vi har foreslått en basisundersøkelse for områdene som berøres av Ingeniørvåpenets aktiviteter. Årsaken til dette er at de foreslåtte områdene ikke ble nevneverdig berørt i den opprinnelige planen og derfor ikke er nødvendig undersøkt. På bakgrunn av befaringer er det imidlertid gjennomført konsekvensvurderinger til bruk i planarbeidet. Overvåkningsundersøkelsene som allerede er startet opp foreslås videreført og modifisert etter at Ingeniørvåpenets bruksområder er fastlagt. Hensikten er å avdekke endringer i forurensningsituasjonen i vannforekomstene inklusive effekter på vannlevende organismer tidligst mulig slik at tiltak kan iverksettes.Forsvarets bygningstjeneste (FBT

    Are Chinese consumers at risk due to exposure to metals in crayfish? A bioaccessibility-adjusted probabilistic risk assessment

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    Freshwater crayfish, the world's third largest crustacean species, has been reported to accumulate high levels of metals, while the current knowledge of potential risk associated with crayfish consumption lags behind that of finfish. We provide the first estimate of human health risk associated with crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) consumption in China, the world's largest producer and consumer of crayfish. We performed Monte Carlo Simulation on a standard risk model parameterized with local data on metal concentrations, bioaccessibility (phi), crayfish consumption rate, and consumer body mass. Bioaccessibility of metals in crayfish was found to be variable (68-95%) and metal-specific, suggesting a potential influence of metal bioaccessibility on effective metal intake. However, sensitivity analysis suggested risk of metals via crayfish consumption was predominantly explained by consumption rate (explaining >92% of total risk estimate variability), rather than metals concentration, bioaccessibility, or body mass. Mean metal concentrations (As, Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, Se and Zn) in surveyed crayfish samples from 12 provinces in China conformed to national safety standards. However, risk calculation of phi-modified hazard quotient (HQ) and hazard index (HI) suggested that crayfish metals may pose a health risk for very high rate consumers, with a HI of over 24 for the highest rate consumers. Additionally, the phi-modified increased lifetime risk (ILTR) for carcinogenic effects due to the presence of As was above the acceptable level (10(-5)) for both the median (ILTR = 2.5 x 10(-5)) and 90th percentile (ILTR = 1.8 x 10(-4)), highlighting the relatively high risk of As in crayfish. Our results suggest a need to consider crayfish when assessing human dietary exposure to metals and associated health risks, especially for high crayfish-consuming populations, such as in China, USA and Sweden.HZ by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (41273087). LN was supported by European Union Marie Curie Actions, Grant FP People 2010 “IRSES Electroacross” and BG by the SAGE-IGERT Fellowship (US National Science Foundation)