260 research outputs found


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    Pembangunan daerah merupakan integral dari pembangunan nasional yang dilaksanakan berdasarkan prinsip otonomi daerah dan pengaturan sumberdaya nasional yang memberikan kesempatan bagi peningkatan demokrasi dan kinerja untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan sehingga taraf hidup masyarakat lebih baik. Dalam penelitian yang berjudul “Analisis Sektor Unggulan dalam Rangka Pengembangan Pembangunan Wilayah di Kabupaten Pemalang Tahun 2006-2009”, permasalahannya adalah: 1. Apakah terjadi perubahan struktur perekonomian di kabupaten Pemalang tahun 2006-2009? 2. Sektor-sektor ekonomi apakah yang mempunyai potensi tinggi untuk di kembangkan dan menjadi sektor unggulan di kabupaten Pemalang tahun 2006-2009? Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dan disusun secara runtut waktu (time series) yaitu dari kurun waktu 2006-2009, meliputi data produk domestik regional bruto kabupaten Pemalang dan produk domestik regional bruto propinsi Jawa Tengah. Alat analisis yang digunakan untuk menjawab permasalahan penelitian adalah dengan menggunakan analisis shift share Esteban Marquilas. Berdasarkan hasil analisis shift share Esteban Marquilas nampak bahwa ada perubahan (pergeseran) struktur perekonomian kabupaten Pemalang dari tahun 2006-2009. Sektor-sektor unggulan kabupaten Pemalang pada akhir tahun analisis adalah sektor perdagangan, hotel dan restoran, sektor listrik, gas dan air bersih dan sektor pertambangan dan penggalian. Sedangkan sektor potensi unggulan adalah sektor pertanian, sektor industri pengolahan, sektor jasa-jasa dan sektor keuangan, persewaan dan jasa perusahaan. Sementara sektor bukan unggulan kabupaten Pemalang adalah sektor bangunan dan sektor pengangkutan dan komunikasi, dimana kedua sektor ini dari tahun awal sampai tahun akhir analisis tidak mengalami perubahan

    Public Spending and Poverty Reduction in Indonesia: The Effects of Economic Growth and Public Spending on Poverty Reduction in Indonesia 2009-2018

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    Poverty is a complex and multidimensional issue. Over the past four decades, the number of poor in Indonesia has experienced a significant decline, from 40.10 percent in 1976 to 9.82 percent in March 2018. Nevertheless, the disparity of poverty rates between provinces is still quite high. The poverty rate in several provinces in Java Island, for example, is already at the single-digit level, while in Eastern Indonesia, is still more than double-digit level. As it is known, public spending and economic growth are two crucial instruments on poverty reduction programs. This study aims to investigate the role of economic growth and public spending, particularly education, health, and social protection on poverty reduction in Indonesia. By using panel data from 31 provinces during 2009-2018 period, this study used two regression models to analyze the effects of these two variables on poverty reduction, both in urban and rural areas. This study shows that public spending on health and education sectors has a slightly different effect on poverty reduction between urban and rural areas. Convincingly, spending allocation on health and education has had a significant effect to reduce poverty rate in rural areas, while the decline of poverty rates in urban is likely more influenced by spending on health. This study also shows that over the past ten years, economic growth and social protection spending did not have a significant effect on reducing poverty rates. Therefore, in order to reduce poverty more effectively, it would be better for the government to focus its poverty reduction programs on investment in health and education sectors


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    Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) or Local government-owned Corporate is a legal entity created by local government to undertake activities on behalf local government as one of local revenue resources according to article 3 of Domestic Affairs Minister No. 3 of 1998 about type of BUMD as public corporate and limited company. Structural form and type of BUMD need a concept or model of BUMD management suitable with characteristic and type of the BUMD. With total asset of more than IDR. 340.118 trillion of the end of 2011 and profit ratio of 3.0% produced by BUMD, it is an unbalanced condition related to existence of the BUMD. Condition above reflects that several types of BUMD have good potency and others are not optimally managed yet. In attempts of achieving a professional BUMD management that is agreeing with good corporate governance and goal of its establishment in providing best service for public’s or society’s interest, then a synchronization and harmonization of legal products regulating management of BUMD is needed. Alternative model of management of BUMD in attempts of good corporate governance can be performed by using a type of non-company management with ‘independent self-management’ concept. Local government as the authority can apply ‘policy intervention’ by publishing rule of local government such as rule of Governor/Mayor/Regent substantially regulating strategic plan of the local government-owned business. Concept of limited company management for BUMD can be conducted by using a concept of companies group of Holding Company model with several types. One of the types is ‘Programmed procedure of combined businesses group’. The holding company model with the type of programmed procedure is selected based on various types and characters of business owned by local government and business classification of the region. Key words: Alternative, Management model of BUMD, Good Corporate Governance Badan Usaha Milik Daerah (BUMD) merupakan usaha yang dimiliki oleh pemerintah daerah, dimana tujuannya adalah sebagai salah satu sumber penerimaan daerah (PAD). Menurut ketentuan pasal 3 dalam Permendagri No 3 tahun 1998 tentang bentuk BUMD berupa perusahaan daerah dan BUMD berbentuk perseroan. Kedua kontruksi bentuk dan jenis BUMD tersebut diperlukan sebuah konsep atau model pengelolaan BUMD yang sesuai dengan karakeristik dan jenis BUMD itu sendiri. Total asset lebih dari Rp. 340,118 T sampai dengan akhir tahun 2011 dengan rasio laba 3,0 % yang dihasilkan dari BUMD merupakan kondisi yang tidak seimbang terkait keberadaan BUMD. Kondisi diatas mencerminkan ada beberapa jenis usaha BUMD yang berpotensi dan beberapa jenis yang kurang dapat dioptimalkan. Dalam rangka wewujudkan pengelolaan BUMD secara profesional dan sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip good corporate governance serta sesuai dengan tujuan didirikanya sebuah badan usaha yang sebagai sebuah badan usaha yang didirikan untuk melayani kepentingan publik atau masyarakat, perlu dilakukan sinkronisasi dan harmonisasi produk hokum yang mengatur tentang pengelolaan BUMD. Alternatif model pengelolaan BUMD dalam rangka wewujudkan Good Corporate Govesrnance dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan konsep pengelolaan BUMD non persero dengan konsep “swakelola mandiri”. Kewenangan pemerintah daerah selaku pemegang otoritas dapat melakukan ”intervensi kebijakan” dengan menerbitkan peraturan kepala daerah baik peraturan Gubenur/Walikota/bupati yang secara subtansi mengatr tentang rencana strategis BUMD tersebut. Konsep pengelolaan BUMD persero dapat dilakukan dengan konsep perusahaan grup dengan model Holding Company dengan beberapa tipe, salah satunya adalah ”Prosedur terprogram dengan group usaha kombinasi” dipilihnya model holding company dengan tipe prosedur terprogram didasari berbagai pertimbangan tipe atau karakter jenis usaha yang ada di pemerintah daerah, serta berdasarkan penggolongan usaha yang ada di daerah. Keyword : Alternatif, Model Pengelolaan BUMD, Good Corporate Governance

    FIGURE-BASED POLITICS IN LABORER VOTING BEHAVIORS: A Study of Semarang Industrial Laborers In the 2004-2014 Elections

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    This study is aimed to explore further how the laborers in Semarang determined their political preferences in the 2004-2014 presidential and legislative elections. As we know, many studies have been conducted to discuss laborers and politics. But few of them discussed laborer voting behaviors in the election. This study uses a quantitative approach and survey method. The survey was conducted to 394 industrial laborers in Semarang city. By using psychological and rational choice models, this study resulted in two major findings. First, the emergence of political consciousness among industrial laborers in the electoral politics. Second, the dominant influence of psychological factors on laborer voting behaviors. From these findings, I argue that the quality of democracy among laborers is relatively good and that figure-based politics, even among laborers, tends to be found wider and seems to be the “new style” of democracy in Indonesia


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    Decentralized Finance (DeFI) has positively impacted the development of crypto asset trading and has been adopted by various countries except for Indonesia. This study aims to identify the urgency of regulating DeFi as the development of crypto asset trading in Indonesia and construct the ideal regulation. This research is normative legal research with a statutory and conceptual approach. The research results stated the urgency of regulating DeFi as the development of crypto asset trading is: a) other countries have used DeFi because it can develop crypto asset trading for the better by creating value stability in crypto assets, having a function for lending and borrowing crypto assets, having transparency in transactions and lower crypto asset trading fees; b) DeFi technology adopted in the development of the Digital Rupiah project by BI and adopted by physical traders of crypto assets in Indonesia; c) as a form of legal protection from risks arising from technical or non-technical negligence or intention to protection from crime. Ideal legal regulation for decentralized finance as the development of Indonesia crypto asset trading is the formation of a regulation by CoFTRA in the form of technical guidelines and implementation mechanisms, in the form of a new written CoFTRA Regulation, in the form of a decree from the Head of CoFTRA whose focus is to regulate DeFi as development Crypto asset trading

    Analysis of Validity Decisions General Meeting of Shareholders Limited Liability Company in Circulation

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    The General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) held by the company is an important organ in taking various policies in the company. The GMS in practice is set forth in an authentic deed made before a notary and or made in minutes of meetings in the form of a deed under the hand, and then the deed is set forth in the form of an authentic deed and this practice is known as the deed of the decision of the meeting. In this context, the responsibility of a notary in making the deed of declaration of decision of general meeting of shareholders of circular limited company should be studied further, since a Notary is a public official who has authority to make authentic deed of all acts, agreements and stipulations ordered by general regulations or requested by the parties making the deed. Notary as a public official in every execution of his duties should not be out of the "signs" that have been regulated by the applicable law. Based on the results of research can be concluded that the making of Deed of Shareholders General Meeting of Shareholders which made in circulation has been regulated in Law Number 40 Year 2007 and has been allowed, so have legal validity and strength. However, in the verdict the judge has overturned the ruling of the general meeting which was made in circulation regarding the transfer of ownership of the shares, because the judge considered that in making the decision there is one element that has not been completed, namely the signature of several parties. With the cancellation of the decision, it will affect the return of share ownership from the defendant to be returned to the party, and this also affects the notary who participated in making the deed of decision of the general meeting that the notary is required to obey and comply with the stipulated decision

    Nilai Sosial Cerita Rakyat Buaya Buntung Situ Kamojing, Desa Kamojing, Kecamatan Cikampek, Kabupaten Karawang Dalam Pemanfaatannya Sebagai Dongeng

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh adanya hal menarik dari suatu kebudayaan yang banyak mengandung unsur pengetahuan, pelajaran hidup dan gambaran masa lalu yang sangat melekat pada masyarakat yang bisa dijadikan sebuah pembelajaran sehingga pada zaman moderen ini perlunya melestarikan kebudayaan dalam hal ini cerita rakyat untuk nantinya sampai ke generasi anak  cucu agar tidak hilang dan tidak tergantikan dengan budaya baru di masa yang akan datang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mendeskripsikan nilai sosial yang terdapat dalam cerita rakyat Buaya Buntung di Situ Kamojing. Hasil analisis nilai sosial dalam cerita rakyat Buaya Buntung Situ Kamojing ini dapat dikelompokan menjadi aspek diantaranya aspek nilai material, nilai vital, nilai kesetiaan dan nilai kerohanian. Penelitian ini dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai matri ajar dongeng di sekolah

    Kinerja Guru di SD Negeri Gugus 1, Kecamatan Lubuk Besar, Kabupaten Bangka Tengah: Pengaruh Kompetensi Guru Dan Sertifikasi Guru

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    This study aims to ascertain the impact of teacher certification and competence on teacher achievement in Lubuk Besar District, SD Negeri Gugus 1, Central Bangka Regency. In SD Negeri Gugus 1, 61 teachers were included in the sample. Purposive sampling was the sampling strategy used, and the respondents were several teachers from Gugus 1 Public Elementary School in Lubuk Besar District, Central Bangka Regency. A 5-point Likert scale was used to measure the 90 statement items on the distributed questionnaire to collect data. Multiple linear regression analysis is the method used for analysis. The results of the study show that teacher competence and certification have an impact on teacher performance. Second, teacher competence has an impact on performance. Third, teacher certification has an impact on performance
