32 research outputs found

    Aportación de los modelos de aprendizaje a la competencia emprendedora y la eficiencia social: una experiencia empírica

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    La Unión Europea (UE) en el tratado de Lisboa sugiere estimular una cultura favorable del emprendedurismo en los jóvenes. En este artículo se analiza la visión de 140 alumnos de quinto y sexto de primaria que han participado en el reto empresa aplicando el modelo de aprendizaje de Kolb y cómo esta experiencia puede contribuir al desarrollo de la competencia emprendedora. Para ello se estudian las opiniones sobre un tema objeto de estudio en niños y niñas de quinto y sexto de primaria de tres escuelas diferentes

    Technology as a catalyst to innovate training in hospitality and restaurant schools

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    La atención al cliente es uno de los elementos tractores de las empresas del sector de la hostelería y la restauración. Las personas que forman los equipos de sala son clave para la satisfacción del cliente y para la sostenibilidad del negocio. En las escuelas de hostelería y restauración, las prácticas de servicio y atención al cliente basadas en situaciones reales son indispensables para la formación integral de los equipos de sala. La simulación es una metodología formativa muy apreciada especialmente por su creación de un entorno de aprendizaje seguro, la observación no intrusiva y la importancia de la reflexión individual y en equipo. Por otro lado, la innovación tecnológica aporta día a día nuevas herramientas y utilidades válidas para el entorno educativo. Este artículo, a través de un estudio exploratorio cualitativo, aplicando una metodología combinada de encuesta semiestructurada y card sorting realizada a responsables educativos de escuelas de hostelería y restauración, concluye que la evolución tecnológica cataliza la aplicación de la simulación como metodología activa de aprendizaje relevante en la formación de equipos de sala en las escuelas de hostelería y restauración de la provincia de Barcelona que disponen de restaurante-escuela. Se resalta especialmente la importancia de la evolución de los equipos de grabación y en la facilidad de uso y “universalización” de los equipos.Customer service is one of the driving forces of companies in the hotel and restaurant sector. The people who make up Front Line Employees teams are key to customer satisfaction and business sustainability. In hospitality schools, customer service and attention practices based on real situations are essential for the comprehensive training of FLE teams. Simulation is a highly appreciated training methodology, especially for its creation of a safe learning environment, non-intrusive observation, and the importance of individual and team reflection. On the other hand, technological innovation provides new tools and utilities that are valid for the educational environment every day. This article, through a qualitative exploratory study, applying a combined methodology of semi-structured survey and card sorting carried out on educational managers of hotel and restaurant schools, concludes that technological evolution catalyses the application of simulation as relevant active learning methodology for FLE teams training in hotel and restaurant schools in the province of Barcelona that have a restaurant-school. The importance of the evolution of recording equipment and the ease of use and "universalization" of equipment is especially highlighted

    Cysteine cathepsins control hepatic NF-κB-dependent inflammation via sirtuin-1 regulation

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    Sirtuin-1 (SIRT1) regulates hepatic metabolism but its contribution to NF-κB-dependent inflammation has been overlooked. Cysteine cathepsins (Cathepsin B or S, CTSB/S) execute specific functions in physiological processes, such as protein degradation, having SIRT1 as a substrate. We investigated the roles of CTSB/S and SIRT1 in the regulation of hepatic inflammation using primary parenchymal and non-parenchymal hepatic cell types and cell lines. In all cells analyzed, CTSB/S inhibition reduces nuclear p65-NF-κB and κB-dependent gene expression after LPS or TNF through enhanced SIRT1 expression. Accordingly, SIRT1 silencing was sufficient to enhance inflammatory gene expression. Importantly, in a dietary mouse model of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, or in healthy and fibrotic mice after LPS challenge, cathepsins as well as NF-κB-dependent gene expression are activated. Consistent with the prominent role of cathepsin/SIRT1, cysteine cathepsin inhibition limits NF-κB-dependent hepatic inflammation through the regulation of SIRT1 in all in vivo settings, providing a novel anti-inflammatory therapeutic target in liver disease.This study was supported by grants from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI13/00374 to MM), Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (SAF2015-69944-R to JFC, SAF2013-47246-R to AC, SAF2015-66515-R to AM) and co-funded by FEDER (Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, Unión Europea. “Una manera de hacer Europa”); center grant P50-AA-11999 from Research Center for Liver and Pancreatic Diseases (US-NIAAA to JFC); and by CIBERehd. AT is a recipient of a FPU fellowship recipient from the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte.Peer Reviewe


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    In this study, our aim is to prove that education alternatively stimulatesthe creation of employment and encourages innovation according to thecurrent technological revolution, according to the current necessities inthe cross-border territory. For this reason, four experiences are analyzedin this cross-border area, based on higher education in alternation to bothsides of the Pyrenees as experiences in tune with the triple helix model. The institutions of higher education involved are Universidad de Mondragon, Universidad de Vic-Universidad Central de Catalunya (Spain), la Escuela Universitaria de management de la Université de Pau (France) and École Superieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancées (ESTIA). Our findings suggest the elements that should have an alternating cross-border education model considering the common and diverging issues of the analysis of the four experiences and the relevance of using this educative innovation to improve employability and promote the market entry of the students along with the regional, social and economic development of the areas under study.En este estudio se pretende evidenciar que la educación en alternancia estimula la creación de empleo e incentiva la innovación acorde a la revolución tecnológica actual, en sintonía con las necesidades de nuestro tiempo en el territorio transfronterizo. Por este motivo se analizan 4 experiencias en la zona transfronteriza basadas en educación superior en alternancia a ambos lados de los Pirineos, como experiencias en sintonía con el modelo de la Triple Hélice. Las instituciones de educación superior implicadas en las cuatro experiencias son: Universidad de Mondragón, Universidad de Vic-Universidad Central de Catalunya (en España), la École Superieure des Technologies Industrielles Avancées (ESTIA) y la Escuela Universitaria de Management de la Université de Pau (en Francia).  Nuestros hallazgos sugieren los elementos que debería incorporar un  modelo de educación en alternancia transfronteriza, considerando los aspectos comunes y discrepantes del análisis de las 4 experiencias, y la pertinencia de utilizar esta innovación educativa para mejorar la empleabilidad y promover la incorporación de los alumnos al mercado laboral junto con el oportuno desarrollo regional, económico y social de las zonas analizadas

    Differences in peripheral and tissue immune cell populations following haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in Crohn's disease patients

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    Background and aims: recent studies have shown the efficacy of autologous haematopoietic stem cell transplantation [HSCT] in severely refractory Crohn's disease [CD] patients. HSCT is thought to eliminate auto-reactive cells; however, no specific studies of immune reconstitution in CD patients are available. Methods: we followed a group of CD patients [n = 18] receiving autologous HSCT, with 50% of them achieving endoscopic drug-free remission. To elucidate the mechanisms driving efficacy, we monitored changes after HSCT in blood and intestine immune-cell composition. CD patients [n = 22] receiving anti-tumour necrosis factor [TNF]-α were included for comparison. Results: severe immune ablation followed by HSCT induced dramatic changes in both peripheral blood T and B cells in all patients regardless of the efficacy of the treatment. Endoscopic remission at week 52 following HSCT was associated with significant intestinal transcriptional changes. A comparison of the remission signature with that of anti-TNFα identified both common and unique genes in the HSCT-induced response. Based on deconvolution analysis of intestinal biopsy transcriptome data, we show that response to HSCT, but not to anti-TNFα, is associated with an expansion of naïve B-cells, as seen in blood, and a decrease in the memory resting T-cell content. As expected, endoscopic remission, in response to both HSCT and anti-TNFα, led to a significant reduction in intestinal neutrophil and M1 macrophage content. Conclusions: peripheral blood immune remodelling after HSCT does not predict efficacy. In contrast, a profound intestinal T-cell depletion that is maintained long after transplant is associated with mucosal healing following HSCT, but not anti-TNFα

    Asmase Regulates autophagy and lysosomal membrane permeabilization and its inhibition prevents early stage nonalcoholic steatohepatitis

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    Background & Aims: Acid sphingomyelinase (ASMase) is activated in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). However, ASMase's contribution to NASH is poorly understood and limited to hepatic steatosis and glucose metabolism. Here we examined ASMase's role in high fat diet (HFD)-induced NASH. Methods: Autophagy, endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and lysosomal membrane permeabilization (LMP) were determined in ASMase-/- mice fed HFD. The impact of pharmacological ASMase inhibition on NASH was analyzed in wild type mice fed HFD. Results: ASMase deficiency determined resistance to HFD or methionine and choline deficient diet-mediated hepatic steatosis. ASMase-/- mice were resistant to HFD-induced hepatic ER stress, but sensitive to tunicamycin-mediated ER stress and steatosis, indicating selectivity in the resistance of ASMase-/- mice to ER stress. Autophagic flux determined in the presence of rapamycin and/or chloroquine was lower in primary mouse hepatocytes (PMH) from ASMase-/- mice and accompanied by increased p62 levels, suggesting autophagic impairment. Moreover, autophagy suppression by chloroquine and brefeldinA caused ER stress in PMH from ASMase+/+ mice but not ASMase-/- mice. ASMase-/- PMH exhibited increased lysosomal cholesterol loading, decreased LMP and apoptosis resistance induced by O-methyl-serine dodecylamide hydrochloride or palmitic acid, effects that were reversed by decreasing cholesterol levels by the oxysterol 25-hydroxycholesterol. In vivo pharmacological ASMase inhibition by amitriptyline, a widely used tricyclic antidepressant, protected wild type mice against HFD- induced hepatic steatosis, fibrosis, and liver damage, effects indicative of early-stage NASH. Conclusions: These findings underscore a critical role for ASMase in diet-induced NASH and suggest the potential of amitriptyline as a treatment for patients with NASH

    Rellevància del TNF i l'esfingomielinasa àcida en la fibrogènesi hepàtica

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    Memòria per optar al títol de Doctora en Biologia per la Universitat de Barcelona (Programa de Doctorat de Biomedicina).-- Aquesta tesi ha estat realitzada l'departament de Mort i Proliferació Cel·lular de l'Institut d'Investigacions Biomèdiques de Barcelona, Consell Superior d'Investigacions Científiques.La fibrosi hepàtica és causada principalment per una deposició excessiva de matriu extracel•lular al fetge. El dany hepàtic activa el procés de transdiferenciació de les cèl•lules estrellades hepàtiques (CEH) les qual començaran a produir i secretar citocines profibrogèniques i col•lagen tipus 1 que formarà el característic teixit cicatritzant de la fibrosi (Bataller & Brenner 2005). L’objectiu del primer projecte va ser elucidar el paper del TNF en el procés d’activació de les CEH i el seu rol en la fibrogènesi i investigar si hi havia una contribució similar dels dos receptors. Els nostres estudis van determinar que el TNF participa en la fibrogènesi hepàtica induint l’expressió de la MMP-9 i el TIMP-1 en les CEH a través del TNFR1. A més, vam establir una dependència de la senyalització via TNF-R1 per induir canvis en la remodelació de la matriu extracel•lular durant els inicis del procés fibrogènic. Tots junts, els nostres resultats apunten al TNF no només com a promotor del dany hepatocel•lular, si no també com a factor pro-fibrogènic en el fetge. D’aquesta manera, focalitzar com a diana el TNF o més específicament el TNF-R1 podria representar un benefici en quan a la preservació de la integritat hepatocel•lular i millorar la prevenció de la proliferació sostinguda de les CEH millorant així l’impacte de la fibrosi hepàtica (Tarrats 2011). La malaltia de Niemann-Pick (NPD) tipus A és una malaltia rara de l’emmagatzement lisosomal causada por una marcada reducció de l’activitat de l’esfingomielinasa àcida (ASMase). Els pacients amb aquesta malaltia mostren una pèrdua quasi total de la activitat d’aquest enzim patint en conseqüència una degeneració neurològica i afectació hepàtica que redueix la seva esperança de vida al voltant dels 3 anys (Schuchman 2009). En resultats previs en el nostre laboratori (Moles et al 2009) havíem observat que les catepsines B i D (CtsB/D) mitjançaven l’activació de les CEH i la fibrosi hepàtica. D’aquesta manera el nostre objectiu va ser investigar l’estudi de la relació de l’ASMase amb les CtsB/D i la implicació d’aquestes en la NPD tipus A. Els nostres resultats preliminars indicaren que l’ASMase estava per sobre la CtsB/D i que era capaç de regular-ne el processat i senyalització (Moles et al 2010). Així doncs ens vam centrar en l’expressió i processat de les CtsB/D en les CEH de ratolins sense activitat ASMase (ASMase KO), model experimental de la NPD tipus A, i el seu paper en la fibrosi hepàtica. En aquests estudis vam desemmascarar un nou rol de la ASMase en el dany hepàtic i la fibrogènesi, ja que mentre una reducció de l’activitat ASMase protegeix davant la fibrogènesi hepàtica, una ablació total d’aquesta activitat indueix una sobre-expressió compensatòria de la CtsB que condueix a una susceptibilitat de l’organisme a una fibrosi exacerbada. Aquests resultats doncs, mostren un nou rol de l’axis ASMase-CtsB en la malaltia de Niemann-Pick i apunta a la CtsB com a possible diana terapèutica per aquesta malaltia, en particular per la afectació hepàtica que aquests pacients pateixen (Moles-Tarrats et al 2012).Peer Reviewe

    Rellevància del TNF i l’esfingomielinasa àcida en la fibrogènesi hepàtica

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    [cat]La fibrosi hepàtica és causada principalment per una deposició excessiva de matriu extracel•lular al fetge. El dany hepàtic activa el procés de transdiferenciació de les cèl•lules estrellades hepàtiques (CEH) les qual començaran a produir i secretar citocines profibrogèniques i col•lagen tipus 1 que formarà el característic teixit cicatritzant de la fibrosi (Bataller & Brenner 2005). L’objectiu del primer projecte va ser elucidar el paper del TNF en el procés d’activació de les CEH i el seu rol en la fibrogènesi i investigar si hi havia una contribució similar dels dos receptors. Els nostres estudis van determinar que el TNF participa en la fibrogènesi hepàtica induint l’expressió de la MMP-9 i el TIMP-1 en les CEH a través del TNFR1. A més, vam establir una dependència de la senyalització via TNF-R1 per induir canvis en la remodelació de la matriu extracel•lular durant els inicis del procés fibrogènic. Tots junts, els nostres resultats apunten al TNF no només com a promotor del dany hepatocel•lular, si no també com a factor pro-fibrogènic en el fetge. D’aquesta manera, focalitzar com a diana el TNF o més específicament el TNF-R1 podria representar un benefici en quan a la preservació de la integritat hepatocel•lular i millorar la prevenció de la proliferació sostinguda de les CEH millorant així l’impacte de la fibrosi hepàtica (Tarrats 2011). La malaltia de Niemann-Pick (NPD) tipus A és una malaltia rara de l’emmagatzement lisosomal causada por una marcada reducció de l’activitat de l’esfingomielinasa àcida (ASMase). Els pacients amb aquesta malaltia mostren una pèrdua quasi total de la activitat d’aquest enzim patint en conseqüència una degeneració neurològica i afectació hepàtica que redueix la seva esperança de vida al voltant dels 3 anys (Schuchman 2009). En resultats previs en el nostre laboratori (Moles et al 2009) havíem observat que les catepsines B i D (CtsB/D) mitjançaven l’activació de les CEH i la fibrosi hepàtica. D’aquesta manera el nostre objectiu va ser investigar l’estudi de la relació de l’ASMase amb les CtsB/D i la implicació d’aquestes en la NPD tipus A. Els nostres resultats preliminars indicaren que l’ASMase estava per sobre la CtsB/D i que era capaç de regular-ne el processat i senyalització (Moles et al 2010). Així doncs ens vam centrar en l’expressió i processat de les CtsB/D en les CEH de ratolins sense activitat ASMase (ASMase KO), model experimental de la NPD tipus A, i el seu paper en la fibrosi hepàtica. En aquests estudis vam desemmascarar un nou rol de la ASMase en el dany hepàtic i la fibrogènesi, ja que mentre una reducció de l’activitat ASMase protegeix davant la fibrogènesi hepàtica, una ablació total d’aquesta activitat indueix una sobre-expressió compensatòria de la CtsB que condueix a una susceptibilitat de l’organisme a una fibrosi exacerbada. Aquests resultats doncs, mostren un nou rol de l’axis ASMase-CtsB en la malaltia de Niemann-Pick i apunta a la CtsB com a possible diana terapèutica per aquesta malaltia, en particular per la afectació hepàtica que aquests pacients pateixen (Moles-Tarrats et al 2012).[eng]Hepatic fibrosis is primarily caused for an excess of matrix deposition. Liver injury from different aetiologies activates the transdifferentiation process of the hepatic stellate cells (HSC) and from that moment they start producing pro-fibrogenic cytokines and collagen type 1 that will form the characteristic scar tissue of liver fibrosis (Bataller & Brenner 20005). TNF is one of the main inflammation mediators and it had been related with almost all hepatic diseases but the specific contribution to the fibrotic process of TNF and its receptors is still controversial. The aim was to elucidate the role of TNF on the activation process of HSC and fibrogenesis, and whether its two receptors contribute equally to this induction. In this context we use primary culture of HSC from wild type, TNF-R1 knockout, TNF-R2 knockout and TNF-R1-R2 double knockout mice, and the fibrogenic model of Bile Duct Ligation (BDL) to study the impact of TNF signaling and its potential direct contribution to liver fibrosis. Our observations point to TNF not only as an inducer of hepatocellular damage, but also as a pro-fibrogenic factor in the liver. Thus, targeting TNF or its receptor TNFR1, could be of benefit toward preserving hepatocellular integrity and prevent HSC proliferation and liver fibrosis (Tarrats et al 2011). My research also focuses on the study of the implication of cathepsins B/D (CtsB/D) in Niemann-Pick disease (NPD) type A, a rare lysosomal storage disease caused by a marked reduced of Acid Sphingomyelinase (ASMase) activity. NPD type A patients exhibit almost a total loss of ASMase activity and suffer neurological degeneration and liver disease that reduces their lifespan to about 3 years of age (Schuchman 2009). We had seen that that ASMase was upstream of the signalling regulating the processing of CtsB/D (Moles et al 2010) and our aim was to investigate the expression and processing of CtsB/D in HSC from ASMase-null mice (animal model for NPD) and their role in liver fibrosis. Collectively, our results point to a new role for ASMase-CtsB axis in NPD and suggest CtsB as a possible therapeutic target to NPD, particularly for the fibrosis and liver disease phenotype of the disease (Moles-Tarrats et al 2012)

    Cathepsins B and D drive hepatic stellate cell proliferation and promote their fibrogenic potential

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    El pdf del artículo es el manuscrito de autor.-- PubMed: PMCID:PMC2670444Cathepsins have been best characterized in tumorigenesis and cell death and implicated in liver fibrosis; however, whether cathepsins directly regulate hepatic stellate cell (HSC) activation and proliferation, hence modulating their fibrogenic potential, is largely unknown. Here, we show that expression of cathepsin B (CtsB) and cathepsin D (CtsD) is negligible in quiescent HSCs but parallels the increase of -smooth muscle actin and transforming growth factor- during in vitro mouse HSC activation. Both cathepsins are necessary for HSC transdifferentiation into myofibroblasts, because their silencing or inhibition decreasedHSC proliferation and the expression of phenotypicmarkers ofHSC activation, with similar results observed with the human HSC cell line LX2. CtsB inhibition blunted AKT phosphorylation in activated HSCs in response to platelet-derived growth factor.Moreover, during in vivo liver fibrogenesis caused by CCl4 administration, CtsB expression increased in HSCs but not in hepatocytes, and its inactivation mitigated CCl4-induced inflammation, HSC activation, and collagen deposition. Conclusion: These findings support a critical role for cathepsins inHSC activation, suggesting that the antagonismof cathepsins inHSCsmay be of relevance for the treatment of liver fibrosis.Financial support: The work was supported by CIBEREHD and grant PI070193 (Instituto de Salud Carlos III); by grant SAF2006-06780 (Plan Nacional de I+D), Spain; and by grant P50-AA-11999 (Research Center for Liver and Pancreatic Diseases, US National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism).Peer reviewe

    Cathepsin B overexpression due to acid sphingomyelinase ablation promotes liver fibrosis in Niemann-Pick disease

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    El pdf del artículo es la versión post-print.-- Trabajo presentado al 47th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) celebrado en Barcelona del 18 al 22 de abril de 2012.Niemann-Pick disease (NPD) is a lysosomal storage disease caused by the loss of acid sphingomyelinase (ASMase) that features neurodegeneration and liver disease. Because ASMase-knock- out mice models NPD and our previous findings revealed that ASMase activates cathepsins B/D (CtsB/D), our aim was to investigate the expression and processing of CtsB/D in hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) from ASMase-null mice and their role in liver fibrosis. Surprisingly, HSCs from ASMase-knock-out mice exhibit increased basal level and activity of CtsB as well as its in vitro processing in culture, paralleling the enhanced expression of fibrogenic markers α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), TGF-β, and pro-collagen- α1(I) (Col1A1). Moreover, pharmacological inhibition of CtsB blunted the expression of α-SMA and Col1A1 and proliferation of HSCs from ASMase-knock-out mice. Consistent with the enhanced activation of CtsB in HSCs from ASMase-null mice, the in vivo liver fibrosis induced by chronic treatment with CCl4 increased in ASMase-null compared with wild-type mice, an effect that was reduced upon CtsB inhibition. In addition to liver, the enhanced proteolytic processing of CtsB was also observed in brain and lung of ASMase-knock-out mice, suggesting that the overexpression of CtsB may underlie the phenotype of NPD. Thus, these findings reveal a functional relationship between ASMase and CtsB and that the ablation of ASMase leads to the enhanced processing and activation of CtsB. Therefore, targeting CtsB may be of relevance in the treatment of liver fibrosis in patients with NPD. © 2012 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.The work was supported, in whole or in part, by Grant P50-AA-11999 from the Research Center for Liver and Pancreatic Diseases, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. This work was carried out in part at the Esther Koplowitz Center in Barcelona, and it was also supported by Grants PI10/02114 (Instituto de Salud Carlos III), 2009-11417 (Plan Nacional de I+D), Spain; and the and Fundacio La Marató de TV3.Peer Reviewe