168 research outputs found

    Increasing the Efficiency and Productivity in the Production of Low Voltage Switchboard Using Resource Constrained Project Scheduling

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    Purpose: This research was made with the aim to give a scheduling proposal for the assembly activity and the proposal to allocate those activities into available resources using the resource-constrained project scheduling. Design/methodology/approach: The research begins with the problem exposition in the existing system on the Assembly Department of panel manufacturer company. To overcome the problem, several scheduling alternatives are formulated to yield better productivity. The performance of proposed system using RCPS is assessed using simulation method. Considering the circumstance of demand rate, the scenarios chosen are based on the parameter such as product departure cycle time, resource utilization, product output, and number of resource required. Findings: The scheduling alternatives provides the better arrangement of work elements in the assembly activity, especially for the product that represent the highest demand rate. For further research, the paper gives encouragement so that the application of RCPS can be used broader in the manufacturing area. Research limitations/implications: Although the findings were addressed to improve the existing system on the Assembly Department, the practical application haven’t been undergone and the performance assessment only based on the simulation method. Practical implications: By implementing the proposed scheduling, the company will experience several benefits. First, the company could increase its productivity by better utilization of its resources. Second, based on the simulation result, the company could avoid the backorder option while dealing with the high demand rate, and even can fully maximize its resource utilization without adding more worker or apply the overtime policy. Finally, the proposed scheduling that converted into the work instruction could help the company to perform the knowledge transfer from the existing worker or resigned worker to the newly-hired worker. Originality/value: The outcome of the research could become the guidance for other companies which have similar assembly system to apply the same method. This is the best paper that represents the application of RCPS in the large-sized component assemblies, where the walking worker is responsible for carrying tasks to each unmoved unit.Peer Reviewe

    Perancangan Pemenuhan Permintaan Pasokan Gula Rafinasi Dengan Metode Wagner Whitin

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    Inevitably, after passing through a stage where Quality and Mass Producing Capability factors is a dimension that important to considered for the industry to keep maintain its existence and able to compete, the competition of industry now entering the era of competition where a good capability in the Information Technology and Supply Chain Management become an important part of basic competence to continue to compete. This research discusses the design to fulfill demand for refined sugar demand from a company located in Makassar, South Sulawesi. The current government policy is to limit the number of companies that have access to the production and sells refined sugar, while the growth in domestic demand continues to grow, anticipating this, we need build a planning for order fulfillment strategy. This research using Wagner Within method in helping companies make the draft of inventory. The long term goal is to find the best method that can summarize the company\u27s budget without compromising customer satisfaction. According to John and Riley (1985) Supply Chain Management related to the total flow of materials from the supplier to the end customer. The research focuses on the flow of material from manufacturing to distributors and manufacturing partners who need raw materials to produce other products. The data used were taken using secondary real data, data processing also include variables such as the cost incurred due to inventory (Holding Cost) and set up cost. The result of this research are obtained inventory planning table data for 12 periods future demand for meet demand in ​​Makassar and Manado, in Makassar case, inventory fulfillment requests made in ​​each period, while inventory fulfillment for Manado area done in periods 1 and 3


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    Perencanaan agregat merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam penentuan sumber daya serta penentuan biaya dalam proses produksi. Dengan perencanaan agregat metode heuristik, perusahaan dapat menentukan tingkat produksinya untuk memenuhi permintaannya melalui alokasi tenaga kerja, persediaan dan subkontrak atau kombinasi antara beberapa alternatif (hibrid). Dalam penelitian ini, dilakukan perencanaan untuk 4 alternatif yaitu variasi tenaga kerja, persediaan, subkontrak dan kombinasi lembur dan persediaan. Dan diperoleh hasil bahwa variasi tenaga kerja adalah alternatif yang terbaik dengan biaya yang paling minimum. Kata Kunci : perencanaan agregat, metode heuristik, tenaga kerja, persediaan, subkontrak, hibrid


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    Permasalahan sumber daya yang terbatas memang sering kali dimiliki oleh banyak perusahaan, dan itu sangat menyita konsentrasi dan fokus dari perusahaan dalam menentukan strategi produksi, khususnya dalam menentukan jumlah produksi. Penelitian ini membahas aplikasi dari Pemrograman Linier untuk memecahkan permasalahan optimasi produksi. Penelitian diadakan di sebuah perusahaan mebel, ada berbagai fungsi kendala yang dijumpai perusahaan, yakni : 1.15 X1 + 0.98 X2 + 0.56 X3 + 0.40 X4 + 0.16 X5 ≤ 376 (Fungsi bahan baku) dan 3.25 X1 + 2.82 X2 + 1.56 X3 + 1.23 X4 + 0.85 X5 ≤ 192 (Fungsi jam kerja), sedangkan fungsi obyektif adalah Zmax = 1245 X1 + 1055 X2 + 750 X3 + 610 X4 + 535 X5, hasil dari penelitian adalah dengan keterbatasan yang dimiliki perusahaan, sebaiknya perusahaan hanya memproduksi Tipe Lemari 1 Tingkat Tinggi (X5) sebanyak 225 unit lemari/bulan, dan akibat dari produksi ini perusahaan akan menerima keuntungan sebesar Rp 120.847.000. Kata kunci : Sumber daya, pemrograman linier, optimas

    Pengaturan Ulang Urutan Tata Letak Seri Antar Etalase

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    Materials movement between facilities within space will be talking about the amount of costs to be incurred by the companies, many organizations do not realize the importance of the efficiency of material movement. Material handling cost is not only defined as all costs incurred to move material or human inter-facility, in vast perception,material movement can also be a movement of consumers who come to shop and between storefronts, it certainly raises the cost of time for consumers. This research discuss about redesigning the sequence of storefront layout in a shopping center. This research using Modified Spanning Tree method and result of this research is F2-F1-F7 F3-F4-F5-F6 for the optimum solution sequence.Keywords: Efficiency, Material Handling, Layout, Modified Spanning Tre

    Simulasi Antrian: Suatu Tinjauan Konsep Pustaka

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    Queuing is an inevitable event in our daily life, such as payment at cashier, traffic jam, etc. Queue appears because the necessity of service that exceeds service capacity or the available servers, so arrived customers cannot be served immediately. Some solution can be implemented to solve the problems. One of the solutions is by adding the service facilities can be given to minimize queue or to prevent queue. But, by adding the service facilities, will minimized the profit until accepted levels. On the contrary, the long delay of queue will cause the loss of customers. This paper discusses about how to estimate the right solution to prevent queue without adding many service facilities and reach optimal condition of service.Keywords: Queue, Customers, Service Facilitie

    Pengukuran Produktivitas Menggunakan Fungsi Cobb-Douglas Berdasarkan Jam Kerja Efektif

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    From time to time the increasing productivity needs to be done to maintain the existence of a company. This research was conducted at a golf glove manufacturing company in Yogyakarta. This study was aimed to compare the productivity of effective working time at production line in 2014 and 2015. This research was using Cobb-Douglas approach. This study shows that the level of productivity in 2015 was higher than in 2014 with the value of the efficiency index in 2014 and 2015 are 54995.07 and 59873.94 respectively. This means that the usage of working hours was increased by 8.87%.Keywords: Productivity, Effective Working Hours, Cobb-Douglas, Efficiency Inde

    Ideal Self-Congruence: Its Impacts on Customer Love and Loyalty to Luxury Brands in Indonesia

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    Purpose: This research is conducted to examine the influence of ideal self-congruence on customer love and loyalty to two luxury brands.   Theoretical Framework: Luxury brands have three dimensions, namely functional, experiential, and symbolic. A brand is said to be luxurious if it has some characteristics such as high quality, high price, sensuality, beauty, exclusivity, historicity, and uniqueness. Customer loyalty to brand is a crucial strategy choice for companies struggling to maintain business continuity. The organizations believes that brand loyalty can provide benefits for organization. Brand love is one of the determinants of brand loyalty. The concept of love developed in the context of interpersonal relationships.   Design/Methodology/Approach: Sample random sampling technique used as sampling method in this study, this research collected 214 data through self-administrative survey from respondents of two luxury handbag brands in Indonesia. Analysis method in this research using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM).   Findings: There are significant relationships between ideal self-congruence and customer love to brand, between ideal self-congruence and customer loyalty to brand, and between customer love and customer loyalty to brand.   Research/Practical/Social Implications: On the theoretical level, this research contributes to a better understanding of how to create customer loyalty to brand through tracking the self-congruence construct and the customer love to brand. On the managerial level, this research provides a very useful actionable guidance to loyalty program managers on how to create luxury brand which incorporates customer ideal self-congruence and simultaneously arises a strong emotional bonding to brand.   Originality/Value: The contemporary interest in customer loyalty to brand has resulted in a variety research of it conducted in many areas. Our investigation indicates that there are a few researches which address the relationship between ideal self-congruence, brand love, and customer loyalty to luxury brands


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    Penelitian ini memberi analisis kepuasan pelanggan dengan menggunakan metode Importance Performance Analysis Tiga Dimensi (IPA 3 Dimensi) yang menyatukan pendekatan IPA awal dengan analisis kepuasan pelanggan dengan teori tiga faktor (model Kano), yaitu basic, performance, dan excitement pada dua industri E-Commerce terbesar di Indonesia. Hasil IPA 3 Dimensi yang didapat dari data yang telah dianalisis, pada Lazada menunjukkan adanya 15 indikator faktor performance yang tersebar pada dimensi tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, dan empathy, 3 indikator faktor excitement yang tersebar pada dimensi tangibles dan responsiveness, 4 indikator faktor basic yang tersebar pada dimensi tangibles, reliability, dan responsiveness. Pada Tokopedia menunjukkan adanya 6 indikator faktor excitement yang tersebar pada dimensi tangibles dan responsivenes, 7 indikator faktor performance yang tersebar pada dimensi tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance,dan empathy, 9 indikator faktor basic yang tersebar pada dimensi reliability, assurance, dan empathy. Simpulan dari penelitian ini terdapat 2 indikator dan 4 indikator pada Lazada dan Tokopedia yang perlu diperbaiki untuk meningkatkan kepuasan pelanggan.Kata Kunci: e-commerce,model kano, importance performance analysi

    Usulan Perbaikan Tata Letak Mesin pada Pabrik Segel Plastik (Studi Kasus PT. Sinwa Perdana Mandiri)

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    Masalah yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah bahwa tata letak lantai produksi PT Sinwa Perdana Mandiri saat ini tidak efisien, pada mesin Injeksi dengan Ultra Sonic Press dan Hot Press yang ditempatkan di antara mesin Injeksi di mana langkah operasi terhalang ketika operator ingin mengganti cetakan dan hal tersebut membahayakan pekerja, dan tempat untuk menempatkan barang setelah Ultra Sonic Press dan Hot Press diletakkan secara tidak tertata dan tidak ada tempat bagi operator lain untuk berjalan dengan nyaman dan barang-barang untuk masuk ke laser atau operator yang memeriksa barang menjadi jauh dan sulit dijangkau. Peneliti mengusulkan proposal baru dengan tata letak lantai produksi yang lebih efisien menggunakan metode Activity Relationship Diagram (ARD). Data yang dikumpulkan oleh peneliti adalah data kuantitatif di mana data berada dalam bentuk tata letak lantai produksi, jarak stasiun kerja, dan dimensi mesin di lantai produksi. Dari data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini, pengolahan data dilakukan. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah efisiensi jarak sebesar 4.5 meter
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