21 research outputs found

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    Profilometry‐Based Indentation Plastometry at High Temperature

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    This is a first report on profilometry‐based indentation plastometry (PIP) at high temperature (HT), covering both thermal characterization and issues for obtaining stress–strain curves. The heating system has a relatively low thermal inertia, reaching 800 °C within about 10 min, while both indentation (≈20 s) and cooling (≈20 min) are also quick. This capability is useful in terms of limiting exposure of the sample to prolonged periods at HT, and hence avoiding the formation of thick oxide layers (which can affect indent profiles and hence inferred stress–strain curves). There is good general consistency between stress–strain curves obtained via HT‐PIP and those from tensile testing. However, the possibility of creep (time‐dependent deformation) affecting the outcomes (of both types of test), particularly at higher temperatures, should be borne in mind. Creep has a characteristic effect on tensile curves, which can often be confirmed and investigated by changing the imposed strain rate. It can also be revealed by carrying out the HT‐PIP testing with different penetration velocities or by monitoring the shape of the load–displacement plot

    Obesity Takes Its Toll on Visceral Pain: High-Fat Diet Induces Toll-Like Receptor 4- Dependent Visceral Hypersensitivity

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    Exposure to high-fat diet induces both, peripheral and central alterations in TLR4 expression. Moreover, functional TLR4 is required for the development of high-fat diet-induced obesity. Recently, central alterations in TLR4 expression have been associated with the modulation of visceral pain. However, it remains unknown whether there is a functional interaction between the role of TLR4 in diet-induced obesity and in visceral pain. In the present study we investigated the impact of long-term exposure to high-fat diet on visceral pain perception and on the levels of TLR4 and Cd11b (a microglial cell marker) protein expression in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and hippocampus. Peripheral alterations in TLR4 were assessed following the stimulation of spleenocytes with the TLR4-agonist LPS. Finally, we evaluated the effect of blocking TLR4 on visceral nociception, by administering TAK-242, a selective TLR4-antagonist. Our results demonstrated that exposure to high-fat diet induced visceral hypersensitivity. In parallel, enhanced TLR4 expression and microglia activation were found in brain areas related to visceral pain, the PFC and the hippocampus. Likewise, peripheral TLR4 activity was increased following long-term exposure to high-fat diet, resulting in an increased level of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Finally, TLR4 blockage counteracted the hyperalgesic phenotype present in mice fed on high-fat diet. Our data reveal a role for TLR4 in visceral pain modulation in a model of diet-induced obesity, and point to TLR4 as a potential therapeutic target for the development of drugs to treat visceral hypersensitivity present in pathologies associated to fat diet consumption

    Förberedelse inför födandet. En litteraturstudie om hur blivande förÀldrar kan bli fysiskt och mentalt redo att föda.

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    Hur förlossningen upplevs kan vara beroende av förberedelsen under graviditeten och kan ha stor betydelse för framtiden. MÄnga kvinnor kÀnner oro inför det okÀnda och sin kropps förmÄga att hantera smÀrta. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att beskriva hur blivande förÀldrar förbereder sig inför födandet samt effekten av denna förberedelse. Följande specifika frÄga stÀlldes: - Vad Àr det som under förberedelserna inför födandet fÄr de blivande förÀldrarna, och dÄ sÀrskilt kvinnan, att kÀnna sig bÄde fysiskt och mentalt redo att föda? Litteraturstudien baserades pÄ elva vetenskapliga artiklar som erhölls genom PubMed och Cinahl. Resultatet presenteras i tre kategorier instÀllning, strategi och förhÄllningssÀtt. Resultatet visade att blivande förÀldrar kan pÄverka sin instÀllning till födandet genom deltagande i förÀldrautbildning, som Àr en viktig del av förberedelsen. Genom mental och fysisk förberedelse kunde kvinnorna finna redskap att möta förlossningssmÀrtan. FramgÄngsrika strategier var yoga, hypnos och musikterapi. Kvinnorna som anvÀnde dessa strategier upplevde tillit till den egna prestationsförmÄgan och att de hade kontroll över situationen. MÀnniskan kan pÄverka sitt liv genom de tankar hon vÀljer att tÀnka. Med detta förhÄllningssÀtt kunde kvinnorna vÀlja att tÀnka positiva tankar om vad som var viktigt, bÄde i livet i stort och i graviditeten. Teoretisk kunskap gav kvinnorna och deras partners trygghet inför födandet och hjÀlpte dem att fÄ en positiv förlossningsupplevelse trots att det inte alltid blev som de hade förvÀntat sig. I diskussionen kopplades resultatet till Antonovskys teori, KASAM, kÀnsla av sammanhang

    Character feature and gender : A study about the importance of sexes in the interpretation and evaluation of character features in digitally animated characters

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    I denna studie behandlas effort shapes kopplat till digital animation med syfte att undersöka om det finns en könsbaserad skillnad i uppfattning och bedömning av karaktÀrsdrag. De animationer som har producerats Àr grundade pÄ effort shapes som hÀrstammar frÄn Laban Movement Analysis. Metoden som har tillÀmpats för att samla in data Àr en kvalitativ enkÀt med öppna frÄgor som har besvarats av tio mÀn samt tio kvinnor. Resultatet visade att det finns en skillnad mellan könen i bedömningen av karaktÀrerna men inte i uppfattningen av karaktÀrsdragen

    Character feature and gender : A study about the importance of sexes in the interpretation and evaluation of character features in digitally animated characters

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    I denna studie behandlas effort shapes kopplat till digital animation med syfte att undersöka om det finns en könsbaserad skillnad i uppfattning och bedömning av karaktÀrsdrag. De animationer som har producerats Àr grundade pÄ effort shapes som hÀrstammar frÄn Laban Movement Analysis. Metoden som har tillÀmpats för att samla in data Àr en kvalitativ enkÀt med öppna frÄgor som har besvarats av tio mÀn samt tio kvinnor. Resultatet visade att det finns en skillnad mellan könen i bedömningen av karaktÀrerna men inte i uppfattningen av karaktÀrsdragen

    Life after myocardial infarction : A literature study based on analysis of qualitative research

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    Background: Myocardial infarction is one of the most common diseases that cause death in the world. The diagnosis has an immediate impact on the person's life. It's important that nurses are aware of the paramount importance of their role as caregivers and also as their role in monitoring the patient after discharge from hospital. Aim: The aim of the study was to describe patients' experiences after myocardial infarction. Method: In order to understand patients' experiences following myocardial infarction and to contribute to evidence-based nursing, present study was a literature study based on qualitative research. Analysis was conducted according to Friberg's five-step analysis method, which gave four themes and eight subthemes. Results: The result shows that patients had experience of physical and mental changes after myocardial infarction. They felt a loss of energy and strength and experienced fatigue, which limited them in everyday life. Getting support from healthcare professionals was considered important to implement the lifestyle changes that were recommended and to get a pleased recovery. Patients' relatives were also considered important during recovery as they constituted support for the patient and helped them to see a bright future. Conclusion: ItÂŽs important that nurses maintain continuous contact with patients after discharge from hospital in order to make a good support system and to encourage the patients for a healthy living

    Temporal Regulation of Distinct Internal Ribosome Entry Sites of the Dicistroviridae Cricket Paralysis Virus

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    Internal ribosome entry is a key mechanism for viral protein synthesis in a subset of RNA viruses. Cricket paralysis virus (CrPV), a member of Dicistroviridae, has a positive-sense single strand RNA genome that contains two internal ribosome entry sites (IRES), a 5â€Čuntranslated region (5â€ČUTR) and intergenic region (IGR) IRES, that direct translation of open reading frames (ORF) encoding the viral non-structural and structural proteins, respectively. The regulation of and the significance of the CrPV IRESs during infection are not fully understood. In this study, using a series of biochemical assays including radioactive-pulse labelling, reporter RNA assays and ribosome profiling, we demonstrate that while 5â€ČUTR IRES translational activity is constant throughout infection, IGR IRES translation is delayed and then stimulated two to three hours post infection. The delay in IGR IRES translation is not affected by inhibiting global translation prematurely via treatment with Pateamine A. Using a CrPV replicon that uncouples viral translation and replication, we show that the increase in IGR IRES translation is dependent on expression of non-structural proteins and is greatly stimulated when replication is active. Temporal regulation by distinct IRESs within the CrPV genome is an effective viral strategy to ensure optimal timing and expression of viral proteins to facilitate infection.Applied Science, Faculty ofNon UBCBiochemistry and Molecular Biology, Department ofReviewedFacult

    Temporal Regulation of Distinct Internal Ribosome Entry Sites of the Dicistroviridae Cricket Paralysis Virus

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    Internal ribosome entry is a key mechanism for viral protein synthesis in a subset of RNA viruses. Cricket paralysis virus (CrPV), a member of Dicistroviridae, has a positive-sense single strand RNA genome that contains two internal ribosome entry sites (IRES), a 5â€Čuntranslated region (5â€ČUTR) and intergenic region (IGR) IRES, that direct translation of open reading frames (ORF) encoding the viral non-structural and structural proteins, respectively. The regulation of and the significance of the CrPV IRESs during infection are not fully understood. In this study, using a series of biochemical assays including radioactive-pulse labelling, reporter RNA assays and ribosome profiling, we demonstrate that while 5â€ČUTR IRES translational activity is constant throughout infection, IGR IRES translation is delayed and then stimulated two to three hours post infection. The delay in IGR IRES translation is not affected by inhibiting global translation prematurely via treatment with Pateamine A. Using a CrPV replicon that uncouples viral translation and replication, we show that the increase in IGR IRES translation is dependent on expression of non-structural proteins and is greatly stimulated when replication is active. Temporal regulation by distinct IRESs within the CrPV genome is an effective viral strategy to ensure optimal timing and expression of viral proteins to facilitate infection