10 research outputs found

    A four-stage assessment of AUL (Azerbaijan University of Languages) teachers’ abilities to adapt innovative teaching approaches

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    The purpose of this article is to investigate the best teacher evaluation method that can reveal English language teachers’ abilities to adapt to modern teaching approaches under the conditions of innovative and progressive language teaching trends. It is also extremely important to find out the general problems that prevent some of the teachers from using innovative ELT approaches and techniques. Thus, within the general area of teachers’ assessment, twenty teachers from Azerbaijan University of Languages with the work experience of over fifteen years have been selected for a four-stage evaluation process that consisted of general English language knowledge testing, class management observation, teachers’ self-evaluation, and evaluation of the selected teachers done by their students. The analysis of the completed assessment demonstrates that the best method of teachers’ evaluation is class management observation, since three other assessment methods seem to be subjective and often groundless. When it comes to the problems preventing the use of innovative approaches, the most outstanding reasons are the inability of teachers to use technology, and their unwillingness to adapt to innovations, considering old methods to be the most prominent ones.El objetivo de este artículo es encontrar un método de evaluación del profesorado adecuado que permita identificar las habilidades de los docentes de inglés para adaptarse a enfoques de enseñanza modernos de acuerdo con las tendencias más innovadoras y progresistas de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. También es muy importante conocer los problemas generales que impiden a algunos profesores utilizar enfoques y técnicas innovadoras de enseñanza del inglés. Los datos aquí estudiados se obtuvieron mediante un proceso de evaluación realizado en cuatro fases en la Universidad de Lenguas de Azerbaiyán. Este proceso incluyó la evaluación de conocimientos generales de inglés, la observación de aula, la auto-evaluación y la evaluación de la gestión de las clases por parte del alumnado. El análisis de la evaluación realizada demuestra que el mejor método de evaluación de los profesores es la observación de la clase, ya que los otros tres métodos de la evaluación resultan subjetivos y, con frecuencia, sin base científica. En cuanto a los problemas que previenen el uso de enfoques innovadores, los motivos principales son la incapacidad de los profesores para el uso de la tecnología y su falta de interés para adaptarse a la innovación y el cambio, considerando los métodos tradicionales como los más adecuados

    A four-stage assessment of AUL (Azerbaijan University of Languages) teachers’ abilities to adapt innovative teaching approaches

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    The purpose of this article is to investigate the best teacher evaluation method that can reveal English language teachers’ abilities to adapt to modern teaching approaches under the conditions of innovative and progressive language teaching trends. It is also extremely important to find out the general problems that prevent some of the teachers from using innovative ELT approaches and techniques. Thus, within the general area of teachers’ assessment, twenty teachers from Azerbaijan University of Languages with the work experience of over fifteen years have been selected for a four-stage evaluation process that consisted of general English language knowledge testing, class management observation, teachers’ self-evaluation, and evaluation of the selected teachers done by their students. The analysis of the completed assessment demonstrates that the best method of teachers’ evaluation is class management observation, since three other assessment methods seem to be subjective and often groundless. When it comes to the problems preventing the use of innovative approaches, the most outstanding reasons are the inability of teachers to use technology, and their unwillingness to adapt to innovations, considering old methods to be the most prominent ones.El objetivo de este artículo es encontrar un método de evaluación del profesorado adecuado que permita identificar las habilidades de los docentes de inglés para adaptarse a enfoques de enseñanza modernos de acuerdo con las tendencias más innovadoras y progresistas de la enseñanza de lenguas extranjeras. También es muy importante conocer los problemas generales que impiden a algunos profesores utilizar enfoques y técnicas innovadoras de enseñanza del inglés. Los datos aquí estudiados se obtuvieron mediante un proceso de evaluación realizado en cuatro fases en la Universidad de Lenguas de Azerbaiyán. Este proceso incluyó la evaluación de conocimientos generales de inglés, la observación de aula, la auto-evaluación y la evaluación de la gestión de las clases por parte del alumnado. El análisis de la evaluación realizada demuestra que el mejor método de evaluación de los profesores es la observación de la clase, ya que los otros tres métodos de la evaluación resultan subjetivos y, con frecuencia, sin base científica. En cuanto a los problemas que previenen el uso de enfoques innovadores, los motivos principales son la incapacidad de los profesores para el uso de la tecnología y su falta de interés para adaptarse a la innovación y el cambio, considerando los métodos tradicionales como los más adecuados

    Smartphones and their role in the modern classroom

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    Mobile and wireless technologies have reached such a high level of sophistication that, today, they can be more easily incorporated into teaching and learning processes. The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which present‑day classes can benefit from the use of smartphones and mobile applications. To this end, a study looked at the experience of 204 ADA University students in the Faculty of General Education over two academic terms in a Writing and Information Literacy course. At the end of the academic year, the students filled out a survey. Descriptive statistics, such as simple percentage mean and standard deviation, were used to analyze the data. The study reveals that smartphone functions like note-taking, photos of the whiteboard and/or smartboard, video recordings, and the WhatsApp application can become an integral part of the modern classroom. The study also suggests that smartphone technology should be widely applied by university teachers/instructors and, in the future, may lead to certain changes in teaching methodology generally


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    Simulation modelling is carried out, which allows adequate describing the traffic of multiservice networks with the commutation of packets with the characteristic of burstiness. One of the most effective methods for studying the traffic of telecommunications systems is computer simulation modelling. By using the theory of queuing systems (QS), computer simulation modelling of packet flows (traffic) in modern multi-service networks is performed as a random self-similar process. Distribution laws such as exponential, Poisson and normal-logarithmic distributions, Pareto and Weibull distributions have been considered. The distribution of time intervals between arrivals of packages and the service duration of service of packages at different system loads has been studied. The research results show that the distribution function of time intervals between packet arrivals and the service duration of packages is in good agreement with the Pareto and Weibull distributions, but in most cases the Pareto distribution prevails. The queuing systems with the queues M/Pa/1 and Pa/M/1 has been studied, and the fractality of the intervals of requests arriving have been compared by the properties of the estimates of the system load and the service duration. It has been found out that in the system Pa/M/1, with the parameter of the form a> 2, the fractality of the intervals of requests arriving does not affect the average waiting time and load factor. However, when ????≤2, as in the M/Pa/1 system, both considered statistical estimates differ. The application of adequate mathematical models of traffic allows to correctly assess the characteristics of the quality of service (QoS) of the network

    Modelling Self-similar Traffic Of Multiservice Networks

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    Simulation modelling is carried out, which allows adequate describing the traffic of multiservice networks with the commutation of packets with the characteristic of burstiness. One of the most effective methods for studying the traffic of telecommunications systems is computer simulation modelling. By using the theory of queuing systems (QS), computer simulation modelling of packet flows (traffic) in modern multi-service networks is performed as a random self-similar process. Distribution laws such as exponential, Poisson and normal-logarithmic distributions, Pareto and Weibull distributions have been considered.The distribution of time intervals between arrivals of packages and the service duration of service of packages at different system loads has been studied. The research results show that the distribution function of time intervals between packet arrivals and the service duration of packages is in good agreement with the Pareto and Weibull distributions, but in most cases the Pareto distribution prevails.The queuing systems with the queues M/Pa/1 and Pa/M/1 has been studied, and the fractality of the intervals of requests arriving have been compared by the properties of the estimates of the system load and the service duration. It has been found out that in the system Pa/M/1, with the parameter of the form a> 2, the fractality of the intervals of requests arriving does not affect the average waiting time and load factor. However, when ≤2, as in the M/Pa/1 system, both considered statistical estimates differ.The application of adequate mathematical models of traffic allows to correctly assess the characteristics of the quality of service (QoS) of the network


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    In comparison with the normal conditions of feeding, in the conditions of abundant feeding, the mean values of the studied biological indicators (except for the silkiness of wet cocoons) are exaggerated, and phenotypic variability decreases. With poor feeding, the average values of the indicators decrease, and the phenotypic variability increases. During the study, the minimum increase and decrease of the average value of all symptoms and the coefficient of variation in the Mayak-3 breed were revealed; the greatest increase and decrease of indicators were marked in the Yashar breed; and in the Ganja-6 breed, growth and deposition of indicators were at an average level. Thus, the hereditary tolerance to the environmental impact of the feeding factor is strong in the Mayak-3 breed, moderate in the Ganja-6 breed, and weak in the Yashar breed


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    Сучасний розвиток високих технологій та обчислювальної техніки значно посилив розвиток автоматизованих банківських систем (АБС) організацій банківського сектору (ОБС) та дозволив синтезувати інформаційні і комунікаційні технології щодо їх формування. Однак ера високих технологій поширила спектр загроз на банківські інформаційні ресурси (БІР), загрози набули ознак гібридності та синергізму. В цих умовах актуальним питанням при формуванні системи управління інформаційної безпекою (СУІБ) в організаціях банківського сектору є формування і аналіз сучасних загроз. З метою узагальнення підходу класифікації гібридних кіберзагроз на складові безпеки: інформаційну безпеку (ІБ), кібербезпеку (КБ), безпеку інформації (БІ) банківських інформаційних ресурсів в роботі пропонується удосконалений класифікатор загроз банківських інформаційних ресурсів з урахуванням рівнів моделі ISO\OSI в автоматизованих банківських системах, направленості загроз на послуги безпеки та їх критичності збитку. В статі проаналізовані сучасні міжнародні стандарті і нормативні документи Національного банку України з питань безпеки банківських інформаційних ресурсів. На основі проведеного аналізу пропонуються оцінки показників ступеня небезпеки зловмисників і ступеня реалізації захисних заходів в умовах дії сучасних гібридних кіберзагроз

    The teaching and learning of English grammar in Azerbaijan at the university level. An analysis and appraisal of teachers' and students' views, and teaching materials

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    The current research project aims to fulfill some general and specific objectives. According to the general objectives, my intention is to assess how the teaching of grammar is currently conducted in Azerbaijan. As regards the more specific objectives, I will provide an overview of the main approaches to the teaching of grammar, including activities used for presentation, practice and production. Thus, in Chapter 1 I will describe the general education system in Azerbaijan including Obligatory and Non-obligatory education. Chapter 2 opens with a general definition of grammar and its importance in EFL teaching. It also provides a general account of the different approaches to grammar teaching, and does so by making a general distinction between traditional versus modern approaches. Chapter 3 consists of two parts, one theoretical and the other practical. The first part focuses on the importance of teaching innovations, the role of materials, and in particular describes textbooks and their value in EFL teaching. Chapter 4 describes the design, procedure and results of the questionnaires, interviews and the classroom observation checklists used for the survey of the views of teachers and students regarding grammar presentation and grammar practice preferences, and the way it should be taught in present-day EFL teaching. In Chapter 5, I will set out the general conclusions of the study together with some proposals for improvements in the teaching of grammar and the teaching of English generally in Azerbaijan

    Smartphones and their role in the modern classroom

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    Mobile and wireless technologies have reached such a high level of sophistication that, today, they can be more easily incorporated into teaching and learning processes. The purpose of this paper is to examine the extent to which present-day classes can benefit from the use of smartphones and mobile applications. To this end, a study looked at the experience of 204 ADA University students in the Faculty of General Education over two academic terms in a Writing and Information Literacy course. At the end of the academic year, the students filled out a survey. Descriptive statistics, such as simple percentage mean and standard deviation, were used to analyze the data. The study reveals that smartphone functions like note-taking, photos of the whiteboard and/or smartboard, video recordings, and the WhatsApp application can become an integral part of the modern classroom. The study also suggests that smartphone technology should be widely applied by university teachers/instructors and, in the future, may lead to certain changes in teaching methodology generally.Les technologies mobiles ont atteint un tel degé de sophistication qu’elles peuvent facilement être incorporées dans les activtés d’enseignement et d’apprentissage. Le but de cet article est d’examiner jusqu’à quel point les salles de classe actuelles peuvent profiter de l’utilisation des téléphones mobiles et de leurs différentes applications. Dans cette optique, nous avons mené une expérience auprès de 204 étudiants de la faculté d’éducation de l’Université ADA, durant deux sessions universitaires, dans le cours intitulé Writing and Information Literacy. À la fin de l’année universitaire, les étudiants ont répondu à une enquête. Les données ont été analysées à l’aide de statistiques descriptives comme le pourcentage moyen et l’écart-type. L’étude révèle que les diverses fonctions du téléphone mobile, telles que la prise de notes, la photographie du tableau blanc ou du tableau numérique, l’enregistrement vidéo et l’application WhatsApp peuvent être intégrées à une sale de classe moderne. L’étude suggère aussi que la technologie liée au téléphone mobile pourrait avantageusement être utilisée par les enseignants et les éducateurs, ce qui pourrait contribuer à apporter certaines modifications dans les méthodes d’enseignement