17 research outputs found

    Effects of serum cortisol level and steroid therapy on mortality in septic shock patients

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    Septik şok günümüzde yoğun bakım ünitelerinde gözlenen en önemli ölüm nedenlerinin başında gelmektedir. Bu nedenle septik şoklu hastalara yaklaşım ve uygulanacak tedaviler halen üzerinde çalışılan konulardandır. Şiddetli sepsis ve stres durumalrında hipotalamopitüiter adrenal aks aktivasyonu beklenen tablodur. Bu aktivasyon sonucu hipofizden ACTH salınımı artar ve ACTH etkisiyle adrenal kortizol salınımı artmaktadır.Bu aktivasyon vücudun hastalık ve strese karşı adaptasyonunda önemli rol oynamaktadır ve bu sayede hücre ve organ hemostazı korunmaktadır. Bu nedenle sıvı ve vasopressör tedavisine yanıtsız septik şok hastalarında steroid tedavisi uygulanması birçok çalışmada ve ACCP/ SCCM konsensusunda önerilmiştir. Bu çalışmada plazma kortizol düzeyi düşük olan hastalarda verilen steroid tedavisinin survival üzerine etkisi olup olmadığını göstermeyi planladık. Bu amaçla Gazi Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları Yoğun Bakım Ünitesi’ne septik şok tanısı ile kabul edilmiş hastalar retrospektif olarak incelendi. Plazma kortizol düzeyi görülmüş toplam 91 hasta çalışmaya alındı. Bunlardan 22 tanesinin plazma kortizol düzeyi 15µgr/ dl idi. Her iki grup demografik veriler açısından istatiksel fark taşımıyordu. Yapılan incelemelerde ölüm oranlarının steroid tedavisinden bağımsız şekilde plazma kotizol değeri >15µgr/ dl olan grupta istatiksel olarak anlamlı şekilde yüksek olduğu saptandı. Sonuç olarak steroid tedavisinin mortalite üzerine belirgin bir etkisi saptanmamıştır ve hastaların plazma kortizol düzeyi arttıkça mortalite de artış tespit edilmiştir.Septic shock is a major cause of mortality in intensive care units. The trials on diagnosis and treatment of this condition still continue. Severe illness and stres strongly activate the hypothalamic- pituitary- adrenal axis and stimulate the release of ACTH from the pituitary, which in turn increases the release of cortisol from the adrenal cortex. Many critically ill patients develop reversible failure of the HPA axis. This activation is an essential component of the general adaptation to illness and stres and contributes to the maintenance of cellular and organ homeostasis. Therefore, many studies and The ACCP/SCCM Consensus Conference Committee advocated steroid therapy in septic shock patients who remained hypotensive after the resuscitation with fluid and vasopressors. In this study we want to assess, is there a survival benefit in the patients with low plasma cortisol levels who was given steroid therapy. The study performed in the Gazi University Faculty of Medicine the Intensive Care Unit of Internal Medicine, patients who diagnosed as septic shock and also plasma cortisol levels were measured, analyzed retrospectively. 91 patients whose plasma cortisol levels were seen enrolled in the study. 22 of those plasma cortisol level was 15μgr / dl. The two groups was not statistical difference in terms of demographic data. Independent of steroid therapy death rate in the group that plasma cortisol level > 15μgr / dl was statistically significantly higher. There was no significant effect on mortality of the steroid therapy. We determined that increased mortality in patients with increased plasma cortisol levels

    An Unexpected Fatal CCHF Case and Management of Exposed Health Care Workers

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    Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever (CCHF) is a tick borne viral disease which can also be transmitted by direct contact with blood or tissue specimens of infected animals or humans. We present a fatal case of CCHF, who was diagnosed after death, and describe the post-exposure management plan for the health care workers (HCWs) involved in her care. In total of 52 HCWs were involved in the patient’s care and they were stratified into risk groups. Overall, 20 HCWs were grouped in high and intermediate risk groups, including the HCW with needle stick injury. High and intermediate risk groups were offered post exposure prophlaxis (PEP) with ribavirin. Fourteen of 20 HCWs started PEP, however 10 ceased after negative CCHF-PCR results. Negative CCHF-PCR results were reported for all HCWs at the 5th day of exposure. Side effects with PEP developed in 5 of HCWs and were mainly gastrointestinal complaints which reversed after drug discontinuation. All HCWs were followed for 14 days both clinically and with laboratory tests. None of the HCWs developed CCHF. PEP with ribavirin can be considered as a safe option in protection

    Clinical outcomes and independent risk factors for 90-day mortality in critically ill patients with respiratory failure infected with sars-cov-2: A multicenter study in turkish intensive care units

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    Background: There are limited data on the long-term outcomes of COVID-19 from different parts of the world. Aims: To determine risk factors of 90-day mortality in critically ill patients in Turkish intensive care units (ICUs), with respiratory failure. Study design: Retrospective, observational cohort. Methods: Patients with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 and who had been followed up in the ICUs with respiratory failure for more than 24 hours were included in the study. Their demographics, clinical characteristics, laboratory variables, treatment protocols, and survival data were recorded. Results: A total of 421 patients were included. The median age was 67 (IQR: 57-76) years, and 251 patients (59.6%) were men. The 90-day mortality rate was 55.1%. The factors independently associated with 90-day mortality were invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV) (HR 4.09 [95% CI: [2.20-7.63], P 2 mmol/L (2.78 [1.93-4.01], P < .001), age ≥60 years (2.45 [1.48-4.06)], P < .001), cardiac arrhythmia during ICU stay (2.01 [1.27-3.20], P = .003), vasopressor treatment (1.94 [1.32-2.84], P = .001), positive fluid balance of ≥600 mL/day (1.68 [1.21-2.34], P = .002), PaO2 /FiO2 ratio of ≤150 mmHg (1.66 [1.18-2.32], P = .003), and ECOG score ≥1 (1.42 [1.00-2.02], P = .050). Conclusion: Long-term mortality was high in critically ill patients with COVID-19 hospitalized in intensive care units in Turkey. Invasive mechanical ventilation, lactate level, age, cardiac arrhythmia, vasopressor therapy, positive fluid balance, severe hypoxemia and ECOG score were the independent risk factors for 90-day mortality. Copyright@Author(s)


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    Objectives: The inadequate quality and nature of sleep is a commonly reported problem among hospitalized patients. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of progressive muscle relaxation training program on sleep quality, sleep state, pain and life quality of patients who underwent pulmonary resection

    Tracheostomy practices in intensive care units in Turkey: Turkish Thoracic Society critical care assembly point prevelance trial

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    We aimed to obtain information about the characteristics of the ICUs in our country via a point prevalence study

    Türkiye’deki Yoğun Bakım Ünitelerindeki Trakeostomi Uygulamaları: Türk Toraks Derneği Solunum Yetmezliği ve Yoğun Bakım Çalışma Grubu Nokta Prevalans Çalışması

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    Patient profile at intensive care units in Turkey: 922 patients multicenter prevalence study.

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    Current Statement of Intensive Care Units in Turkey: Data obtained from 67 Centers

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    OBJECTIVES: We aimed to obtain information about the characteristics of the ICUs in our country via a point prevalence study