110 research outputs found

    Studi Sistem Akustik Pada Gereja Katolik Santa Maria Tak Bercela Surabaya

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    The church is a building that has an image of God\u27s glory so that through space design elements, sacred atmosphere can formone through acoustics. The church has an unique acoustic because the church has two activities, namely speech and music. Santa Maria Tak Bercela Catholic Church Surabaya adjacent to Santa Clara School Surabaya, which at certain hours of the atmosphere will be very crowded church. With the help of Sound Level Meter, the background noise is known and the power of the sound source at this church. Reverberation time is calculated by manually sabine and computerize using program Autodeks Ecotect Analysis 2011. Having in mindthe results of the calculation of reverberation time in the field was 0.79-0.88 seconds, the church should be optimized with the goal of achieving the optimum reverberation time is 1. 4 seconds and the sound proofing leaks, by using materials such as insulation yumen board, glasswoll, acrylic, curtains, glass in sealant, rubber on the doors and closing the door hole

    Detectability of colorectal neoplasia with fluorine-18-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose positron emission tomography and computed tomography (FDG-PET/CT)

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the detectability of colorectal neoplasia with fluorine-18-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-d-glucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (FDG-PET/CT). Data for a total of 492 patients who had undergone both PET/CT and colonoscopy were analyzed. After the findings of PET/CT and colonoscopy were determined independently, the results were compared in each of the six colonic sites examined in all patients. The efficacy of PET/CT was determined using colonoscopic examination as the gold standard. In all, 270 colorectal lesions 5 mm or more in size, including 70 pathologically confirmed malignant lesions, were found in 172 patients by colonoscopy. The sensitivity and specificity of PET/CT for detecting any of the colorectal lesions were 36 and 98%, respectively. For detecting lesions 11 mm or larger, the sensitivity was increased to 85%, with the specificity remaining consistent (97%). Moreover, the sensitivity for tumors 21 mm or larger was 96% (48/50). Tumors with malignant or high-grade pathology were likely to be positive with PET/CT. A size of 10 mm or smaller [odds ratio (OR) 44.14, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) 11.44-221.67] and flat morphology (OR 7.78, 95% CI 1.79-36.25) were significant factors that were associated with false-negative cases on PET/CT. The sensitivity of PET/CT for detecting colorectal lesions is acceptable, showing size- and pathology-dependence, suggesting, for the most part, that clinically relevant lesions are detectable with PET/CT. However, when considering PET/CT for screening purposes caution must be exercised because there are cases of false-negative results

    Determination of paroxetine in serum treated with simple pretreatment by pre-column high-performance liquid chromatography using 4-(5,6-dimethoxy-2-phthalimidinyl)-2-methoxyphenylsulfonyl chloride as a fluorescent labeling reagent.

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    The therapeutic drug monitoring of paroxetine could be used to optimize the pharmacological treatment of depressed patients. A simple and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography procedure was developed for the determination of paroxetine in serum. After simple pretreatment of serum (50 μL) with acetonitrile and o-phthalaldehyde, paroxetine was derivatized with 4-(5,6-dimethoxy-2-phthalimidinyl)-2-methoxyphenylsulfonyl chloride at 70°C for 20 min in borate buffer (0.1 mol/L, pH 8.0) to produce a fluorescent product. The derivative was separated on a reversed-phase column at 40°C for stepwise elution with (A) acetic acid (10 mmol/L) and (B) acetonitrile. The flow rate was 1.0 mL/min. The fluorescence intensity was monitored at excitation and emission wavelengths of 320 and 400 nm, respectively. The within-day and day-to-day relative standard deviations were 3.0-3.4 and 2.7-8.3%, respectively. The detection limit of paroxetine was 8.3 fmol at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. As the proposed method that only requires a small quantity of serum (50 μL) is simple, sensitive and reproducible, it would be useful for clinical and biochemical research as well as drug monitoring.The therapeutic drug monitoring of paroxetine could be used to optimize the pharmacological treatment of depressed patients. A simple and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatography procedure was developed for the determination of paroxetine in serum. After simple pretreatment of serum (50 μL) with acetonitrile and o-phthalaldehyde, paroxetine was derivatized with 4-(5,6-dimethoxy-2-phthalimidinyl)-2-methoxyphenylsulfonyl chloride at 70°C for 20 min in borate buffer (0.1 mol/L, pH 8.0) to produce a fluorescent product. The derivative was separated on a reversed-phase column at 40°C for stepwise elution with (A) acetic acid (10 mmol/L) and (B) acetonitrile. The flow rate was 1.0 mL/min. The fluorescence intensity was monitored at excitation and emission wavelengths of 320 and 400 nm, respectively. The within-day and day-to-day relative standard deviations were 3.0-3.4 and 2.7-8.3%, respectively. The detection limit of paroxetine was 8.3 fmol at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. As the proposed method that only requires a small quantity of serum (50 μL) is simple, sensitive and reproducible, it would be useful for clinical and biochemical research as well as drug monitoring

    Alternative strategies of nutrient acquisition and energy conservation map to the biogeography of marine ammonia-oxidizing archaea

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    Ammonia-oxidizing archaea (AOA) are among the most abundant and ubiquitous microorganisms in the ocean, exerting primary control on nitrification and nitrogen oxides emission. Although united by a common physiology of chemoautotrophic growth on ammonia, a corresponding high genomic and habitat variability suggests tremendous adaptive capacity. Here, we compared 44 diverse AOA genomes, 37 from species cultivated from samples collected across diverse geographic locations and seven assembled from metagenomic sequences from the mesopelagic to hadopelagic zones of the deep ocean. Comparative analysis identified seven major marine AOA genotypic groups having gene content correlated with their distinctive biogeographies. Phosphorus and ammonia availabilities as well as hydrostatic pressure were identified as selective forces driving marine AOA genotypic and gene content variability in different oceanic regions. Notably, AOA methylphosphonate biosynthetic genes span diverse oceanic provinces, reinforcing their importance for methane production in the ocean. Together, our combined comparative physiological, genomic, and metagenomic analyses provide a comprehensive view of the biogeography of globally abundant AOA and their adaptive radiation into a vast range of marine and terrestrial habitats

    DNA Methylation of Colon Mucosa in Ulcerative Colitis Patients: Correlation with Inflammatory Status

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    Background: Although DNA methylation of colonic mucosa in ulcerative colitis (UC) has been suggested, the majority of published reports indicate the correlation between methylation of colon mucosa and occurrence of UC-related dysplasia or cancer without considering the mucosal inflammatory status. The aim of this study was to verify whether mucosal inflammation-specific DNA methylation occurs in the colon of UC. Methods: Of 15 gene loci initially screened, six loci (ABCB1, CDH1. ESR1, GDNF, HPP1, and MYOD1) methylated in colon mucosa of UC were analyzed according to inflammatory status using samples from 28 surgically resected UC patients. Results: Four of six regions (CDH1, GDNF, HPP1, and MYOD1) were more highly methylated in the active inflamed mucosa than in the quiescent mucosa in each UC patient (P = 0.003, 0.0002, 0.02, and 0.048, respectively). In addition, when the methylation status of all samples taken from examined patients was stratified according to inflammatory status, methylation of CDHI and GDNF loci was significantly higher in active inflamed mucosa than in quiescent mucosa (P = 0.045 and 0.002, respectively). Multiple linear regression analysis revealed that active inflammation was an independent factor of methylation for CDHI and GDNF. DNA methyltransferase 1 and 3b were highly expressed in colon epithelial cells with active mucosa] inflammation, suggesting their involvement in inflammation-dependent methylation. Conclusions: Methylation in colonic mucosa of UC was correlated with mucosal inflammatory status, suggesting the involvement of methylation due to chronic active inflammation in UC carcinogenesis

    Dealing with Disasters: Environmental History of Early Modern Cities (Edo, Istanbul, London, Pest, and Prague)

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    List of ContributorsForeword Introduction The Ordinary and the Extraordinary in Early Modern Cities / Koichi Watanabe trans. by Hisashi Kuboyama Part I: Aspects of Urban Disasters Chapter 1 Typhoon Damage in 1856 Edo: Integrating Archaeology, Climatology and History / Koichi Watanabe, Junpei Hirano, Hiroyuki Ishigami, and Masumi Zaiki trans. by Hisashi Kuboyama Chapter 2 The Great Flood in Pest, 1838 / Csaba Katona Chapter 3 Fire Disasters in European Cities, 1600-1800 David Garrioch Comment Disaster of Beijing in the Qing Dynasty 1644-1911 / Akira Horichi trans. by Yoko Onodera Part II: Disasters and Responses Chapter 4 Prevent the Big Water. Flood Control Measures in Prague (Bohemia) Issued by Public Administrative Bodies in Late 18th Century / Ondřej Hudeček Chapter 5 Citizens’ Awareness of Firefighting in Edo: Analysing Eighteenth-Century Textbooks on Firefighting / Reiji Iwabuchi trans. by Hisashi Kuboyama Part III: Infrastructure as Artificial Nature Chapter 6 The Ordinary Made Extraordinary: The Archaeology of Water Management in a Global City / Sophie Jackson Chapter 7 Management and Civil Engineering of Urban Water Supply and Sewage System in Edo as Seen from Archaeological Excavation / Hiroyuki Ishigami trans. by Mina Ishizu Chapter 8 Dredging the Edo Castle\u27s Moat: a Case of the Okayama-Domain Dredging in 1765 / Reiji Iwabuchi trans. by Naoko Nomoto Chapter 9 Canal, Dredging and Sedimentation in the Lowland Area of East Edo: Considering Physical and Spatial Characteristics of Canals in a Historical Context / Genki Takahashi trans. by Hisashi Kuboyama Part IV: Hinterland and Nature Chapter 10 Flooding in Edo and the Tone-gawa River and Tama-gawa River Systems / Koichi Watanabe trans. by Hisashi Kuboyama Chapter 11 The Great Edo Flood of 1742 and the Okutama Valley / Koichi Watanabe trans. by Hisashi Kuboyama Chapter 12 The Deluge of Istanbul in 1563: a Case of Flood Where There Was No River / Kazuaki Sawai trans. by Yoko Onodera Chapter 13 Storms, Flooding and the Development of London 1300-1500 / Matthew Davies Chapter 14 Bridging London’s River’s General Situation of London, the Thames, the Bridge / Vanessa Hardin


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    京都大学0048新制・論文博士農学博士論農博第3号新制||農||14(附属図書館)学位論文||S37||N20(農学部図書室)408(主査)教授 舘 勇, 教授 中島 稔, 教授 満田 久輝学位規則第5条第2項該当Kyoto UniversityDA

    Can red sea bream Pagrus major learn about feeding and avoidance through the observation of conspecific behavior in video playback?

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    First online: 08 May 2015The present study investigated whether red sea bream Pagrus major could learn about feeding and avoidance area through video model observation. In Experiment 1, 45-mm standard length (SL) fish were trained to learn about a feeding area in a tank. In Experiment 2, 114-mm SL juveniles were trained to avoid a hand net by moving into a shelter. Three treatments were established in each experiment: (i) live model observer: fish observed the behavior of a real fish in an adjacent tank; (ii) video model observer: fish observed video playback of a conspecific on a monitor; and (iii) non-observing control. Ten observational trials were performed in both experiments for the live and video model observer. Afterwards, fish from all treatments were conditioned by feed or avoidance training. In Experiment 1, there was no difference in the feed learning process among treatments. In contrast, in Experiment 2, live and video model observers acquired avoidance learning more quickly than control. The result indicates that the video model can be as efficient as the live model for observational learning in fish. This study suggests that video playback may be useful for anti-predator training of seedlings for stock enhancement