753 research outputs found

    Deep into the Water Fountains: The case of IRAS 18043-2116

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    (Abridged) The formation of large-scale (hundreds to few thousands of AU) bipolar structures in the circumstellar envelopes (CSEs) of post-Asymptotic Giant Branch (post-AGB) stars is poorly understood. The shape of these structures, traced by emission from fast molecular outflows, suggests that the dynamics at the innermost regions of these CSEs does not depend only on the energy of the radiation field of the central star. Deep into the Water Fountains is an observational project based on the results of programs carried out with three telescope facilities: The Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array (JVLA), The Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA), and the Very Large Telescope (SINFONI-VLT). Here we report the results of the observations towards the WF nebula IRAS 18043−-2116: Detection of radio continuum emission in the frequency range 1.5GHz - 8.0GHz; H2_{2}O maser spectral features and radio continuum emission detected at 22GHz, and H2_{2} ro-vibrational emission lines detected at the near infrared. The high-velocity H2_{2}O maser spectral features, and the shock-excited H2_{2} emission detected could be produced in molecular layers which are swept up as a consequence of the propagation of a jet-driven wind. Using the derived H2_{2} column density, we estimated a molecular mass-loss rate of the order of 10−910^{-9}M⊙_{\odot}yr−1^{-1}. On the other hand, if the radio continuum flux detected is generated as a consequence of the propagation of a thermal radio jet, the mass-loss rate associated to the outflowing ionized material is of the order of 10−5^{-5}M⊙_{\odot}yr−1^{-1}. The presence of a rotating disk could be a plausible explanation for the mass-loss rates estimated.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in A&

    HD101584: Circumstellar characteristics and evolutionary status

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    We have performed a study of the characteristics of the circumstellar environment of the binary object HD101584, that provides information on a likely evolutionary scenario. We have obtained and analysed ALMA observations, complemented with observations using APEX, of a large number of molecular lines. An analysis of the spectral energy distribution has also been performed. Emissions from 12 molecular species (not counting isotopologues) have been observed, and most of them mapped with angular resolutions in the range 0.1" to 0.6". Four circumstellar components are identified: i) a central compact source of size 0.15", ii) an expanding equatorial density enhancement (a flattened density distribution in the plane of the orbit) of size 3", iii) a bipolar high-velocity outflow (150 km/s), and iv) an hourglass structure. The outflow is directed almost along the line of sight. There is evidence of a second bipolar outflow. The mass of the circumstellar gas is 0.5[D/1 kpc]^2 Msun, about half of it lies in the equatorial density enhancement. The dust mass is 0.01[D/1 kpc]^2 Msun, and a substantial fraction of this is in the form of large-sized, up to 1 mm, grains. The estimated kinetic age of the outflow is 770[D/1 kpc] yr. The kinetic energy and the scalar momentum of the accelerated gas are estimated to be 7x10^(45)[D/1 kpc]^2 erg and 10^(39)[D/1 kpc]^2 g cm/s, respectively. We provide good evidence that the binary system HD101584 is in a post-common-envelope-evolution phase, that ended before a stellar merger. Isotope ratios combined with stellar mass estimates suggest that the primary star's evolution was terminated already on the first red giant branch (RGB). Most of the energy required to drive the outflowing gas was probably released when material fell towards the companion.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    VLTI/PIONIER reveals the close environment of the evolved system HD101584

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    Context: The observed orbital characteristics of post-asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) and post-red giant branch (post-RGB) binaries are not understood. We suspect that the missing ingredients to explain them probably lie in the continuous interaction of the central binary with its circumstellar environment. Aims: We aim at studying the circumbinary material in these complex systems by investigating the connection between the innermost and large-scale structures. Methods: We perform high-angular resolution observations in the near-infrared continuum of HD101584, which has a complex structure as seen at millimeter wavelengths with a disk-like morphology and a bipolar outflow due to an episode of strong binary interaction. To account for the complexity of the target we first perform an image reconstruction and use this result to fit a geometrical model to extract the morphological and thermal features of the environment. Results: The image reveals an unexpected double-ring structure. We interpret the inner ring to be produced by emission from dust located in the plane of the disk and the outer ring to be produced by emission from dust that is located 1.6[D/1kpc] au above the disk plane. The inner ring diameter (3.94[D/1kpc] au), and temperature (T=1540±\pm10K) are compatible with the dust sublimation front of the disk. The origin of the out-of-plane ring (with a diameter of 7.39[D/1kpc] au and a temperature of 1014±10\pm10K) could be due to episodic ejection or a dust condensation front in the outflow. Conclusion: The observed outer ring is possibly linked with the blue-shifted side of the large scale outflow seen by ALMA and is tracing its launching location to the central star. Such observations give morphological constraints on the ejection mechanism. Additional observations are needed to constrain the origin of the out-of-plane structure.Comment: Accepted to A&A. 14 pages, 13 figure

    Spatially Resolved Magnetic Field Structure in the Disk of a T Tauri Star

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    Magnetic fields in accretion disks play a dominant role during the star formation process but have hitherto been observationally poorly constrained. Field strengths have been inferred on T Tauri stars themselves and possibly in the innermost part of the accretion disk, but the strength and morphology of the field in the bulk of the disk have not been observed. Unresolved measurements of polarized emission (arising from elongated dust grains aligned perpendicular to the field) imply average fields aligned with the disks. Theoretically, the fields are expected to be largely toroidal, poloidal, or a mixture of the two, which imply different mechanisms for transporting angular momentum in the disks of actively accreting young stars such as HL Tau. Here we report resolved measurements of the polarized 1.25 mm continuum emission from HL Tau's disk. The magnetic field on a scale of 80 AU is coincident with the major axis (~210 AU diameter) of the disk. From this we conclude that the magnetic field inside the disk at this scale cannot be dominated by a vertical component, though a purely toroidal field does not fit the data well either. The unexpected morphology suggests that the magnetic field's role for the accretion of a T Tauri star is more complex than the current theoretical understanding.Comment: Accepted for publication in Natur

    Magnetically aligned dust and SiO maser polarisation in the envelope of the red supergiant VY Canis Majoris

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    International audienceWe use Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array Band 5 science verification observations of the red supergiant VY CMa to study the polarization of SiO thermal/masers lines and dust continuum at ~1.7 mm wavelength. We analyse both linear and circular polarization and derive the magnetic field strength and structure, assuming the polarization of the lines originates from the Zeeman effect, and that of the dust originates from aligned dust grains. We also discuss other effects that could give rise to the observed polarization. We detect, for the first time, significant polarization (~3%) of the circumstellar dust emission at millimeter wavelengths. The polarization is uniform with an electric vector position angle of ∼8∘\sim8^\circ. Varying levels of linear polarization are detected for the J=4-3 28SiO v=0, 1, 2, and 29SiO v=0, 1 lines, with the strongest polarization fraction of ~30% found for the 29SiO v=1 maser. The linear polarization vectors rotate with velocity, consistent with earlier observations. We also find significant (up to ~1%) circular polarization in several lines, consistent with previous measurements. We conclude that the detection is robust against calibration and regular instrumental errors, although we cannot yet fully rule out non-standard instrumental effects. Emission from magnetically aligned grains is the most likely origin of the observed continuum polarization. This implies that the dust is embedded in a magnetic field >13 mG. The maser line polarization traces the magnetic field structure. The magnetic field in the gas and dust is consistent with an approximately toroidal field configuration, but only higher angular resolution observations will be able to reveal more detailed field structure. If the circular polarization is due to Zeeman splitting, it indicates a magnetic field strength of ~1-3 Gauss, consistent with previous maser observations

    Charting Circumstellar Chemistry of Carbon-rich AGB Stars: I. ALMA 3 mm spectral surveys

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    AGB stars are major contributors to the chemical enrichment of the ISM through nucleosynthesis and extensive mass loss. Most of our current knowledge of AGB atmospheric and circumstellar chemistry, in particular in a C-rich environment, is based on observations of the carbon star IRC+10216. We aim to obtain a more generalised understanding of the chemistry in C-rich AGB CSEs by studying a sample of three carbon stars, IRAS15194-5115, IRAS15082-4808, and IRAS07454-7112, and test the archetypal status often attributed to IRC+10216. We performed spatially resolved, unbiased spectral surveys in ALMA Band 3. We identify a total of 132 rotational transitions from 49 molecular species. There are two main morphologies of the brightness distributions: centrally-peaked (e.g. HCN) and shell-like (e.g. C2_2H). We estimated the sizes of the molecular emitting regions using azimuthally-averaged radial profiles of the line brightness distributions, and derived abundance estimates. Of the shell distributions, the cyanopolyynes peak at slightly smaller radii than the hydrocarbons, and CN and HNC show the most extended emission. The emitting regions for each species are the smallest for IRAS07454-7112. We find that, within the uncertainties of the analysis, the three stars present similar abundances for most species, also compared to IRC+10216. We find that SiO is more abundant in our three stars compared to IRC+10216. Our estimated isotopic ratios match well the literature values for the sources. The observed circumstellar chemistry appears very similar across our sample and compared to that of IRC+10216, both in terms of the relative location of the emitting regions and molecular abundances. This implies that, to a first approximation, the chemical models tailored to IRC+10216 are able to reproduce the observed chemistry in C-rich envelopes across roughly an order of magnitude in wind density.Comment: 21 pages. 13 figures and 8 tables in the main text. 5 appendices contain additional figures and tables. Appendix tables are available in electronic form at the CDS, along with the reprocessed ALMA cubes and spectra, at http://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/ or via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr( Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    GASKAP -- The Galactic ASKAP Survey

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    A survey of the Milky Way disk and the Magellanic System at the wavelengths of the 21-cm atomic hydrogen (HI) line and three 18-cm lines of the OH molecule will be carried out with the Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder telescope. The survey will study the distribution of HI emission and absorption with unprecedented angular and velocity resolution, as well as molecular line thermal emission, absorption, and maser lines. The area to be covered includes the Galactic plane (|b|< 10deg) at all declinations south of delta = +40deg, spanning longitudes 167deg through 360deg to 79deg at b=0deg, plus the entire area of the Magellanic Stream and Clouds, a total of 13,020 square degrees. The brightness temperature sensitivity will be very good, typically sigma_T ~ 1 K at resolution 30arcsec and 1 km/s. The survey has a wide spectrum of scientific goals, from studies of galaxy evolution to star formation, with particular contributions to understanding stellar wind kinematics, the thermal phases of the interstellar medium, the interaction between gas in the disk and halo, and the dynamical and thermal states of gas at various positions along the Magellanic Stream.Comment: 45 pages, 8 figures, Pub. Astron. Soc. Australia (in press
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