133 research outputs found

    Concepto de aristas múltiples empleado para esteganografía de imagen

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    Digital Steganography means hiding sensitive data inside a cover object ina way that is invisible to un-authorized persons. Many proposed steganography techniques in spatial domain may achieve high invisibility requirement but sacrifice the good robustness against attacks. In some cases, weneed to take in account not just the invisibility but also we need to thinkabout other requirement which is the robustness of recovering the embedded secrete messages. In this paper we propose a new steganoraphicscheme that aims to achieve the robustness even the stego image attackedby steganalyzers. Furthermore, we proposed a scheme which is more robust against JPEG compression attack compared with other traditionalsteganography schemes

    Synthesis, molecular modelling and CYP24A1 inhibitory activity of novel of (E)-N-(2-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)-2-(phenylethyl)-3/4-styrylbenzamides

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    CYP24A1 (25-hydroxyvitamin D-24-hydroxylase) is a useful enzyme target for a range of medical conditions including cancer, cardiovascular and autoimmune disease, which show elevated CYP24A1 levels and corresponding reduction of calcitriol (the biologically active form of vitamin D). A series of (E)-N-(2-(1H-imidazol-1-yl)-2-(phenylethyl)-3/4-styrylbenzamides have been synthesised using an efficient synthetic route and shown to be potent inhibitors of CYP24A1 (IC50 0.11–0.35 μM) compared with the standard ketoconazole. Molecular modelling using our CYP24A1 homology model showed the inhibitors to fill the hydrophobic binding site, forming key transition metal interaction between the imidazole nitrogen and the haem Fe3+ and multiple interactions with the active site amino acid residues

    Adiabatic Formation of Rydberg Crystals with Chirped Laser Pulses

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    Ultracold atomic gases have been used extensively in recent years to realize textbook examples of condensed matter phenomena. Recently, phase transitions to ordered structures have been predicted for gases of highly excited, 'frozen' Rydberg atoms. Such Rydberg crystals are a model for dilute metallic solids with tunable lattice parameters, and provide access to a wide variety of fundamental phenomena. We investigate theoretically how such structures can be created in four distinct cold atomic systems, by using tailored laser-excitation in the presence of strong Rydberg-Rydberg interactions. We study in detail the experimental requirements and limitations for these systems, and characterize the basic properties of small crystalline Rydberg structures in one, two and three dimensions.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, MPIPKS-ITAMP Tandem Workshop, Cold Rydberg Gases and Ultracold Plasmas (CRYP10), Sept. 6-17, 201

    Breast cancer management and outcome according to surgeon's affiliation: a population-based comparison adjusted for patient's selection bias

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    Background Studies have reported that breast cancer (BC) units could increase the quality of care but none has evaluated the efficacy of alternative options such as private BC networks, which is our study objective. Patients and methods We included all 1404 BC patients operated in the public unit or the private network and recorded at the Geneva Cancer Registry between 2000 and 2005. We compared quality indicators of care between the public BC unit and the private BC network by logistic regression and evaluated the effect of surgeon's affiliation on BC-specific mortality by the Cox model adjusting for the propensity score. Results Both the groups had high care quality scores. For invasive cancer, histological assessment before surgery and axillary lymph node dissection when indicated were less frequent in the public sector (adjusted odds ratio (OR): 0.4, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.3-0.7, and OR: 0.4, 95% CI 0.2-0.8, respectively), while radiation therapy after breast-conserving surgery was more frequent (OR: 2.5, 95% CI 1.4-4.8). Surgeon affiliation had no substantial effect on BC-specific mortality (adjusted hazard ratio (HR): 0.8, 95% CI 0.5-1.4). Conclusions This study suggests that private BC networks could be an alternative to public BC units with both structures presenting high quality indicators of BC care and similar BC-specific mortalit

    Analysis of the binding sites of vitamin D 1α-hydroxylase (CYP27B1) and vitamin D 24-hydroxylase (CYP24A1) for the design of selective CYP24A1 inhibitors: homology modelling, molecular dynamics simulations and identification of key binding requirements

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    A homology model of human CYP27B1 was built using MOE and was further optimised by molecular dynamics simulations of the hCYP27B1 homology model and a hCYP27B1-SDZ-88357 complex. Docking results from the hCYP27B1-SDZ-88357 complex showed amino acids Arg107, Asn387 and Asp320 have an important role in binding interaction, with Asp320 part of the important acid-alcohol pair situated in the I-helix with the conserved sequence (A/G) GX (E/D) (T/S), which assumes an essential role in the binding of an oxygen molecule for catalysis. Additional docking experiments with selective hCYP27B1 or hCYP24A1 inhibitors using both the hCYP27B1 model and a triple mutant hCYP24A1 model provided further support for the importance of H-bonding interactions with the three identified active site amino acids. To confirm the role of Arg107, Asn387 and Asp320 in the active site of hCYP27B1 compounds were designed that would form H-bonding interactions, as determined from docking experiments with the hCYP27B1 model. Subsequent synthesis and CYP24A1 and CYP27B1 enzyme assays of the designed compounds 1a and 1b showed a ∼5-fold selectivity for CYP27B1 confirming the importance of Asp320 in particular and also Asn387 and Arg107 as important amino acids for CYP27B1 inhibitory activity

    Investigating the effect of light color temperature on selective attention, error and human reaction time

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    Background and aims: The reaction time of humans that affected by several factors includes the time that takes to stimulate the sensory organs and the stimulus effect is transmitted to the brain, then is perceived and the decision is made; consequently, the command resulting from the decision of the brain is sent from the brain to the functional organs. Failure to respond at the right time may result in human error and accidents. There are important factors that affect the reaction time. Attention is one of the important factors affecting the speed of the reaction. Selective attention and correct perception of several stimuli among the other stimuli is one of the effective factors in promoting performance and safety. Additionally, various environmental factors may be effective in determining selective attention, increasing the number of errors and the human response time in detecting triggers. Lighting is one of the factors affecting the processing mechanisms of the brain. In the design of indoor and outdoor lighting systems, the quality parameters of the lighting system are usually less considered. Color temperature is one of the most important qualitative parameters of light, which is measured by the Kelvin unit and is an indicator for the brightness and color of the light. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of light color temperature on selective attention, error rate and reaction time. Methods: This research is an interventional and laboratory study in order to determine the effect of the light color temperature on human error, selective attention, and reaction time of students in Tarbiat Modares University (TMU) of Tehran during the fall of 2018. All students were in the same age range. The inclusion criteria for this study were; not having any eye-related diseases, such as diminished vision and subtlety, and mental-psychiatric disorders. On the day before performing the test, participants were informed to: have enough sleep and rest, adhere to a regular diet, and avoid taking medicines, coffee and caffeinated drinks. In this interventional study, 92 students (36 female and 56 male) from Tarbiat Modarres University of Tehran with an average age of 28.33 years were recruited as subjects. The measurements and tests related to selective attention and reaction time of individuals were performed in 4 locations with an equal lighting system and different color temperatures (3500, 4000, 5000, or 6500 degrees Kelvin). In the first step of the study, in order to determine the effect of light color temperature on the studied parameters, the participants were randomly divided into four groups with 24 subjects in each group. Before the main test was being performed, the participants were kept in rooms adjusted to a brightness of 3500° K to rest for at least 5 minutes in order to be adapted to the situation, and then, in the same conditions, to become familiar with the test method they were studied with the Stroop software. In the second step, each group was placed in a separate room where the levels of brightness had been designed with one of the lighting systems to yield a color temperature of 3500, 4000, 5000, and 6500° K. Cognitive performance tests including reaction time, accuracy and selective attention were measured using Stroop tests. Measurement of score interference and time interference, which are indicators for selective attention, were calculated by measuring the difference in the error rate and the reaction time in detecting incongruent and consonant words. Stroop test was used to determine the reaction time, error and other parameters. This test consists of two parts; the practice and the main test, each of them has two stages. The first step is to name the color of circular shapes that appears on the laptop monitor screen. The participant, upon viewing the image, applies pressure on keyboard buttons which are labeled with colors corresponding to the ones on the screen. The second step is to name the word which appears in a white box. The names of the colors appear, and as soon as the correct word is recognized, the participant should press the color word associated to the word on the keyboard. The third step, which is the main stage of the test, is a non-consistent word (red-green-blue) that shown randomly and sequentially on the monitor's screen. The subject must only press the keyboard button with the same color, only emphasizing the color and regardless of its connotation. In this test, 48 consistent colored words (the color of the word is identical with the meaning of the word; red, yellow, green and blue) and 48 non-consistent colored words (the color of the word is not the same as the word meaning; for example, the blue word shown in red). The time lap between the stimulants was 800 milliseconds and the duration of each of them was 2000 milliseconds. The subject's task was to select the correct color only. Finally, the data were analyzed using SPSS software. Results: Based on the results of this study, the highest mean of correct selection (474.49 ± 10.65) and the lowest mean of the correct ones (654.49 ± 11.77) were assigned to the color temperature of 6500 and 3500 ° K, respectively. Also, the highest mean of error rate (15.65 ± 9.77) and the lowest mean of error rate (10.94 ± 9.4) were reported at a color temperature of 3500 and 6500 ° K, respectively. According to the results of this study, with increase in color temperature from 3500 to 5000° Kelvin, the number of questions that were not responded decreased. Likewise, the number of unanswered questions for the color temperature of 6500 °K slightly increased compared to the color temperature of 5000 and 4000 °K. The results also indicated that, with an increase in color temperature from 3500 to 6500 °K, the reaction time to visual stimuli also decreased. The highest interference score was in the light color temperature of 3500 °K which indicates that the number of faults in naming inconsistent words relative to consonant words was higher in color temperature of 3500° K compared to other color temperatures. Also, according to Fig. 3, the maximum interference time was at 6500 ° K. This indicates that the performance time of the subjects in naming inconsistent words was higher relative to consonants in color temperature of 6,500° K compared to other color temperatures. Although the average response time under lighting condition with color temperature of 6500° K (718.95 ± 65.33) was less than the color temperature of 3500° K (728.58 ± 43.48), according to the results of the study, with a decrease in color temperature, the increase in mean response time was observed, but this difference was not significant (p p). Also, based on independent t-test (Table 2), there was a significant relationship between subjects' gender and variables such as interference score, interference time and number of unanswered questions. For all of these three variables (interference score, interference time and number of unanswered questions) mean in men was significantly lower than women (p <0.05). Based on subjects' gender, the average response time under different color temperatures showed that the response time (or reaction time) of female under lighting conditions with 3000 and 5,000 ° K was higher than male, while under lighting conditions with 4000 and 6500° K the response time of male was higher than female students. Although the average response time under different color temperatures was different between male and female subjects, based on the results of independent t-test, such difference was not significant. Conclusion: In general, the results of this study showed that when subjects are exposed to light color temperature of 6,500 ° K, the number of correct responses by them is higher than those exposed to other color temperatures, and with increasing the color temperature, the number of correct answers increases. Also, according to the results of this study, the error rate decrease by increasing color temperature of light source. Based on the results of this study, it is suggested to make use of light sources with a color temperature of 6,500 ° K in designing the lighting system of the places where human reaction time and error are high importance. Accordingly, it is recommended to repeat this study in other demographic groups, as well as taking into account the qualitative parameters of the lighting system in addition to its quantitative parameters. © 2020 Iran University of Medical Sciences. All rights reserved

    Reduced Nucleus Accumbens SK Channel Activity Enhances Alcohol Seeking during Abstinence

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    SummaryThe cellular mechanisms underlying pathological alcohol seeking remain poorly understood. Here, we show an enhancement of nucleus accumbens (NAcb) core action potential firing ex vivo after protracted abstinence from alcohol but not sucrose self-administration. Increased firing is associated with reduced small-conductance calcium-activated potassium channel (SK) currents and decreased SK3 but not SK2 subunit protein expression. Furthermore, SK activation ex vivo produces greater firing suppression in NAcb core neurons from alcohol- versus sucrose-abstinent rats. Accordingly, SK activation in the NAcb core significantly reduces alcohol but not sucrose seeking after abstinence. In contrast, NAcb shell and lateral dorsal striatal firing ex vivo are not altered after abstinence from alcohol, and SK activation in these regions has little effect on alcohol seeking. Thus, decreased NAcb core SK currents and increased excitability represents a critical mechanism that facilitates motivation to seek alcohol after abstinence

    Recent Searches for the Radio Lines of NH_3 in Comets

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    Radio observations in the ammonia inversion lines of four comets, C/2001 A2 (LINEAR), 153P/Ikeya-Zhang, C/2001 Q4 (NEAT) and C/2002 T7 (LINEAR), were performed at the Effelsberg 100-m Radio Telescope during their respective close approaches to Earth. None of the four lowest energy metastable lines (J,K=J),J=1--4, could be detected in these comets. We derive the following 3 sigma upper bounds on the NH_3 production rate, and c omparing to the corresponding water production rates, percentage NH_3 abundances relative to H_2O: Q(NH_3) < 1.9x10^26 s^-1 (0.63%) for C/2001 A2 (LINEAR), Q(NH_3) < 2.7x10^26 s^-1 (0.13%) for C/2001 Q4 (NEAT), Q(NH_3) < 2.3x10^27 s^-1 (0.74%) for C/2002 T7 (LINEAR) and Q(NH_3) <= 6.3x10^26 s^-1 (0.63%) for Comet 153P/Ikeya-Zhang. At 0.74% or less, the ammonia-to-water ratios are factors of 2 below the value for C/1995 O1 (Hale-Bopp) and 1P/Halley, suggesting chemical diversity between comets. The 18-cm lines of OH were clearly detected in the two comets observed during the 2004 campaign, thereby validating the cometary ephemerides.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    A 3-5μ\mum VLT spectroscopic survey of embedded young low mass stars II; OCN^-

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    The 4.62μ\mum (2164.5 cm1^{-1}) `XCN' band has been detected in the MM-band spectra of 34 deeply embedded young stellar objects (YSO's), observed with high signal-to-noise and high spectral resolution with the VLT-ISAAC spectrometer, providing the first opportunity to study the solid OCN^- abundance toward a large number of low-mass YSO's. It is shown unequivocally that at least two components, centred at 2165.7 cm1^{-1} (FWHM = 26 cm1^{-1}) and 2175.4 cm1^{-1} (FWHM = 15 cm1^{-1}), underlie the XCN band. Only the 2165.7-component can be ascribed to OCN^-, embedded in a strongly hydrogen-bonding, and possibly thermally annealed, ice environment based on laboratory OCN^- spectra. In order to correct for the contribution of the 2175.4-component to the XCN band, a phenomenological decomposition into the 2165.7- and the 2175.4-components is used to fit the full band profile and derive the OCN^- abundance for each line-of-sight. The same analysis is performed for 5 high-mass YSO's taken from the ISO-SWS data archive. Inferred OCN^- abundances are \leq 0.85 % toward low-mass YSO's and \leq 1 % toward high-mass YSO's, except for W33 A. Abundances are found to vary by at least a factor of 10--20 and large source-to-source abundance variations are observed within the same star-forming cloud complex on scales down to 400 AU, indicating that the OCN^- formation mechanism is sensitive to local conditions. The inferred abundances allow quantitatively for photochemical formation of OCN^-, but the large abundance variations are not easily explained in this scenario unless local radiation sources or special geometries are invoked. Surface chemistry should therefore be considered as an alternative formation mechanism

    A quantitative analysis of OCN- formation in interstellar ice analogs

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    The 4.62 micron absorption band, observed along the line-of-sight towards various young stellar objects, is generally used as a qualitative indicator for energetic processing of interstellar ice mantles. This interpretation is based on the excellent fit with OCN-, which is readily formed by ultraviolet (UV) or ion-irradiation of ices containing H2O, CO and NH3. However, the assignment requires both qualitative and quantitative agreement in terms of the efficiency of formation as well as the formation of additional products. Here, we present the first quantitative results on the efficiency of laboratory formation of OCN- from ices composed of different combinations of H2O, CO, CH3OH, HNCO and NH3 by UV- and thermally-mediated solid state chemistry. Our results show large implications for the use of the 4.62 micron feature as a diagnostic for energetic ice-processing. UV-mediated formation of OCN- from H2O/CO/NH3 ice matrices falls short in reproducing the highest observed interstellar abundances. In this case, at most 2.7% OCN- is formed with respect to H2O under conditions that no longer apply to a molecular cloud environment. On the other hand, photoprocessing and in particular thermal processing of solid HNCO in the presence of NH3 are very efficient OCN- formation mechanisms, converting 60%--85% and ~100%, respectively of the original HNCO. We propose that OCN- is most likely formed thermally from HNCO given the ease and efficiency of this mechanism. Upper limits on solid HNCO and the inferred interstellar ice temperatures are in agreement with this scenario.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, to be published in A&