173 research outputs found

    Critical Race Theory and Education: racism and anti-racism in educational theory and praxis

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    What is Critical Race Theory (CRT) and what does it offer educational researchers and practitioners outside the US? This paper addresses these questions by examining the recent history of antiracist research and policy in the UK. In particular, the paper argues that conventional forms of antiracism have proven unable to keep pace with the development of increasingly racist and exclusionary education polices that operate beneath a veneer of professed tolerance and diversity. In particular, contemporary antiracism lacks clear statements of principle and theory that risk reinventing the wheel with each new study; it is increasingly reduced to a meaningless slogan; and it risks appropriation within a reformist “can do” perspective dominated by the de-politicized and managerialist language of school effectiveness and improvement. In contrast, CRT offers a genuinely radical and coherent set of approaches that could revitalize critical research in education across a range of inquiries, not only in self-consciously "multicultural" studies. The paper reviews the developing terrain of CRT in education, identifying its key defining elements and the conceptual tools that characterise the work. CRT in education is a fast changing and incomplete project but it can no longer be ignored by the academy beyond North America

    Ogbu and the debate on educational achievement: an exploration of the links between education, migration, identity and belonging

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    This paper looks at some of the issues raised by Ogbu’s work in relation to the education of different minority ethnic groups. Ogbu poses questions such as the value attached to education, its links to the future and its measurable outcomes in terms of ‘success’ as experienced by black participants. The desire for better life chances leads families to consider migration to a new country or resettlement within the same country, thus making migration both a local and a global phenomenon. As an example, attention is drawn to the situation facing South Asian children and their families in the UK. In terms of ethnicity and belonging, the wider question that is significant for many countries in the West after ‘Nine-Eleven’ is the education of Muslim children. A consideration of this current situation throws Ogbu’s identification of ‘autonomous minority’ into question. It is argued that a greater understanding of diverse needs has to be accompanied by a concerted effort to confront racism and intolerance in schools and in society, thus enabling all communities to make a useful contribution and to avoid the ‘risk’ of failure and disenchantment

    Working through whiteness, race and (anti) racism in physical education teacher education

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    Background: The persistent gaps between a largely white profession and ethnically diverse school populations have brought renewed calls to support teachers' critical engagement with race. Programmes examining the effects of racism have had limited impact on practice, with student teachers responding with either denial, guilt or fear; they also contribute to a deficit view of racialised students in relation to an accepted white ‘norm’, and position white teachers ‘outside’ of race. Recent calls argue for a shift in focus towards an examination of the workings of the dominant culture through a critical engagement with whiteness, positioning white teachers within the processes of racialisation. Teacher educators' roles are central, and yet, while we routinely expect student teachers to reflect critically on issues of social justice, we have been less willing to engage in such work ourselves. This is particularly the case within physical education teacher education (PETE), an overwhelmingly white, embodied space, and where race and racism as professional issues are largely invisible. Purpose: This paper examines the operation of whiteness within PETE through a critical reflection on the three co-authors' careers and experiences working for social justice. The research questions were twofold: How are race, (anti) racism and whiteness constructed through everyday experiences of families, schooling and teacher education? How can collective biography be used to excavate discourses of race, racism and whiteness as the first step towards challenging them? In beginning the process of reflecting on what it means for us ‘to do own work’ in relation to (anti) racism, we examine some of the tensions and challenges for teacher educators in PE attempting to work to dismantle whiteness. Methodology: As co-authors, we engaged in collective biography work – a process in which we reflected upon, wrote about and shared our embodied experiences and memories about race, racism and whiteness as educators working for social justice. Using a critical whiteness lens, these narratives were examined for what they reveal about the collective practices and discourses about whiteness and (anti)racism within PETE. Results: The narratives reveal the ways in which whiteness operates within PETE through processes of naturalisation, ex-denomination and universalisation. We have been educated, and now work within, teacher education contexts where professional discourse about race at best focuses on understanding the racialised ‘other’, and at worse is invisible. By drawing on a ‘racialised other’, deficit discourse in our pedagogy, and by ignoring race in own research on inequalities in PETE, we have failed to disrupt universalised discourses of ‘white-as-norm’, or addressed our own privileged racialised positioning. Reflecting critically on our biographies and careers has been the first step in recognising how whiteness works in order that we can begin to work to disrupt it. Conclusion: The study highlights some of the challenges of addressing (anti)racism within PETE and argues that a focus on whiteness might offer a productive starting point. White teacher educators must critically examine their own role within these processes if they are to expect student teachers to engage seriously in doing the same

    ‘Isles of Wonder’: performing the mythopoeia of utopic multi-ethnic Britain

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    Within this article, I interrogate the mediated ‘narratives of nation’ told through the London 2012 Olympic Opening Ceremony. Such narratives are not just pedagogic, they are political and ideological processes that require us to pose questions about the place of the past in the present and with regard to who is entitled to speak that past. I suggest that the ceremony performed an ‘aesthetic of selective silence’ and offered a platform to induce nostalgia and identification beyond our own selves while offering a powerful historical teleology: multi-ethnic Britain was given no past, rather, the ‘noises’ that were amplified in the present provided a common, fixed and concretely grounded past that centred on an Anglicized, simple, stable, safe and pure fantasy in which divisions – gendered, classed, raced – were mere historical artifacts. I argue that the ceremony provided for the delivery of a multi-ethnic national fantasy that highlights central issues of being, belonging, privilege and hierarchy within a postcolonial heterophilic Britain, and which reasserts a utopic abstraction of nation and assimilation to core British values

    Grouping practices in the primary school: what influences change?

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    During the 1990s, there was considerable emphasis on promoting particular kinds of pupil grouping as a means of raising educational standards. This survey of 2000 primary schools explored the extent to which schools had changed their grouping practices in responses to this, the nature of the changes made and the reasons for those changes. Forty eight percent of responding schools reported that they had made no change. Twenty two percent reported changes because of the literacy hour, 2% because of the numeracy hour, 7% because of a combination of these and 21% for other reasons. Important influences on decisions about the types of grouping adopted were related to pupil learning and differentiation, teaching, the implementation of the national literacy strategy, practical issues and school self-evaluation

    Doing race: how secondary school pupils in mainly white schools construct 'race'

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    This article examines how ‘race’ impacts upon the lives of young people who attend secondary schools in a mainly white British area of the United Kingdom. Schools Stand up 2 Racism (SSu2R), a Big Lottery research project, brought together a community partner – the Cheshire, Halton and Warrington Race and Equality Centre – and a team from Manchester Metropolitan University to investigate racism in Cheshire secondary schools. In an area where the population is over 93% ‘white British’, the sense that ‘there's nothing to be racist about in this school’ (Year 8 pupil) was found to be common. The three-year SSu2R study used a multimethod approach to study how students ‘do race’ in these schools, where the silent advocacy of a ‘colour-blind’ approach is promulgated through the popular rhetoric of ‘everyone is unique’ and ‘we should treat everyone the same’. Race is tackled only tangentially through the curriculum, accompanied by silences that close down discussion. Perhaps unsurprisingly given this context, forms of everyday racism are endemic and yet mostly unnoticed by staff or students. The article uses Bourdieu's concepts of ‘doxa’ and ‘the game’ to examine the nature of this silence

    A theory of motivation and ontological enhancement: the role of disability policy in student empowerment and institutional change

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    As debate continues around the nature and values of education, it is important to ask the question of what factors motivate a student to engage with the ends of an educational institution. In this paper, a broad, holistic view of learner motivation, derived from Aristotelian ethics, is used to provide a model to drive institutional change. Focussing on the approach of one Higher Education institution to the particular accommodations required for students with disabilities, the paper identifies three factors which motivate students, a failure to engage with the aims and ends of the educational project, a failure to see that a particular learning aim is worth attaining, and a simple lack of will‐power to attain it. To each of these failures a social cause is identified, and a change in both the institutional culture and the individual learner's approach to their education is suggested

    Domestic knowledge, inequalities and differences

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    Research suggests that domestic knowledge is an expression of gender differences, which is constructed and deployed through unequal social relations, and is able to empower women if it gains collective spaces of expression. The article presents an analysis of parental involvement at school in Spain so as to underpin the former thesis and highlight its connection with the political theory about the "sexual contract"

    Neoliberal anti-racism: Responding to ‘everywhere but different’ racism

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    © 2016, © The Author(s) 2016. Racism cannot be treated as a spatially homogeneous phenomenon. This review reports on the merits of a localized approach to anti-racism, and delivers a frank assessment of the challenges faced when developing local responses to racism in a neoliberal era. Under neoliberalism, local actors are responsibilized, and for anti-racism this means action can potentially be closely aligned to local inflexions of racism. But localized responses to racism under neoliberalism are associated with deracialized and depoliticized policies on interethnic community relations. Neoliberal anti-racism promotes competition among local agencies rather than coalition building, and is associated with spatially uneven and non-strategic action