3 research outputs found
Follicular lymphoma of the ocular adnexal region: A nation-based study
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma of the ocular adnexal region: A nation-based study
- Author
- Carbone
- Cheson
- Choi
- Chung
- Coiffier
- Coupland
- Ferry
- Feugier
- Hans
- Harris
- Hui
- Jakobiec
- Jenkins
- Johnson
- Knowles
- Knowles
- Korn
- Looi
- Lopez-Guillermo
- Lossos
- Madge
- Meunier
- Moller
- Ott
- Precupanu
- Rasmussen
- Sehn
- Sehn
- Sjo
- Swerdlow
- The International Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Prognostic Factors Project
- The Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Classification Project
- TNM Staging of Ocular Adnexal Lymphomas
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma and mantle cell lymphoma of the ocular adnexal region, and lymphoma of the lacrimal gland: An investigation of clinical and histopathological features
- Author
- Akpek
- Alencar
- Alizadeh
- Andersen
- Bahn
- Baimpa
- Banham
- Banks
- Bea
- Bende
- Beral
- Bessell
- Bestawros
- Bhatia
- Bonnet
- Brandtzaeg
- Broyde
- Campbell
- Carbone
- Cassidy
- Castillo
- Chan
- Chandran
- Cheson
- Chigrinova
- Cho
- Chodosh
- Choi
- Chung
- Clarke
- Coiffier
- Coiffier
- Collina
- Colomo
- Coupland
- Coupland
- Craig
- Decaudin
- Decaudin
- Dickinson
- Dreyling
- Dunn
- Esik
- Eve
- Fagarasan
- Farmer
- Ferlay
- Fernandez
- Ferreri
- Ferreri
- Ferreri
- Ferry
- Fisher
- Flanagan
- Fogt
- Franklin
- Freeman
- Friedberg
- Fu
- Gallamini
- Gang
- Garreis
- Gausas
- Geisler
- Geisler
- Geisler
- Geisler
- Gerard-Marchant
- Goda
- Goldschmidt
- Gu
- Gutierrez-Garcia
- Hans
- Harris
- Harris
- Hartge
- Herrmann
- Hon
- Hoster
- Hsi
- Hui
- Husain
- Hwang
- Iqbal
- Iqbal
- Jaffe
- Jenkins
- Jenkins
- Jerkeman
- Johnson
- Jovanovic
- Kao
- Killer
- Kim
- Kiratli
- Kivela
- Knop
- Knop
- Knop
- Knowles
- Knowles
- Kojima
- Komrokji
- Korn
- Kruger
- Lawrie
- Lawrie
- Lee
- Lennert
- Lenz
- Lenz
- Lenz
- Li
- Liedtke
- Lim
- Lin
- Looi
- Lopez-Guillermo
- Lossos
- Lukes
- Madge
- Martinet
- McDermott
- McGill
- Meek
- Meunier
- Meunier
- Meyer
- Mikulowska-Mennis
- Miller
- Miyasaka
- Moller
- Montes-Moreno
- Morton
- Mounier
- Muris
- Nedomova
- Nielander
- Nyman
- Nyman
- Oka
- Ott
- Ott
- O’Sullivan
- Pals
- Peleg
- Perez-Galan
- Peyrade
- Pfreundschuh
- Precupanu
- Rao
- Rapport
- Rapport
- Rasmussen
- Rasmussen
- Rasmussen
- Rimsza
- Roman
- Rosenwald
- Rosenwald
- Rosenwald
- Royo
- Salaverria
- Salaverria
- Salles
- Samaha
- Savage
- Savage
- Savino
- Schmitz
- Seam
- Sehn
- Sehn
- Selewski
- Shields
- Shields
- Shustik
- Sjö
- Sjö
- Sjö
- Sjö
- Smedby
- Smedby
- Smith
- Smith
- Stacy
- Staudt
- Stefanovic
- Swerdlow
- Swerdlow
- Swerdlow
- Tanimoto
- The Danish Lymphoma Group
- The Danish National Board of Health
- The International Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Prognostic Factors Project
- The Working Formulation
- Tiemann
- TNM Staging of Ocular Adnexal Lymphomas
- Visco
- Vitali
- von Holstein
- Voulgarelis
- Westin
- Winter
- Wright
- Zhao
- Zide
- Ziepert
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study