109 research outputs found

    Phase II study of bi-weekly administration of paclitaxel and cisplatin in patients with advanced oesophageal cancer

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    In a phase I study we demonstrated the feasibility of a bi-weekly combination of paclitaxel 180 mg mβˆ’2 with cisplatin 60 mg mβˆ’2. In this study we further assessed toxicity and efficacy of this schedule in the treatment of advanced cancer of the oesophagus or the gastro-oesophageal junction. Patients received paclitaxel 180 mg mβˆ’2 administered over 3 h followed by a 3-h infusion of cisplatin 60 mg mβˆ’2. Patients were retreated every 2 weeks unless granulocytes were <0.75Γ—109 or platelets <75Γ—109. Patients were evaluated after three and six cycles and responding patients received a maximum of eight cycles. Fifty-one patients were enrolled into the study. The median age was 56 years (range 32–78). WHO performance status were: 0 (19 patients); 1 (29 patients); 2 (three patients). All patients received at least three cycles of chemotherapy and all were evaluable for toxicity and response. Haematological toxicity consisted of uncomplicated neutropenia grade 3 in 39% and grade 4 in 31% of patients. Five patients (10%) were hospitalised, three patients because of treatment related complications and two patients because of infections without neutropenia. Sensory neurotoxicity was the predominant non-haematological toxicity; grade 1 and 2 neurotoxicity was observed in 43 and 20% of patients, respectively. Response evaluation in 51 patients with measurable disease: complete response 4%, partial response 39%, stable disease 43% and progressive disease in 14% of the patients. The median duration of response was 8 months. The median survival for all patients was 9 (range 2–29+) months and the one-year survival rate was 43%. Four patients who received additional local treatment (two patients surgery and two patients radiotherapy) are still disease free after a follow-up of 20–29 months. This bi-weekly treatment of paclitaxel and cisplatin is well tolerated by patients with advanced oesophageal cancer. The toxicity profile of this regimen compares favourable to that of previously used cisplatin- and paclitaxel-based regimens. Trials are underway evaluating this bi-weekly regimen in a neo-adjuvant setting

    Multiattribute perceptual mapping with idiosyncratic brand and attribute sets

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    This article proposes an extremely flexible procedure for perceptual mapping based on multiattribute ratings, such that the respondent freely generates sets of both brands and attributes. Therefore, the brands and attributes are known and relevant to each participant. Collecting and analyzing such idiosyncratic datasets can be challenging. Therefore, this study proposes a modification of generalized canonical correlation analysis to support the analysis of the complex data structure. The model results in a common perceptual map with subject-specific and overall fit measures. An experimental study compares the proposed procedure with alternative approaches using predetermined sets of brands and/or attributes. In the proposed procedure, brands are better known, attributes appear more relevant, and the respondent's burden is lower. The positions of brands in the new perceptual map differ from those obtained when using fixed brand sets. Moreover, the new procedure typically yields positioning information on more brands. An empirical study on positioning of shoe stores illustrates our procedure and resulting insights. Finally, the authors discuss limitations, potential application areas, and directions for research

    Immunological Basis for the Gender Differences in Murine Paracoccidioides brasiliensis Infection

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    This study aimed to investigate the immunological mechanisms involved in the gender distinct incidence of paracoccidioidomycosis (pcm), an endemic systemic mycosis in Latin America, which is at least 10 times more frequent in men than in women. Then, we compared the immune response of male and female mice to Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection, as well as the influence in the gender differences exerted by paracoccin, a P. brasiliensis component with carbohydrate recognition property. High production of Th1 cytokines and T-bet expression have been detected in the paracoccin stimulated cultures of spleen cells from infected female mice. In contrast, in similar experimental conditions, cells from infected males produced higher levels of the Th2 cytokines and expressed GATA-3. Macrophages from male and female mice when stimulated with paracoccin displayed similar phagocytic capability, while fungicidal activity was two times more efficiently performed by macrophages from female mice, a fact that was associated with 50% higher levels of nitric oxide production. In order to evaluate the role of sexual hormones in the observed gender distinction, we have utilized mice that have been submitted to gonadectomy followed by inverse hormonal reconstitution. Spleen cells derived from castrated males reconstituted with estradiol have produced higher levels of IFN-Ξ³ (1291Β±15 pg/mL) and lower levels of IL-10 (494Β±38 pg/mL), than normal male in response to paracoccin stimulus. In contrast, spleen cells from castrated female mice that had been treated with testosterone produced more IL-10 (1284Β±36 pg/mL) and less IFN-Ξ³ (587Β±14 pg/mL) than cells from normal female. In conclusion, our results reveal that the sexual hormones had a profound effect on the biology of immune cells, and estradiol favours protective responses to P. brasiliensis infection. In addition, fungal components, such as paracoccin, may provide additional support to the gender dimorphic immunity that marks P. brasiliensis infection

    Predicting participation of people with impaired vision in epidemiological studies

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    The characteristics of the target group and the design of an epidemiologic study, in particular the recruiting methods, can influence participation. People with vision impairment have unique characteristics because those invited are often elderly and totally or partially dependent on help to complete daily activities such as travelling to study sites. Therefore, participation of people with impaired vision in studies is less predictable than predicting participation for the general population.This study was supported by FCT (COMPETE/QREN) grant reference PTDC/DPT-EPI/0412/2012 in the context of the Prevalence and Costs of Visual Impairment in Portugal: a hospital based study (PCVIP-study). PLR is funded by FCT (COMPETE/QREN) grant reference SFRH/BD/119420/2016

    Identification of a Mutation Associated with Fatal Foal Immunodeficiency Syndrome in the Fell and Dales Pony

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    The Fell and Dales are rare native UK pony breeds at risk due to falling numbers, in-breeding, and inherited disease. Specifically, the lethal Mendelian recessive disease Foal Immunodeficiency Syndrome (FIS), which manifests as B-lymphocyte immunodeficiency and progressive anemia, is a substantial threat. A significant percentage (∼10%) of the Fell ponies born each year dies from FIS, compromising the long-term survival of this breed. Moreover, the likely spread of FIS into other breeds is of major concern. Indeed, FIS was identified in the Dales pony, a related breed, during the course of this work. Using a stepwise approach comprising linkage and homozygosity mapping followed by haplotype analysis, we mapped the mutation using 14 FIS–affected, 17 obligate carriers, and 10 adults of unknown carrier status to a ∼1 Mb region (29.8 – 30.8 Mb) on chromosome (ECA) 26. A subsequent genome-wide association study identified two SNPs on ECA26 that showed genome-wide significance after Bonferroni correction for multiple testing: BIEC2-692674 at 29.804 Mb and BIEC2-693138 at 32.19 Mb. The associated region spanned 2.6 Mb from ∼29.6 Mb to 32.2 Mb on ECA26. Re-sequencing of this region identified a mutation in the sodium/myo-inositol cotransporter gene (SLC5A3); this causes a P446L substitution in the protein. This gene plays a crucial role in the regulatory response to osmotic stress that is essential in many tissues including lymphoid tissues and during early embryonic development. We propose that the amino acid substitution we identify here alters the function of SLC5A3, leading to erythropoiesis failure and compromise of the immune system. FIS is of significant biological interest as it is unique and is caused by a gene not previously associated with a mammalian disease. Having identified the associated gene, we are now able to eradicate FIS from equine populations by informed selective breeding

    Thermal Stabilization of an Endoglucanase by Cyclization

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    An intein-driven protein splicing approach allowed for the covalent linkage between the N- and C-termini of a polypeptide chain to create circular variants of the endo-Ξ²-1,3-1,4-glucanase, LicA, from Bacillus licheniformis. Two circular variants, LicA-C1 and LicA-C2, which have connecting loops of 20 and 14 amino acids, respectively, showed catalytic activities that are approximately two and three times higher, respectively, compared to that of the linear LicA (LicA-L1). The thermal stability of the circular variants was significantly increased compared to the linear form. Whereas the linear glucanase lost half of its activity after 3 min at 65 Β°C, the two circular variants have 6-fold (LicA-C1) and 16-fold (LicA-C2) increased half-life time of inactivation. In agreement with this, fluorescence spectroscopy and differential scanning calorimetry studies revealed that circular enzymes undergo structural changes at higher temperatures compared to that of the linear form. The effect of calcium on the conformational stability and function of the circular LicAs was also investigated, and we observed that the presence of calcium ions results in increased thermal stability. The impact of the length of the designed loops on thermal stability of the circular proteins is discussed, and it is suggested that cyclization may be an efficient strategy for the increased stability of proteins

    Genetic deficiency of aldose reductase counteracts the development of diabetic nephropathy in C57BL/6 mice

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    National Science Foundation of China [30770490]; 973 Program of China [2009CB941601]; Science Planning Program of Fujian Province [2009J1010]; Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province [2009J01180]; Fujian Provincial Department of Science and TechnoloThe aim of the study was to investigate the effects of genetic deficiency of aldose reductase in mice on the development of key endpoints of diabetic nephropathy. A line of Ar (also known as Akr1b3)-knockout (KO) mice, a line of Ar-bitransgenic mice and control C57BL/6 mice were used in the study. The KO and bitransgenic mice were deficient for Ar in the renal glomeruli and all other tissues, with the exception of, in the bitransgenic mice, a human AR cDNA knockin-transgene that directed collecting-tubule epithelial-cell-specific AR expression. Diabetes was induced in 8-week-old male mice with streptozotocin. Mice were further maintained for 17 weeks then killed. A number of serum and urinary variables were determined for these 25-week-old mice. Periodic acid-Schiff staining, western blots, immunohistochemistry and protein kinase C (PKC) activity assays were performed for histological analyses, and to determine the levels of collagen IV and TGF-beta 1 and PKC activities in renal cortical tissues. Diabetes-induced extracellular matrix accumulation and collagen IV overproduction were completely prevented in diabetic Ar-KO and bitransgenic mice. Ar deficiency also completely or partially prevented diabetes-induced activation of renal cortical PKC, TGF-beta 1 and glomerular hypertrophy. Loss of Ar results in a 43% reduction in urine albumin excretion in the diabetic Ar-KO mice and a 48% reduction in the diabetic bitransgenic mice (p < 0.01). Genetic deficiency of Ar significantly ameliorated development of key endpoints linked with early diabetic nephropathy in vivo. Robust and specific inhibition of aldose reductase might be an effective strategy for the prevention and treatment of diabetic nephropathy

    Synergistic inhibition of prostate cancer cell lines by a 19- nor hexafluoride vitamin D3 analogue and anti-activator protein 1 retinoid

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    The secosteroid hormones, all- trans- and 9- cis -retinoic acid and vitamin D3, have demonstrated significant capacity to control proliferation in itro of many solid tumour cell lines. Cooperative synergistic effects by these two ligands have been reported, and it is, therefore, possible that greater therapeutic effects could be achieved if these compounds were administered together. The role of retinoid-dependent anti-activator protein 1 (anti-AP-1) effects in controlling cancer cell proliferation appears significant. We have utilized an anti- AP-1 retinoid [2-(4,4-dimethyl-3,4-dihydro-2H-1 benzopyran-6-yl)carbonyl-2-(4-carboxyphenyl)-1,3,-dithiane; SR11238], which does not transactivate through a retinoic acid response element (RARE), and a potent vitamin D3analogue [1Ξ±,25(OH)2-16-ene-23-yne-26,27-F6-19-nor -D3, code name LH] together at low, physiologically safer doses against a panel of prostate cancer cell lines that represent progressively more transformed phenotypes. The LNCaP (least transformed) and PC-3 (intermediately transformed) cell lines were synergistically inhibited in their clonal growth by the combination of LH and SR11238, whereas SR11238 alone was essentially inactive. DU-145 cells (most transformed) were completely insensitive to these analogues. LNCaP cells, but neither PC-3 nor DU-145, underwent apoptosis in the presence of LH and SR11238. Transactivation of the human osteocalcin vitamin D response element (VDRE) by LH was not enhanced in the presence of SR11238, although the expression of E-cadherin in these cells was additively up-regulated in the presence of both compounds. These data suggest the anti-AP-1 retinoid and the vitamin D3 analogue may naturally act synergistically to control cell proliferation, a process that is interrupted during transformation, and that this combination may form the basis for treatment of some androgen-independent prostate cancer. Β© 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    Determination of c-myc amplification and overexpression in breast cancer patients: evaluation of its prognostic value against c-erbB-2, cathepsin-D and clinicopathological characteristics using univariate and multivariate analysis

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    C-myc and c-erbB-2 amplification and/or overexpression as well as total cathepsin-D (CD) concentration have been reported to be associated with poor prognosis in breast cancer. The prognostic significance, however, remains somewhat controversial, partly because of discrepancies among the different methodologies used. We determined the amplification and overexpression of c-myc oncogene in 152 breast cancer patients and examined its prognostic value in relation to c-erbB-2 amplification and overexpression, high concentration of CD (β‰₯ 60 pmol mg–1 protein) and standard clinicopathological prognostic factors of the disease. High CD concentration, as well as c-myc amplification and overexpression, proved to be the best of the new variables examined for prediction of early relapse (ER; before 3 years). After multivariate analysis only CD remained significant, which suggests that the prognostic power of these variables is similar. Using univariate analysis we proved that c-myc amplification and overexpression were highly significant for disease-free survival (DFS) (P = 0.0016 and P = 0.0001 respectively) and overall survival (OS) (P < 0.0001 and P = 0.0095 respectively), although by multivariate analysis c-myc overexpression was statistically significant only for DFS (P = 0.0001) and c-myc amplification only for OS (P = 0.0006). With regard to c-erbB-2, only its overexpression appeared to be significant for DFS and OS, although after multivariate analysis its prognostic power was weaker (P = 0.030 and P = 0.024 respectively). c-myc amplification and overexpression exhibited a tendency for locoregional recurrence (LRR) (P = 0.0024 and P = 0.0075 respectively), however, their prognostic value was lower after multivariate analysis and only CD remained significant. Β© 1999 Cancer Research Campaig

    The Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone system in patients with depression compared to controls – a sleep endocrine study

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    BACKGROUND: Hypercortisolism as a sign of hypothamamus-pituitary-adrenocortical (HPA) axis overactivity and sleep EEG changes are frequently observed in depression. Closely related to the HPA axis is the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) as 1. adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) is a common stimulus for cortisol and aldosterone, 2. cortisol release is suppressed by mineralocorticoid receptor (MR) agonists 3. angiotensin II (ATII) releases CRH and vasopressin from the hypothalamus. Furthermore renin and aldosterone secretion are synchronized to the rapid eyed movement (REM)-nonREM cycle. METHODS: Here we focus on the difference of sleep related activity of the RAAS between depressed patients and healthy controls. We studied the nocturnal plasma concentration of ACTH, cortisol, renin and aldosterone, and sleep EEG in 7 medication free patients with depression (1 male, 6 females, age: (mean +/-SD) 53.3 Β± 14.4 yr.) and 7 age matched controls (2 males, 5 females, age: 54.7 Β± 19.5 yr.). After one night of accommodation a polysomnography was performed between 23.00 h and 7.00 h. During examination nights blood samples were taken every 20 min between 23.00 h and 7.00 h. Area under the curve (AUC) for the hormones separated for the halves of the night (23.00 h to 3.00 h and 3.00 h to 7.00 h) were used for statistical analysis, with analysis of co variance being performed with age as a covariate. RESULTS: No differences in ACTH and renin concentrations were found. For cortisol, a trend to an increase was found in the first half of the night in patients compared to controls (p < 0.06). Aldosterone was largely increased in the first (p < 0.05) and second (p < 0.01) half of the night. Cross correlations between hormone concentrations revealed that in contrast to earlier findings, which included only male subjects, in our primarily female sample, renin and aldosterone secretion were not coupled and no difference between patients and controls could be found, suggesting a gender difference in RAAS regulation. No difference in conventional sleep EEG parameters were found in our sample. CONCLUSION: Hyperaldosteronism could be a sensitive marker for depression. Further our findings point to an altered renal mineralocorticoid sensitivity in patients with depression
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