873 research outputs found

    Improving the Quality of Public Services through Bureaucratic Reformation: Human Right Perspectives

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    This article discusses Bureaucratic Reform from the Perspective of Human Rights in improving the quality of public services. Bureaucratic Reform is a process of change that is carried out in stages, systematically, and continuously. It aims to create clean governance, improving public services, capacity, and accountability of bureaucratic performance and professionalism of Human Resource Apparatus. This process can be seen as a change from the current condition to the targeted condition within the scope of Bureaucratic Reform. There are several problems faced in improving maximum public services, including 1) transactions leadership, 2) adaptive organizational structure, 3) weak policy implementation, 4) inefficient organizational structure and management, 5) unclear service systems and strategies, 6) corrupt organizational behavior; 7) lack of transparency. In order to solve problems in the government bureaucracy, it is necessary to reform its structure and work culture. If bureaucratic reform in services is successfully implemented, public service bureaucratic reformation will achieve the expected goals, including: an increase in public respect for government performance as a service provider, a decrease or even elimination of public authority abuse by officials in the agencies concerned; realization of a country that has the most-improved bureaucracy and improves the quality of each service sector to the public.This article discusses Bureaucratic Reform from the Perspective of Human Rights in improving the quality of public services. Bureaucratic Reform is a process of change that is carried out in stages, systematically, and continuously. It aims to create clean governance, improving public services, capacity, and accountability of bureaucratic performance and professionalism of Human Resource Apparatus. This process can be seen as a change from the current condition to the targeted condition within the scope of Bureaucratic Reform. There are several problems faced in improving maximum public services, including 1) transactions leadership, 2) adaptive organizational structure, 3) weak policy implementation, 4) inefficient organizational structure and management, 5) unclear service systems and strategies, 6) corrupt organizational behavior; 7) lack of transparency. In order to solve problems in the government bureaucracy, it is necessary to reform its structure and work culture. If bureaucratic reform in services is successfully implemented, public service bureaucratic reformation will achieve the expected goals, including: an increase in public respect for government performance as a service provider, a decrease or even elimination of public authority abuse by officials in the agencies concerned; realization of a country that has the most-improved bureaucracy and improves the quality of each service sector to the public

    Mutatók és kompiláció 17–18. századi katolikus prédikációgyűjteményekben

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    Soliloquium divinum elegiacum

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    Exploratory study to explore the role of ICT in the process of knowledge management in an Indian business environment

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    In the 21st century and the emergence of a digital economy, knowledge and the knowledge base economy are rapidly growing. To effectively be able to understand the processes involved in the creating, managing and sharing of knowledge management in the business environment is critical to the success of an organization. This study builds on the previous research of the authors on the enablers of knowledge management by identifying the relationship between the enablers of knowledge management and the role played by information communication technologies (ICT) and ICT infrastructure in a business setting. This paper provides the findings of a survey collected from the four major Indian cities (Chennai, Coimbatore, Madurai and Villupuram) regarding their views and opinions about the enablers of knowledge management in business setting. A total of 80 organizations participated in the study with 100 participants in each city. The results show that ICT and ICT infrastructure can play a critical role in the creating, managing and sharing of knowledge in an Indian business environment

    Anthrax, fairly undetected in Papua New Guinea

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    Anthrax is caused by the organism Bacillus anthracis. The organism is globally occurring and epidemics are reported the world over. It is an important infectious disease of domestic animals and can survive harsh conditions that would otherwise be drastic for other microorganisms. To date, no outbreak has been reported in the Pacific Island region except Australia and New Zealand where B. anthracis has been isolated from livestock. Papua New Guinea has had sporadic (reported) instances of anthrax outbreak, but has not been scientifically established. It is still unclear if the anthrax causing organism is present in the environment or wildlife in the country. It remains to be so until scientific evidence becomes available. This article aims to review scientific evidence of anthrax in the country

    Klórtartalmú szénvegyületek hidrodeklórozása zeolitokon = Hydrodechlorination of chlorine compounds on zeolites

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    Pt és Pd tartalmú, Y-FAU-típusú zeolitokat állítottunk elő és a szén-tetraklorid hidrodeklórozásával teszteltük. Összehasonlítva a két fém szemcséit tartalmazó katalizátorok tulajdonságát a legérdekesebb különbség az volt, hogy a Pt-val ellentétben Pd-on nem tapasztaltuk a köztitermék kloroform képződését, és a teljes klórcsere végeredménye, azaz a főtermék nem metán, hanem etán volt. Más klórtartalmú anyagok, a triklóretilén és az 1,1,2-triklóretán hidrodeklórozását is összehasonlítottuk Pt- és Pd-tartalmú zeolit katalizátorainkon. A két reaktáns aktivitásában lévő különbségeket elméleti számításokkal is alátámasztottuk. A hidrogén/triklóretilén arány növelése nagymértékben növelte a reakciósebességet, de nem volt hatással a szelektivitásra. Pt- és Pd-tartalmú ZSM5 zeolit aktivitását is teszteltük szén-tetrakloriddal és vizsgáltuk klórfenolok hidrodeklórozását is. A C-atom experimentálisan megállapított standard képződési entalpiáját hibásnak találtuk. A hiba kicsi, de kummulatív, a szénatomszám növekedésével az atomizációs energiából számított molekuláris képződési hő egyre jobban eltér a valódi értéktől. Korrigált számításainkat szénhidrogénekre publikáltuk, és klórtartalmú szénhidrogénekre is elkészültek. Létrehoztunk egy új ab initio kvantumkémiai programot, mellyel nagy pontosságú számítások végezhetők a Schrödinger-egyenlet teljes variációs megoldásával. Eredmények vannak kisebb halogéntartalmú szénhidrogénekre is. | Pt- and Pd-containing zeolite (Y-FAU) supported catalysts were synthesized and tested in the hydrodechlorination of carbon tetrachloride. Comparing their properties, the main differences were the following: -using Pt/zeolite, methane and hydrogen chloride were the final products and chloroform was detected as intermediate product -over Pd/zeolite, ethane was the final product and no chloroform was detected at all. Catalytic decomposition of other chlorine containing compounds such as trichloroethene and 1,1,2-trichloro-ethane was investigated on the above-mentioned catalysts. Differences in their experimental behaviour were supported with theoretical calculations. Higher ratio of hydrogen and trichloroethene significantly increased the reaction rate of hydrodechlorination, but did not have any influence on the selectivity. The activity of Pt- and Pd-ZSM5 zeolites were also tested in the hydrodechlorination of both carbon tetrachloride and moreover chlorophenols. The formation enthalpy of carbon atom determined experimentally was found to be incorrect. The error is small, but cumulative. Corrected calculations were published for hydrocarbons and finished for chlorinated hydrocarbons, too. A new ab initio quantumchemical program was developed which is suitable for precise calculations for atoms and molecules solving the Schrödinger equation fully variationally. Results are available for small chlorinated hydrocarbons as well

    Negative Emotion and Seeking Social Support during the Early Stage of System Implementation: A Case Study

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    Although humans are found to be hardwired for being influenced by referent others from the same social realm (Cialdini and Trost, 1998), our literature review indicates that conventional technology adoption models (such as the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, UTAUT) in Information Systems literature often implicitly assume that user beliefs are independent of what others say or do. Social information and communication are treated as external variables and are not considered directly. Moreover, the picture that these models paint is predominantly cognition-based with little colour of emotion except for Computer Anxiety (Compeau and Higgins, 1995). Although the technology adoption literature does have one research stream on non-instrumental outcomes, such as enjoyment (Davis, Bagozzi and Warshaw, 1992) and flow (Webster, Trevino and Ryan, 1993), its focus is mainly on human-computer interaction (Agarwal, 2000). Emotion-related topics that are ample in the organizational transformation literature are relatively less explored in extant technology adoption literature. The adoption of a new information technology at work invokes a series of changes in work procedures and relationships, which may be a hotbed of negative emotions such as anxiety and powerlessness. We draw on social information processing theory (Salancik and Pfeffer, 1978) and stress and coping theory (Lazarus and Folkman, 1984) to examine how case managers of one non-for-profit health resource coordination institute in Canada could be influenced by one another via seeking social support in order to regain the sense of control and/or to regulate the negative emotion aroused by the coming of a new information technology. Interviews with thirteen case managers were conducted to understand the role of communication in their emotional and behavioural response to the adoption of a new technology. At the end of the paper we propose an alternative conceptual model that incorporates communication and user emotion to enrich the existing understanding of technology acceptance
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