2,457 research outputs found

    Theory of a magnetic microscope with nanometer resolution

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    We propose a theory for a type of apertureless scanning near field microscopy that is intended to allow the measurement of magnetism on a nanometer length scale. A scanning probe, for example a scanning tunneling microscope (STM) tip, is used to scan a magnetic substrate while a laser is focused on it. The electric field between the tip and substrate is enhanced in such a way that the circular polarization due to the Kerr effect, which is normally of order 0.1% is increased by up to two orders of magnitude for the case of a Ag or W tip and an Fe sample. Apart from this there is a large background of circular polarization which is non-magnetic in origin. This circular polarization is produced by light scattered from the STM tip and substrate. A detailed retarded calculation for this light-in-light-out experiment is presented.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figure

    Progress in the Preclinical Discovery and Clinical Development of Class I and Dual Class I/IV Phosphoinositide 3-Kinase (PI3K) Inhibitors

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    The phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) constitute an important family of lipid kinase enzymes that control a range of cellular processes through their regulation of a network of signal transduction pathways, and have emerged as important therapeutic targets in the context of cancer, inflammation and cardiovascular diseases. Since the mid-late 1990s, considerable progress has been made in the discovery and development of small molecule ATP-competitive PI3K inhibitors, a number of which have entered early phase human trials over recent years from which key clinical results are now being disclosed. This review summarizes progress made to date, primarily on the discovery and characterization of class I and dual class I/IV subtype inhibitors, together with advances that have been made in translational and clinical research, notably in cancer

    Following the Nonthermal Phase Transition in Niobium Dioxide by Time-Resolved Harmonic Spectroscopy

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    Photoinduced phase transitions in correlated materials promise diverse applications from ultrafast switches to optoelectronics. Resolving those transitions and possible metastable phases temporally are key enablers for these applications, but challenge existing experimental approaches. Extreme nonlinear optics can help probe phase changes, as higher-order nonlinearities have higher sensitivity and temporal resolution to band structure and lattice deformations. Here the ultrafast transition from the semiconducting to the metallic phases in polycrystalline thin-film NbO2 is investigated by time-resolved harmonic spectroscopy. The emission strength of all harmonic orders shows a steplike suppression when the excitation fluence exceeds a threshold (∼11-12 mJ/cm2), below the fluence required for the thermal transition - a signature of the nonthermal emergence of a metallic phase within 100 ± 20 fs. This observation is backed by full ab initio simulations as well as a 1D chain model of high-harmonic generation from both phases. Our results demonstrate femtosecond harmonic probing of phase transitions and nonthermal dynamics in solids.</p

    Crossover effects in a discrete deposition model with Kardar-Parisi-Zhang scaling

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    We simulated a growth model in 1+1 dimensions in which particles are aggregated according to the rules of ballistic deposition with probability p or according to the rules of random deposition with surface relaxation (Family model) with probability 1-p. For any p>0, this system is in the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class, but it presents a slow crossover from the Edwards-Wilkinson class (EW) for small p. From the scaling of the growth velocity, the parameter p is connected to the coefficient of the nonlinear term of the KPZ equation, lambda, giving lambda ~ p^gamma, with gamma = 2.1 +- 0.2. Our numerical results confirm the interface width scaling in the growth regime as W ~ lambda^beta t^beta, and the scaling of the saturation time as tau ~ lambda^(-1) L^z, with the expected exponents beta =1/3 and z=3/2 and strong corrections to scaling for small lambda. This picture is consistent with a crossover time from EW to KPZ growth in the form t_c ~ lambda^(-4) ~ p^(-8), in agreement with scaling theories and renormalization group analysis. Some consequences of the slow crossover in this problem are discussed and may help investigations of more complex models.Comment: 16 pages, 7 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Haematological and biochemical parameters in Churra-da-Terra-Quente ewes from the northeast of Portugal

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    Hematological and biochemical parameters, including plasma electrolytes and thyroid hormones, were determined in 73 clinically healthy Churra-da-Terra-Quente ewes, a typical breed from the northeast of Portugal. The hemogram values were: erythrocytes 9.8±1.51012/L; haemoglobin 118.1±19.1g/L; haematocrit 40.8±5.9%; leukocytes 5.7±1.8109/L; and platelets 544.3±177.2109/L. The thrombin time was 17.3±1.7 seconds. The values of biochemical parameters were: total protein 76.4±6.1g/L; glucose 2.87±0.60mmol/L; total cholesterol 1.65±0.33mmol/L; aspartate aminotransferase 155.9±49.2U/L; alanine aminotransferase 23.2±9.6U/L; γ-glutamyl transferase 48.0±18.7U/L; total alkaline phosphatase 121.6±76.1U/L; glutamate dehydrogenase 6.4±3.7U/L; urea 7.32±2.22mmol/L; creatinine 123.0±54.1μmol/L; total calcium 2.53±0.25mmol/L; phosphorus 2.10±0.46mmol/L; magnesium 1.01±0.09mmol/L; sodium 152.04±3.65mmol/L; potassium 4.7±0.4mmol/L; ionized calcium 1.32±0.07mmol/L; total thyroxine 111.75±42.29nmol/L; total triiodothyronine 1.01±0.28nmol/L; free T4 11.93±1.78pmol/L; free T3 4.22±1.33pmol/L; and thyroid-stimulating hormone 0.18±0.19μIU/mL. Although differences among the Churra-da-Terra-Quente breed and other breeds may occur, the hematological and biochemical parameters, plasma electrolytes, and thyroid hormones, for this indigenous breed, were generally situated within the reference intervals previously reported for sheep

    Measurement of single electron emission in two-phase xenon

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    We present the first measurements of the electroluminescence response to the emission of single electrons in a two-phase noble gas detector. Single ionization electrons generated in liquid xenon are detected in a thin gas layer during the 31-day background run of the ZEPLIN-II experiment, a two-phase xenon detector for WIMP dark matter searches. Both the pressure dependence and magnitude of the single-electron response are in agreement with previous measurements of electroluminescence yield in xenon. We discuss different photoionization processes as possible cause for the sample of single electrons studied in this work. This observation may have implications for the design and operation of future large-scale two-phase systems.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Hydrogen-Helium Mixtures at High Pressure

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    The properties of hydrogen-helium mixtures at high pressure are crucial to address important questions about the interior of Giant planets e.g. whether Jupiter has a rocky core and did it emerge via core accretion? Using path integral Monte Carlo simulations, we study the properties of these mixtures as a function of temperature, density and composition. The equation of state is calculated and compared to chemical models. We probe the accuracy of the ideal mixing approximation commonly used in such models. Finally, we discuss the structure of the liquid in terms of pair correlation functions.Comment: Proceedings article of the 5th Conference on Cryocrystals and Quantum Crystals in Wroclaw, Poland, submitted to J. Low. Temp. Phys. (2004

    Matching gauge theory and string theory in a decoupling limit of AdS/CFT

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    We identify a regime of the AdS/CFT correspondence in which we can quantitatively match N=4 super Yang-Mills (SYM) for small 't Hooft coupling with weakly coupled type IIB string theory on AdS_5 x S^5. We approach this regime by taking the same decoupling limit on both sides of the correspondence. On the gauge theory side only the states in the SU(2) sector survive, and in the planar limit the Hamiltonian is given by the XXX_{1/2} Heisenberg spin chain. On the string theory side we show that the decoupling limit corresponds to a non-relativistic limit. In this limit some of the bosonic modes and all of the fermionic modes of the string become infinitely heavy and decouple. We first take the decoupling limit of the string sigma-model classically. This enables us to identify a semi-classical regime with semi-classical string states even though we are in a regime corresponding to small 't Hooft coupling. We furthermore analyze the quantum corrections that enter in taking the limit. From this we infer that gauge theory and string theory match, both in terms of the action and the spectrum, for the leading part and the first correction away from the semi-classical regime. Finally we consider the implications for the hitherto unexplained matching of the one-loop contribution to the energy of certain gauge theory and string theory states, and we explain how our results give a firm basis for the matching of the Hagedorn temperature in hep-th/0608115.Comment: 29 pages, 1 figure. v2: Version published in JHEP, section 4 improve

    Ultrafast optically induced spin transfer in ferromagnetic alloys

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    The vision of using light to manipulate electronic and spin excitations in materials on their fundamental time and length scales requires new approaches in experiment and theory to observe and understand these excitations. The ultimate speed limit for all-optical manipulation requires control schemes for which the electronic or magnetic subsystems of the materials are coherently manipulated on the time scale of the laser excitation pulse. In our work, we provide experimental evidence of such a direct, ultrafast, and coherent spin transfer between two magnetic subsystems of an alloy of Fe and Ni. Our experimental findings are fully supported by time-dependent density functional theory simulations and, hence, suggest the possibility of coherently controlling spin dynamics on subfemtosecond time scales, i.e., the birth of the research area of attomagnetism