156 research outputs found

    Design High speed Reed Solomon Decoder on FPGA

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    This paper presents a design on Reed Solomon Code for Wi-Max Network. The implementation, written in Very High speed hardware description Language (VHDL) is based on Berlekamp Massey, Forney and Chain Algorithm. The 802.16 network standard recommends the use of Reed-Solomon code RS (255,239), which is implemented and discussed in this paper. It is targeted to be applied in a forward error correction system based on 802.16 network standard to improve the overall performance of the system. The objective of this work is to implement a Reed- Solomon VHDL code to measure the performance of the RS Decoder on Xilinx Spartan 6 (xc6slx100t-3-fgg484) and Xilinx Spartan 3e (xc3s500e-4-fg320) FPGA.The performance of the implemented RS codec on both FPGAs will be compared. The performance metrics to be used are the area occupied by the design and the frequency at which the design can run


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    Baby weight at birth related to maternal characteristics, infants are more likely to have an average weight of 2500 grams or more if the 20-34 year-old mother gave birth to her first child when the time, the data IDHS showed 74.3 percent prevalence rate. On the whole the same source reported 6 percent of babies had birth weight less than 2500 grams. Several studies on the impact of the work done by the pregnant woman to the fetus have been carried out, including studies conducted by Manshande et al., (1987) who compared pregnant women who perform heavy physical activity in the last week of pregnancy in pregnant women who do not perform physical activity (breaks) in the last weeks of pregnancy. In this study it was reported that all infants born full-term and the long break has a strong influence on birth weight infants, where there is an increase in birth weight of 334 grams on the baby girl, but there was no difference in the birth weight of a baby boy. The research objective consists of the general objective is to determine whether or not the relationship type of physical labor for expectant mothers with a birth weight babies in hospitals Prof. DR. W.Z.Johannes Kupang in 2010. This research is explanatory research with design Cross-sectional Study. The study population is all the mothers in hospitals inpartu Prof. DR. Kupang WZJohannes May to October 2010 was 917 people (Register childbirth, 2010), the study sample inpartu some mothers who met the inclusion criteria, among others, mothers with spontaneous labor, action and artificial, and the exclusion criteria were mothers with twin births, diabetes mellitus and mother to smoking.The sampling method is non-probability sampling, with Porposive sampling techniques, sample size of 50 people. The results that most of the respondents who do strenuous activity during pregnancy give birth to babies with birth weight 2500-4000 grams (82%). Respondents who had parity ≤ 4 (84%) gave birth to infants with birth weight 2500-4000 grams, while 3 respondents (6%) with parity> 4 having a baby with birth weight 2500-4000 grams. While the majority of respondents (82%) with a gestational age range 37-42 weeks of having a baby with birth weight 2500-4000 grams, while 4 respondents (8%) with a gestational age <37 weeks of having a baby with a birth weight of 2500-4000 grams. Conclusion that most of the mothers inpartu heavy physical activity based total energy released by the average birth weight of 2500-4000 grams. Statistical analysis states that there is no significant relationship between maternal physical work during pregnancy with birth weight infants

    Herramienta de apoyo para la generación de resúmenes fáciles de leer para personas con dificultades de comprensión

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    Hoy en día, la gran cantidad de información disponible, sobre todo en Internet, hace que sea prácticamente imposible leerla y entenderla por completo. Vivimos en una sociedad de constantes cambios tecnológicos, las tecnologías de la información evolucionan y cambian nuestra forma de vida en muchas áreas de conocimiento. Estos cambios hacen necesarios desarrollos de nuevas aplicaciones relacionadas con el Procesamiento del Lenguaje Humano, cuyos objetivos sean facilitar la comprensión de las personas, tengan o no algún tipo de discapacidad de comprensión. Este proyecto fin de grado tiene como finalidad unir varias tecnologías con el fin de poder cumplir un claro objetivo: desarrollar una aplicación que permita a las personas con algún tipo de dificultad de comprensión tener acceso a la información de una forma más sencilla y fácil de comprender. Este proyecto consta de dos partes bien diferenciadas e independientes. En la primera parte, se desarrolla la funcionalidad para la generación del resumen de un texto en español. Para esta funcionalidad se hace uso de la librería Grafeno , la cual extrae grafos semánticos a partir de contenidos textuales y nos proporciona los recursos necesarios para que el procesamiento de la información sea más sencillo. En la segunda parte se desarrolla la funcionalidad de simplificación de textos. Esta funcionalidad transforma un texto en otro equivalente, más fácil de entender por una audiencia determinada. Las oraciones complejas se transforman en oraciones más simples y se reemplazan las palabras difíciles por otras más sencillas. Para esto, se hace uso de distintas herramientas de código abierto ya existentes. Las dos funcionalidades descritas anteriormente pueden ser usadas de forma conjunta o independiente. Esta característica nos facilita la tarea de usar la una o la otra. Nuestra herramienta cuenta con una interfaz sencilla e intuitiva que facilita su acceso a personas con pocos conocimientos en informática

    A simple high-sensitivity technique for purity analysis of xenon gas

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    We report on the development and performance of a high-sensitivity purity-analysis technique for gaseous xenon. The gas is sampled at macroscopic pressure from the system of interest using a UHV leak valve. The xenon present in the sample is removed with a liquid-nitrogen cold trap, and the remaining impurities are observed with a standard vacuum mass-spectroscopy device. Using calibrated samples of xenon gas spiked with known levels of impurities, we find that the minimum detectable levels of N2, O2, and methane are 1 ppb, 160 ppt, and 60 ppt respectively. This represents an improvement of about a factor of 10,000 compared to measurements performed without a coldtrap.Comment: 20 pages, 5 figure

    Study of a zirconium getter for purification of xenon gas

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    Oxygen, nitrogen and methane purification efficiencies for a common zirconium getter are measured in 1050 Torr of xenon gas. Starting with impurity concentrations near 10^{-6} g/g, the outlet impurity level is found to be less than 120*10^{-12} g/g for O2 and less than 950*10^{-12} g/g for N2. For methane we find residual contamination of the purified gas at concentrations varying over three orders of magnitude, depending on the purifier temperature and the gas flow rate. A slight reduction in the purifier's methane efficiency is observed after 13 mg of this impurity has been absorbed, which we attribute to partial exhaustion of the purifier's capacity for this species. We also find that the purifier's ability to absorb N2 and methane can be extinguished long before any decrease in O2 performance is observed, and slower flow rates should be employed for xenon purification due to the cooling effect that the heavy gas has on the getter.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Hubungan Jaminan Persalinan, Jarak Tempat Tinggal, Waktu Tempuh dan Kebiasaan Masyarakat Terhadap Pemanfaatan Tempat Persalinan Di Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan

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    Background: The phenomenon in Indonesia is still the number of mothers giving birth does not use health facilities and with the help of non-health workers, which can affect the high maternal mortality rate. South Central Timor District is one of the regencies in East Nusa Tenggara province with the highest maternal mortality rate of 290/100,000 live births. In addition, the problem of access to health facilities is low, due to the affordability of locations where health services are difficult, the type and quality of service and affordability to information (WHO, 2008). Methods: observational analytic with a cross-sectional design. The number of sample of 95 respondents. Sampling technique is systematic random sampling. Data analysis using SPSS. Descriptive analysis to describe the frequency distribution of each variable, the chi-square test used for bivariate analysis is to assess the relationship between independent variables with a dependent. Statistical test with a 5% significance level. Result: labor guarantee has p-value 0,003 (OR 0,098, 95% CI: 0,019-0,509), distance of residence with p-value 0,498 (OR 1,822 95% CI 0,428-7,761), travel time with p-value 0,710 (OR 1,292 95% CI 0.299-5,583), community habits in choosing the birthplace with p-value 0.010 (OR 13.833 95% CI 2,282-83,861). Multivariate analysis showed that labor delivery and community habits in choosing delivery sites were the strongest determinants of the utilization of maternity sites compared to other variables. Conclusions: Guaranteed labor and community habits in choosing a delivery venue have a significant relationship with the utilization of delivery at health facilities. While the distance between the residence and the travel time is not significant to the utilization of delivery places in health facilities.Latar belakang: fenomena di Indonesia adalah masih banyaknya ibu melahirkan tidak menggunakan fasilitas kesehatan dan di tolong oleh non tenaga kesehatan, yang mana dapat berdampak pada tingginya angka kematian ibu. Kabupaten Timor Tengah Selatan adalah salah satu Kabupaten di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur dengan angka kematian ibu tertinggi yaitu 290/100.000 kelahiran hidup. Selain itu masalah akses ke fasilitas kesehatan yang rendah, disebabkan karena keterjangkauan lokasi tempat pelayanan kesehatan yang sulit, jenis dan kualitas pelayanan serta keterjangkauan terhadap informasi (WHO, 2008). Metode penelitian: observasional analitik dengan rancangan cross sectional. Jumlah sampel 95 responden. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah systematic random sampling. Analisis data menggunakan SPSS. Analisis deskriptif untuk menggambarkan distribusi frekuensi setiap variabel, uji chi-square digunakan untuk analisis bivariat yaitu untuk menilai hubungan antara variabel independen dengan dependen. Uji statistik dengan tingkat signifikansi 5%. Hasil: jaminan persalinan mempunyai p-value 0,003 (OR 0,098, 95% CI: 0,019-0,509), jarak tempat tinggal dengan p-value 0,498 (OR 1,822 95% CI 0,428-7,761), waktu tempuh dengan p-value 0,710 (OR 1,292 95% CI 0,299-5,583), kebiasaan masyarakat dalam memilih tempat persalinan dengan p-value 0,010 (OR 13,833 95% CI 2,282-83,861). Analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa jaminan persalinan dan kebiasaan masyarakat dalam memilih tempat persalinan merupakan variabel penentu terkuat terhadap pemanfaatan tempat bersalin dibandingkan dengan variable lain. Kesimpulan: Jaminan persalinan dan kebiasaan masyarakat dalam memilih tempat persalinan mempunyai hubungan yang signifikan dengan pemanfaatan tempat persalinan di fasilitas kesehatan. Sedangkan jarak tempat tinggal dan waktu tempuh tidak signifikan terhadap pemanfaatan tempat persalinan di fasilitas kesehatan

    Clinicopathologic correlation of oral lichen planus and oral lichenoid lesions: a preliminary study

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    Oral lichen planus (OLP) and oral lichenoid lesions (OLL) are clinically and histologically similar lesions but their treatment planning and prognosis are different. The review of the literature indicates numerous criteria to distinguish these two lesions; however there is a lot of inconsistency. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine the correlation of histopathology and clinical OLP and OLL diagnosis and to clarify which histopathologic criteria could best distinguish these two diagnoses. A retrospective study showed that clinically diagnosed 92 OLPs and 14 OLLs have been confirmed histopathologically in 52.2% and 42.9% of cases, respectively. In addition, histopathology showed statistically significant more eosinophils (P<0.0005), plasma cells (P<0.0005), and granulocytes (P<0.05) in OLL than OLP. To establish histopathological diagnosis of OLP and OLL it should be mandatory to define the type of cells in mononuclear infiltrate, which can be associated more accurately with clinical feature and patient history. Therefore, currently accepted diagnostic criteria for OLP and OLL should be modified and validated on a larger number of patients taking into account particular distinguishing histopathological features

    Efficient Deep-Web-Harvesting Using Advanced Crawler

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    Due to heavy usage of internet large amount of diverse data is spread over it which provides access to particular data or to search most relevant data. It is very challenging for search engine to fetch relevant data as per user’s need and which consumes more time. So, to reduce large amount of time spend on searching most relevant data we proposed the “Advanced crawler”. In this proposed approach, results collected from different web search engines to achieve meta search approach. Multiple search engine for the user query and aggregate those result in one single space and then performing two stages crawling on that data or Urls. In which the sight locating and in-site exploring is done f or achieving most relevant site with the help of page ranking and reverse searching techniques. This system also works online and offline manner

    Spolne razlike u kliničkoj prezentaciji, liječenju i ishodima akutnog infarkta miokarda

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    Aim. To assess the epidemiological and clinical differences between men and women with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Patients and methods. This retrospective study included 579 patients (352 men and 221 women) who were hospitalized in the coronary and postcoronary unit in the General Hospital, Karlovac, Croatia, from 2013 to 2016. We determined the frequency, patient\u27s age, the type of symptoms, cardiovascular risk factors, localization, the time from onset of symptoms to arrival at the hospital, treatment and complications during hospitalization of AMI. Results. AMI is more frequent in men than in women (P < 0.001) and in men is significantly more likely to occur at an earlier age than in women (P < 0.001). Men often have typical symptoms, and women atypical symptoms (P = 0.045). Women have more often arterial hy-pertension (P = 0.017) and diabetes (P = 0.025), while men are more often smokers (P = 0.001). There was no difference between the gender regarding hyperlipidemia (P = 0,674). Distribution of localization (P = 0.608), the time required for the arrival at the hospital (P = 0,399) and all the complications of AMI are equal (P = 0.365). Men are more likely to receive PCI treatment, while women conservative therapy (P = 0.007). Conclusion. Compared with other studies, our women with AMI have less hyperlipidemia and do not come later to a hospital than men. Possible causes are dietary habits and genetics or education and good organization of outpatient emergency medical assistance.Cilj. Ispitati epidemiološke i kliničke razlike između žena i muškaraca s akutnim infarktom miokarda (AIM). Bolesnici i metode. Ova retrospektivna studija obuhvatila je 579 bolesnika (352 muškarca i 221 ženu) hospitaliziranih u koronarnoj i postkoronarnoj jedinici u Opće bolnice, Karlovac, Hrvatska, od 2013. do 2016. godine. Utvrdili smo učestalost, dob bolesnika, tip simptoma, kardiovaskularne rizične čimbenike, lokalizaciju, vrijeme od početka simptoma do dolaska u bolnicu, liječenje i komplikacije tijekom hospitalizacije AIM-a. Rezultati. AIM je češći kod muškaraca nego kod žena (P < 0,001) i kod muškaraca je značajno vjerojatnije da će se pojaviti u ranijoj dobi nego kod žena (P < 0,001). Muškarci češće imaju tipične simptome, a žene atipične simptome (P = 0,045). Žene imaju češće arterijsku hipertenziju (P = 0,017) i dijabetes (P = 0,025), dok su muškarci češće pušači (P = 0,001). Hiperlipidemija je podjednako zastupljena u oba spola (P = 0,674). Distribucija lokalizacije (P = 0,608), vrijeme potrebno za dolazak u bolnicu (P = 0,399) i sve komplikacije AIM-a su podjednako česti (P = 0,365). Muškarci se češće liječe invazivnom, a žene konzervativnom terapijom. Zaključak. U usporedbi s drugim istraživanjima, naše žene s AIM-om imaju manju učestalost hiperlipidemije i ne dolaze kasnije u bolnicu od muškaraca. Mogući razlozi su prehrambene navike i genetika ili obrazovanje i dobra organizacija izvanbolničke hitne medicinske pomoći