458 research outputs found

    Universal heat conduction in the iron-arsenide superconductor KFe2As2 : Evidence of a d-wave state

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    The thermal conductivity of the iron-arsenide superconductor KFe2As2 was measured down to 50 mK for a heat current parallel and perpendicular to the tetragonal c-axis. A residual linear term (RLT) at T=0 is observed for both current directions, confirming the presence of nodes in the superconducting gap. Our value of the RLT in the plane is equal to that reported by Dong et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 087005 (2010)] for a sample whose residual resistivity was ten times larger. This independence of the RLT on impurity scattering is the signature of universal heat transport, a property of superconducting states with symmetry-imposed line nodes. This argues against an s-wave state with accidental nodes. It favors instead a d-wave state, an assignment consistent with five additional properties: the magnitude of the critical scattering rate for suppressing Tc to zero; the magnitude of the RLT, and its dependence on current direction and on magnetic field; the temperature dependence of the thermal conductivity.Comment: To appear in Physical Review Letter

    Interaction between vortices in models with two order parameters

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    The interaction energy and force between widely separated strings is analyzed in a field theory having applications to superconducting cosmic strings, the SO(5) model of high-temperature superconductivity, and solitons in nonlinear optics. The field theory has two order parameters, one of which is broken in the vacuum (giving rise to strings), the other of which is unbroken in the vacuum but which could nonetheless be broken in the core of the string. If this does occur, there is an effect on the energetics of widely separated strings. This effect is important if the length scale of this second order parameter is longer than that of the other fields in the problem.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. Minor changes in the text. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Gemini Deep Deep Survey VI: Massive Hdelta-strong galaxies at z=1

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    We show that there has been a dramatic decline in the abundance of massive galaxies with strong Hdelta stellar absorption lines from z=1.2 to the present. These ``Hdelta-strong'', or HDS, galaxies have undergone a recent and rapid break in their star-formation activity. Combining data from the Gemini Deep Deep and the Sloan Digital Sky Surveys to make mass-matched samples (M*>=10^10.2 Msun), with 25 and 50,255 galaxies, respectively), we find that the fraction of galaxies in an HDS phase has decreased from about 50% at z=1.2 to a few percent today. This decrease in fraction is due to an actual decrease in the number density of massive HDS systems by a factor of 2-4, coupled with an increase in the number density of massive galaxies by about 30 percent. We show that this result depends only weakly on the threshold chosen for the Hdelta equivalent width to define HDS systems (if greater than 4 A) and corresponds to a (1+z)^{2.5\pm 0.7} evolution. Spectral synthesis studies of the high-redshift population using the PEGASE code, treating Hdelta_A, EW[OII], Dn4000, and rest-frame colors, favor models in which the Balmer absorption features in massive Hdelta-strong systems are the echoes of intense episodes of star-formation that faded about 1 Gyr prior to the epoch of observation. The z=1.4-2 epoch appears to correspond to a time at which massive galaxies are in transition from a mode of sustained star formation to a relatively quiescent mode with weak and rare star-formation episodes. We argue that the most likely local descendants of the distant massive HDS galaxies are passively evolving massive galaxies in the field and small groups.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables, uses emulateapj.sty; updated to match the version accepted by ApJ. One figure added, conclusions unchange

    The FMOS-COSMOS survey of star-forming galaxies at z~1.6. IV: Excitation state and chemical enrichment of the interstellar medium

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    We investigate the physical conditions of ionized gas in high-z star-forming galaxies using diagnostic diagrams based on the rest-frame optical emission lines. The sample consists of 701 galaxies with an Ha detection at 1.4â‰Čzâ‰Č1.71.4\lesssim z\lesssim1.7, from the FMOS-COSMOS survey, that represent the normal star-forming population over the stellar mass range 109.6â‰ČM∗/M⊙â‰Č1011.610^{9.6} \lesssim M_\ast/M_\odot \lesssim 10^{11.6} with those at M∗>1011 M⊙M_\ast>10^{11}~M_\odot being well sampled. We confirm an offset of the average location of star-forming galaxies in the BPT diagram ([OIII]/Hb vs. [NII]/Ha), primarily towards higher [OIII]/Hb, compared with local galaxies. Based on the [SII] ratio, we measure an electron density (ne=220−130+170 cm−3n_e=220^{+170}_{-130}~\mathrm{cm^{-3}}), that is higher than that of local galaxies. Based on comparisons to theoretical models, we argue that changes in emission-line ratios, including the offset in the BPT diagram, are caused by a higher ionization parameter both at fixed stellar mass and at fixed metallicity with additional contributions from a higher gas density and possibly a hardening of the ionizing radiation field. Ionization due to AGNs is ruled out as assessed with Chandra. As a consequence, we revisit the mass-metallicity relation using [NII]/Ha and a new calibration including [NII]/[SII] as recently introduced by Dopita et al. Consistent with our previous results, the most massive galaxies (M∗≳1011 M⊙M_\ast\gtrsim10^{11}~M_\odot) are fully enriched, while those at lower masses have metallicities lower than local galaxies. Finally, we demonstrate that the stellar masses, metallicities and star formation rates of the FMOS sample are well fit with a physically-motivated model for the chemical evolution of star-forming galaxies.Comment: 38 pages; Accepted for publication in Ap

    Morphologies of z~0.7 AGN host galaxies in CANDELS : no trend of merger incidence with AGN luminosity

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    PS would like to acknowledge funding through grant ASI I/005/11/0. DKoo would like to acknowledge funding through grant NSF AST-0808133. SJ acknowledges financial support from the EC through an ERC grant StG-257720.The processes that trigger active galactic nuclei (AGN) remain poorly understood. While lower luminosity AGN may be triggered by minor disturbances to the host galaxy, stronger disturbances are likely required to trigger luminous AGN. Major wet mergers of galaxies are ideal environments for AGN triggering since they provide large gas supplies and galaxy scale torques. There is however little observational evidence for a strong connection between AGN and major mergers. We analyse the morphological properties of AGN host galaxies as a function of AGN and host galaxy luminosity and compare them to a carefully matched sample of control galaxies. AGN are X-ray selected in the redshift range 0.5 < z < 0.8 and have luminosities 41 â‰Č log (LX [erg s−1]) â‰Č 44.5. ‘Fake AGN’ are simulated in the control galaxies by adding point sources with the magnitude of the matched AGN. We find that AGN host and control galaxies have comparable asymmetries, SĂ©rsic indices and ellipticities at rest frame ∌950 nm. AGN host galaxies show neither higher average asymmetries nor higher fractions of very disturbed objects. There is no increase in the prevalence of merger signatures with AGN luminosity. At 95 per cent confidence we find that major mergers are responsible for <6 per cent of all AGN in our sample as well as <40 per cent of the highest luminosity AGN (log  (LX [erg s−1]) ∌ 43.5). Major mergers therefore either play only a very minor role in the triggering of AGN in the luminosity range studied or time delays are too long for merger features to remain visible.PostprintPeer reviewe

    The Herschel view of the dominant mode of galaxy growth from z=4 to the present day

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    We present an analysis of the deepest Herschel images in four major extragalactic fields GOODS-North, GOODS-South, UDS and COSMOS obtained within the GOODS-Herschel and CANDELS-Herschel key programs. The picture provided by 10497 individual far-infrared detections is supplemented by the stacking analysis of a mass-complete sample of 62361 star-forming galaxies from the CANDELS-HST H band-selected catalogs and from two deep ground-based Ks band-selected catalogs in the GOODS-North and the COSMOS-wide fields, in order to obtain one of the most accurate and unbiased understanding to date of the stellar mass growth over the cosmic history. We show, for the first time, that stacking also provides a powerful tool to determine the dispersion of a physical correlation and describe our method called "scatter stacking" that may be easily generalized to other experiments. We demonstrate that galaxies of all masses from z=4 to 0 follow a universal scaling law, the so-called main sequence of star-forming galaxies. We find a universal close-to-linear slope of the logSFR-logM* relation with evidence for a flattening of the main sequence at high masses (log(M*/Msun) > 10.5) that becomes less prominent with increasing redshift and almost vanishes by z~2. This flattening may be due to the parallel stellar growth of quiescent bulges in star-forming galaxies. Within the main sequence, we measure a non varying SFR dispersion of 0.3 dex. The specific SFR (sSFR=SFR/M*) of star-forming galaxies is found to continuously increase from z=0 to 4. Finally we discuss the implications of our findings on the cosmic SFR history and show that more than 2/3 of present-day stars must have formed in a regime dominated by the main sequence mode. As a consequence we conclude that, although omnipresent in the distant Universe, galaxy mergers had little impact in shaping the global star formation history over the last 12.5 Gyr

    The Redshift One LDSS-3 Emission line Survey (ROLES) II: Survey method and z~1 mass-dependent star-formation rate density

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    Motivated by suggestions of 'cosmic downsizing', in which the dominant contribution to the cosmic star formation rate density (SFRD) proceeds from higher to lower mass galaxies with increasing cosmic time, we describe the design and implementation of the Redshift One LDSS3 Emission line Survey (ROLES). ROLES is a K-selected (22.5 < K_AB < 24.0) survey for dwarf galaxies [8.5<log(M*/Msun)< 9.5] at 0.89 < z < 1.15 drawn from two extremely deep fields (GOODS-S and MS1054-FIRES). Using the [OII]3727 emission line, we obtain redshifts and star-formation rates (SFRs) for star-forming galaxies down to a limit of ~0.3 Msun/yr. We present the [OII] luminosity function measured in ROLES and find a faint end slope of alpha_faint ~ -1.5, similar to that measured at z~0.1 in the SDSS. By combining ROLES with higher mass surveys, we measure the SFRD as a function of stellar mass using [OII] (with and without various empirical corrections), and using SED-fitting to obtain the SFR from the rest-frame UV luminosity for galaxies with spectroscopic redshifts. Our best estimate of the corrected [OII]-SFRD and UV SFRD both independently show that the SFRD evolves equally for galaxies of all masses between z~1 and z~0.1. The exact evolution in normalisation depends on the indicator used, with the [OII]-based estimate showing a change of a factor of ~2.6 and the UV-based a factor of ~6. We discuss possible reasons for the discrepancy in normalisation between the indicators, but note that the magnitude of this uncertainty is comparable to the discrepancy between indicators seen in other z~1 works. Our result that the shape of the SFRD as a function of stellar mass (and hence the mass range of galaxies dominating the SFRD) does not evolve between z~1 and z~0.1 is robust to the choice of indicator. [abridged]Comment: Resubmitted to MNRAS following first referee report. 20 pages, 16 figures. High resolution version available at http://astro.uwaterloo.ca/~dgilbank/papers/roles2.pd

    The Comoving Infrared Luminosity Density: Domination of Cold Galaxies across 0<z<1

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    In this paper we examine the contribution of galaxies with different infrared (IR) spectral energy distributions (SEDs) to the comoving infrared luminosity density, a proxy for the comoving star formation rate (SFR) density. We characterise galaxies as having either a cold or hot IR SED depending upon whether the rest-frame wavelength of their peak IR energy output is above or below 90um. Our work is based on a far-IR selected sample both in the local Universe and at high redshift, the former consisting of IRAS 60um-selected galaxies at z<0.07 and the latter of Spitzer 70um selected galaxies across 0.1<z<1. We find that the total IR luminosity densities for each redshift/luminosity bin agree well with results derived from other deep mid/far-IR surveys. At z<0.07 we observe the previously known results: that moderate luminosity galaxies (L_IR<10^11 Lsun) dominate the total luminosity density and that the fraction of cold galaxies decreases with increasing luminosity, becoming negligible at the highest luminosities. Conversely, above z=0.1 we find that luminous IR galaxies (L_IR>10^11 Lsun), the majority of which are cold, dominate the IR luminosity density. We therefore infer that cold galaxies dominate the IR luminosity density across the whole 0<z<1 range, hence appear to be the main driver behind the increase in SFR density up to z~1 whereas local luminous galaxies are not, on the whole, representative of the high redshift population.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    MOIRCS Deep Survey IV: Evolution of Galaxy Stellar Mass Function Back to z ~ 3

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    We use very deep near-infrared (NIR) imaging data obtained in MOIRCS Deep Survey (MODS) to investigate the evolution of the galaxy stellar mass function back to z~3. The MODS data reach J=24.2, H=23.1, K=23.1 (5sigma, Vega magnitude) over 103 arcmin^2 (wide) and J=25.1, H=23.7, K=24.1 over 28 arcmin^2 (deep) in the GOODS-North region. The wide and very deep NIR data allow us to measure the number density of galaxies down to low stellar mass (10^9-10^10 Msun) even at high redshift with high statistical accuracy. The normalization of the mass function decreases with redshift and the integrated stellar mass density becomes ~ 8-18% of the local value at z~2 and ~ 4-9% at z~3, which are consistent with results of previous studies in general fields. Furthermore, we found that the low-mass slope becomes steeper with redshift from alpha ~- 1.3 at z~1 to alpha ~- 1.6 at z~3, and that the evolution of the number density of low-mass (10^9-10^10 Msun) galaxies is weaker than that of M* (~10^11 Msun) galaxies. This indicates that the contribution of low-mass galaxies to the total stellar mass density has been significant at high redshift. The steepening of the low-mass slope with redshift is opposite trend expected from the stellar mass dependence of the specific star formation rate reported in previous studies. The present result suggests that the hierarchical merging process overwhelmed the effect of the stellar mass growth by star formation and was very important for the stellar mass assembly of these galaxies at 1<~z<~3.Comment: 21 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
