836 research outputs found

    A survey of natural parasitism of mirid bugs by parasitoids on apples and pears in Norway

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    Mirid bugs are important pests in both integrated and organic fruit production. In a survey in 2006 the proportion of mirids parasitized by parasitoids was investigated in 18 Norwegian orchards. More than 50 beating samples were collected from apple and pear orchards under integrated and organic management in different areas of Norway. About 30% of nymphs of the most abundant mirid bug species, Lygocoris pabulinus, Ortholylus marginalis and Psallus ambiguus, were parasitized. Important factors for enhancing biological control in organic fruit production are discussed

    Why Our Next President May Keep His or her Senate Seat: A Conjecture on the Constitution’s Incompatibility Clause

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    Heart diseases are common and significant contributors to worldwide mortality and morbidity. During recent years complement mediated inflammation has been shown to be an important player in a variety of heart diseases. Despite some negative results from clinical trials using complement inhibitors, emerging evidence points to an association between the complement system and heart diseases. Thus, complement seems to be important in coronary heart disease as well as in heart failure, where several studies underscore the prognostic importance of complement activation. Furthermore, patients with atrial fibrillation often share risk factors both with coronary heart disease and heart failure, and there is some evidence implicating complement activation in atrial fibrillation. Moreover, Chagas heart disease, a protozoal infection, is an important cause of heart failure in Latin America, and the complement system is crucial for the protozoa-host interaction. Thus, complement activation appears to be involved in the pathophysiology of a diverse range of cardiac conditions. Determination of the exact role of complement in the various heart diseases will hopefully help to identify patients that might benefit from therapeutic complement intervention

    QContext: Context-Aware Decomposition for Quantum Gates

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    In this paper we propose QContext, a new compiler structure that incorporates context-aware and topology-aware decompositions. Because of circuit equivalence rules and resynthesis, variants of a gate-decomposition template may exist. QContext exploits the circuit information and the hardware topology to select the gate variant that increases circuit optimization opportunities. We study the basis-gate-level context-aware decomposition for Toffoli gates and the native-gate-level context-aware decomposition for CNOT gates. Our experiments show that QContext reduces the number of gates as compared with the state-of-the-art approach, Orchestrated Trios.Comment: 10 page

    Cyber security fear appeals:unexpectedly complicated

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    Cyber security researchers are starting to experiment with fear appeals, with a wide variety of designs and reported efficaciousness. This makes it hard to derive recommendations for designing and deploying these interventions. We thus reviewed the wider fear appeal literature to arrive at a set of guidelines to assist cyber security researchers. Our review revealed a degree of dissent about whether or not fear appeals are indeed helpful and advisable. Our review also revealed a wide range of fear appeal experimental designs, in both cyber and other domains, which confirms the need for some standardized guidelines to inform practice in this respect. We propose a protocol for carrying out fear appeal experiments, and we review a sample of cyber security fear appeal studies, via this lens, to provide a snapshot of the current state of play. We hope the proposed experimental protocol will prove helpful to those who wish to engage in future cyber security fear appeal research

    The dusty AGB star RS CrB: first mid-infrared interferometric observations with the Keck Telescopes

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    We report interferometric observations of the semi-regular variable star RS CrB, a red giant with strong silicate emission features. The data were among the first long baseline mid-infrared stellar fringes obtained between the Keck telescopes, using parts of the new nulling beam combiner. The light was dispersed by a low-resolution spectrometer, allowing simultaneous measurement of the source visibility and intensity spectra from 8 to 12 microns. The interferometric observations allow a non-ambiguous determination of the dust shell spatial scale and relative flux contribution. Using a simple spherically-symmetric model, in which a geometrically thin shell surrounds the stellar photosphere, we find that ~30% to ~70% of the overall mid-infrared flux - depending on the wavelength - originates from 7-8 stellar radii. The derived shell opacity profile shows a broad peak around 11 microns (tau ~ 0.06), characteristic of Mg-rich silicate dust particles.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Keck Interferometer Nuller Data Reduction and On-Sky Performance

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    We describe the Keck Interferometer nuller theory of operation, data reduction, and on-sky performance, particularly as it applies to the nuller exozodiacal dust key science program that was carried out between 2008 February and 2009 January. We review the nuller implementation, including the detailed phasor processing involved in implementing the null-peak mode used for science data and the sequencing used for science observing. We then describe the Level 1 reduction to convert the instrument telemetry streams to raw null leakages, and the Level 2 reduction to provide calibrated null leakages. The Level 1 reduction uses conservative, primarily linear processing, implemented consistently for science and calibrator stars. The Level 2 processing is more flexible, and uses diameters for the calibrator stars measured contemporaneously with the interferometer’s K-band cophasing system in order to provide the requisite accuracy. Using the key science data set of 462 total scans, we assess the instrument performance for sensitivity and systematic error. At 2.0 Jy we achieve a photometrically-limited null leakage uncertainty of 0.25% rms per 10 minutes of integration time in our broadband channel. From analysis of the Level 2 reductions, we estimate a systematic noise floor for bright stars of ~0.2% rms null leakage uncertainty per observing cluster in the broadband channel. A similar analysis is performed for the narrowband channels. We also provide additional information needed for science reduction, including details on the instrument beam pattern and the basic astrophysical response of the system, and references to the data reduction and modeling tools
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