127 research outputs found

    Drift induced perpendicular transport of solar energetic particles

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    Drifts are known to play a role in galactic cosmic ray transport within the heliosphere and are a standard component of cosmic ray propagation models. However, the current paradigm of solar energetic particle (SEP) propagation holds the effects of drifts to be negligible, and they are not accounted for in most current SEP modeling efforts. We present full-orbit test particle simulations of SEP propagation in a Parker spiral interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), which demonstrate that high-energy particle drifts cause significant asymmetric propagation perpendicular to the IMF. Thus in many cases the assumption of field-aligned propagation of SEPs may not be valid. We show that SEP drifts have dependencies on energy, heliographic latitude, and charge-to-mass ratio that are capable of transporting energetic particles perpendicular to the field over significant distances within interplanetary space, e.g., protons of initial energy 100 MeV propagate distances across the field on the order of 1 AU, over timescales typical of a gradual SEP event. Our results demonstrate the need for current models of SEP events to include the effects of particle drift. We show that the drift is considerably stronger for heavy ion SEPs due to their larger mass-to-charge ratio. This paradigm shift has important consequences for the modeling of SEP events and is crucial to the understanding and interpretation of in situ observations. © 2013. The American Astronomical Society. All rights reserved.


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    Observations and modeling suggest that the fluctuations in magnetized plasmas exhibit scale-dependent anisotropy, with more energy in the fluctuations perpendicular to the mean magnetic field than in the parallel fluctuations and the anisotropy increasing at smaller scales. The scale dependence of the anisotropy has not been studied in full-orbit simulations of particle transport in turbulent plasmas so far. In this paper, we construct a model of critically balanced turbulence, as suggested by Goldreich & Sridhar, and calculate energetic particle spatial diffusion coefficients using full-orbit simulations. The model uses an enveloped turbulence approach, where each two-dimensional wave mode with wavenumber k ⊥ is packed into envelopes of length L following the critical balance condition, Lk –2/3 ⊥, with the wave mode parameters changing between envelopes. Using full-orbit particle simulations, we find that both the parallel and perpendicular diffusion coefficients increase by a factor of two, compared to previous models with scale-independent anisotropy

    Early propagation of energetic particles across the mean field in turbulent plasmas

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    Propagation of energetic particles across the mean field direction in turbulent magnetic fields is often described as spatial diffusion. Recently, it has been suggested that initially the particles prop- agate systematically along meandering field lines, and only later reach the time-asymptotic diffusive cross-field propagation. In this paper, we analyse cross-field propagation of 1–100 MeV protons in composite 2D-slab turbulence superposed on a constant background magnetic field, using full-orbit particle simulations, to study the non-diffusive phase of particle propagation with a wide range of turbulence parameters. We show that the early-time non-diffusive propagation of the particles is consistent with particle propagation along turbulently meandering field lines. This results in a wide cross-field extent of the particles already at the initial arrival of particles to a given distance along the mean field direction, unlike when using spatial diffusion particle transport models. The cross-field extent of the particle distribution remains constant for up to tens of hours in turbulence environ- ment consistent with the inner heliosphere during solar energetic particle events. Subsequently, the particles escape from their initial meandering field lines, and the particle propagation across the mean field reaches time-asymptotic diffusion. Our analysis shows that in order to understand so- lar energetic particle event origins, particle transport modelling must include non-diffusive particle propagation along meandering field lines. Key words: Sun: particle emission – diffusion – magnetic fields – turbulenc

    Solar energetic particle access to distant longitudes through turbulent field-line meandering

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    Context. Current solar energetic particle (SEP) propagation models describe the effects of interplanetary plasma turbulence on SEPs as diffusion, using a Fokker-Planck (FP) equation. However, FP models cannot explain the observed fast access of SEPs across the average magnetic field to regions that are widely separated in longitude within the heliosphere without using unrealistically strong cross-field diffusion. Aims. We study whether the recently suggested early non-diffusive phase of SEP propagation can explain the wide SEP events with realistic particle transport parameters. Methods. We used a novel model that accounts for the SEP propagation along field lines that meander as a result of plasma turbulence. Such a non-diffusive propagation mode has been shown to dominate the SEP cross-field propagation early in the SEP event history. We compare the new model to the traditional approach, and to SEP observations. Results. Using the new model, we reproduce the observed longitudinal extent of SEP peak fluxes that are characterised by a Gaussian profile with σ = 30 − 50◦ , while current diffusion theory can only explain extents of 11◦ with realistic diffusion coefficients. Our model also reproduces the timing of SEP arrival at distant longitudes, which cannot be explained using the diffusion model. Conclusions. The early onset of SEPs over a wide range of longitudes can be understood as a result of the effects of magnetic fieldline random walk in the interplanetary medium and requires an SEP transport model that properly describes the non-diffusive early phase of SEP cross-field propagation

    Single-spacecraft techniques for shock parameters estimation : A systematic approach

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    Spacecraft missions provide the unique opportunity to study the properties of collisionless shocks utilising in situ measurements. In the past years, several diagnostics have been developed to address key shock parameters using time series of magnetic field (and plasma) data collected by a single spacecraft crossing a shock front. A critical aspect of such diagnostics is the averaging process involved in the evaluation of upstream/downstream quantities. In this work, we discuss several of these techniques, with a particular focus on the shock obliquity (defined as the angle between the upstream magnetic field and the shock normal vector) estimation. We introduce a systematic variation of the upstream/downstream averaging windows, yielding to an ensemble of shock parameters, which is a useful tool to address the robustness of their estimation. This approach is first tested with a synthetic shock dataset compliant with the Rankine-Hugoniot jump conditions for a shock, including the presence of noise and disturbances. We then employ self-consistent, hybrid kinetic shock simulations to apply the diagnostics to virtual spacecraft crossing the shock front at various stages of its evolution, highlighting the role of shock-induced fluctuations in the parameters' estimation. This approach has the strong advantage of retaining some important properties of collisionless shock (such as, for example, the shock front microstructure) while being able to set a known, nominal set of shock parameters. Finally, two recent observations of interplanetary shocks from the Solar Orbiter spacecraft are presented, to demonstrate the use of this systematic approach to real events of shock crossings. The approach is also tested on an interplanetary shock measured by the four spacecraft of the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission. All the Python software developed and used for the diagnostics (SerPyShock) is made available for the public, including an example of parameter estimation for a shock wave recently observed in-situ by the Solar Orbiter spacecraft.Peer reviewe

    Tracking a beam of electrons from the low solar corona into interplanetary space with the Low Frequency Array, Parker Solar Probe and 1 au spacecraft

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    Type III radio bursts are the result of plasma emission from mildly relativistic electron beams propagating from the low solar corona into the heliosphere where they can eventually be detected in situ if they align with the location of a heliospheric spacecraft. Here we observe a type III radio burst from 0.1-16 MHz using the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) FIELDS Radio Frequency Spectrometer (RFS), and from 10-80 MHz using the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR). This event was not associated with any detectable flare activity but was part of an ongoing noise storm that occurred during PSP encounter 2. A deprojection of the LOFAR radio sources into 3D space shows that the type III radio burst sources were located on open magnetic field from 1.6-3 R⊙R_\odot and originated from a specific active region near the East limb. Combining PSP/RFS observations with WIND/WAVES and Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO)/WAVES, we reconstruct the type III radio source trajectory in the heliosphere interior to PSP's position, assuming ecliptic confinement. An energetic electron enhancement is subsequently detected in situ at the STEREO-A spacecraft at compatible times although the onset and duration suggests the individual burst contributes a subset of the enhancement. This work shows relatively small-scale flux emergence in the corona can cause the injection of electron beams from the low corona into the heliosphere, without needing a strong solar flare. The complementary nature of combined ground and space-based radio observations, especially in the era of PSP, is also clearly highlighted by this study.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, Submitted to ApJ, April 15 202

    Observations of a Solar Energetic Particle Event From Inside and Outside the Coma of Comet 67P

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    Publisher Copyright: ©2022. The Authors.We analyze observations of a solar energetic particle (SEP) event at Rosetta's target comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko during 6–10 March 2015. The comet was 2.15 AU from the Sun, with the Rosetta spacecraft approximately 70 km from the nucleus placing it deep inside the comet's coma and allowing us to study its response. The Eastern flank of an interplanetary coronal mass ejection (ICME) also encountered Rosetta on 6 and 7 March. Rosetta Plasma Consortium data indicate increases in ionization rates, and cometary water group pickup ions exceeding 1 keV. Increased charge exchange reactions between solar wind ions and cometary neutrals also indicate increased upstream neutral populations consistent with enhanced SEP induced surface activity. In addition, the most intense parts of the event coincide with observations interpreted as an infant cometary bow shock, indicating that the SEPs may have enhanced the formation and/or intensified the observations. These solar transient events may also have pushed the cometopause closer to the nucleus. We track and discuss characteristics of the SEP event using remote observations by SOHO, WIND, and GOES at the Sun, in situ measurements at Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory Ahead, Mars and Rosetta, and ENLIL modeling. Based on its relatively prolonged duration, gradual and anisotropic nature, and broad angular spread in the heliosphere, we determine the main particle acceleration source to be a distant ICME which emerged from the Sun on 6 March 2015 and was detected locally in the Martian ionosphere but was never encountered by 67P directly. The ICME's shock produced SEPs for several days which traveled to the in situ observation sites via magnetic field line connections.Peer reviewe

    The large longitudinal spread of solar energetic particles during the January 17, 2010 solar event

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    We investigate multi-spacecraft observations of the January 17, 2010 solar energetic particle event. Energetic electrons and protons have been observed over a remarkable large longitudinal range at the two STEREO spacecraft and SOHO suggesting a longitudinal spread of nearly 360 degrees at 1AU. The flaring active region, which was on the backside of the Sun as seen from Earth, was separated by more than 100 degrees in longitude from the magnetic footpoints of each of the three spacecraft. The event is characterized by strongly delayed energetic particle onsets with respect to the flare and only small or no anisotropies in the intensity measurements at all three locations. The presence of a coronal shock is evidenced by the observation of a type II radio burst from the Earth and STEREO B. In order to describe the observations in terms of particle transport in the interplanetary medium, including perpendicular diffusion, a 1D model describing the propagation along a magnetic field line (model 1) (Dr\"oge, 2003) and the 3D propagation model (model 2) by (Dr\"oge et al., 2010) including perpendicular diffusion in the interplanetary medium have been applied, respectively. While both models are capable of reproducing the observations, model 1 requires injection functions at the Sun of several hours. Model 2, which includes lateral transport in the solar wind, reveals high values for the ratio of perpendicular to parallel diffusion. Because we do not find evidence for unusual long injection functions at the Sun we favor a scenario with strong perpendicular transport in the interplanetary medium as explanation for the observations.Comment: The final publication is available at http://www.springerlink.co

    The first widespread solar energetic particle event of solar cycle 25 on 2020 November 29 : Shock wave properties and the wide distribution of solar energetic particles

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    Context. On 2020 November 29, an eruptive event occurred in an active region located behind the eastern solar limb as seen from Earth. The event consisted of an M4.4 class flare, a coronal mass ejection, an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) wave, and a white-light (WL) shock wave. The eruption gave rise to the first widespread solar energetic particle (SEP) event of solar cycle 25, which was observed at four widely separated heliospheric locations (similar to 230 degrees). Aims. Our aim is to better understand the source of this widespread SEP event, examine the role of the coronal shock wave in the wide distribution of SEPs, and investigate the shock wave properties at the field lines magnetically connected to the spacecraft. Methods. Using EUV and WL data, we reconstructed the global three-dimensional structure of the shock in the corona and computed its kinematics. We determined the magnetic field configurations in the corona and interplanetary space, inferred the magnetic connectivity of the spacecraft with the shock surface, and derived the evolution of the shock parameters at the connecting field lines. Results. Remote sensing observations show formation of the coronal shock wave occurring early during the eruption, and its rapid propagation to distant locations. The results of the shock wave modelling show multiple regions where a strong shock has formed and efficient particle acceleration is expected to take place. The pressure/shock wave is magnetically connected to all spacecraft locations before or during the estimated SEP release times. The release of the observed near-relativistic electrons occurs predominantly close to the time when the pressure/shock wave connects to the magnetic field lines or when the shock wave becomes supercritical, whereas the proton release is significantly delayed with respect to the time when the shock wave becomes supercritical, with the only exception being the proton release at the Parker Solar Probe. Conclusions. Our results suggest that the shock wave plays an important role in the spread of SEPs. Supercritical shock regions are connected to most of the spacecraft. The particle increase at Earth, which is barely connected to the wave, also suggests that the cross-field transport cannot be ignored. The release of energetic electrons seems to occur close to the time when the shock wave connects to, or becomes supercritical at, the field lines connecting to the spacecraft. Energetic protons are released with a time-delay relative to the time when the pressure/shock wave connects to the spacecraft locations. We attribute this delay to the time that it takes for the shock wave to accelerate protons efficiently.Peer reviewe

    Tracking a Beam of Electrons from the Low Solar Corona into Interplanetary Space with the Low Frequency Array, Parker Solar Probe, and 1 au Spacecraft

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    Type III radio bursts are the result of plasma emission from mildly relativistic electron beams propagating from the low solar corona into the heliosphere where they can eventually be detected in situ if they align with the location of a heliospheric spacecraft. Here we observe a type III radio burst from 0.1 to 16 MHz using the Parker Solar Probe (PSP) FIELDS Radio Frequency Spectrometer (RFS) and from 20 to 80 MHz using the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR). This event was not associated with any detectable flare activity but was part of an ongoing type III and noise storm that occurred during PSP encounter 2. A deprojection of the LOFAR radio sources into 3D space shows that the type III radio burst sources were located on open magnetic field from 1.6 to 3 R (circle dot) and originated from a near-equatorial active region around longitude E48 degrees. Combining PSP/RFS observations with WIND/WAVES and Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory (STEREO) WAVES, we reconstruct the type III radio source trajectory in the heliosphere interior to PSP's position, assuming ecliptic confinement. An energetic electron enhancement is subsequently detected in situ at the STEREO A spacecraft at compatible times, although the onset and duration suggests the individual burst contributes a subset of the enhancement. This work shows relatively small-scale flux emergence in the corona can cause the injection of electron beams from the low corona into the heliosphere, without needing a strong solar flare. The complementary nature of combined ground and space-based radio observations, especially in the era of PSP, is also clearly highlighted by this study
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