75 research outputs found

    Imported parasitosis as a diagnostic challenge in Primary Healthcare Clinic in the non-endemic region — a case study of schistosomiasis in English Division student

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    Schistosomiasis is a parasitosis, most commonly caused by Schistosoma mansoni or Schistosoma haematobium, eventually by other species from the genus Schistosoma (blood flukes). This study presents a case of schistosomiasis in an African-origin student cured in the Primary Healthcare Clinic (PHC) in Lublin, Poland. The young adult male patient from Zimbabwe, studying in Poland, presented to the PHC, due to pain in the left down quadrant of the abdomen, bloody stools, and a single episode of drooling with a blood-stained jelly-like mass, without fever. In blood tests, there was neutropenia, lymphocytosis and eosinophilia. In a colonoscopy, numerous lymphoid nodules were observed with small regions of mucosal erythema, faded vascular drawing, and delayed small contact bleeding. The patient had an elevated level of IgE (329,5 IU/mL; N < 158) and minor abnormalities in the proteinogram. Abdominal CT showed calcification of intestinal walls, suggesting infection of flukes from the Schistosoma genus. The result of histopathological examination confirmed the presence of structures interpreted as parasite eggs in intestinal crypts, lamina propria and the lumen of mesenteric vessels. It is of great importance, that general medicine physicians working in schistosomiasis non-endemic regions are aware and pay attention to various risks as well as provide referrals to advanced imaging and endoscopic procedures in patients with unusual health problems. Keeping in mind, that early signs and symptoms of schistosomiasis, and results of blood tests may remain unspecific in contrast to a more complex gastrointestinal diagnostic approach, a chance of early diagnosis and successful therapeutic intervention may be facilitated

    Consensus on treatment for residents in long-term care facilities : perspectives from relatives and care staff in the PACE cross-sectional study in 6 European countries

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    Background: In long-term care facilities often many care providers are involved, which could make it difficult to reach consensus in care. This may harm the relation between care providers and can complicate care. This study aimed to describe and compare in six European countries the degree of consensus among everyone involved in care decisions, from the perspective of relatives and care staff. Another aim was to assess which factors are associated with reporting that full consensus was reached, from the perspective of care staff and relatives.Methods: In Belgium, England, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands and Poland a random sample of representative long-term care facilities reported all deaths of residents in the previous three months (n = 1707). This study included residents about whom care staff (n = 1284) and relatives (n = 790) indicated in questionnaires the degree of consensus among all involved in the decision or care process. To account for clustering on facility level, Generalized Estimating Equations were conducted to analyse the degree of consensus across countries and factors associated with full consensus.Results: Relatives indicated full consensus in more than half of the residents in all countries (NL 57.9% - EN 68%), except in Finland (40.7%). Care staff reported full consensus in 59.5% of residents in Finland to 86.1% of residents in England. Relatives more likely reported full consensus when: the resident was more comfortable or talked about treatment preferences, a care provider explained what palliative care is, family-physician communication was well perceived, their relation to the resident was other than child (compared to spouse/partner) or if they lived in Poland or Belgium (compared to Finland). Care staff more often indicated full consensus when they rated a higher comfort level of the resident, or if they lived in Italy, the Netherland, Poland or England (compared to Finland).Conclusions: In most countries the frequency of full consensus among all involved in care decisions was relatively high. Across countries care staff indicated full consensus more often and no consensus less often than relatives. Advance care planning, comfort and good communication between relatives and care professionals could play a role in achieving full consensus

    No difference in effects of ‘PACE steps to success’ palliative care program for nursing home residents with and without dementia : a pre-planned subgroup analysis of the seven-country PACE trial

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    Background: 'PACE Steps to Success' is a multicomponent training program aiming to integrate generalist and non-disease-specific palliative care in nursing homes. This program did not improve residents' comfort in the last week of life, but it appeared to improve quality of care and dying in their last month of life. Because this program included only three dementia-specific elements, its effects might differ depending on the presence or stage of dementia. We aimed to investigate whether the program effects differ between residents with advanced, non-advanced, and no dementia. Methods: Pre-planned subgroup analysis of the PACE cluster-randomized controlled trial in 78 nursing homes in seven European countries. Participants included residents who died in the previous 4 months. The nursing home staff or general practitioner assessed the presence of dementia; severity was determined using two highly-discriminatory staff-reported instruments. Using after-death questionnaires, staff assessed comfort in the last week of life (Comfort Assessment in Dying-End-of-Life in Dementia-scale; primary outcome) and quality of care and dying in the last month of life (Quality of Dying in Long-Term Care scale; secondary outcome). Results: At baseline, we included 177 residents with advanced dementia, 126 with non-advanced dementia and 156 without dementia. Post-intervention, respectively in the control and the intervention group, we included 136 and 104 residents with advanced dementia, 167 and 110 with non-advanced dementia and 157 and 137 without dementia. We found no subgroup differences on comfort in the last week of life, comparing advanced versus without dementia (baseline-adjusted mean sub-group difference 2.1; p-value = 0.177), non-advanced versus without dementia (2.7; p = 0.092), and advanced versus non-advanced dementia (- 0.6; p = 0.698); or on quality of care and dying in the last month of life, comparing advanced and without dementia (- 0.6; p = 0.741), non-advanced and without dementia (- 1.5; p = 0.428), and advanced and non-advanced dementia (0.9; p = 0.632). Conclusions: The lack of subgroup difference suggests that while the program did not improve comfort in dying residents with or without dementia, it appeared to equally improve quality of care and dying in the last month of life for residents with dementia (regardless of the stage) and those without dementia. A generalist and non-disease-specific palliative care program, such as PACE Steps to Success, is a useful starting point for future palliative care improvement in nursing homes, but to effectively improve residents' comfort, this program needs further development

    Care staff's self-efficacy regarding end-of-life communication in the long-term care setting:Results of the PACE cross-sectional study in six European countries

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    Background: An important part of palliative care is discussing preferences at end of life, however such conversations may not often occur. Care staff with greater self-efficacy towards end-of-life communication are probably more likely to have such discussions, however, there is a lack of research on self-efficacy towards end-of-life discussions among long-term care staff in Europe and related factors. Objectives: Firstly, to describe and compare the self-efficacy level of long-term care staff regarding end-of-life communication across six countries; secondly, to analyse characteristics of staff and facilities which are associated to self-efficacy towards end-of-life communication. Design: Cross-sectional survey. Settings: Long-term care facilities in Belgium, England, Finland, Italy, the Netherlands and Poland (n = 290). Participants: Nurses and care assistants (n = 1680) completed a self-efficacy scale and were included in the analyses. Methods: Care staff rated their self-efficacy (confidence in their own ability) on a scale of 0 (cannot do at all) to 7 -(certain can do) of the 8-item communication subscale of the Self-efficacy in End-of-Life Care survey. Staff characteristics included age, gender, professional role, education level, training in palliative care and years working in direct care. Facility characteristics included facility type and availability of palliative care guidelines, palliative care team and palliative care advice. Analyses were conducted using Generalized Estimating Equations, to account for clustering of data at facility level. Results: Thde proportion of staff with a mean self-efficacy score >5 was highest in the Netherlands (76.4%), ranged between 55.9% and 60.0% in Belgium, Poland, England and Finland and was lowest in Italy (29.6%). Higher levels of self-efficacy (>5) were associated with: staff over 50 years of age (OR 1.86 95% CI[1.30–2.65]); nurses (compared to care assistants) (1.75 [1.20–2.54]); completion of higher secondary or tertiary education (respectively 2.22 [1.53–3.21] and 3.11 [2.05–4.71]; formal palliative care training (1.71 [1.32–2.21]); working in direct care for over 10 years (1.53 [1.14–2.05]); working in a facility with care provided by onsite nurses and care assistants and offsite physicians (1.86 [1.30–2.65]); and working in a facility where guidelines for palliative care were available (1.39 [1.03–1.88]). Conclusion: Self-efficacy towards end-of-life communication was most often low in Italy and most often high in the Netherlands. In all countries, low self-efficacy was found relatively often for discussion of prognosis. Palliative care education and guidelines for palliative care could improve the self-efficacy of care staff

    Mechanizm rozszerzonych wyrażeń regularnych do przetwarzania tekstów języka polskiego

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    The paper presents proposition of regular expressions engine based on the modified Thompson’s algorithm dedicated to the Polish language processing. The Polish inflectional dictionary has been used for enhancing regular expressions engine and syntax. Instead of using characters as a basic element of regular expressions patterns (as it takes place in BRE or ERE standards) presented tool gives possibility of using words from a natural language or labels describing words grammar properties in regex syntax.W artykule zaprezentowano propozycje mechanizmu wyrażeń regularnych w oparciu o zmodyfikowany algorytm Thompsona dostosowany do przetwarzania tekstów w języku polskim. Prezentowane wyrażenia regularne wykorzystują słownik fleksyjny języka polskiego i pozwalają na budowę wzorców, w których elementami podstawowymi są wyrazy języka polskiego lub etykiety gramatyczne, a nie znaki (jak to ma miejsce w klasycznych wyrażeniach regularnych standardu BRE czy ERE)

    What works better for community-dwelling Older people at risk to fall?: A meta-analysis of multifactorial versus physical exercise-alone interventions

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    Objective: To compare and quantify the effectiveness of multifactorial versus exercise-alone interventions in reducing recurrent falls among community-dwelling older people. Method : A meta-analysis of recently published studies on fall prevention interventions was conducted. Measure of the overall effectiveness was the combined risk ratio for recurrent falls, whereas heterogeneity was explored via metaregression analyses. Results: Ten of the 52 identified studies met the preset criteria and were included in the analysis. The exercise-alone interventions were about 5 times more effective compared to multifactorial ones. Short-term interventions, smaller samples, and younger age related to better outcomes. Discussion: From cost-efficiency and public health perspectives, exercise-alone interventions can be considered valuable, as they are more likely to be implemented in countries with less resources. Further qualitative research is needed, however, to explore determinants of willingness to participate and comply with interventions aiming to prevent recurrent falls among older people. © 2009 The Author(s)