32 research outputs found

    Biomass heating options

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    Bakalářská práce je rozdělena na pět hlavních částí. V první části se zabývá rozdělením krbových kamen podle roštu, použitého výrobního materiálu, podle spalovacích vzduchů a přenosu tepla. Druhá část se zabývá normou ČSN EN 13 240. Následují oddíly pojednávající o měřícím úseku, použitých měřících přístrojích a zkušebním palivu. Poslední část se zabývá samotnými měřeními, vyhodnocováním výsledků a výpočtem účinnosti.This bachelor thesis is divided into five main parts. The first part divides stoves according to the type of grate, material, trasmission of heat and combustion of gasses. The second part deals with the ČSN EN 13 240 norm. The following parts discuss measurement points and the devices used for measuring and test fuel. The last part deals with the collected data, the results drawn from these data and the efficiency calculation.

    Flora of southwestern part of Bohemian Karst

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    Department of BotanyKatedra botanikyFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    What Is a Good Tomato? A Case of Valuing in Practice

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    As a contribution to the field of valuation studies this article lays out a number of lessons that follow from an exploratory inquiry into ‘good tomatoes’. We held interviews with tomato experts (developers, growers, sellers, processors, professional cooks and so-called consumers) in the Netherlands and analysed the transcriptions carefully. Grouping our informants’ concerns with tomatoes into clusters, we differentiate between five  registers of valuing. These have to do with money, handling, historical time, what it is to be natural, and sensual appeal. There are tensions between and within these registers, that lead to clashes and compromises. Accordingly, valuing tomatoes does not fit into inclusive formal schemes. Neither is it simply a matter of making judgements. Our informants told us how they know whether a tomato is good, but also revealed what they do to make tomatoes good. Their valuing includes activities such as pruning tomato plants and preparing tomato dishes. But if such activities are meant to make tomatoes good, success is never guaranteed. This prompts us to import the notion of care. Care does not offer control, but involves sustained and respectful tinkering towards improvement. Which is not to say in the end the tomatoes our informants care for are good. In the end these tomatoes get eaten. And while eating performs tomatoes as ‘good to eat’, it also finishes them off. Valuing may lead on to destruction. An important lesson for valuation studies indeed.As a contribution to the field of valuation studies this article lays out a number of lessons that follow from an exploratory inquiry into ‘good tomatoes’. We held interviews with tomato experts (developers, growers, sellers, processors, professional cooks and so-called consumers) in the Netherlands and analysed the transcriptions carefully. Grouping our informants’ concerns with tomatoes into clusters, we differentiate between five  registers of valuing. These have to do with money, handling, historical time, what it is to be natural, and sensual appeal. There are tensions between and within these registers, that lead to clashes and compromises. Accordingly, valuing tomatoes does not fit into inclusive formal schemes. Neither is it simply a matter of making judgements. Our informants told us how they know whether a tomato is good, but also revealed what they do to make tomatoes good. Their valuing includes activities such as pruning tomato plants and preparing tomato dishes. But if such activities are meant to make tomatoes good, success is never guaranteed. This prompts us to import the notion of care. Care does not offer control, but involves sustained and respectful tinkering towards improvement. Which is not to say in the end the tomatoes our informants care for are good. In the end these tomatoes get eaten. And while eating performs tomatoes as ‘good to eat’, it also finishes them off. Valuing may lead on to destruction. An important lesson for valuation studies indeed

    EXO70C2 is a key regulatory factor for optimal tip growth of pollen

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    The exocyst, a eukaryotic tethering complex, coregulates targeted exocytosis as an effector of small GTPases in polarized cell growth. In land plants, several exocyst subunits are encoded by double or triple paralogs, culminating in tens of EXO70 paralogs. Out of 23 Arabidopsis thaliana EXO70 isoforms, we analyzed seven isoforms expressed in pollen. Genetic and microscopic analyses of single mutants in EXO70A2, EXO70C1, EXO70C2, EXO70F1, EXO70H3, EXO70H5, and EXO70H6 genes revealed that only a loss-of-function EXO70C2 allele resulted in a significant male-specific transmission defect (segregation 40%:51%:9%) due to aberrant pollen tube growth. Mutant pollen tubes grown in vitro exhibited an enhanced growth rate and a decreased thickness of the tip cell wall, causing tip bursts. However, exo70C2 pollen tubes could frequently recover and restart their speedy elongation, resulting in a repetitive stop-and-go growth dynamics. A pollenspecific depletion of the closest paralog, EXO70C1, using artificial microRNA in the exo70C2 mutant background, resulted in a complete pollen-specific transmission defect, suggesting redundant functions of EXO70C1 and EXO70C2. Both EXO70C1 and EXO70C2, GFP tagged and expressed under the control of their native promoters, localized in the cytoplasm of pollen grains, pollen tubes, and also root trichoblast cells. The expression of EXO70C2-GFP complemented the aberrant growth of exo70C2 pollen tubes. The absent EXO70C2 interactions with core exocyst subunits in the yeast two-hybrid assay, cytoplasmic localization, and genetic effect suggest an unconventional EXO70 function possibly as a regulator of exocytosis outside the exocyst complex. In conclusion, EXO70C2 is a novel factor contributing to the regulation of optimal tip growth of Arabidopsis pollen tubes

    The role for the exocyst complex subunits Exo70B2 and Exo70H1 in the plant–pathogen interaction

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    Recently, the octameric vesicle-tethering complex exocyst was found in plants and its importance for Arabidopsis morphogenesis was demonstrated. Exo70 exocyst subunits in plants, unlike in yeasts and mammals, are represented by a multigene family, comprising 23 members in Arabidopsis. For Exo70B2 and Exo70H1 paralogues, transcriptional up-regulation was confirmed on treatment with an elicitor peptide, elf18, derived from the bacterial elongation factor. Their ability to participate in the exocyst complex formation was inferred by the interaction of both the Exo70s with several other exocyst subunits using the yeast two-hybrid system. Arabidopsis plants mutated in these two genes were used to analyse their local reaction upon inoculation with Pseudomonas syringae pv. maculicola and the fungal pathogen Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei. The Pseudomonas sensitivity test revealed enhanced susceptibility for the two exo70B2 and one H1 mutant lines. After Blumeria inoculation, an increase in the proportion of abnormal papilla formation, with an unusual wide halo made of vesicle-like structures, was found in exo70B2 mutants. Intracellular localization of both Exo70 proteins was studied following a GFP fusion assay and Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression of the constructs in Nicotiana benthamiana leaf epidermis. GFP-Exo70H1 localizes in the vesicle-like structures, while GFP-Exo70B2 is localized mainly in the cytoplasm. It is concluded that both Exo70B2 and Exo70H1 are involved in the response to pathogens, with Exo70B2 having a more important role in cell wall apposition formation related to plant defence


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    Diplomová práce se zaměřuje na vymezení pojmu controlling, věnuje se jeho historickému vývoji, cílům, funkcím a filosofii. Popisuje nástroje, které se používají při strategickém i operativním přístupu ke controllingu. Dále se práce věnuje úlohám controllingu v podniku a jeho organizačnímu začlenění. Na závěr teoretické části se práce zaměřuje na rozdíl mezi manažerem a controllerem. Praktická část práce popisuje operativní controlling projektu Tesco Potraviny online. Detailně popisuje tvorbu reportů a jednotlivé zdroje dat. Na základě popsaných procesů a zkoumaných veličin identifikuje možnosti zlepšení a navrhuje postupy pro jejich zavedení.The Master's Thesis is focused on the definition of the concept of controlling. It defines its historic evolution, targets, functionality and philosophy. Further on it describes tools which are being used in terms of strategic and operational controlling. In next chapter it explains controlling's role in the company and its organizational integration. At the end of theoretical part the thesis focuses on the difference between the manager and the controller. The second part describes reporting processes of Tesco Grocery Home Shopping. It gives a detail of each source for reporting and the way how to calculate the results. Next to that it identifies possibilities for improvements and the next steps for processing them

    Řešení lisovatelnosti výtažku z tenkého plechu

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    Import 16/01/2008Prezenční345 - Katedra mechanické technologieNeuveden

    Doktrína a politika lhaské debaty: obraz samjáské tradice v kronice Baže

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    Public debates of religious specialists could be used as a study example of relations between dogmatic and political aspects of religions. However, as the nature of scriptural sources is socio-economic, the interactions must be primarily studied not on the religious debates per se, but rather on interpretation of such events in historie and dogmatic sources. The aim of the present work is to demonstrate this thesis on the case of Lhasa debate, which took place in the 8th century Tibet and which has left enduring traces in the Tibetan religious consciousness. Based on methodological principles derived from Luther H. Martin's essay History, Historiography and Christian Origins (2000: 69-89) and analysis of dBa'bzhed (2000), one of the earliest "propaganda" texts written about Lhasa debate, of the present work seeks to define hypothetic Samye tradition, as a socio-religious group responsible for the creation and transmitting the chronicle. The tradition is then placed in the cultural and political context of its time and situated in the contemporary doctrinal spectrum. While this method seems to be appropriate for the study of the circles responsible for the creation of the text, about the event deseribed we learn practically nothing. This conclusion seems to be confirmed by a short comparison with Dunhuang document Dunwu dasheng zhengli jue, offering an alternative view of the controversy. Thus, not the actions of the participants of the historie event, but the creative act of the Tibetan and Chinese chronicles authors' constitute the res gestae of the student of religion investigating Lhasa debate.Public debates of religious specialists could be used as a study example of relations between dogmatic and political aspects of religions. However, as the nature of scriptural sources is socio-economic, the interactions must be primarily studied not on the religious debates per se, but rather on interpretation of such events in historie and dogmatic sources. The aim of the present work is to demonstrate this thesis on the case of Lhasa debate, which took place in the 8th century Tibet and which has left enduring traces in the Tibetan religious consciousness. Based on methodological principles derived from Luther H. Martin's essay History, Historiography and Christian Origins (2000: 69-89) and analysis of dBa'bzhed (2000), one of the earliest "propaganda" texts written about Lhasa debate, of the present work seeks to define hypothetic Samye tradition, as a socio-religious group responsible for the creation and transmitting the chronicle. The tradition is then placed in the cultural and political context of its time and situated in the contemporary doctrinal spectrum. While this method seems to be appropriate for the study of the circles responsible for the creation of the text, about the event deseribed we learn practically nothing. This conclusion seems to be confirmed by a short comparison with Dunhuang document Dunwu dasheng zhengli jue, offering an alternative view of the controversy. Thus, not the actions of the participants of the historie event, but the creative act of the Tibetan and Chinese chronicles authors' constitute the res gestae of the student of religion investigating Lhasa debate

    Perfect etiquette

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    As a starting point for this article, the concept of diplomatic ethnography inspired by the work of Bruno Latour is presented as an ideal: a model for ‘good anthropology’, which truthfully follows members’ actions and the associations they form with others, simultaneously respecting their values. The workability of this ideal is then ethnographically tested in a research setting where direct communication with actors about the results of the researcher’s work is inescapable, while arriving at a common description of networks and values is difficult, as one group of actors routinely disqualifies members of another group by including them in the strongly naturalised category of ‘people with mental impairment’. How to understand and interpret the life of Pete, a resident of a ‘home for persons with health impairment’, who strives to rein in his hearty appetite while those taking care of him describe him as a ‘wicked child’ whose actions reflect only his syndrome? On the basis of my negotiations about his case, I come to the conclusion that the project of diplomatic ethnography is viable, if the obduracy of the ordering arrangements is duly taken into account and values are honoured, and, while arguing with members is inevitable under given circumstances, it is potentially productive for envisioning change in existing modes of ordering