13 research outputs found

    Improving Agricultural Sector: The Role of Mudharabah Financing (Study on Sharia Financing Savings and Loans Cooperatives)

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    Abstract: This study aims to determine the role of mudharabah financing in a Financing Savings and Loan Cooperative towards improving the agricultural sector. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The study results indicate that cooperatives play a role in improving the agricultural sector with the help of the capital provided. The increase in the agricultural sector can be seen from the adequacy of capital, increased welfare, and increased labor. However, the improvement of cooperatives' welfare and other factors such as natural weather conditions play a role in improving farmers' welfare. As for the suitability of implementing mudharabah financing in cooperatives, there is still a discrepancy between the implementation and the DSN MUI fatwa No. 7 of 2000 concerning Mudharabah Financing, the capital used by cooperative members is not 100% of the cooperative. Members also do not get the opportunity to bargain about the amount of profit sharing.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran pembiayaan mudharabah di Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Pembiayaan terhadap peningkatan sektor pertanian. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan ialah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan koperasi berperan dalam meningkatkan sektor pertanian dengan bantuan modal yang diberikan. Adapun peningkatan pada sektor pertanian dapat dilihat dari kecukupan modal, peningkatan kesejahteraan, serta peningkatan tenaga kerja. Akan tetapi, dalam peningkatan kesejahteraan koperasi tidak berperan secara keseluruhan dikarenakan terdapat faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi peningkatan kesejahteraan petani yakni kondisi cuaca alam. Sedangkan untuk kesesuaian pelaksanaan pembiayaan mudharabah pada koperasi masih terdapat ketidaksesuaian antara pelaksanaan dengan fatwa DSN MUI No 7 tahun 2000 tentang Pembiayaan Mudharabah, yakni modal yang digunakan anggota koperasi tidak 100% dari koperasi, serta anggota juga tidak mendapatkan kesempatan dalam melakukan tawar-menawar mengenai besaran bagi hasil

    Improving Agricultural Sector: The Role of Mudharabah Financing (Study on Sharia Financing Savings and Loans Cooperatives)

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    Abstract: This study aims to determine the role of mudharabah financing in a Financing Savings and Loan Cooperative towards improving the agricultural sector. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews, and documentation. The study results indicate that cooperatives play a role in improving the agricultural sector with the help of the capital provided. The increase in the agricultural sector can be seen from the adequacy of capital, increased welfare, and increased labor. However, the improvement of cooperatives' welfare and other factors such as natural weather conditions play a role in improving farmers' welfare. As for the suitability of implementing mudharabah financing in cooperatives, there is still a discrepancy between the implementation and the DSN MUI fatwa No. 7 of 2000 concerning Mudharabah Financing, the capital used by cooperative members is not 100% of the cooperative. Members also do not get the opportunity to bargain about the amount of profit sharing.Abstrak: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran pembiayaan mudharabah di Koperasi Simpan Pinjam Pembiayaan terhadap peningkatan sektor pertanian. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan ialah observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menyebutkan koperasi berperan dalam meningkatkan sektor pertanian dengan bantuan modal yang diberikan. Adapun peningkatan pada sektor pertanian dapat dilihat dari kecukupan modal, peningkatan kesejahteraan, serta peningkatan tenaga kerja. Akan tetapi, dalam peningkatan kesejahteraan koperasi tidak berperan secara keseluruhan dikarenakan terdapat faktor lain yang dapat mempengaruhi peningkatan kesejahteraan petani yakni kondisi cuaca alam. Sedangkan untuk kesesuaian pelaksanaan pembiayaan mudharabah pada koperasi masih terdapat ketidaksesuaian antara pelaksanaan dengan fatwa DSN MUI No 7 tahun 2000 tentang Pembiayaan Mudharabah, yakni modal yang digunakan anggota koperasi tidak 100% dari koperasi, serta anggota juga tidak mendapatkan kesempatan dalam melakukan tawar-menawar mengenai besaran bagi hasil

    Classroom Guidance Strategy with Flipped Method in Guidance and Counseling Services at Indonesia Schools in the Digital Era

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    The demand for a better education system will result in not only a better academic achievement but also students with better character. Particularly in this digital era, it is very important to integrate technology in the process of guidance and counseling services at schools. This article aims to provide a critical review of implementation and application of classical guidance with format flipped classroom in coping with the advance of technology as an effort that can be made by school counselors in order to make innovation in guidance and counseling service at schools. This research method is a literature study. This study collected and analyzed relevant journals related to the use of flipped classroom. Class guidance with flipped classroom format has the potential to help school counselors to manage classical guidance and stimulate students to be active, communicative, and contributive to the process of guidance so that the topic presented can be addressed directly. In addition, by doing this, it is expected that students can develop themselves well in their social, academic, and career life. School counselors can use flipped classroom guidance to make innovation in performing classroom guidance services. The steps to perform flipped classroom guidance, in brief, are determine the topic to be discussed based on the need of the student, creating service program plan, then setting up the activities that the students will do in pre-class activity and inside the class, the implementation of the activities and evaluation, and follow up


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    This article describes the important roles of Ibnu Sina and Al-Razi in the development of science and medicine in the medieval Islamic world. Ibnu Sina was known as a polymath who combined philosophy, medicine and natural sciene. His most famous work, “Kitab Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb”, became a reference work in medicine and philosophy that was very influential. Al-Razi, meanwhile, was an accomplished physician-scientist. His work, “Kitab ak-Hawi ‘, was one of the first medical encyclopedias in history that combined knowledge from Greek, Persian and Arabic cultures. This article will review Al-Razi’s discoveries and contributions in the fields of medicine, chemistry and pharmacology. It will provide a deeper understanding of the role of Ibnu Sina and Al-Razi in the history of Islamic science and medicine and how their contributions are still relevant in the development of modern science.Artikel ini menggambarkan peran penting Ibnu Sina dan Al-Razi dalam perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan kedokteran di dunia Islam pada abad pertengahan. Ibnu sina, dikenal sebagai polymath yang menggabungkan ilmu filsafat, kedokteran, dan sains alam. Karyanya yang paling terkenal berjudul, “Kitab Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb”, menjadi karya rujukan dalam kedokteran dan filosofi yang sangat berpengaruh. Sementara itu, Al-Razi, adalah seorang ilmuan dokter ulung. Karyanya, “kitab al-Hawi”, adalah salah satu ensiklopedia medis pertamaa dalam Sejarah yang menggabungkan pengetahuan dari budaya Yunani, Persia dan Arab. Artikel ini akan mengulas penemuan dan kontribusi Al-Razi dalam bidang kedokteran, kimia, dan farmakologi. Dan akan memberikan pemahaman yang lebih dalam tentang peran Ibnu Sina dan Al-Razi dalam Sejarah ilmu pengetahuan dan kedokteran Islam serta bagaiman kontribusi mereka masih relevan dalam perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan modern


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    Background: Composite resin is filling material that used in dentistry field because of good aesthetic. Use of fiber as reinforced composite resin (FRC) begins to be developed because it has a lot of functions, such as increase strength, stiffness, material hardness from fracture, and decrease shrinkage. Fiber composite resin has syntetic characteristic and needs chemical process also has an expensive price. Therefore, natural fiber is easier to find, cheaper and can be developed as an alternative substitute of syntetic fiber. One of the natural alternative is sisal fiber. This study aims to know the effect of volume fraction of sisal fiber to composite resin flexural strength with sisal fiber concentration 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%. Method: This study was true experimental with post test only control group design which divided into 4 groups RK+FS 1% (K1), RK+FS 2% (K2), RK+FS 3% (K3), RK+FS 4% (K4). The data was analized using one way ANOVA assay and Post Hoc with significant degree 5%. Results: Mean of flexural strength sum K1=50,87 MPa, K2=42,96 MPa, K3=33,94 MPa, K4=24,32 MPa. Result of one way ANOVA assay showed value p=0,000. Result of further assay Post Hoc showed K1 with K2 p=0,002, K1 with K3 p=0,000, K1 with K4 p=0,000, K2 with K3 p=0,001, K2 with K4 p=0,000, K3 with K4 p=0,000. Conclusions: Concluded that there is good effect of sisal fiber volume fraction to composite resin flexural strength. Flexural strength RK+FS 1% has higher strength than RK+FS 2%,3%,4%. Sisal fiber could become a natural fiber alternative in dentistry restoration material

    Students Perception about Counselors Communication Skills: The Differences Based on Gender and Grades in Junior High Schools

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    Individual counseling services which are not in line with the procedures and goals may lead to students’ negative perceptions. To know this, there are several indicators to be examined whether the services have been in line with the procedures or not, such as listening skills, techniques used, goal setting, and others. Regarding these preliminary findings, this study aimed at describing students’ perceptions of individual counseling services provided by counselors in Semarang, Indonesia and its differences in terms of counselor communication skills based on genders and grades. Survey method with cross-sectional technique (n=709) was employed to investigate this issue. To determine students’ perception of the implementation of individual counseling by the counselor, the authors used MANOVA and multidimensional descriptive analysis. The findings showed that according to gender, male students had lower perceptions of the individual counseling given by counselors than female students. Further, differences in perceptions based on grades are also discussed in this article

    Hubungan antara kualitas attachment dengan regulasi emosi pada remaja di SMA Yayasan Pandaan

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    INDONESIA: Kenakalan remaja adalah salah satu bentuk kekurang mampuan individu dalam meregulasi emosinya. Hal tersebut termasuk kategori gangguan emosional pada masa remaja. Karena ketika seseorang dalam mencapai tujuannya telah gagal, maka ia akan mengalami tekanan psikologis dan akan memilih reaksi emosi yang sesuai dengan kondisi tersebut dengan melakukan tindakan agresi internal/eksternal. Sehingga, kemampuan meregulasi emosi perlu dilakukan terutama bagi para remaja. Thompson (1994:27-28) mendefinisikan regulasi emosi sebagai proses intrinsik dan ekstrinsik yang bertanggung jawab memonitor, mengevaluasi dan memodifikasi reaksi emosi secara intensif dan khusus untuk mencapai suatu tujuan. Kelekatan merupakan salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi regulasi emosi. Kelekatan yang dibangun oleh remaja dengan figur lekat (ibu, ayah & teman sebaya) dapat mempengaruhi perkembangan kehidupan individu, sehingga hal tersebut perlu diberi perhatian yang lebih. Berdasarkan hal tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat kualitas attachment remaja terhadap ibu, ayah & teman sebaya dengan tingkat regulasi emosi. Selanjutnya, penelitian ini diharapkan bisa memberikan pemahaman tentang hubungan kualitas attachment dengan regulasi emosi pada remaja di SMA Yayasan Pandaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif korelasional. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa di SMA Yayasan Pandaan Tahun Ajaran 2013- 2014. Teknik pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling sebesar 50% dengan sampel yang didapat berjumlah 92 siswa. Skala dalam penelitian ini diadaptasi dari Gross & John (2003), seorang penulis ERQ (The Emotional Regulation Questionnaire), dalam teori tersebut terkandung 10 item pernyataan dengan reliabilitas α=0,642 untuk mengukur tingkat regulasi emosi. Sedangkan, untuk mengukur kualitas attachment menggunakan skala IPPA Revised-Version (Armsden & Greenberg, 2009) yang diadaptasi oleh Sakdiyah (2014). Tingkat reliabilitas dari skala kelekatan remaja terhadap ibu (10 item) diketahui α=0.826, kelekatan remaja terhadap ayah (12 item) diketahui α=0.824, dan kelekatan remaja terhadap teman sebaya (11 aitem) diketahui α=0,820. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis regresi linear berganda. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian ditemukan nilai R Square sebesar 0,124 yang berarti, jika variabel kualitas attachment jika dikorelasikan dengan variabel terikat (regulasi emosi) menghasilkan korelasi atau memberi pengaruh sebesar 12,4% serta nilai F = 4,148 signifikansi ρ = 0,008. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan semakin tinggi kualitas kelekatan remaja terhadap ayah maka semakin tinggi regulasi emosi. Sedangkan pada kualitas kelekatan remaja terhadap ibu dan teman sebaya, semakin tinggi kualitas kelekatan tersebut maka semakin rendah regulasi emosi. Dengan demikian, penting bagi remaja untuk meningkatkan kualitas attachment (ibu, ayah, & teman sebaya) supaya dapat meningkatkan kemampuan regulasi emosi. ENGLISH: Juvenile delinquency is one individual in the form of lack of ability to regulate emotions. It belongs to the category of emotional disturbance in adolescence. Because, when a person has failed to achieve its goals, it will experience psychological distress and will select teh appropriat emotional reaction to these condotions by internal/external aggression. Thus, the ability to regulate emotions need to be done, especially for adolescents. Emotion regulation consists of the extrinsic and intrinsic processes responsible for monitoring, evaluating, and modifying emotional reactions, especially their intensive and temporal features, to accomplish one's goals (Thompson, 1994:27-28). Attachment is one of the factors that affect of remotion regulation, because the attachment was built by adolescent to figure intently (mother, father & peers), which would affect the development of an individual’s life, it should be affered attention. Furthermore, the reasearch will give comprehension to know about analyze the level of quality of adolescent attachment to mother, father & peers with the level of emotion regulation. This study is expected to provide an understanding of the quality of the attachment relationship with emotion regulation in adolescent at Yayasan High School Pandaan. The study is a quantitative correlation of the research. The subjects are all students of Yayasan High School Pandaan for 2013-2014. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling method by the result 50% of 92 students. The scale of this study adapted by Gross & John (2003) as author of the ERQ (Emotional Regulation Questionnaire). The theory includes 10 item of pronouncement with reliability of α=0.642 to measure emotion regulation. Whereas, to measure of the quality of attachment, the scale used IPPA revised-version (Armsden & Greenberg, 2009) which adapted by Sakdiyah (2014). The level of reliability of adolescent attachment to mother (10item) is α=0.826, to father (12 item) is α=0.824, and to peers (11 item) is α=0,820. The analysis technique is multiple linear regression analysis. Based on the results of the study found the value of R Square 0.124 that means, when the variable quality of the attachment correlated with the dependent variabel (emotion regulation) would result a correlation or an impact of 12.4% with F = 4.148 significancy ρ = 0.008. The result show the higher of adolescent attachment to the father, the higher emotion regulation. While turns the adolescent attachment to mother and peers, the higher the quality, the lower the viscosity of emotion regulation. Thus, it is important for adolescents to improve the quality of attachment (mother, father & peers) in order to improve the ability of emotion regulation

    Using personal vocabulary notes technique to enrich students’ vocabulary of narrative text

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    This study aimed to explain the effectiveness of personal vocabulary notes technique to enrich student’s vocabulary in narrative text at the eighth graders of MTs N 3 Demak in the Academic year of 2019/2020. This research was quantitative research and the research design used experimental research. The sample in this study was students of class VIII-4 as an experimental class of 30 students and class VIII-3 as a control class of 30 students. The data collection technique used in the form of tests (pre-test and post-test). The collecting data was analyzed using statistical analysis. The formula to analyze the data was used t-test. It was used to determine whether there was a significant difference between students’ scores in experimental and control classes. From the analysis of the final data obtained t count = 64.39 and t table = 2.042. It showed t count > t table means the proposed hypothesis is Ho was rejected and Ha is accepted. It means that there are significant differences in learning outcomes of students who use the personal vocabulary notes technique to enrich student’s vocabulary in narrative text. Based on the statement above, it can be concluded that using personal vocabulary notes technique is effective to enrich student’s vocabulary in the narrative of class VIII MTs N 3 Demak in English subject. Based on the results of this study, it is expected to be an information material, motivation and input for educators (teachers)

    Upaya Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Guru di MI NU Miftahut Tholibin Mejobo Kudus

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) untuk mendeskripsikan kompetensi guru di MI NU Miftahut Tholibin, (2) untuk mendeskripsikan upaya kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru di MI NU Miftahut Tholibin Mejobo Kudus, (3) untuk mendeskripsikan kendala dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru di MI NU Miftahut Tholibin Mejobo Kudus. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif yang dilakukan di MI NU Miftahut Tholibin Mejobo Kudus. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini adalah kepala sekolah, guru-guru, dan peserta didik MI NU Miftahut Tholibin Mejobo Kudus. Teknik pengumpulan data didapatkan dengan melakukan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Kemudian analisis data menggunakan reduksi data, penyajian data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa 1) Kompetensi guru di MI NU Miftahut Tholibin Mejobo Kudus sudah baik. Hal tersebut dilihat dari segi pedagogik, kepribadian, sosial, dan profesionalnya. 2) Upaya kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru di MI NU Miftahut Tholibin Mejobo Kudus yaitu rapat rutinan, pelatihan maupun diklat, supervisi dan kunjungan kelas, dan pemberian motivasi kepada guru. Bentuk upaya pemberian motivasi guru yaitu dengan kedisiplinan, penghargaan (reward), dan dorongan. 3) Kendala-kendala kepala sekolah dalam meningkatkan kompetensi guru di MI NU Miftahut Tholibin Mejobo Kudus meliputi faktor: sarana prasarana yang kurang memadai dari madrasah dan guru enggan mengembangkan potensi dalam hal membuat media pembelajaran. Adapun upaya dalam mengatasi kendalanya yaitu kepala sekolah berusaha untuk memfasilitasi sarana prasarana serta mengikutsertakan pelatihan maupun diklat agar guru mampu untuk mengembangkan potensinya. Selain itu, untuk media pembelajaran, guru bisa menggunakan media visual