17 research outputs found

    Effect of Ascorbate on Coagulation and Fibrinolytic Factors in the Septic Microvasculature

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    Sepsis, a systemic inflammatory response to an infection, is a significant cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The microcirculation during sepsis fails, in part, due to microthrombosis and the resulting plugging of capillaries, precipitating organ failure. Intravenous injection of ascorbate has been shown to reduce capillary plugging, however the mechanism of this protective effect is unclear. We hypothesized that ascorbate-mediated destabilization of the microthrombi through promoting fibrinolysis could contribute to this protection. We showed that streptokinase, a pro-fibrinolytic agent, reduced the capillary plugging to a similar degree as ascorbate. This similarity provided the impetus for studying the effect of ascorbate on fibrinolysis. Sepsis increased the urokinase plasminogen activator (u-PA) and tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) mRNA expression in the skeletal muscle and liver in mice. No effect of ascorbate was observed on u-PA or t-PA expression levels. Sepsis also increased the plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 (PAI-1) mRNA and protein expression and activity in these tissues, but ascorbate did not affect these increases. The local PAI-1 release by both platelets and endothelial cells may play a critical role in microthrombus formation in capillaries. We observed that PAI-1 released by isolated endothelial cells was not affected by ascorbate. However, thrombin-induced PAI-1 release from platelets was inhibited by ascorbate pH-dependently. We have also discovered that the PAI-1 release from platelets was nitric oxide independent. It has been shown that PAI-1 has a protective role in sepsis, namely that PAI-1 knockout leads to increased bacterial content, increased neutrophil apoptosis and increased mortality. Therefore, the lack of effect of ascorbate on PAI-1 in the tissue may maintain PAI-1’s beneficial role in sepsis. Consistently, we observed that sepsis-induced increases in bacterial count, PAI-1 expression and myeloperoxidase content in various organs were not affected by ascorbate. Overall, the lack of effect of ascorbate indicates that the protection by ascorbate through reduced capillary plugging is not through a fibrinolytic mechanism. Other mechanisms such as platelet-endothelial cell adhesion and changes in red blood cell deformability in the capillaries should be explored as possible mechanisms of protection by ascorbate

    Effect of ascorbate on plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 expression and release from platelets and endothelial cells in an in-vitro model of sepsis.

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    The microcirculation during sepsis fails due to capillary plugging involving microthrombosis. We demonstrated that intravenous injection of ascorbate reduces this plugging, but the mechanism of this beneficial effect remains unclear. We hypothesize that ascorbate inhibits the release of the antifibrinolytic plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) from endothelial cells and platelets during sepsis. Microvascular endothelial cells and platelets were isolated from mice. Cells were cultured and stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS), tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα), or thrombin (agents of sepsis), with/without ascorbate for 1-24 h. PAI-1 mRNA was determined by quantitative PCR. PAI-1 protein release into the culture medium was measured by ELISA. In platelets, PAI-1 release was measured after LPS, TNFα, or thrombin stimulation, with/without ascorbate. In endothelial cells, LPS and TNFα increased PAI-1 mRNA after 6-24 h, but no increase in PAI-1 release was observed; ascorbate did not affect these responses. In platelets, thrombin, but not LPS or TNFα, increased PAI-1 release; ascorbate inhibited this increase at low extracellular pH. In unstimulated endothelial cells and platelets, PAI-1 is released into the extracellular space. Thrombin increases this release from platelets; ascorbate inhibits it pH-dependently. The data suggest that ascorbate promotes fibrinolysis in the microvasculature under acidotic conditions in sepsis

    Voluntary running exercise protects against sepsis-induced early inflammatory and pro-coagulant responses in aged mice

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    Background: Despite many animal studies and clinical trials, mortality in sepsis remains high. This may be due to the fact that most experimental studies of sepsis employ young animals, whereas the majority of septic patients are elderly (60 - 70 years). The objective of the present study was to examine the sepsis-induced inflammatory and pro-coagulant responses in aged mice. Since running exercise protects against a variety of diseases, we also examined the effect of voluntary running on septic responses in aged mice. Methods: Male C57BL/6 mice were housed in our institute from 2-3 to 22 months (an age mimicking that of the elderly). Mice were prevented from becoming obese by food restriction (given 70-90% of ad libitum consumption amount). Between 20 and 22 months, a subgroup of mice ran voluntarily on wheels, alternating 1-3 days of running with 1-2 days of rest. At 22 months, mice were intraperitoneally injected with sterile saline (control) or 3.75 g/kg fecal slurry (septic). At 7 h post injection, we examined (1) neutrophil influx in the lung and liver by measuring myeloperoxidase and/or neutrophil elastase in the tissue homogenates by spectrophotometry, (2) interleukin 6 (IL6) and KC in the lung lavage by ELISA, (3) pulmonary surfactant function by measuring percentage of large aggregates, (4) capillary plugging (pro-coagulant response) in skeletal muscle by intravital microscopy, (5) endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) protein in skeletal muscle (eNOS-derived NO is putative inhibitor of capillary plugging) by immunoblotting, and (6) systemic blood platelet counts by hemocytometry. Results: Sepsis caused high levels of pulmonary myeloperoxidase, elastase, IL6, KC, liver myeloperoxidase, and capillary plugging. Sepsis also caused low levels of surfactant function and platelet counts. Running exercise increased eNOS protein and attenuated the septic responses. Conclusions: Voluntary running protects against exacerbated sepsis-induced inflammatory and pro-coagulant responses in aged mice. Protection against pro-coagulant responses may involve eNOS upregulation. The present discovery in aged mice calls for clinical investigation into potential beneficial effects of exercise on septic outcomes in the elderly

    Comprehensive Network Analysis of Anther-Expressed Genes in Rice by the Combination of 33 Laser Microdissection and 143 Spatiotemporal Microarrays

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    Co-expression networks systematically constructed from large-scale transcriptome data reflect the interactions and functions of genes with similar expression patterns and are a powerful tool for the comprehensive understanding of biological events and mining of novel genes. In Arabidopsis (a model dicot plant), high-resolution co-expression networks have been constructed from very large microarray datasets and these are publicly available as online information resources. However, the available transcriptome data of rice (a model monocot plant) have been limited so far, making it difficult for rice researchers to achieve reliable co-expression analysis. In this study, we performed co-expression network analysis by using combined 44 K agilent microarray datasets of rice, which consisted of 33 laser microdissection (LM)-microarray datasets of anthers, and 143 spatiotemporal transcriptome datasets deposited in RicexPro. The entire data of the rice co-expression network, which was generated from the 176 microarray datasets by the Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) method with the mutual rank (MR)-based cut-off, contained 24,258 genes and 60,441 genes pairs. Using these datasets, we constructed high-resolution co-expression subnetworks of two specific biological events in the anther, “meiosis” and “pollen wall synthesis”. The meiosis network contained many known or putative meiotic genes, including genes related to meiosis initiation and recombination. In the pollen wall synthesis network, several candidate genes involved in the sporopollenin biosynthesis pathway were efficiently identified. Hence, these two subnetworks are important demonstrations of the efficiency of co-expression network analysis in rice. Our co-expression analysis included the separated transcriptomes of pollen and tapetum cells in the anther, which are able to provide precise information on transcriptional regulation during male gametophyte development in rice. The co-expression network data presented here is a useful resource for rice researchers to elucidate important and complex biological events

    Finishing the euchromatic sequence of the human genome

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    The sequence of the human genome encodes the genetic instructions for human physiology, as well as rich information about human evolution. In 2001, the International Human Genome Sequencing Consortium reported a draft sequence of the euchromatic portion of the human genome. Since then, the international collaboration has worked to convert this draft into a genome sequence with high accuracy and nearly complete coverage. Here, we report the result of this finishing process. The current genome sequence (Build 35) contains 2.85 billion nucleotides interrupted by only 341 gaps. It covers ∼99% of the euchromatic genome and is accurate to an error rate of ∼1 event per 100,000 bases. Many of the remaining euchromatic gaps are associated with segmental duplications and will require focused work with new methods. The near-complete sequence, the first for a vertebrate, greatly improves the precision of biological analyses of the human genome including studies of gene number, birth and death. Notably, the human enome seems to encode only 20,000-25,000 protein-coding genes. The genome sequence reported here should serve as a firm foundation for biomedical research in the decades ahead

    Reduction of electrical coupling between microvascular endothelial cells by NO depends on connexin37

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    We have previously shown that increased nitric oxide (NO) production in sepsis impairs arteriolar-conducted vasoconstriction cGMP independently and that the gap junction protein connexin (Cx) 37 is required for this conducted response. In the present study, we hypothesized that NO impairs interendothelial electrical coupling in sepsis by targeting Cx37. We examined the effect of exogenous NO on coupling in monolayers of cultured microvascular endothelial cells derived from the hindlimb skeletal muscle of wild-type (WT), Cx37 null, Cx40 null, and Cx43G60S (nonfunctional mutant) mice. To assess coupling, we measured the spread of electrical current injected in the monolayer and calculated the monolayer intercellular resistance (inverse measure of coupling). The NO donor 2,2′-(hydroxynitrosohydrazino)bis-ethanamine (DETA) rapidly and reversibly reduced coupling in cells from WT mice, cGMP independently. NO scavenger HbO2 did not affect baseline coupling, but it eliminated DETA-induced reduction in coupling. Reduced coupling in response to DETA was also seen in cells from Cx40 null and Cx43G60S mice, but not in cells from Cx37 null mice. DETA did not alter the expression of Cx37, Cx40, and Cx43 in WT cells analyzed by immunoblotting and immunofluorescence. Furthermore, neither the peroxynitrite scavenger 5,10,15,20-tetrakis(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphyrinato iron (III), superoxide scavenger Mn(III)tetrakis(4-benzoic acid)porphyrin chloride, nor preloading of WT cells with the antioxidant ascorbate affected this reduction. We conclude that NO-induced reduction of electrical coupling between microvascular endothelial cells depends on Cx37 and propose that NO in sepsis impairs arteriolar-conducted vasoconstriction by targeting Cx37 within the arteriolar wall

    Voluntary running exercise protects against sepsis-induced early inflammatory and pro-coagulant responses in aged mice

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    Abstract Background Despite many animal studies and clinical trials, mortality in sepsis remains high. This may be due to the fact that most experimental studies of sepsis employ young animals, whereas the majority of septic patients are elderly (60 − 70 years). The objective of the present study was to examine the sepsis-induced inflammatory and pro-coagulant responses in aged mice. Since running exercise protects against a variety of diseases, we also examined the effect of voluntary running on septic responses in aged mice. Methods Male C57BL/6 mice were housed in our institute from 2–3 to 22 months (an age mimicking that of the elderly). Mice were prevented from becoming obese by food restriction (given 70–90% of ad libitum consumption amount). Between 20 and 22 months, a subgroup of mice ran voluntarily on wheels, alternating 1–3 days of running with 1–2 days of rest. At 22 months, mice were intraperitoneally injected with sterile saline (control) or 3.75 g/kg fecal slurry (septic). At 7 h post injection, we examined (1) neutrophil influx in the lung and liver by measuring myeloperoxidase and/or neutrophil elastase in the tissue homogenates by spectrophotometry, (2) interleukin 6 (IL6) and KC in the lung lavage by ELISA, (3) pulmonary surfactant function by measuring percentage of large aggregates, (4) capillary plugging (pro-coagulant response) in skeletal muscle by intravital microscopy, (5) endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) protein in skeletal muscle (eNOS-derived NO is putative inhibitor of capillary plugging) by immunoblotting, and (6) systemic blood platelet counts by hemocytometry. Results Sepsis caused high levels of pulmonary myeloperoxidase, elastase, IL6, KC, liver myeloperoxidase, and capillary plugging. Sepsis also caused low levels of surfactant function and platelet counts. Running exercise increased eNOS protein and attenuated the septic responses. Conclusions Voluntary running protects against exacerbated sepsis-induced inflammatory and pro-coagulant responses in aged mice. Protection against pro-coagulant responses may involve eNOS upregulation. The present discovery in aged mice calls for clinical investigation into potential beneficial effects of exercise on septic outcomes in the elderly

    The DNA sequence and biological annotation of human chromosome 1.

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    The reference sequence for each human chromosome provides the framework for understanding genome function, variation and evolution. Here we report the finished sequence and biological annotation of human chromosome 1. Chromosome 1 is gene-dense, with 3,141 genes and 991 pseudogenes, and many coding sequences overlap. Rearrangements and mutations of chromosome 1 are prevalent in cancer and many other diseases. Patterns of sequence variation reveal signals of recent selection in specific genes that may contribute to human fitness, and also in regions where no function is evident. Fine-scale recombination occurs in hotspots of varying intensity along the sequence, and is enriched near genes. These and other studies of human biology and disease encoded within chromosome 1 are made possible with the highly accurate annotated sequence, as part of the completed set of chromosome sequences that comprise the reference human genome

    DNA sequence and analysis of human chromosome 9.

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    Chromosome 9 is highly structurally polymorphic. It contains the largest autosomal block of heterochromatin, which is heteromorphic in 6–8% of humans, whereas pericentric inversions occur in more than 1% of the population. The finished euchromatic sequence of chromosome 9 comprises 109,044,351 base pairs and represents >99.6% of the region. Analysis of the sequence reveals many intra- and interchromosomal duplications, including segmental duplications adjacent to both the centromere and the large heterochromatic block. We have annotated 1,149 genes, including genes implicated in male-to-female sex reversal, cancer and neurodegenerative disease, and 426 pseudogenes. The chromosome contains the largest interferon gene cluster in the human genome. There is also a region of exceptionally high gene and G + C content including genes paralogous to those in the major histocompatibility complex. We have also detected recently duplicated genes that exhibit different rates of sequence divergence, presumably reflecting natural selection