86 research outputs found

    Computational models for inferring biochemical networks

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    Biochemical networks are of great practical importance. The interaction of biological compounds in cells has been enforced to a proper understanding by the numerous bioinformatics projects, which contributed to a vast amount of biological information. The construction of biochemical systems (systems of chemical reactions), which include both topology and kinetic constants of the chemical reactions, is NP-hard and is a well-studied system biology problem. In this paper, we propose a hybrid architecture, which combines genetic programming and simulated annealing in order to generate and optimize both the topology (the network) and the reaction rates of a biochemical system. Simulations and analysis of an artificial model and three real models (two models and the noisy version of one of them) show promising results for the proposed method.The Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CNDI–UEFISCDI, Project No. PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-0917

    Simulation-based model selection for dynamical systems in systems and population biology

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    Computer simulations have become an important tool across the biomedical sciences and beyond. For many important problems several different models or hypotheses exist and choosing which one best describes reality or observed data is not straightforward. We therefore require suitable statistical tools that allow us to choose rationally between different mechanistic models of e.g. signal transduction or gene regulation networks. This is particularly challenging in systems biology where only a small number of molecular species can be assayed at any given time and all measurements are subject to measurement uncertainty. Here we develop such a model selection framework based on approximate Bayesian computation and employing sequential Monte Carlo sampling. We show that our approach can be applied across a wide range of biological scenarios, and we illustrate its use on real data describing influenza dynamics and the JAK-STAT signalling pathway. Bayesian model selection strikes a balance between the complexity of the simulation models and their ability to describe observed data. The present approach enables us to employ the whole formal apparatus to any system that can be (efficiently) simulated, even when exact likelihoods are computationally intractable.Comment: This article is in press in Bioinformatics, 2009. Advance Access is available on Bioinformatics webpag

    A cell-based simulation software for multi-cellular systems

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    CellSys is a modular software tool for efficient off-lattice simulation of growth and organization processes in multi-cellular systems in 2D and 3D. It implements an agent-based model that approximates cells as isotropic, elastic and adhesive objects. Cell migration is modeled by an equation of motion for each cell. The software includes many modules specifically tailored to support the simulation and analysis of virtual tissues including real-time 3D visualization and VRML 2.0 support. All cell and environment parameters can be independently varied which facilitates species specific simulations and allows for detailed analyses of growth dynamics and links between cellular and multi-cellular phenotypes

    State and parameter estimation using Monte Carlo evaluation of path integrals

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    Transferring information from observations of a dynamical system to estimate the fixed parameters and unobserved states of a system model can be formulated as the evaluation of a discrete time path integral in model state space. The observations serve as a guiding potential working with the dynamical rules of the model to direct system orbits in state space. The path integral representation permits direct numerical evaluation of the conditional mean path through the state space as well as conditional moments about this mean. Using a Monte Carlo method for selecting paths through state space we show how these moments can be evaluated and demonstrate in an interesting model system the explicit influence of the role of transfer of information from the observations. We address the question of how many observations are required to estimate the unobserved state variables, and we examine the assumptions of Gaussianity of the underlying conditional probability.Comment: Submitted to the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 19 pages, 5 figure

    Approximations and their consequences for dynamic modelling of signal transduction pathways

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    Signal transduction is the process by which the cell converts one kind of signal or stimulus into another. This involves a sequence of biochemical reactions, carried out by proteins. The dynamic response of complex cell signalling networks can be modelled and simulated in the framework of chemical kinetics. The mathematical formulation of chemical kinetics results in a system of coupled differential equations. Simplifications can arise through assumptions and approximations. The paper provides a critical discussion of frequently employed approximations in dynamic modelling of signal transduction pathways. We discuss the requirements for conservation laws, steady state approximations, and the neglect of components. We show how these approximations simplify the mathematical treatment of biochemical networks but we also demonstrate differences between the complete system and its approximations with respect to the transient and steady state behavior

    Narrative-based computational modelling of the Gp130/JAK/STAT signalling pathway.

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    BACKGROUND: Appropriately formulated quantitative computational models can support researchers in understanding the dynamic behaviour of biological pathways and support hypothesis formulation and selection by "in silico" experimentation. An obstacle to widespread adoption of this approach is the requirement to formulate a biological pathway as machine executable computer code. We have recently proposed a novel, biologically intuitive, narrative-style modelling language for biologists to formulate the pathway which is then automatically translated into an executable format and is, thus, usable for analysis via existing simulation techniques. RESULTS: Here we use a high-level narrative language in designing a computational model of the gp130/JAK/STAT signalling pathway and show that the model reproduces the dynamic behaviour of the pathway derived by biological observation. We then "experiment" on the model by simulation and sensitivity analysis to define those parameters which dominate the dynamic behaviour of the pathway. The model predicts that nuclear compartmentalisation and phosphorylation status of STAT are key determinants of the pathway and that alternative mechanisms of signal attenuation exert their influence on different timescales. CONCLUSION: The described narrative model of the gp130/JAK/STAT pathway represents an interesting case study showing how, by using this approach, researchers can model biological systems without explicitly dealing with formal notations and mathematical expressions (typically used for biochemical modelling), nevertheless being able to obtain simulation and analysis results. We present the model and the sensitivity analysis results we have obtained, that allow us to identify the parameters which are most sensitive to perturbations. The results, which are shown to be in agreement with existing mathematical models of the gp130/JAK/STAT pathway, serve us as a form of validation of the model and of the approach itself

    An integrated strategy for prediction uncertainty analysis

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    Motivation: To further our understanding of the mechanisms underlying biochemical pathways mathematical modelling is used. Since many parameter values are unknown they need to be estimated using experimental observations. The complexity of models necessary to describe biological pathways in combination with the limited amount of quantitative data results in large parameter uncertainty which propagates into model predictions. Therefore prediction uncertainty analysis is an important topic that needs to be addressed in Systems Biology modelling

    Gaussian process regression bootstrapping: exploring the effects of uncertainty in time course data

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    Motivation: Although widely accepted that high-throughput biological data are typically highly noisy, the effects that this uncertainty has upon the conclusions we draw from these data are often overlooked. However, in order to assign any degree of confidence to our conclusions, we must quantify these effects. Bootstrap resampling is one method by which this may be achieved. Here, we present a parametric bootstrapping approach for time-course data, in which Gaussian process regression (GPR) is used to fit a probabilistic model from which replicates may then be drawn. This approach implicitly allows the time dependence of the data to be taken into account, and is applicable to a wide range of problems

    A Bayesian approach to targeted experiment design

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    Motivation: Systems biology employs mathematical modelling to further our understanding of biochemical pathways. Since the amount of experimental data on which the models are parameterized is often limited, these models exhibit large uncertainty in both parameters and predictions. Statistical methods can be used to select experiments that will reduce such uncertainty in an optimal manner. However, existing methods for optimal experiment design (OED) rely on assumptions that are inappropriate when data are scarce considering model complexity