10 research outputs found

    Characterization of the spore surface and exosporium proteins of Clostridium sporogenes; implications for Clostridium botulinum group I strains.

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    Clostridium sporogenes is a non-pathogenic close relative and surrogate for Group I (proteolytic) neurotoxin-producing Clostridium botulinum strains. The exosporium, the sac-like outermost layer of spores of these species, is likely to contribute to adhesion, dissemination, and virulence. A paracrystalline array, hairy nap, and several appendages were detected in the exosporium of C. sporogenes strain NCIMB 701792 by EM and AFM. The protein composition of purified exosporium was explored by LC-MS/MS of tryptic peptides from major individual SDS-PAGE-separated protein bands, and from bulk exosporium. Two high molecular weight protein bands both contained the same protein with a collagen-like repeat domain, the probable constituent of the hairy nap, as well as cysteine-rich proteins CsxA and CsxB. A third cysteine-rich protein (CsxC) was also identified. These three proteins are also encoded in C. botulinum Prevot 594, and homologues (75-100% amino acid identity) are encoded in many other Group I strains. This work provides the first insight into the likely composition and organization of the exosporium of Group I C. botulinum spores

    The structure of the bacterial DNA segregation ATPase filament reveals the conformational plasticity of ParA upon DNA binding

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    The efficient segregation of replicated genetic material is an essential step for cell division. Bacterial cells use several evolutionarily-distinct genome segregation systems, the most common of which is the type I Par system. It consists of an adapter protein, ParB, that binds to the DNA cargo via interaction with the parS DNA sequence; and an ATPase, ParA, that binds nonspecific DNA and mediates cargo transport. However, the molecular details of how this system functions are not well understood. Here, we report the cryo-EM structure of the Vibrio cholerae ParA2 filament bound to DNA, as well as the crystal structures of this protein in various nucleotide states. These structures show that ParA forms a left-handed filament on DNA, stabilized by nucleotide binding, and that ParA undergoes profound structural rearrangements upon DNA binding and filament assembly. Collectively, our data suggest the structural basis for ParA’s cooperative binding to DNA and the formation of high ParA density regions on the nucleoid

    Structure and function of the bacterial heterodimeric ABC transporter CydDC: stimulation of ATPase activity by thiol and heme compounds.

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    In Escherichia coli, the biogenesis of both cytochrome bd-type quinol oxidases and periplasmic cytochromes requires the ATP-binding cassette-type cysteine/GSH transporter, CydDC. Recombinant CydDC was purified as a heterodimer and found to be an active ATPase both in soluble form with detergent and when reconstituted into a lipid environment. Two-dimensional crystals of CydDC were analyzed by electron cryomicroscopy, and the protein was shown to be made up of two non-identical domains corresponding to the putative CydD and CydC subunits, with dimensions characteristic of other ATP-binding cassette transporters. CydDC binds heme b. Detergent-solubilized CydDC appears to adopt at least two structural states, each associated with a characteristic level of bound heme. The purified protein in detergent showed a weak basal ATPase activity (approximately 100 nmol Pi/min/mg) that was stimulated ∼3-fold by various thiol compounds, suggesting that CydDC could act as a thiol transporter. The presence of heme (either intrinsic or added in the form of hemin) led to a further enhancement of thiol-stimulated ATPase activity, although a large excess of heme inhibited activity. Similar responses of the ATPase activity were observed with CydDC reconstituted into E. coli lipids. These results suggest that heme may have a regulatory role in CydDC-mediated transmembrane thiol transport

    The molecular basis of endolytic activity of a multidomain alginate lyase from Defluviitalea phaphyphila, a representative of a new lyase family, PL39

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    Alginate is a polymer containing two uronic acid epimers, β-d-mannuronate (M) and α-l-guluronate (G), and is a major component of brown seaweed that is depolymerized by alginate lyases. These enzymes have diverse specificity, cleaving the chain with endo- or exotype activity and with differential selectivity for the sequence of M or G at the cleavage site. Dp0100 is a 201-kDa multi-modular, broad-specificity endotype alginate lyase from the marine thermophile Defluviitalea phaphyphila, which uses brown algae as a carbon source, converting it to ethanol, and bioinformatics analysis suggested that its catalytic domain represents a new polysaccharide lyase family, PLxx. The structure of the Dp0100 catalytic domain, determined at 2.07 Å resolution, revealed that it comprises three regions strongly resembling those of the exotype lyase families PL15 and PL17. The conservation of key catalytic histidine and tyrosine residues belonging to the latter suggest these enzymes share mechanistic similarities. A complex of Dp0100 with a pentasaccharide, M5, showed that the oligosaccharide is located in subsites -2, -1, +1, +2, and +3 in a long, deep canyon open at both ends, explaining the endotype activity of this lyase. This contrasted with the hindered binding sites of the exotype enzymes, which are blocked such that only one sugar moiety can be accommodated at the -1 position in the catalytic site. The biochemical and structural analyses of Dp0100, the first for this new class of endotype alginate lyases, has furthered our understanding of the structure-function and evolutionary relationships within this important class of enzymes

    The role of phosphate groups in the VS ribozyme–substrate interaction

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    The VS ribozyme trans-cleavage substrate interacts with the catalytic RNA via tertiary interactions. To study the role of phosphate groups in the ribozyme–substrate interaction, 18 modified substrates were synthesized, where an epimeric phosphorothioate replaces one of the phosphate diester linkages. Sites in the stem–loop substrate where phosphorothioate substitution impaired reaction cluster in two regions. The first site is the scissile phosphate diester linkage and nucleotides downstream of this and the second site is within the loop region. The addition of manganese ions caused recovery of the rate of reaction for phosphorothioate substitutions between A621 and A622 and U631 and C632, suggesting that these two phosphate groups may serve as ligands for two metal ions. In contrast, significant manganese rescue was not observed for the scissile phosphate diester linkage implying that electrophilic catalysis by metal ions is unlikely to contribute to VS ribozyme catalysis. In addition, an increase in the reaction rate of the unmodified VS ribozyme was observed when a mixture of magnesium and manganese ions acted as the cofactor. One possible explanation for this effect is that the cleavage reaction of the VS ribozyme is rate limited by a metal dependent docking of the substrate on the ribozyme

    Structure and lipid dynamics in the maintenance of lipid asymmetry inner membrane complex of A. baumannii

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    Multi-resistant bacteria are a major threat in modern medicine. The gram-negative coccobacillus Acinetobacter baumannii currently leads the WHO list of pathogens in critical need for new therapeutic development. The maintenance of lipid asymmetry (MLA) protein complex is one of the core machineries that transport lipids from/to the outer membrane in gram-negative bacteria. It also contributes to broad-range antibiotic resistance in several pathogens, most prominently in A. baumannii. Nonetheless, the molecular details of its role in lipid transport has remained largely elusive. Here, we report the cryo-EM maps of the core MLA complex, MlaBDEF, from the pathogen A. baumannii, in the apo-, ATP- and ADP-bound states, revealing multiple lipid binding sites in the cytosolic and periplasmic side of the complex. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest their potential trajectory across the membrane. Collectively with the recently-reported structures of the E. coli orthologue, this data also allows us to propose a molecular mechanism of lipid transport by the MLA system

    A urea channel from <i>Bacillus cereus</i> reveals a novel hexameric structure

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    Urea is exploited as a nitrogen source by bacteria, and its breakdown products, ammonia and bicarbonate, are employed to counteract stomach acidity in pathogens such as Helicobacter pylori. Uptake in the latter is mediated by UreI, a UAC (urea amide channel) family member. In the present paper, we describe the structure and function of UACBc, a homologue from Bacillus cereus. The purified channel was found to be permeable not only to urea, but also to other small amides. CD and IR spectroscopy revealed a structure comprising mainly α-helices, oriented approximately perpendicular to the membrane. Consistent with this finding, site-directed fluorescent labelling indicated the presence of seven TM (transmembrane) helices, with a cytoplasmic C-terminus. In detergent, UACBc exists largely as a hexamer, as demonstrated by both cross-linking and size-exclusion chromatography. A 9 Å (1 Å=0.1 nm) resolution projection map obtained by cryo-electron microscopy of two-dimensional crystals shows that the six protomers are arranged in a planar hexameric ring. Each exhibits six density features attributable to TM helices, surrounding a putative central channel, while an additional helix is peripherally located. Bioinformatic analyses allowed individual TM regions to be tentatively assigned to the density features, with the resultant model enabling identification of residues likely to contribute to channel function.</jats:p