12 research outputs found

    Old World megadroughts and pluvials during the Common Era

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    Climate model projections suggest widespread drying in the Mediterranean Basin and wetting in Fennoscandia in the coming decades largely as a consequence of greenhouse gas forcing of climate. To place these and other “Old World” climate projections into historical perspective based on more complete estimates of natural hydroclimatic variability, we have developed the “Old World Drought Atlas” (OWDA), a set of year-to-year maps of tree-ring reconstructed summer wetness and dryness over Europe and the Mediterranean Basin during the Common Era. The OWDA matches historical accounts of severe drought and wetness with a spatial completeness not previously available. In addition, megadroughts reconstructed over north-central Europe in the 11th and mid-15th centuries reinforce other evidence from North America and Asia that droughts were more severe, extensive, and prolonged over Northern Hemisphere land areas before the 20th century, with an inadequate understanding of their causes. The OWDA provides new data to determine the causes of Old World drought and wetness and attribute past climate variability to forced and/or internal variability

    Dendrochronological analysis of 19 Norwegian grain chests

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    Nineteen Norwegian grain chests made of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) were analyzed by measuring tree-ring widths on photographs and scanned pictures. Seventeen of the chests were successfully dated by dendrochronology. Two of the dates are corrections of an earlier dating; the ages of these two chests were verified by radiocarbon dating. The grain chests were expected to be medieval, but four, all without carvings, proved to be post-medieval. The mean curve constructed from the dated chests matches all regional Scots pine chronologies in central and southern Norway and several from southern Sweden. All the chests were probably constructed in central Norway. Originally only sixteen chests were known, but several new ones were discovered in the course of this project

    Little Ice Age summer temperatures in Western Norway from a 700-year tree-ring chronology

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    A ring-width Pinus sylvestris chronology from Sogndal in western Norway was created, covering the period AD 1240–2008 and allowing for reconstruction of monthly mean July temperatures. This reconstruction is the first of its kind from western Norway and it aims to densify the existing network of temperature-sensitive tree-ring proxy series to better understand past temperature variability in the ‘Little Ice Age’ and diminish the spatial uncertainty. Spatial correlation reveals strong agreement with temperatures in southern Norway, especially on the western side of the Scandinavian Mountains. Five prominent cold periods are identified on a decadal timescale, centred on 1480, 1580, 1635, 1709 and 1784 and ‘Little Ice Age’ cooling spanning from 1450 to the early 18th century. High interannual and decadal agreement is found with an independent temperature reconstruction from western Norway, which is based on data from grain harvests and terminal moraines. The reconstructed temperatures also correlate with other tree-ring-based temperature reconstructions from Fennoscandia, most strongly with data from central Sweden. Tree growth in Sogndal is correlated to the Scandinavian teleconnection index in the summer months, at least in the last half of the 20th century, and is positively correlated to the summer expression of the North Atlantic Oscillation in the early half of the 20th century. A significant response to major volcanic forcing in the Northern Hemisphere was found, and extreme years seem to be related to the dominance of high and low geopotential height that in turn represents variability in the path of the storm tracks over Fennoscandia. When compared with the variation in frontal positions with time of Nigardsbreen, an eastern outlet glacier from the Jostedalsbreen glacier in western Norway, cold summers in the early 18th century relates to the culmination of a rapid glacial advance that lead up to the 1748 ‘Little Ice Age’ maximum extent

    Radiocarbon calibration around AD 1900 from Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) tree rings from northern Norway

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    To resolve an inconsistency around AD 1895 between radiocarbon (14C) measurements on oak from the British Isles and Douglas fir and Sitka spruce from the Pacific Northwest, USA, we measured the 14C content in single-year tree rings from a Scots pine tree (Pinus sylvestris L.), which grew in a remote location in Saltdal, northern Norway. The dataset covers the period AD 1864–1937 and its results are in agreement with measurements from the US Pacific coast around 1895. The most likely explanation for older ages in British oak in this period seems to be 14C depletion associated with the combustion of fossil fuels

    The 1953-1965 rise in atmospheric bomb 14C in central Norway

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    Sub-annual measurements, eight increments per year, of cellulose in a Scots pine tree growing in central Norway are presented as a proxy for tropospheric 14CO2 at biweekly to monthly resolution. The results are validated by comparison to direct atmospheric measurements in the years 1959–1965, and a new dataset is obtained for 1953–1958. In this period, our cellulose measurements deviate from the Bomb 13 NH1 calibration curve, which is derived from single-year measurements of tree rings. This is due to seasonal cycles in tropospheric radiocarbon (14C) concentrations, caused by the first series of atmospheric nuclear weapons tests

    Supplemental_final – Supplemental material for Little Ice Age summer temperatures in western Norway from a 700-year tree-ring chronology

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    <p>Supplemental material, Supplemental_final for Little Ice Age summer temperatures in western Norway from a 700-year tree-ring chronology by Helene Løvstrand Svarva, Terje Thun, Andreas Joachim Kirchhefer and Atle Nesje in The Holocene</p

    Status Report of the Trondheim Radiocarbon Laboratory

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    The Trondheim radiocarbon (14C) laboratory has evolved from a traditional radiocarbon decay counting laboratory to an accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) facility primarily measuring 14C. This evolution required adjustments in sample preparation and data handling to match the capacity of the AMS system and reduction in sample sizes to about 1 mgC. We summarize here the steps involved in dating a sample at the National Laboratory for Age Determination in Trondheim, Norway. These include the structure of our sample database for information handling, sample cleaning procedures for different sample types, our reduction systems, both an automated EA-based system for regular use and a manual system for more challenging samples, and data evaluation. We will also briefly summarize the capabilities of our isotope-ratio mass spectrometer