95 research outputs found

    Optimal Control Approach For HIV-1 Infection in CD4+T Cells with RTI and PI Treatments

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    The purpose of this paper is to expose the optimal approach of controlling HIV-1 infection in CD4+T cells with Reverse Transcriptease Inhibitors (RTI) and Protease Inhibitors (PI) treatments. The scope of the paper includes a proposed model of the dynamic system of HIV-1 infection in CD4 cells with RTI and PI as controls and a proposed objective function model that minimizes infected CD4+T Cells, the population of free virus and therapeutic costs. From the dynamics system model and objective function model, we designed an optimal control for HIV-1 infection control. In this paper, we obtained optimal control for RTI and PI therapies. The results of this paper are as follows: by using the optimal control approach, we obtained infectious control strategy that minimizes actively infected CD4+T Cells, the population of free virus and the cost of treatment. In other words, optimal control is a good approach in determining infection control strategies that minimizes the objective function


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pembelajaran melalui pendekatan problem posing dan hasil belajar fisika. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam tiga siklus, siklus pertama diskusi dengan sumber belajar buku cetak dan lembar kerja siswa, siklus kedua dengan sumber belajar buku cetak, lembar kerja siswa dan koneksi internet, siklus ketiga dengan lembar kerja siswa, koneksi internet dan pembelajaran dalam perpustakaan dengan pemanfaatan buku fisika yang sesuai. Hasil penelitian ini mendeskripsikan perencanaan pembelajaran dengan pendekatan problem posing, pelaksanaan pembelajaran melalui problem posing untuk meningkatkan aktivitas siswa serta hasil belajar fisika. Jumlah siswa yang aktif dari siklus pertama sampai ketiga semakin bertambah, siklus pertama yang aktif 65,63%, siklus kedua yang aktif 81,25%, siklus ketiga yang aktif 90,63%; jumlah siswa yang tuntas dari siklus pertama sampai ketiga semakin meningkat, hasil evaluasi akhir  siklus pertama yang tuntas 56,25%, siklus kedua yang tuntas 71.88%,  akhir  siklus ketiga yang tuntas 81,25%

    Comparison Between Zero Point and Zero Suffix Methods in Fuzzy Transportation Problems

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    Transportation is discussing the problems of distribution items from a source to a destination with an aim to minimize transportation costs. The problem of fuzzy transport is the cost of transportation, supply, and demand with a quantity of fuzzy. The purpose of the research is a study of a comparison of theories from the zero-point method and the zero-suffix method in determining the optimal solution on cost transportation. Based on the result of the theoretical comparison, it can be concluded that the process of using the zero-suffix method is shorter in determining an optimal solution in 6 steps than that of a zero-point method in 11 steps. For achieving the optimal value shows that for zero-suffix the method of occurrence iteration in the sixth step, but for the zero-point method the iteration occurs in the ninth step. The results in the numerical comparison we conclude the distribution cost using two methods is the same, based on the demand and supply obtained 7 times iteration and 7 items allocation for zero point method, while 6 times iteration and 7 items allocation for zero suffix method


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    Pada paper ini dikemukakan pengkontruksian model dinamik pertumbuhan alga dan pengaruhnya pada perubahan kadar nitrogen diperairan. Model dinamik yang diperoleh merupakan sistem persamaan diferensial non-linear dengan empat variabel. Variabel tersebut adalah alga, amoniak, nitrit, dan nitrat. Model pertumbuhan alga yang diperoleh merupakan model logistik. Dari hasil simulasi diperoleh bahwa pertumbuhan alga mencapai maximum pada hari ke tujuh dengan kapasitas daya tampung alga adalah 78, 64 x 104 /mL. Dari hasil simulasi diperoleh bahwa perubahan kadar amoniak, nitrit, dan nitrat dipengaruhi oleh perubahan kepadatan alga. Apabila kepadatan alga semakin tinggi, maka kadar amoniak dan nitrit semakin tinggi pula. Sedangkan apabila kepadatan alga semakin tinggi, maka kadar nitrat semakin rendah dan sebaliknya

    Modeling CD4+ T cells and CTL response in HIV-1 infection with antiretroviral therapy

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    The majority of an immune system infected by HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is CD4+ T cells. The HIV-1 transmission through cell to cell of CD4+ T cells supports the productive infection. On the other hand, infected CD4+ T cells stimulate cytotoxic T-lymphocytes cells to control HIV-1 infection. We develop and analyze a mathematical model incorporating the infection process through cell to cell contact of CD4+ T cells, CTL compartment and the combination of RTI and PI treatments. By means of the alternative reproduction ratio, it is analyzed the stability criteria and the existence of endemic equilibrium. Numerical simulations are presented to study the implication of the combination of RTI and PI therapy. The results indicate that RTI drug shows more significant effect in reducing HIV-1 infection compared to PI drug

    Solusi Periodik Dari Persamaan Korteweg De Vries (Kdv) Dengan Operator Bilinier Hirota

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    . Hirota bilinear operator (Hirota Method) is proposed to directly construct periodic wave solutions from Korteweg de Vries (KdV) equation. This solution can be expressed in terms of Jacobi Theta 4 (Θ4) functions, with dispersion relation yielded from degradation of biliear equation. Then, sinusoidal wave, Solitary, and Cnoidal can be reduced from this solution to asses certain of nome (q)

    Perbedaan Pengaruh Latihan Plyometric Double Leg Tuck Jump di Pasir dan Tanah Terhadap Power Otot Tungkai Siswa Ekstrakurikuler Bola Voli Putra SMA/SMK Negeri di Purwokerto

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    Latar belakang: Pembinaan pelatih bola voli memiliki peluang yang besar untuk mendapat kejuaraan karena dibina oleh pelatih voli secara langsung, Pembinaan pelatihan tersebut seharusnya kualitas pembibitan atlet dapat dimaksimalkan. Salah satu latihan yang dapat menunjang keberhasilan pembinaan pelatihan yaitu latihan plyometric double leg tuck jump. Tujuan penelitian: Untuk menganalisis perbedaan pengaruh latihan plyometric double leg tuck jump di pasir dan tanah terhadap power otot tungkai siswa ekstrakurikuler bola voli putra SMA/SMK Negeri di Purwokerto. Metodelogi : Desain penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimen semu (Quasi Experiment) dengan rancangan two groups pretest-postest design. Teknik pengambilan sampling adalah ordinal sampling sebanyak 24 siswa. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini yaitu vertical jump test. Analisis data menggunakan uji t test dan uji independent t test. Hasil penelitian: Hasil uji t test power otot tungkai responden sebelum dan sesudah latihan plyometric double leg tuck jump menunjukkan hasil yang sama sebesar p=0,000. Sedangkan hasil uji independent t test terhadap rerata power otot tungkai antar kelompok tanah dan pasir menunjukkan p=0,000. Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan skor power otot tungkai yang signifikan saat sebelum dan sesudah latihan plyometric double leg tuck jump di pasir sebesar 18,4%, terdapat perbedaan skor power otot tungkai yang signifikan saat sebelum dan sesudah latihan plyometric double leg tuck jump di tanah 9% dan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara skor power kelompok pasir dan tanah sebesar 9,4%

    Analisis Bifurkasi Model Pertumbuhan Tumor Dengan Persamaan Logistik Waktu Tunda

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    In this paper is being studied about the logistic tumor growth model with time delay. The mathematical model is in non-linear differential equation with time delay difficult to find the solution analytically, so here we analyze the behavior of the model through perturbation. The tumor growth model has two equilibriums (i.e.at and ). Because this growth model is non-linear hence to analyze the stability of each equilibrium point is done through the linearization method. By using a perturbation procedure, the equilibrium point is unstable and is stable. The equilibrium is stable for , unstable for and Hopf bifurcation occurs at

    Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Stad Berantai dengan Pendekatan Saintifik

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    The purposes of this research were to improve learning by analyzing and finding: lesson plan, learning implementation, assessment, increase creative thinking. The place of research was at SMAN 1 Way Jepara.The results of this research teachers were able to design lesson plans through scientific approach to the final score of 4.11 on the first cycle, the final score of 4.22 on the second cycle, the final score of 4.28 on the third cycle; student learning activity increased from the first cycle to the third cycle of 8 active students, and teachers in the learning activity increased from the first cycle to the third cycle of 3.53; the results of the analysis of items on average each end of the first cycle to the third cycle of medium difficulty level (0.69).Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki pembelajaran dengan menganalisis dan menemukan: rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran; pelaksanaan pembelajaran; asesmen; peningkatan berpikir kreatif.Tempat penelitian di SMAN 1 Way Jepara.Hasil penelitian guru mampu merancang RPP dengan pendekatan saintifik hasil akhir siklus pertama skor 4.11, siklus kedua skor 4.22, siklus ketiga skor 4.28; aktivitas belajar siswa meningkat dari siklus pertama sampai siklus ketiga sebesar 8 siswa aktif, dan aktivitas guru dalam pembelajaran meningkat dari siklus pertama sampai siklus ketiga sebesar 3.53; hasil analisis butir soal rata-rata setiap akhir siklus pertama sampai siklus ketiga tingkat kesukaran sedang (0.69), daya beda cukup (0.46), validitas sangat tinggi (0.84), reliabilitas tinggi (0.89
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