634 research outputs found


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    The presence of Sunya dance is beggins from watching the Sidakarya Mask Dance in Balinese Hindu’s religion ceremony. Behind the mask there is many value taken such as: beauty, ritual, and spiritual with philosophy meanings for religious people to do pray for the Gods in Hindu’s philosophy concept, it’s basic to learn about Dharma and to understanding Sunya, that is the last and the highest. To be in Sunya level is the last step in religious way, which is to release all the desire in life. This relation is an inspiration to reach the last destination into the higest one in a concept which could be understand and expressed in Sunya Dance creation. The creation used mulat sarira themes (it’s way to really understand ourselves) and rid away Sadripu (the six enemys) which is always flane up in human’s live. Sunya Creation dance come through a long way creation creation process starts from the adaption of Sidakarya Mask Dance, getting all the data about Sidakarya Mask, and all the about Sunya (Surya). Followed with improvisation, and find all the monements in an eksperiment into the concept


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    Tenarere as a cultural art tradition of the ethnic group in Adonara area (East Nusa Tenggara) belongs to a ritual dance. The performance of this art form is used as an annual celebration for recalling the historical journey of their great achestors from their former land (Moluccus islands) to their present home island (Adonara). In order to explicate the underlying meaning of the dance, the study is done through the viewpoint of the three aspects of cultural paradigm (form-function-meaning). It is found that this cultural art tradition has a multi-dimentional function – ritually, historically, aesthetically, and socially. One of its social functions is to strengthen the brotherhood unity of the the knirek and ata gooken who have been living spreadingly all over the Adonara island


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    Unlike in the past nowadays a lot of online resources for learning English have become more accessible and even free.  The advancement of digital technology makes it possible to create user friendly learning applications and various formats of learning materials.  The users of these online resources are not only limited to learners but also teachers. Teachers can choose and adjust the materials for their students without having to create them from the scratch themselves. Learners can also benefit from these free resources; with some guidance and recommendation from teachers they can make use of these learning materials. However, learners can also choose the resources to their need as well as pace their own learning. This descriptive study investigated the students’ perception towards learning English using online resources. There were 25 final year students participating in this study. A survey was conducted to glean the subjects’ opinions on their learning process using the online resources. The e-resources assigned were chosen from various websites related to the main and sub skills for iBT TOEFL tests since they took the iBT TOEFL Preparation class.  The online exercises on the subskills such as vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar were also assigned to support their main skills. Aside from the survey, a group-focused interview was also conducted to confirm the subjects’ responses in the survey. The result indicates a positive attitude among the learners towards the use of online resources during their learning in that semester. Convenience and flexibility of using online resources are the strong points for this positive perception. However, the instability of internet connection sometimes hampered the smooth learning in accessing the resources. Another finding indicates that only self-study using online resources is found to be insufficient; the combination of independent learning and teachers or tutors’ guidance seems necessary if they are to take the official iBT TOEFL tes

    Online News As Learning Resource in EFL Classrooms

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    Newspaper has been acknowledged as one useful learning resource in EFL classrooms. In this digital era teachers as well as learners can access unlimited resources on the internet; one of the resources available for free and at all times is online news. However, nowadays some students are not really keen on reading news and reading it in English is even more challenging. For this reason this study aims to bridge this gap. This research tries to find out in what way reading news on the same topics in both the Indonesian and English versions benefits EFL learners in terms of content and vocabulary. There were 98 Indonesian freshmen from three Reading classes taking part in this study. They read both the Indonesian and English news on the same topics as their reading assignment during the semester. At the end of the semester an online survey was conducted to find out the benefits of the assignment. A focused group interview was conducted to gain more information on the subjects’ responses in the survey. The findings show that reading both the Indonesian and English news on the same topics enhance the subjects’ understanding of the content of the English news as well as help them better guess the meaning of unknown English words and increase their vocabulary knowledge.   Keywords: online news, learning resource, EFL classroom

    Modernism and Crisis: Seyyed Hossein Nasr's Idea on Spiritual Intelligence and Its Relevance Today

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    Modern humans are experiencing various acute crises. Scientific and technological advancements have ironically become a boomerang for humanity, dominating nature and creating a materialistic and hedonistic lifestyle. This study aims to discover Seyyed Hossein Nasr's perspective on spiritual intelligence and the importance of social virtue education in dealing with modern human problems. This qualitative study employs productive interpretation to analyse the data extracted from the main works of Seyyed Hossein Nasr. This study revealed that Nasr's insights shape a fundamental understanding that promotes spiritual awareness within the educational context, encouraging the integration of spiritual values into the social domain. Such integration will create a more just, empathetic, and environmentally conscious society. Nasr's ideas also provide a pathway to address the challenges posed by modernity by returning to spiritual values and adopting a balanced approach to religion and culture.Contribution: The contribution/urgency that the article gives through this exploration is to shed light on the intricate interplay between spirituality, education, and social values, enriching Nasr's timeless contributions


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    The problem investigated in this research is the existence (orin-existence) of interdependence among managerial stock ownership, debt policy and dividend policy in testing agency theory. This research is primarily aimed at knowing how is the influence and relation among MOWN, DEBT and DIV. This research uses sample of manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2005-2007. Purposive sampling method is used to determine the research sample, 33 companies were taken as sample in this research. Equation model used in this research is simultaneous equation, therefore the analysis tool used is 2SLS (Two Stage Least Square). According to the test of 2SLS, the following results are obtained: (1) Debt empiricallyhas influence and negative relationship with MOWN; (2) MOWNempirically has influence and negative relationship with DEBT; (3) DIV empirically has influence and relationship with MOWN; (4) MOWN empirically has influence and relationship with DIV; (5) DIVempirically has no influence yet has positive relationship with DEBT; (6) DEBT empirically has no influence yet has positive relationship with DIV. Keywords: managerial ownership, debt policy, dividend policy, two stage least square

    The Influence of Depth of Cut, Feed Rate, and Step-over on Dimensional Accuracy in Subtractive Rapid Prototyping of Polycarbonate Material

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    Subtractive rapid prototyping is fast and automatic three dimensions physical modelling that uses computer aided design model as the input. The dimensional accuracy of the result of the subtractive rapid prototyping is influenced by its process parameters. The aim of this research is to study and then develop a model that shows the influence of depth of cut, feed rate, and step-over on the vertical length error, horizontal length error, and depth error in subtractive rapid prototyping of polycarbonate material. This research implements response surface methodology to develop the model and then followed by the residual tests to evaluate the developed model. The result shows that the increase of the feed rate and the step-over will increase the horizontal dimension error. The most influenced factor on the horizontal dimension error is the step-over. Meanwhile, the vertical dimension error will be affected mostly by the step-over. Last, the depth error is influenced by the feed rate, the step-over, and the depth of cut. The depth of cut is the most critical factor that increases the depth error. The developed models give an insight on how several process parameters of rapid prototyping will influence the dimensional accuracy of a polycarbonate material. Based on the model, efficient resources utilization can be achieved

    An Analysis of the Influence of Both Interest Rate and Capital Structure on Rate of Return and its Implication to Firm Value

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    The present research was intended to find out the result of an analysis of both interest rate and capital structure and to determine their influence on rate of return and its implication to the firm value at BEI. The method used was a descriptive method with a quantitative approach. The research sample was corporate obligation firms listed at BEI in time period 2009 through 2013, selected by a purposive sampling method with the following criteria: 1) the obligations are traded at BEI in the time period of 2009 through 2013, and 2) they have an obligation rank from PT. PEFINDO and have neither put option nor call option. The data was analyzed by using a panel data analysis technique. In general, the research concluded that 1) there was influence of interest rate on rate of return, 2) there was influence of capital structure on rate of return, and 3) there was influence of obligation rate of return on firm value. Keywords: Interest Rate, Capital Structure, Rate of Return, and Firm Valu


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan sikap semangat kebangsaan dan hasil belajar siswa dengan menggunakan model cooperative learning tipe jigsaw pada pembelajaran IPS pokok bahasan persiapan kemerdekaan Indonesia. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di kelas V SDN Gentra Masekdas dan dilatar belakangi keadaan siswa yang kurang menunjukkan sikap di dalam proses kerja kelompok dan hasil belajar yang masih banyak di bawah KKM karena guru sering menggunakan metode ceramah yang cenderung monoton dan belum menggunakan model cooperative learning tipe jigsaw. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK) dengan menggunakan sistem siklus yang terdiri dari perencanaan, pelaksanaan, observasi, analisis dan refleksi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan dalam 2 siklus dengan 2 pertemuan pada setiap siklusnya dan menerapkan model pembelajaran cooperative learning tipe jigsaw yang terdiri dari 6 fase, yaitu stimulus/pemberian rangsangan, pernyataan/identifikasi masalah, pengumpulan data, pengolahan data, pembuktian, menarik kesimpulan/ generalisasi. Penilaian yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah teknik tes untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa, penilaian aktivitas dan lembar observasi untuk mengetahui kegiatan guru dan siswa selama proses pembelajaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya peningkatan nilai rata-rata dari penilaian kerjasama dan hasil tes belajar. Pada penilaian aktivitas nilai rata-rata siklus 1 yaitu 65 sedangkan siklus 2 mencapai nilai rata-rata 75,5. Hasil belajar siklus 1 nilai rata-rata yaitu 60,80, dan hasil belajar siklus 2 rata-rata nilai mencapai 73,87. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan model cooperative learning tipe jigsaw dapat meningkatkan aktivitas dan hasil belajar siswa pada pembelajaran IPS pokok bahasan Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia di kelas V SDN Gentra Masekdas. Dengan demikian, penggunaan model cooperative learning tipe jigsaw dapat dijadikan salah satu model pembelajaran untuk diterapkan pada pembelajaran IPS dengan pokok bahasan yang lainnya. Kata kunci: cooperative learning tipe jigsaw, aktivitas, hasil belajar
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