39 research outputs found

    Media Accountability: Global Trends and European Monitoring Capabilities

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    This article summarises the global state of the art of research into media accountability, using this overview as a framework for an analysis of 14 European countries' structures and the possibilities for monitoring their media accountability landscapes. The first step shows that a model developed purely in the context of liberal Western democracies struggles to explain the diversity of media accountability instruments, actors, proceedings, and the effectiveness of these systems in different countries. When a broad understanding of media accountability is applied, different models of media accountability frameworks can be identified globally, and even within Europe. These findings on structures and actors in the field function as guidelines for the second part of the article, which analyses monitoring capabilities in Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, and Sweden - with a special focus, not only on the status quo, but also the capability to monitor changes and trends over time. Even in countries with generally well-developed monitoring and research structures in the media sector, much of the available literature focuses on normative questions, and available data is not necessarily comparable longitudinally or cross-nationally. International efforts have inspired key publications in a number of countries, but they are rarely followed up by continuous monitoring of developments in the field. Several cases describe a common reason for monitoring deficits: Weak professional culture among journalists leads to ineffective and often neglected media accountability measures, which in turn limits research activity and funding opportunities

    COPE - Covering Cohesion Policy in Europe: training materials for european journalism students

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    Over the past 1,5 years, the COPE consortium has built a 27-country Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) teaching coverage of EU issues to journalism students across Europe. The MOOC addresses journalism educators and institutes across Europe as well as newsrooms and individual journalists looking for training options. The MOOC - produced by journalism institutes in 27 EU member states - will help journalism students understand policy-making in Europe and tap on relevant data and sources. The COPE MOOC is available in all EU languages. Selected modules have so-called "local windows" providing country-specific contents. The consortium shares one goal - promoting even more cross-border collaboration and professional coverage of European issues in a future generation of European journalists. The COPE MOOC is co-funded by the European Union with a budget of 1 Mio. Euro to facilitate the production of content of all 14 modules, the translation, and the technical set-up of 27 national MOOCs. This E-Book gathers all contents provided in the COPE MOOC, to make the teaching materials accessible to journalism educators, journalism students and media practitioners beyond the digital version. We hope this E-Book will inspire creative use of our materials in teaching across Europe - and beyond! A comprehensive set of 14 modules (one semester) will enable journalism educators across the EU to systematically teach journalism students to better understand the functioning of EU institutions and the complex factual dimensions of Cohesion Policy in the EU. Journalism students will also learn how to practically translate this knowledge into sound and sensitive, yet critical and challenging multimedia reporting techniques addressing local audiences. Our course will make a special effort to train journalism students in finding the regional angle in EU coverage, to make coverage relevant for local audiences, and act as watchdog to cover and assess the spending of cohesion funds by local actors in the regions across the EU. Journalism educators will be substantially supported by experienced scholars (from the field of political science, mainly public policy and European studies) dealing with Cohesion Policy and EU policies in general, both in the process of preparation of the course modules and the implementation of the curriculum. Thus, an interdisciplinary approach is key for this project

    Journalism in a Global Context: Perspektiven fĂŒr Afrika und Herausforderungen fĂŒr Europa

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    In der gegenwĂ€rtigen FlĂŒchtlingskrise zeigt sich auf eklatante Weise das Informationsdefizit, das die gegenseitige mediale Wahrnehmung der europĂ€ischen und afrikanischen LĂ€nder bestimmt. WĂ€hrend in Deutschland und Europa Fluchtursachen und -motive zumeist junger afrikanischer Migranten falsch eingeschĂ€tzt und innerkontinentale Migrationsprozesse in Afrika nur marginal in europĂ€ischen Medien thematisiert werden, nehmen auch viele Menschen in afrikanischen LĂ€ndern nur Ausschnitte aus der RealitĂ€t des Lebens in Deutschland bzw. Europa wahr. Hieran hat auch die mangelnde Medienberichterstattung in afrikanischen LĂ€ndern ĂŒber HintergrĂŒnde und Folgen der FlĂŒchtlingsbewegungen erheblichen Anteil. Der Werkstattbericht bietet auf Grundlage von zwei deutsch-afrikanischen Konferenzen, Literatursichtung und eigenen Studien eine EinschĂ€tzung der Berichterstattung auf beiden Kontinenten

    Fluorinated Azobenzenes Switchable with Red Light

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    Molecular photoswitches triggered with red or NIR light are optimal for photomodulation of complex biological systems, including efficient penetration of the human body for therapeutic purposes (“therapeutic window”). Yet, they are rarely reported, and even more rarely functional under aqueous conditions. In this work, fluorinated azobenzenes are shown to exhibit efficient E→Z photoisomerization with red light (PSS660nm >75 % Z) upon conjugation with unsaturated substituents. Initially demonstrated for aldehyde groups, this effect was also observed in a more complex structure by incorporating the chromophore into a cyclic dipeptide with propensity for self-assembly. Under physiological conditions, the latter molecule formed a supramolecular material that reversibly changed its viscosity upon irradiation with red light. Our observation can lead to design of new photopharmacology agents or phototriggered materials for in vivo use

    Perspektivwechsel: Migrationsberichterstattung in ausgewÀhlten afrikanischen LÀndern und Deutschland aus Migrant*innensicht

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    SpĂ€testens seit dem Jahr 2015 sind Migration und Zuwanderung fester Gegenstand politischer Debatten in Deutschland. Verschiedene kommunikationswissenschaftliche Studien widmen sich daher der medialen Berichterstattung zu diesen Themen und untersuchen, wie diese auf die Wahrnehmung von Migranten innerhalb der deutschen Bevölkerung wirkt (z.B. Arlt & Wolling, 2017). In Abgrenzung dazu widmet sich die hier vorliegende Studie der Frage, wie Migranten selbst die Migrationsberichterstattung rezipieren, wie sie diese wahrnehmen und wie diese persönliche Migrations- und Integrationshandlungen prĂ€gt. Dazu wurden zwei Fokusgruppendiskussionen mit Migranten aus Subsahara-Afrika gefĂŒhrt. Diskutiert wurden sowohl die Rezeption und Bewertung der Migrationsberichterstattung im Herkunftsland als auch in Deutschland. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass das Thema Migration kaum Gegenstand der in den HerkunftslĂ€ndern rezipierten Berichterstattung war, weshalb persönliche Migrationsentscheidungen vor allem durch interpersonale Kommunikation beeinflusst wurden. Die Migrationsberichterstattung in Deutschland nahmen die afrikanischen Teilnehmer als zu einseitig und zu reduziert auf die Subthemen Armut und Krieg wahr.Since 2015, migration and immigration have been relevant topics of political debate in Germany. Therefore, various communication studies researched the media reporting on these issues and examined how it affects the perception of migrants within the German population (e.g. Arlt & Wolling, 2017). In distinction to this, the present study addresses the question of how migrants themselves receive migration reporting, how they perceive it, and how it shapes their personal migration and integration actions. We conducted two focus group discussions with migrants from Sub-Saharan Africa. The participants discussed both the reception and evaluation of migration reporting in their country of origin and in Germany. The results show that the topic of migration was hardly reported in the countries of origin, which is why personal migration decisions were more influenced by interpersonal communication. In Germany, the African participants perceive media reports about migration issues as too one-sided and as reduced to the sub-themes of poverty and war

    A Comparative Analysis of Coverage in 17 Countries (2015-2018)

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    Six years after the so-called ‘refugee crisis’ in 2015, the European Union remains divided on questions of migration and asylum policy. The issue also remains high on the agendas of the USA and Russia, two other key destination countries with immigration from Latin America and the Post-Soviet space. This article presents results from a comparative study of news coverage in 17 countries, focusing on 10 EU member states in Western and Central Eastern Europe (CEE), the USA and Russia. The intensity of coverage was remarkably different, with Hungary’s and Germany’s media standing out while Russian media displayed relatively low levels of coverage. Individual migrants and refugees were most visible in the two outlets from the USA. Media in CEE countries tended towards a more critical approach than media in Western Europe. However, differences between most countries’ pairs of analyzed media outlets indicate a more pluralistic debate than frequently assumed

    Ein wissenschaftspolitisches Positionspapier

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    Internationalisierung ist zwar ein verbreitetes Schlagwort im heutigen akademischen Betrieb, und keiner bestreitet dessen Wichtigkeit, doch wie internationalisiert ist die deutsche Kommunikationswissenschaft wirklich? Manche deutschen Hochschulen verstehen unter Internationalisierung lediglich ein (kommunikationswissenschaftliches) englischsprachiges Lehrangebot, andere das Publizieren in englischsprachigen Fachzeitschriften. Dass dies zu kurz greift, versteht sich von selbst. Aber welche internationale Reichweite hat die deutsche Scientific community bisher tatsĂ€chlich erzielt? Welchen Stellenwert hat die international vergleichende Forschung, haben inter- und transkulturelle Perspektiven im Fach? Wie steht es um die internationale AnschlussfĂ€higkeit der deutschen Kommunikationswissenschaft? International komparative und kollaborative Forschung und die Einnahme inter-/transkultureller Perspektiven sind QuerschnittsauftrĂ€ge fĂŒr alle Forschungsfelder des Fachs und können nicht nur beschrĂ€nkt sein auf so explizit getaufte Netzwerke und Fachgruppen der internationalen und transkulturellen Kommunikation unter dem Dach wissenschaftlicher Fachgesellschaften. Dieses Positionspapier plĂ€diert daher fĂŒr eine „tiefe Internationalisierung“ der deutschen Kommunikationswissenschaft