700 research outputs found

    Relatos del ser ciudadano en el exilio

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    Effect of Plant Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria on Salicornia ramosissima Seed Germination under Salinity, CO2 and Temperature Stress

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    In a scenario of climate change and growing population, halophyte root microbiota interactions may be a sustainable solution to improve alternative crop production while combating abiotic stress. In this work, seeds of the cash crop halophyte Salicornia ramosissima were inoculated with five different plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria consortia, isolated from the rhizosphere of five halophytes in southwestern Spain salt marshes. For the first time, we recorded seed germination response to three interactive abiotic stressors, CO2 (400 and 700 ppm), temperature (25 and 29 ℃) and salinity (171, 510 and 1030 mM NaCl), all of them related to climate change. Salinity played a decisive role, as no significant differences were registered between treatments at 171 mM NaCl and no germination took place at 1030 mM NaCl. At 510 mM NaCl, one rhizobacterial consortium improved seed parameters notably, increasing up to 114% germination percentage and 65% seedlings biomass. These first findings encourage us to think that cash crop halophytes like S. ramosissima and halophyte root microbiota may be valuable resources for human or animal feeding in a future climate reality.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CGL2016-75550-R)Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (FPU014/03987

    Recursos educativos abiertos y estrategias de búsqueda e implementación en un ambiente de aprendizaje universitario

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    Esta investigación se realizó con veinticuatro docentes de la Universidad de Montemorelos. El estudio exploratorio identificó las estrategias de búsqueda de recursos educativos abiertos y los procesos de implementación en ambientes de aprendizaje áulicos. Existe la necesidad urgente de promover el uso de REA en el aula, así como de cambiar el paradigma de la práctica educativa. Usarlos genera aprendizajes más significativos en los estudiantes y mejora sustancialmente el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje.


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    Resumen Introducción: A nivel mundial, existen escasos estudios donde relacionan el Síndrome de Burnout con la Sobrecarga laboral manifestado en trastornos psicosomáticos en el personal de enfermería. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la sobrecarga laboral y prevalencia del Síndrome de Burnout en el personal de enfermería que labora dentro de las diferentes áreas COVID del Antiguo Hospital General Querétaro durante la pandemia del coronavirus SARS-COV2. Metodología: Estudio observacional, transversal, descriptivo- correlacional, realizado en 70 profesionales de enfermería mediante muestreo por conveniencia en el Hospital COVID del estado de Querétaro, México. Se les aplicó el instrumento “EDO: Escala de Desgaste Ocupacional (Burnout)” del Dr. Uribe Prado, donde se incluyeron datos sociodemográficos, desgaste ocupacional y factores psicosomáticos manifestando la sobrecarga laboral. El proyecto fue evaluado y aprobado por un Comité de Investigación y un Comité de Bioética. Los datos se analizaron en el programa Microsoft Excel, obteniendo la correlación de Pearson, desviación estándar y medidas de tendencia central. Resultados: Se obtuvo que el 74.28% fueron mujeres y el 25.71% hombres, entre 23 a 44 años, que estuvieron en contacto directo con enfermos por COVID.19. El 60% de los profesionales de enfermería se encontraron con un Desgaste ocupacional Alto y los trastornos psicosomáticos más afectados son la ansiedad (23.4%), el dolor (23.1%) y el sueño (18.2%). Se obtuvo una correlación positiva débil de 0.15. Conclusión: El personal de enfermería no se encuentra tan desgastado debido a las estrategias de afrontamiento institucionales y a que se encuentran acostumbrados a un ambiente laboral estresante. Abstract Introduction: Worldwide, there are few studies that relate Burnout Syndrome with Work Overload manifested in psychosomatic disorders in nursing staff. Objective: To determine the relationship between work overload and prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in nursing staff working in the different COVID areas of the Antiguo Hospital General de Querétaro during the SARS-COV2 coronavirus pandemic. Methodology: Observational, cross-sectional, descriptive-correlational study, carried out on 70 nursing professionals through convenience sampling at the COVID Hospital in the state of Querétaro, Mexico. The instrument "EDO: Escala de Desgaste Ocupacional (Burnout)" by Dr. Uribe Prado was applied, which included sociodemographic data, occupational wear and psychosomatic factors manifesting work overload. The project was evaluated and approved by a Research Committee and a Bioethics Committee. The data was analyzed in the Microsoft Excel program, obtaining Pearson's correlation, standard deviation and measures of central tendency. Results: It was found that 74.28% were women and 25.71% were men, between 23 and 44 years old, who were in direct contact with patients with COVID-19. 60% of the nursing professionals found themselves with High Occupational Burnout and the most affected psychosomatic disorders are anxiety (23.4%), pain (23.1%) and sleep (18.2%). A weak positive correlation of 0.15 was obtained. Conclusion: The nursing staff is not so worn out due to institutional coping strategies and because they are used to a stressful work environment

    Seasonal variation in AMF colonisation, soil and plant nutrient content in gypsum specialist and generalist species growing in P‑poor soils

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    Aims: Gypsum soils are P-limited atypical soils that harbour a rich endemic flora. These singular soils are usually found in drylands, where plant activity and soil nutrient availability are seasonal. No previous studies have analysed the seasonality of P nutrition and its interaction with the arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) colonisation in gypsum plants. Our aim was to evaluate the seasonal changes in plant nutrient status, AMF colonisation and rhizospheric soil nutrient availability in gypsum specialist and generalist species. Methods: We evaluated seasonal variation in the proportion of root length colonised by AMF structures (hyphae, vesicules and arbuscules), plant nutrient status (leaf C, N and P and fine root C and N) and rhizospheric soil content (P, organic matter, nitrate and ammonium) of three gypsum specialists and two generalists throughout a year. Results: All species showed arbuscules within roots, including species of Caryophyllaceae and Brassicaceae. Root colonisation by arbuscules (AC) was higher in spring than in other seasons, when plants showed high leaf P-requirements. Higher AC was decoupled from inorganic N and P availability in rhizospheric soil, and foliar nutrient content. Generalists showed higher AC than specialists, but only in spring. Conclusions: Seasonality was found in AMF colonisation, rhizospheric soil content and plant nutrient status. The mutualism between plants and AMF was highest in spring, when P-requirements are higher for plants, especially in generalists. However, AMF decoupled from plant demands in autumn, when nutrient availability increases in rhizospheric soil

    Sindrome de Burnout y Sobrecarga Laboral de Enfermerìa en el Área COVID-19

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    Introducción: A nivel mundial, existen escasos estudios donde relacionan el Síndrome de Burnout con la Sobrecarga laboral manifestado en trastornos psicosomáticos en el personal de enfermería. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre la sobrecarga laboral y prevalencia del Síndrome de Burnout en el personal de enfermería que labora dentro de las diferentes áreas COVID del Antiguo Hospital General Querétaro durante la pandemia del coronavirus SARS-COV2. Metodología: Estudio observacional, transversal, descriptivo- correlacional, realizado en 70 profesionales de enfermería mediante muestreo por conveniencia en el Hospital COVID del estado de Querétaro, México. Se les aplicó el instrumento “EDO: Escala de Desgaste Ocupacional (Burnout)” del Dr. Uribe Prado, donde se incluyeron datos sociodemográficos, desgaste ocupacional y factores psicosomáticos manifestando la sobrecarga laboral. El proyecto fue evaluado y aprobado por un Comité de Investigación y un Comité de Bioética. Los datos se analizaron en el programa Microsoft Excel, obteniendo la correlación de Pearson, desviación estándar y medidas de tendencia central. Resultados: Se obtuvo que el 74.28% fueron mujeres y el 25.71% hombres, entre 23 a 44 años, que estuvieron en contacto directo con enfermos por COVID.19. El 60% de los profesionales de enfermería se encontraron con un Desgaste ocupacional Alto y los trastornos psicosomáticos más afectados son la ansiedad (23.4%), el dolor (23.1%) y el sueño (18.2%). Se obtuvo una correlación positiva débil de 0.15. Conclusión: El personal de enfermería no se encuentra tan desgastado debido a las estrategias de afrontamiento institucionales y a que se encuentran acostumbrados a un ambiente laboral estresante.   Introduction: Worldwide, there are few studies that relate Burnout Syndrome with Work Overload manifested in psychosomatic disorders in nursing staff. Objective: To determine the relationship between work overload and prevalence of Burnout Syndrome in nursing staff working in the different COVID areas of the Antiguo Hospital General de Querétaro during the SARS-COV2 coronavirus pandemic. Methodology: Observational, cross-sectional, descriptive-correlational study, carried out on 70 nursing professionals through convenience sampling at the COVID Hospital in the state of Querétaro, Mexico. The instrument "EDO: Escala de Desgaste Ocupacional (Burnout)" by Dr. Uribe Prado was applied, which included sociodemographic data, occupational wear and psychosomatic factors manifesting work overload. The project was evaluated and approved by a Research Committee and a Bioethics Committee. The data was analyzed in the Microsoft Excel program, obtaining Pearson's correlation, standard deviation and measures of central tendency. Results: It was found that 74.28% were women and 25.71% men, between 23 and 44 years old, who were in direct contact with patients with COVID-19. 60% of the nursing professionals found themselves with a High Occupational Burnout and the most affected psychosomatic disorders are anxiety (23.4%), pain (23.1%) and sleep (18.2%). A weak positive correlation of 0.15 was obtained. Conclusion: The nursing staff is not so worn out due to institutional coping strategies and because they are used to a stressful work environment

    Effect of pressure on the band gap and the local FeO6 environment in BiFeO3

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    BiFeO3 exhibits a complex phase-transition sequence under pressure associated with changes in octahedron tilts and displacements of Bi3+ and Fe3+ cations. Here, we investigate the local structure of Fe3+ as a function of pressure through absorption crystal-field spectroscopy in the 0–18 GPa range. We focus on the influence of phase transitions on the Fe3+ off-center displacement through the energy (E) and oscillator strength (fd−d) of the 4T1 and 4T2 Fe3+ (3d5) bands observed below the band gap (Egap = 2.49 eV) at 1.39 and 1.92 eV, respectively, at ambient conditions. Pressure induces linear redshift of both 4T1 and 4T2 bands, consistent with the compression of the FeO6 octahedron under pressure. On the other hand, the transition oscillator strength (fd−d = 3 × 10−5), enabled by both the exchange mechanism and the off-center Fe3+ distortion, slightly increases with pressure. The absence of notable anomalies in the variation of E(P) and fd−d (P) through the phase sequence from the ferroelectric rhombohedral R3c phase to the nonpolar orthorhombic Pnma phase suggests a persisting off-center position of the Fe3+. While this local polarity is correlated and expected in the ferroelectric R3c phase, its presence in the high-pressure nonpolar Pnma phase indicates the presence of local polar instabilities.Financial support from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (Project No MAT2008-06873-C02-01), and MALTA CONSOLIDER-INGENIO 2010 (Ref. CDS2007-0045) is acknowledged

    Consortia of Plant-Growth-Promoting Rhizobacteria Isolated from Halophytes Improve the Response of Swiss Chard to Soil Salinization

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    Inadequate fertilization or the indiscriminate use of water with high salt concentrations have led to salinization of agricultural soils. In this context, biofertilization with plant-growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) is an environmentally benign strategy to stimulate plant growth, even under salt stress. Thus, we studied the use of isolated PGPR consortia from halophytes to enhance Swiss chard growth under saline conditions. Growth, photosynthetic apparatus response, nutrient status, pigment concentrations, and secondary metabolites with antioxidant activity were determined in Swiss chard plants grown at 0 and 85 mmol L−1 NaCl. In general, inoculation of plants with PGPR has been shown to be an effective strategy to stimulate the growth of Swiss chard and improve its tolerance to salt stress. Inoculated plants watered with 85 mmol L−1 NaCl showed higher values of leaf dry weight than control plants. Furthermore, PGPR inoculation reduced electrolyte leakage and Na+ uptake and improved chlorophyll a fluorescence parameters, chlorophyll and carotenoid concentrations, stomatal conductance, and antioxidant capacity of Swiss chard. Finally, our findings highlight the potential of isolated PGPR from halophytes to counterbalance the deleterious effect of salinity and stimulate crop growth.Junta de Andalucía DOC_0072

    Análisis de citas en la revista Adicciones

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    Correspondencia a Rafael Aleixandre Benavent: [email protected]ón: El análisis de citas permite conocer determinados patrones de consumo de información de los profesionales. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar las referencias bibliográficas de la revista Adicciones en 1999 y 2000. Material y Método: Las referencias se clasificaron en tipos documentales, países de origen, año de la cita, revistas y sus áreas temáticas. Como indicadores de envejecimiento de la literatura se calculó la vida media de las publicaciones citadas y el índice de Price. Resultados: Se analizaron 2.119 referencias, siendo los artículos de revista el tipo más citado (63%), seguido de los libros (33,5%). Las citas a publicaciones norteamericanas acapararon el 39,1%. Un núcleo central de cinco revistas recibieron más de treinta referencias, entre las que destacan las de adicciones y psiquiatría. Discusión: La enorme difusión alcanzada por la literatura científica norteamericana produce unos índices de citación de literatura europea bajos, en detrimento de la atención debida a la propia producción investigadora. El hecho de que la segunda revista más citada sea la propia revista fuente expresa la confianza que los autores otorgan a Adicciones y contribuye a reforzar su interés para lectores y futuros investigadores.Introduction: Citation analysis permits ascertaining determined information consumption patterns of professionals. The objective of this work is to analyse the bibliographical references in the Spanish journal, Adicciones, during 1999 and 2000. Material and Method: The bibliographical references were classified under the headings of document type, country of origin, citation date, journals and subject field. The average life of the publications cited and the Price Index were calculated, as indicators of the obsolescence of the literature Results: 2,119 references were analyzed, with articles in journals being most cited (63%), followed by books (33.5%). Citations of American publications accounted for 39.1%. There is a central nucleus of five journals, including those on addiction, and on general psychiatry, which received more than thirty citations. Discussion: The enormous dissemination of American scientific literature leads to a low European literature citation index, to the detriment of due attention to our own research. The fact that the second most cited journal is Adicciones is an indication of the reliance of authors on this journal and, at the same time, contributes to reinforcing its interest for readers and future researchers