178 research outputs found

    Inclusão de um aluno com perturbação do espectro do autismo na sala de aula

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    Esta comunicación presenta un proyecto de intervención que incluye una reflexión teórica y una parte práctica sobre la inclusión en el aula de un estudiante con trastorno del espectro autista. El mundo de los niños autistas y sus familias inquieta a los profesionales de la educación. Se mira a este mundo como un todo, no sólo se interpretan los intereses, las necesidades, capacidades y ritmos de aprendizaje, sino también el reflejo en el contexto familiar y educativo. " Vivir con autismo es una abdicación de una forma de ver el mundo, es recorrer los caminos que nos llevan a más de una manera de ver el mismo mundo, es, sin duda, hablar y escuchar otro idioma!" (Cavaco, 2009 p.129). El sistema educativo portugués, comprometido con satisfacer las necesidades específicas de los niños y jóvenes con trastorno autista, está diseñado para crear un marco legal que permita a las unidades más nuevas estructuradas de enseñanza, a través de metodologías de intervención adecuadas, áreas de poder y capacidad de compromiso. En este contexto, es nuestra intención presentar parte de los resultados del proyecto de intervención de la incorporación de un estudiante con trastorno del espectro autista en la educación reglada.This communication presents an intervention project that includes a theoretical reflection and a practical part on the inclusion in the classroom of a student with an autism spectrum disorder. The world of the autistic children and their families are concerned about the education professionals. Looking at this world as a whole, not only are interpreted the interests, needs, abilities and learning rhythms, but also the reflection in the family and educational context. "Living with autism is an abdication of a way of viewing the world, is to walk the paths that lead us to more than one way to see the same world, it is, without doubt, to talk about and hear another language'" (Cavaco, 2009 p129). The Portuguese educational system, committed to meet the specific needs of children and young people with autistic disorder, is designed to create a legal framework that would allow the newer units structured teaching, through appropriate intervention methodologies, areas of power and capacity for commitment. In this context, it is our intent to present part of the results of the intervention project for the incorporation of a student with an autism spectrum disorder in formal education.O presente comunicação propõe-se apresentar um projeto de intervenção que envolveu uma reflexão teórica e uma componente prática sobre a inclusão na sala de aula regular de um aluno com Perturbação do Espectro do Autismo. O mundo da criança autista inquieta profissionais de educação e pais. Olhar para este mundo como um todo, não é só interpretar interesses, necessidades, capacidades e ritmos de aprendizagem, é, também, olhar reflexivamente para o contexto familiar e educacional. “Conviver com o autismo é abdicar de uma só forma de ver o mundo, é percorrer caminhos que nos conduzem a uma múltipla forma de ver esse mesmo mundo, é, sem dúvida, falar e ouvir uma outra linguagem!” (Cavaco, 2009, p.129) O Sistema Educativo Português, empenhado em responder às necessidades específicas das crianças e jovens com Perturbação Autista, concebeu um enquadramento legal permitindo criar as recentes unidades de ensino estruturado, que através de metodologias de intervenção adequadas, potencia as áreas e capacidades comprometidas. Neste contexto é nossa intenção apresentar parte dos resultados do projeto de intervenção da inclusão de um aluno com Perturbação do Espectro do Autismo no ensino regular.peerReviewe

    Expectations of emerging adults about conjugality and parenthood

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    In modern societies the life course up to the point of marriage and having children is not as linear as it was in the past. For this reason, this study aimed to analyse the factors that may influence the expectations of emerging adults on conjugality and parenthood, such as academic ambition, family typology, and religion. This is an exploratory research, with qualitative design, in which 18 emerging adults living in Portugal participated in individual semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis suggests that emerging adults perceive personal over external factors as having greater impact on what they expect of conjugality and parenthood. The current study also highlights a general preference for marriage as opposed to cohabitation, and points to a tendency, on the part of religious emerging adults, to prefer to marry through the church. The findings of this study may contribute to better interventions in different contexts with emerging adults, and may have expanded the knowledge about what their main concerns are, regarding the constitution of a family.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    an economic perspective

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    Scopus ID: 84881118417 WOS: SciELO: S0870-90252013000100008publishersversionpublishersversionpublishe

    The predictive value of dyadic coping in the explanation of PTSD symptoms and subjective well-being of work accident victims

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    Objective: Work accidents may be considered dyadic stressors in so far as they not only affect the worker, but also the couple's relationship. Dyadic coping, as the process by which couples manage the stress experienced by each partner, can strengthen individual health and well-being as well as couple relationship functioning. Accidents at work have progressively been studied from a perspective that focuses on their negative effects on PTSS, anxiety, and depression. However, to a large extent, the dyadic coping processes and results following a work accident are still to be identified and clarified. In this study, we examined the predictive value of dyadic coping in the explanation of PTSS and subjective well-being of work accident victims. Method: This study comprised a sample of 62 individuals involved in work accidents within the last 24 months (61.3% males) and their partners (N = 124; M = 46.25 years, SD = 11.18). All participants responded to the Dyadic Coping Inventory and the work accident victims also answered the PTSD Checklist - Civilian (PCL-C) and the Mental Health Continuum - Short Form (MHC-SF). Two hierarchical multiple regression analyses were performed using two different variable set models: Model 1 comprised the control variables gender and age, and Model 2 included the workers' and the partners' dyadic coping variables. Results: Results showed that dyadic coping reported by both workers and their respective partners (Model 2) was a significant predictor of workers' PTSS (p < 0.01) and subjective well-being (p < 0.001), explaining 31.2% of the variance in PCL-C and 68.7% in MHC-SF results. More specifically, the partners' supportive dyadic coping (by the self) and delegated dyadic coping (by the partner) were significant predictors of the workers' lower PTSS and virtually all the dyadic copying strategies of both the workers' and their partners' were significant predictors of the workers' higher subjective well-being. Conclusion: Dyadic coping of both the workers and their partners predicts the workers' PTSS and subjective well-being. These findings point to the need to work with couples who have experienced a work accident, with a view to improving the workers' mental health outcomes.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Estado de bem-estar e igualdade de género: o desenvolvimento das políticas de articulação trabalho-família em Portugal no período 1976-2009.

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    Doutoramento em Sociologia Económica e das Organizações.Um dos desafios que os/as trabalhadores/as têm de enfrentar na sua vida quotidiana é o de encontrar um equilíbrio satisfatório entre as responsabilidades profissionais e familiares, dependendo em grande medida da provisão de bem-estar por via de políticas igualitárias. No contexto da União Europeia, Portugal tem sido um dos países que menor percentagem do PIB têm vindo a afectar à protecção social, posicionando-se sendo sempre abaixo da média europeia desde 2000. Esta evidência representa um fardo para as famílias portuguesas, sobretudo para as mulheres, que continuam a assumir a maior parte das responsabilidades do trabalho de cuidar num país que tem uma longa tradição de emprego feminino, com uma das mais elevadas taxas de emprego feminino da União Europeia, sobretudo em regime de tempo integral. O aumento das taxas de actividade feminina desde a década de 1960 evoluiu para a predominância de um padrão de duplo emprego nas famílias portuguesas, o que tem vindo a constituir um desafio para os governos, na medida em que requer a disponibilidade de uma ampla gama de infraestruturas e serviços públicos de apoio às famílias e outras políticas de articulação trabalho-família, como regimes de protecção da maternidade e da paternidade orientados para a igualdade e a partilha, Planos Nacionais para a Igualdade, entre outras. A presente investigação consistiu uma análise diacrónica das políticas de articulação da vida trabalho-família em Portugal desde 1976 (construção da democracia) até 2009 (novo regime jurídico de proteção social na parentalidade, orientado para partilha e a igualdade de género) e das suas implicações em matéria de igualdade de género. A análise empírica foi concretizada pela exploração do debate parlamentar, a análise de imprensa e 20 entrevistas individuais semi-estruturadas a agentes que contribuíram para os avanços legislativos no plano da articulação trabalho-família no período em análise.One of the greatest challenges that workers have to face in their daily routine is finding an adequate balance between work and family responsibilities, highly dependent on welfare provision through equality-oriented policies. In the European Union context, Portugal has been one of the countries with lower expenditure on social protection as a percentage of GDP, being always below the european average since 2000. This represents a burden for Portuguese families, especially for women, who continue to undertake most of the care work responsibilities in a country that has a long tradition of female employment, with one of the highest female employment rates in the European Union, mostly in a full-time basis. The raise of the female activity rates since the 1960s evolved to the predominance of a dual-earner pattern in Portuguese families, which has been a challenge for governments, as it demands a broad range of public infrastructures and services to support families and other work-life articulation policies such as gender- sharing parental leave systems, National Plans for Equality, amongst others. The present investigation consisted of a diachronic analysis of the work-family life articulation policies in Portugal since 1976 (construction of democracy) to 2009 (new Legal Regime for Parenthood Protection, gender equality-oriented), and their implications regarding gender equality. The empirical study has drawn upon parliamentary debate and press analysis, as well as 20 interviews with individuals who were responsible for the assignment of work-family life policies in the political agenda in Portugal.N/

    a comparative approach between Muslim, Hindu and Christian migrant women in Lisbon, Portugal

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    PEst-OE/SADG/UI4038/2014This paper aims to discuss the influence of religion on the reconfiguration of workfamily relations promoted by three groups of migrant women to deal with the Portuguese economic crisis and labour market contraction whose effects have been more marked than in many other E.U. countries. Comparative ethnographic research has brought to light how female religious participation generates social capitals and converts them in material and work-family reconciliation resources thus mitigating vulnerabilities or triggering beneficial results that affect the lives of families in both the short and long term. Despite the differences in mobilizing religious resources to manage work and family life within the three groups, the achievement of such a ‘balance’ depends on a similar religious construction of female self which is developed against an individualized notion of personhood.publishersversionpublishe

    Plano de negócios para uma loja de óptica

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    Ciências EmpresariaisA crise económica em Portugal precipitou nos últimos anos um ajustamento nos vários sectores de atividade. A retração do consumo provocou mudanças ao nível das empresas, obrigando a alterações de estratégia e redefinição de objectivos. O sector dos produtos ópticos não foi exceção e as pequenas e médias empresas que sobreviveram juntaram-se a grandes grupos. Poucas empresas dedicaram os seus esforços a valorizar a qualidade dos produtos e dos serviços. É com esta premissa que surge a oportunidade de negócio. Fundamentado no crescimento subtil do mercado dos produtos de luxo, o presente trabalho de final de mestrado apresenta o Plano de Negócios para a criação de uma loja dedicada à comercialização de produtos ópticos, nomeadamente armações personalizadas, feitas totalmente à medida do cliente. Com base no conhecimento e experiência dos promotores, a Monóculo pretende ser uma referência no mercado de luxo, colmatando a inexistência de uma óptica dedicada exclusivamente à personalização de armações, com requinte e sofisticação próprios de uma loja que dite tendências. O facto de ser um sector com pouca informação disponível provocou, em algumas etapas, alguma dificuldade na avaliação da envolvente externa. A maior dificuldade na prossecução deste Plano de Negócios será fazer chegar o conceito de negócio ao cliente final.During the last few years, the economical crises created the need for some economical sectors of commerce to adjust to a new social reality. The lack of money to spend forced the companies to change strategies and redefine objectives. The optical sector was no exception and the small and medium business that survived did it mostly by joining big groups. Few companies thrived and dedicated their efforts to improve the quality of the products and services provided. It's based on this scenario that this business idea flourished. Taking in consideration the growth of the luxury market, this thesis presents a business plan to create an optical shop dedicated to create and build personalized frames, totally customized and unique. With the knowledge of the promoters, Monóculo is aiming to be a household in this segment, filling the need for a product with a special touch and unique flair. The biggest setback of this thesis is the lack of information regarding the sector and the business area. The hardest part know is to put the plan in motion

    Spillover trabalho - família e engagement em casais trabalhadores

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    Nos últimos anos o interesse pelo estudo da vida familiar e profissional tem sido crescente na literatura científica. O presente estudo surge com o objetivo de compreender as relações entre os papéis profissionais e familiares, focando-se essencialmente nos aspetos positivos associados à sua conciliação. Para tal, recorreu-se à aplicação da escala MIDUS, que avalia o spillover entre o papel profissional e familiar e à UWES, que analisa os níveis de engagement dos trabalhadores. O universo do estudo foi constituído por 143 casais com diferentes atividades profissionais e de várias instituições. Os resultados demonstram que variáveis individuais, familiares e profissionais possuem distintos efeitos significativos sobre o spillover trabalho – família e família – trabalho em ambas as valências positiva e negativa e que os níveis de engagement e spillover são semelhantes nos sujeitos. Verificou-se ainda que o engagement no sujeito está associado a elevados níveis de engagement no cônjuge e que o spillover trabalho – família e família – trabalho é percecionado de forma semelhante pelo sujeito e pelo cônjuge. No final, são apontadas algumas limitações teóricas e traçadas pistas para estudos futuros; ### Abstract: Over the last few years, interest in the study of work-family interface has been growing in scientific literature. The scope of this study is the understanding of relationships between work and family roles, focusing primarily on the positive aspects associated with their compatibility. To this end, data were collected by the application of the MIDUS scale, which assesses the spillover between work and family roles, and UWES, which analyzes the levels of employee engagement. The total study population consisted of 143 couples with different occupations and of various institutions. Results show that individual variables, both family and professional, have different significant effects on the positive and negative work-family and family-work spillover and that the levels of engagement and spillover are similar in subjects. It was also found that the engagement in subjects is related with high levels of engagement in spouses and that the work-family and family-work spillover is perceived similarly by subjects and spouses. In the end, some theoretical limitations are identified and some clues are provided to stimulate future studies

    Healthcare workers’ mental health in pandemic times: the predict role of psychosocial risks

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    Healthcare workers perform an emotionally exhausting daily work activity, making them prone to occupational hazards, namely psychosocial ones. This study aims to assess the impact of psy chosocial risk factors on healthcare workers’ mental health. A cross-sectional study was developed between May and June of 2021 with 479 healthcare workers from Portuguese hospitals. The Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale was used to assess mental health, and psychosocial risks were assessed through the Health and Work Survey e INSAT. Statistical analysis was performed to identify the psychosocial risk factors related to anxiety, depression, and stress. Subsequently, a multiple linear regression was performed to identify the models that better explained psychosocial risk factors’ relationship with anxiety, depression, and stress. Data showed a strong exposure to psychosocial risks. Work pace and intensity, work relation ships, and emotional demands stood out with higher global average percentages for yes answers to “exposure and discomfort.” The analysis of the b values and p-values from the multiple linear regression shows that some cross-sectional psychosocial risks are predictors of anxiety and stress dimensions, and other psychosocial risks differ in the two mental health dimensions. However, it is important to highlight that healthcare workers still showed great joy and pleasure in performing their work activities. Support network development in the work environment is needed to prevent healthcare workers’ emotional stress and promote their psychological well-being. Therefore, new research is essential to understand the psychosocial risks that affect healthcare workers and assess the less visible effects of workehealth relationshipsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prognostic assessment of breast carcinoma submitted to neoadjuvant chemotherapy with pathological non-complete response

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    Breast cancer with pathological non-complete response (non-pCR) after neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC) has a worse prognosis. Despite Neo-Bioscore has been validated as an independent prognostic model for breast cancer submitted to NAC, non-pCR carcinoma was not assessed in this setting.MethodsThis is a retrospective trial that included women with localized breast cancer who underwent NAC and had non-pCR carcinoma in surgical specimen between 01/01/2013 to 12/31/2015 with a three-year follow-up. Survival analysis was performed by Kaplan-Meier estimator and hazard ratio (HR) set by log-rank test for the primary and secondary endpoints, respectively Disease-Free Survival (DFS) and Overall Survival (OS). According to Neo-Bioscore, the proposed prognostic model named Clustered Neo-Bioscore was classified into low (0-3), low-intermediate (4-5), high-intermediate (6) and high (7) risk. The prognostic accuracy for recurrence risk was assessed by time-dependent receiver operating characteristic (time-ROC) methodology. Multivariate Cox regression assessed the menopausal status, histological grade, Ki-67, estrogen receptor, HER2, tumor subtype, pathological and clinical stages. Confidence interval at 95% (CI95%) and statistical significance at set 2-sided p-value less than 0.05 were adopted.ResultsAmong the 310 women enrolled, 267 patients (86.2%) had non-pCR carcinoma presenting size T3/T4 (63.3%), node-positive axilla (74.9%), stage III (62.9%), Ki-6720% (71.9%) and non-luminal A (78.3%). Non-pCR carcinoma presented worse DFS-3y (HR=3.88, CI95%=1.18-11.95) but not OS-3y (HR=2.73, CI95%=0.66-11.40). Clustered Neo-Bioscore discerned the recurrence risk for non-pCR carcinoma: low (DFS-3y=0.86; baseline), low-intermediate (DFS-3y=0.70; HR=2.61), high-intermediate (DFS-3y=0.13, HR=14.05), and high (DFS-3y=not achieved; HR=22.19). The prognostic accuracy was similar between Clustered Neo-Bioscore and Neo-Bioscore (0.76 vs 0.78, p>0.05). Triple-negative subtype (HR=3.6, CI95%=1.19-10.92) and pathological stages II (HR=5.35, CI95%=1.19-24.01) and III (HR=6.56, CI95%=1.29-33.32) were prognoses for low-intermediate risk, whereas pathological stage III (HR=13.0, CI95%=1.60-106.10) was prognosis for low risk.ConclusionsClustered Neo-Bioscore represents a novel prognostic model of non-pCR carcinoma undergoing NAC with a more simplified and appropriate score pattern in the assessment of prognostic factors1