390 research outputs found

    Capacidad Cardiovascular en Adultos Sedentarios Obesos sometidos a prueba de esfuerzo en banda sin fin con Protocolo de Bruce modificado en el Centro de Medicina de la Actividad Física y el Deporte, año 2012

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    El estilo de vida sedentario es uno de los principales factores de riesgo para enfermedades de alta prevalencia, como la diabetes tipo 2, las enfermedades cardiovasculares, la osteoporosis y algunos cánceres. (1). La asociación del sedentarismo con la actual pandemia de obesidad y con el síndrome metabólico (SM) es clara. En consecuencia, el sedentarismo es un factor asociado con una peor calidad de vida y un incremento de la mortalidad general

    Comparación de metodologías de valor en riesgo para portafolios con derivados de cobertura de monedas

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    El propósito de este trabajo de grado de la Maestría en Administración Financiera de la Universidad EAFIT es calcular el valor en riesgo de portafolios compuestos por diferentes clases de activos con variaciones en los porcentajes de cobertura con el fin de dar recomendaciones aproximadas a los diferentes agentes de mercado, en especial a las Administradoras de Fondos de Pensiones, de la metodología que mejor se ajuste a las condiciones del mercado actual teniendo en cuenta las ventajas y desventajas evidenciadas en cada una de ella

    Salt effect on sensitized photooxidations. A kinetic approch to environmental decomposition of marine contaminants

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    The salt effect on the kinetics of singlet molecular oxygen [O2(1Δg)]-mediated photooxidations of sea water contaminants was investigated. Two families of photooxidizable compounds were employed in the study: anthracene derivatives and phenols. The presence of salt (NaCl in H2O and LiCl in MeCN, in both cases in the range 0-0.45 M) produces changes in the photooxidation rate. For solvent-polarity-dependent reactions, this behavior can be predicted, by knowing the solvent-polarity dependence of the rate constant for chemical reaction of the substrates with O2(1Δ g) in non-saline solutions (kr). For the cases of photooxidations possessing solvent-polarity-independent or scantily-dependent kr values, the photooxidation rates decrease as the salt content in the solution increases, mainly due to a predominance of the physical quenching pathway. In addition, the quantum yield for O2(1 Δg) generation (ΦΔ) was determined in a series of saline solutions, in the range of 0-0.45 M in water and MeCN solutions, in the presence of NaCl and LiCl respectively. The Δ values are independent, within the experimental error on the salt content.No disponibl

    Plan de negocio para la creación de una empresa del rubro eléctrico-civil y su participación en licitaciones públicas, Chiclayo Lambayeque

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    La presente tesis, desarrolló el análisis y evaluación para la viabilidad de crear una empresa, cuyo enfoque principal fue el de licitar y ejecutar trabajos con el estado, utilizando recursos propios. Sobre el entorno del mercado, dentro del marco empresarial peruano, se detallaron los porcentajes considerables de pequeñas empresas que se encontraban en una tendencia de crecimiento económico debido a que han logrado consolidarse como un negocio altamente rentable. En este caso específico, el enfoque fue hacia pequeñas empresas que licitan con el estado peruano. Bajo este escenario, se logró plantear la problemática para establecer objetivos generales y específicos para el desarrollo de la tesis. Con referencia al marco teórico, se consideró como base principal, el conocimiento de la Ley General de Sociedades, Ley Mype, y la Ley de Contrataciones del Estado. Así como también, el estudio estratégico, organizacional, económico-financiero y de marketing para lograr consolidar y concretar estrategias eficaces, eficientes y altamente rentables para el crecimiento del negocio. Se expusieron los materiales y métodos que se emplearon para el adecuado desarrollo de la tesis, como el tipo, diseño, área, población y operacionalización de investigación. Posteriormente, se detallaron los resultados de la investigación, como los objetivos del plan estratégico, análisis del entorno y tácticas, así como la discusión de las mismas. Finalmente las conclusiones a las que se llegaron con el estudio, contribuyeron de manera eficiente y eficaz a la empresa, ya que se logró optimizar los recursos propios, así como en el apoyo que brinda el estado peruano a las pequeñas empresas para poder ser elegibles ante una licitación pública

    Chain‑End Functional di‑Sorbitan Oleate Monomer Obtained from Renewable Resources as Precursors for Bio‑Based Polyurethanes

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    Artículo derivado de una tesis de MCMA three-step synthetic route was proposed and tested to obtain a chain-end functional di-sorbitan oleate monomer: First, 1,18-octadec-9-enedioic acid compound was produced by self-metathesis reaction of an oleic acid; then, the 1,18-octadec 9-enoyl dichloride compound was yielded by chlorination of the di-acid with thionyl chloride, and fnally, the 1,18-di-sorbitan oleate monomer was yielded by esterifcation of the dichloride with 1,4-sorbitan. The di-sorbitan oleate monomer was purifed and then characterized by FTIR, 1 H-NMR, DSC and TGA to establish its structure and properties. A bio-based polyurethane (PU) was synthesized by reacting the obtained 1,18-di-sorbitan oleate monomer and MDI. Rheological analysis showed that a curing reaction occurs as a signifcant increase of the storage modulus (G’) and the complex viscosity (η*) at 100 °C. The obtained bio-based PU was characterized by FTIR, TGA and DMA, confrming that 1,18-di-sorbitan oleate is a feasible monomer for synthesizing polyurethanes.Conacyt CB-2015–01-257591

    Psychosocial and Ergonomic Conditions at Work: Influence on the Probability of a Workplace Accident

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    Today, the economic and social importance of occupational accidents is undeniable worldwide. Hence, research aimed at reducing this type of accident is considered a discipline of great interest for society in general. In this environment, working conditions play a fundamental role in the occurrence of accidents, and from their study, results can be obtained that provide information for decision-making that guarantee optimum conditions for the development of the employees’ tasks. Organizing the conditions of work execution is also a task that constitutes an essential aspect for a firm’s productivity, therefore, affecting their viability and results. In this work, a model is proposed for the study of different groups of working conditions and their influence on the probability of occupational accidents, in accordance with the data provided by the 7th National Survey of Working Conditions (VII NSWC). -e survey sampled 8892 workers active in all sectors of national production and is the last nation-wide survey administered in Spain. Bayesian networks (BNs) are used to generate a network that analyzes working conditions in all areas (27 variables have been included in addition to those corresponding to the sector and accident), and then, more specifically, the relationship that is established between ergonomic factors in the workplace, psychosocial factors of the worker, and the probability of an accident. -e results are achieved through the network obtained by highlighting some of the proposed variables. -e dependencies generated by the chosen variables are analyzed, and subsequently, the probability of accident for each of the productive sectors is determined. It is concluded that the ergonomic risks associated with physical strains in the workplace, together with the lack of job satisfaction on the employer’s behalf, both pose a very significant increase in the probability of being involved in an occupational accident, above the other variables of study

    El modelo de formación en diseño de Universidad Xochicalco Plan 2004, un ejemplo de responsabilidad social y aprendizaje hacia las competencias

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    En los países en desarrollo, el diseñador juega un papel muy importante en la búsqueda de tecnologías de uso cotidiano, en la formación en áreas como la salud, el desarrollo sustentable y el uso y conservación de los servicios comunitarios, es decir en la autogestión de las comunidades marginadas y minorías, por lo cual es importante desarrollar un modelo educativo que permita que los nuevos diseñadores realmente hayan adquirido las competencias necesarias para lograr un desempeño profesional de calidad con alta responsabilidad social

    Influence of seat-belt use on the severity of injury in traffic accidents

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    ABSTRACT: Background: About 1.35 million people died in traffic accidents around the world in 2018, make this type of accidents the 8th cause of death in the world. Particularly, in Spain, there were 204,596 traffic accidents during 2016 and 2017, out of which 349,810 drivers were injured. The objective of this study was to understand to what extent seat belt non-use and human factors contribute to drivers injury severity. Methodology: The results are based on the information and 2016-17 data provided by the Spain national traffic department "Dirección General de Tráfico" (DGT). The discretization model and Bayesian Networks were developed based on important variables from the literature. These variables were classified as; human factor, demographic factor, conditioning factor and seat belt use. Results: The results showed that failure to wear the seat belt by drivers are likely to increase the risk of fatal and sever injury significantly. Moreover, distraction and road type road can contribute to the accident severity

    Data on the main working conditions with influence on the development of hearing loss amongst the occupational population in Spain

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    Obtaining reliable and objective data on certain working conditions is necessary to analyse the causes and variables that can influence the development of hearing loss amongst the working population. Objective occupational data have been collected from a heterogeneous sample of 1418 workers in Spain, see “How activity type, time on the job and noise level on the job affect the hearing of the working population. Using Bayesian networks to predict the development of hipoacusia” (Barrero et al., 2018) [1]. Among the main factors analysed are the noise levels to which these workers are exposed, measured at their respective workstations, and the assessment of their hearing status, evaluated by audiometric medical tests. These factors provide information to predict the development of hypoacusia

    Influence of seat-belt use on the severity of injury in traffic accidents

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    Background: About 1.35 million people died in traffic accidents around the world in 2018, make this type of accidents the 8th cause of death in the world. Particularly, in Spain, there were 204,596 traffic accidents during 2016 and 2017, out of which 349,810 drivers were injured. The objective of this study was to understand to what extent seat belt non-use and human factors contribute to drivers injury severity. Methodology: The results are based on the information and 2016–17 data provided by the Spain national traffic department “Dirección General de Tráfico” (DGT). The discretization model and Bayesian Networks were developed based on important variables from the literature. These variables were classified as; human factor, demographic factor, conditioning factor and seat belt use. Results: The results showed that failure to wear the seat belt by drivers are likely to increase the risk of fatal and sever injury significantly. Moreover, distraction and road type road can contribute to the accident severity.Background: About 1.35 million people died in traffic accidents around the world in 2018, make this type of accidents the 8th cause of death in the world. Particularly, in Spain, there were 204,596 traffic accidents during 2016 and 2017, out of which 349,810 drivers were injured. The objective of this study was to understand to what extent seat belt non-use and human factors contribute to drivers injury severity. Methodology: The results are based on the information and 2016–17 data provided by the Spain national traffic department “Dirección General de Tráfico” (DGT). The discretization model and Bayesian Networks were developed based on important variables from the literature. These variables were classified as; human factor, demographic factor, conditioning factor and seat belt use. Results: The results showed that failure to wear the seat belt by drivers are likely to increase the risk of fatal and sever injury significantly. Moreover, distraction and road type road can contribute to the accident severity