117 research outputs found

    Seismic and tectonic interpretation of the ESCI-Béticas and ESCI-Alborán deep seismic reflection profiles: structure of the crust and geodynamic implications

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    The seismic and tectonic interpretation of the ESCI-Béticas and ESCI-Alborán deep seismic reflection profiles provides an overall image of the crust on the northern flank of the Betic-Rif orogenic system. In these interpretations, previous wide-angle refraction-reflection and MCS industrial profiles were used in order to identify the sequence of collisional-extensional events that built up the crust in this escape-type orogenic area. A model of convergence between the Iberian crust and the Alborán domain, including coeval extension due to lateral escape, is consistent with the data presented in this paper

    Combined use of the GGSFT data base and on Board Marine Collected Data to Model the Moho Beneath the Powell Basin, Antarctica

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    The Powell Basin is a small oceanic basin located at the NE end of the Antarctic Peninsula developed during the Early Miocene and mostly surrounded by the continental crusts of the South Orkney Microcontinent, South Scotia Ridge and Antarctic Peninsula margins. Gravity data from the SCAN 97 cruise obtained with the R/V Hespérides and data from the Global Gravity Grid and Sea Floor Topography (GGSFT) database (Sandwell and Smith, 1997) are used to determine the 3D geometry of the crustal-mantle interface (CMI) by numerical inversion methods. Water layer contribution and sedimentary effects were eliminated from the Free Air anomaly to obtain the total anomaly. Sedimentary effects were obtained from the analysis of existing and new SCAN 97 multichannel seismic profiles (MCS). The regional anomaly was obtained after spectral and filtering processes. The smooth 3D geometry of the crustal mantle interface obtained after inversion of the regional anomaly shows an increase in the thickness of the crust towards the continental margins and a NW-SE oriented axis of symmetry coinciding with the position of an older oceanic spreading axis. This interface shows a moderate uplift towards the western part and depicts two main uplifts to the northern and eastern sectors

    Biodegradation and Mechanical Integrity of Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys Suitable for Implants

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    This book chapter deals with the fundamental aspects of corrosion of magnesium based alloys in bodily fluids and reviews the various techniques that can be used to tune their degradation rate. The time-dependent evolution of their mechanical properties during the biodegradation process is also outlined

    Snow avalanche speed determination using seismic methods

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    We present a new method to determine the average propagation speed of avalanches using seismic techniques. Avalanche propagation speeds can reach 70 m/s and more, depending on a wide range of factors, such as the characteristics of the avalanche track (e.g. topography) and the snowpack properties (e.g. density). Since the damage produced by the avalanche depends primarily on the size and on the speed of the avalanche, the knowledge of the latter is therefore crucial for estimating avalanche induced hazard in inhabited mountain areas. However, our knowledge of this basic physical parameter is limited by the difficulty of conducting various measurements in the harsh winter weather conditions that often accompany this natural phenomenon. The method of avalanche speed determination presented in this paper is based on cross-correlation and time-frequency analysis techniques. The data used in this study come from the Ryggfonn (Norway) avalanche experimental site operated by the Norwegian Geotechnical Institute (NGI), and recorded by an array of 6 geophones buried along the main avalanche path during the 2003-2004 and 2004-2005 winter seasons. Specifically, we examine the speeds of 11 different events, characterized by size and snow type. The results obtained are compared with independent speed estimates from CW-radar and pressure plate measurements. As a result of these comparisons our method was validated and has proved to be successful and robust in all cases. We detected a systematic behaviour in the speed evolution among different types of avalanches. Specifically, we found that whereas dry/mixed type flow events display a complex type of speed evolution in the study area with a gradual acceleration and an abrupt deceleration, the speed of the wet snow avalanches decreases with distance in an approximately linear fashion. This generalization holds for different size events. In terms of time duration and maximum speed of the studied events, dry/mixed type avalanches lasted between 8 to 18 s and reached speeds up to 50 m/s, whereas the duration of wet avalanches ranged between 50 and 80 s and their maximum speeds were 10 m/

    Inversión numérica 3D de datos gravimétricos procedentes de campañas marinas y de satélite. Aplicación a un área antártica

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    Se presenta la modelización gravimétrica de la corteza oceánica en la zona de central del Pasaje del Drake, en la Fractura Shackleton (Antártida) a modo de ejemplo de aplicación de inversión numérica en 3D de datos de gravedad discutiendo los métodos utilizados. Los datos tratados corresponden a una campaña realizada por el barco oceanográfico español Hespérides y a la base «Global Gravity Grid and Global Sea Floor Topography» (GGSFT) (Sandwell y Smith, 1997). Se comentan y analizan las limitaciones de aplicación del Método de Factorización Espectral (Spector y Grant, 1970) que permite separar la contribución de las distintas fuentes de la anomalía de gravedad. En particular, en el caso de datos marinos y satelitales que hemos utilizado se considera el efecto negativo en el espectro radial de la mezcla indiscriminada de datos de diverso origen. Se comenta, también, el método de inversión utilizado basado en Parker (1973) y la utilización de la corrección de placa de agua (WPC) aplicada a la anomalía de Aire libre para la obtención de la anomalía Total, punto de partida del proceso de inversión

    Coercivity and squareness enhancement in ball-milled hard magnetic-antiferromagnetic composites

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics.The room-temperature coercivity,HC, and squareness, MR/MS (remanence/saturation magnetizations), of permanent magnet,SmCo5powders have been enhanced by ball milling with antiferromagnetic NiO (with Néel temperature, TN=590 K). This enhancement is observed in the as-milled state. However, when the milling of SmCo5 is carried out with an antiferromagnet with TN below room temperature (e.g., for CoO, TN=290 K), the coercivity enhancement is only observed at low temperatures after field cooling through TN. The ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic exchange coupling induced either by local heating during milling(SmCo5+NiO) or field cooling (SmCo5+CoO) is shown to be the origin of the HC increase

    Grosor de la corteza oceánica en dorsales de expansión y alrededores en el Paso del Drake (Antártida) a partir de inversión numérica de datos gravimétricos

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    The high density of geophysical data (gravity, bathymetry...) collected in the ANTPAC 97/98 cruise by the Spanish BIO Hespérides allows us to obtain the crustal thickness of the areas near the intersection of the Shackleton Fracture Zone and the West Scotia Ridge (Z1), and the P2 segment of the Phoenix-Antarctic Ridge (Z2) by means of inversion methods. Data were merged with that of the Global Gravity Grid and the Global Sea Floor Topography (Sandwell and Smith, 1997). The effect of the bathymetry on the Free Air anomaly was eliminated previously. Differences in the crustal thickness in both areas are presented

    Using exchange bias to extend the temperature range of square loop behavior in [Pt/Co] multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy

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    This article may be downloaded for personal use only. Any other use requires prior permission of the author and the American Institute of Physics.The temperature dependence of the magnetic properties of [Pt/Co]multilayers (ML), exhibiting perpendicular anisotropy, with and without exchange biasing with an antiferromagnet(AFM) has been investigated. Upon heating, a loss of the out-of-plane anisotropy and, consequently, of the remanence to saturation ratio is observed in these systems. However, such effect occurs at higher temperatures in the [Pt/Co] ML exchange coupled to the AFM than for the unbiased ML. This is attributed to the additional anisotropy induced to the ML by the ferromagnetic-antiferromagnetic exchange coupling