28 research outputs found

    Associations Between Developmental English Models and College Students’ Completion and Persistence

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    Midwest Community College (a pseudonym) students who do not score high enough in reading and writing on an assessment must take an integrated reading and writing (IRW) developmental English (DEng) course. The college transitioned most of its IRW courses from stand-alone courses, grounded in Vygotsky’s scaffolding concept where students first take IRW and then the first-semester English course (ENGL 100), to a corequisite model, grounded in a modification of Tinto’s theory of persistence, in which students take the IRW course concurrently with ENGL 100. Even with the corequisite model, too many students are not passing ENGL 100. The purpose of this study was to examine the difference in ENGL 100 completion (passing/failing) and persistence (enrolling/not enrolling) between first-time DEng students who took the IRW course in either the stand-alone or the corequisite model. In this quantitative ex post facto comparative study, 2 chi-square tests on archival completion and persistence rates of 1,247 students were calculated. Stand-alone students had significantly higher completion rates at 69% (x2 = 4.403 with p = .036). The corequisite completion rate was 57%. There was no association between the two models and persistence with 87% of the students in the corequisite persisting and 86% of the stand-alone students persisting (x2 = .026 with p = .871). A policy paper presented the results and conclusion that the college should not place IRW students in the corequisite model without further investigation of the support needed. Implications for social change include increasing the number of students who pass ENGL 100, which could lead to higher graduation rates because reading and writing skills are fundamental for college success. College graduates earn more income and provide their communities with a skilled workforce

    Table 2: Anti-tumor agents for targeting hypoxia-induced CA IX for therapy and diagnosis.

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    The expression of carbonic anhydrase (CA) IX is up-regulated in many types of solid tumors in humans under hypoxic and acidic microenvironment. Inhibition of CA IX enzymatic activity with selective inhibitors, antibodies or labeled probes has been shown to reverse the acidic environment of solid tumors and reduce the tumor growth establishing the significant role of CA IX in tumorigenesis. Thus, the development of potent antitumor drugs targeting CA IX with minimal toxic effects is important for the target-specific tumor therapy. Recently, several promising antitumor agents against CA IX have been developed to treat certain types of cancers in combination with radiation and chemotherapy. Here we review the inhibition of CA IX by small molecule compounds and monoclonal antibodies. The methods of enzymatic assays, biophysical methods, animal models including zebrafish and Xenopus oocytes, and techniques of diagnostic imaging to detect hypoxic tumors using CA IX-targeted conjugates are discussed with the aim to overview the recent progress related to novel therapeutic agents that target CA IX in hypoxic tumors

    Equity Issues in LGBT Funding: Inequality Remains Despite National Progress

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    The lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) community has made notable progress in many key equality areas nationally. Issues impacting the local LGBT community have been relatively unnoticed with the national progress on marriage equality, Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, and other social reforms. Despite the bittersweet progress, organizations like Funders for LGBTQ Issues, the Horizons Foundation, the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, and others have collected information on the disparities in LGBT foundation funding and the findings are quite alarming. Furthermore, the findings presented indicate that equitable foundation support is key to advancements in LGBT equality efforts. While some of the largest national LGBT organizations receive a majority of LGBT funding, local LGBT organizations continue to struggle to address key issues, including LGBT homelessness and social services. At the same time, local LGBT organizations struggle with capacity-building efforts and often fail to acquire 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. Loose organizational structures (Magnus, 2008) create risks for community foundations in funding LGBT programs and projects. Many funders lack LGBT competency, or a basic understanding of the issues impacting LGBT persons, and this creates confusion while local LGBT organizations do not receive adequate support. Furthermore, the lack of optimal funding environments for LGBT organizations creates vulnerable youth and elderly populations. The research and findings presented are the core of understanding LGBT issues and the disparities in funding, and policy recommendations address areas of progress to create a more inclusive and equitable future tomorrow

    Exploración de las Tendencias y Prevalencia de Condiciones Relacionadas en los Niños Identificados con Problemas de Alimentación

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    Objetive. This exploratory study examined data gained via the use of the Parent Mealtimes Questionnaire (Morris & Klein, 2000). The investigation�s purpose was to determine parental perceptions of the challenges faced by children who have difficulty with feeding, identify their feeding preferences and routines, and determine common patterns across these areas. Method. A question by question content analysis of parental responses on 60 questionnaires was conducted. Results. The results of the data analysis provided insight to parental concerns, the age of onset for repo rted feeding difficulties, and children with feeding issues were participating in at least one one therapeutic intervention, but had not received a feeding assessment. Conclusion. Overall, parents were concerned the most with the lack of variety in their child�s diet as well as their overall motor abilities (e.g., chewing). This gives support the additional findings of difficulties noted when transitioning to lumpy textures. This problem in transitioning may be influenced by either a tactile or texture aversion (contributing to limited food selection) and/or impaired motor skills.Objetivo. Este estudio exploratorio examinó los datos adquiridos a través de la utilización del Cuestionario para Padres �Hora de Comer� (Morris y Klein, 2000). El propósito de la investigación fue determinar las percepciones parentales de los desafíos que plantean los niños y niñas que tienen dificultades de alimentación, identificar sus preferencias alimentarias y sus rutinas y determinar patrones comunes en estas áreas. Método. Mediante un análisis de pregunta por pregunta de las respuestas de los padres en 60 cuestionarios. Resultados. Los resultados del análisis de datos permitió comprender las preocupaciones de los padres, la edad de inicio de las dificultades de alimentación y si los niños con problemas de alimentación estaban participando en, al menos, un tipo de intervención terapéutica, con o sin una evaluación de alimentación. Conclusión. En general, la principal preocupación de los padres era la falta de variedad en la dieta de sus hijos, así como sus habilidades motrices orales (por ejemplo, masticar). Esto apoya los hallazgos adicionales de dificultades observadas en la transición a las texturas con grumos. Este problema en la transición puede estar influenciado por una aversión a ciertas experiencias táctiles o texturas (que contribuyen a la selección limitada de alimentos) y / o a dificultades en las habilidades motrices

    The Flint Water Crisis

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