76 research outputs found

    Sprawa następstwa tronu po Bolesławie V Wstydliwym, księciu krakowskim i sandomierskim

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    Bolesław the Chaste, the prince of Cracow did not have children, perhaps as a result of the weddings of chastity he made with his wife. In 1265, prince Bolesław, probably during the illness, adopted his relative – Leszek the Black – and made him the successor to the throne in Cracow. The second title of Leszek to the throne was the election of the mighty. During the Piast period, in the Cracow-Sandomierz Duchy, the ruling prince was elected. The first such elected ruler of Cracow, called princeps, was Kazimierz the Just and then his minor son Leszek the White. Successive monarchs were also elected by electionbut, the elections were maintained in the Piast dynasty and were usually only a confirmation of the election, as in the case of Leszek the Black. Bolesław selected Leszek among others because they had starded to cooperate with him during the war between Bohemia and Hungary. Leszek the Black as the heir of the Chaste married Gryfina, the niece of Kinga. It seems that the mighty have accepted the decision of Bolesław on the succession of the throne.Bolesław Wstydliwy, książę krakowski był bezdzietny, być może w wyniku ślubów czystości, jakie złożył z żoną. W 1265 roku książę Bolesław w czasie swojej choroby adoptował swojego krewnego – Leszka Czarnego – i uczynił go następcą tronu w Krakowie. Drugim tytułem Leszka do tronu była elekcja możnych. W okresie piastowskim w księstwie krakowsko-sandomierskim wybierano księcia zwierzchniego. Pierwszym tak wybranym władcą krakowskim, zwanym princepsem, był Kazimierz Sprawiedliwy, a następnie jego nieletni syn Leszek Biały. Kolejni monarchowie byli również wybierani w drodze elekcji, lecz wybory utrzymywano w dynastii Piastów i były one z reguły jedynie potwierdzeniem elekcji, tak jak w przypadku Leszka Czarnego. Bolesław wybrał Leszka między innymi dlatego, że ten zdecydował się współpracować z nim w czasie wojny między Czechami a Węgrami. Leszek Czarny jako spadkobierca Wstydliwego poślubił Gryfinę, siostrzenicę Kingi. Wydaje się, że możni akceptowali decyzję Bolesława w sprawie następstwa tronu

    Assessing the energy implications of replacing car trips with bicycle trips in Sheffield, UK

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    A wide range of evidence supports policies which encourage people to cycle more and drive less, for health and environmental reasons. However, the likely energy implications of such a modal shift have remained relatively unexplored. In this paper we generate scenarios for increasing the cycling rate in Sheffield between 2010 and 2020. This is done through the novel application of a simple model, borrowed from population ecology. The analysis suggests that pro-cycling interventions result in energy savings through reduced consumption of fuel and cars, and energy costs through increased demand for food. The cumulative impact is a net reduction in primary energy consumption, the magnitude of which depends on a number of variables which are subject to uncertainty. Based on the evidence presented and analysed in this paper, we conclude that transport policy has a number of important energy implications, some of which remain unexplored. We therefore advocate the formation of closer links between energy policy and transport policy in academia and in practice; our approach provides a simple yet flexible framework for pursuing this aim in the context of modal shift

    Effect of double thermal and electrochemical oxidation on titanium alloys for medical applications

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    The research focuses on the development and characterization of innovative thin hybrid oxide coatings obtained in subsequent processes of thermal (TO) and electrochemical (EO) oxidation. Four different surface modifications were investigated and the microstructure was determined, the mechanical, chemical and biological properties of the Ti-13Nb-13Zr alloy were assessed using scanning electron microscopy, X-ray dispersion analysis, glow discharge emission spectroscopy, Raman spectroscopy, nanoindentation and corrosion resistance measurements. The composite layers were evaluated for antimicrobial activity, cytotoxicity bioassays and wettability tests were performed. The conducted studies of two-stage oxidation (TO + EO) have shown that it is possible to obtain layers with a different structure - crystalline and nanotubular. The formation of a nanotube layer on the surface of the crystalline layer is dependent on the thickness of the crystalline layer. The produced double titanium oxide coatings show high surface roughness, high corrosion resistance, are hydrophilic, slightly antibacterial, and not cytotoxic, which has a huge impact on the process of connecting the tissue with the implant

    Bioactivity studies using osteogenic cells on titanium coated with chitosan

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    Chitozan to naturalny polimer z grupy polisacharydów, który znalazł szerokie zastosowanie w aplikacjach biomedycznych w celu wywołania bioaktywności implantu. W opisanych badaniach przeprowadzono próbę nałożenia membran chitozanowych o różnym stopniu deacetylacji na powierzchnię tytanu, a następnie sprawdzenie bioaktywności materiału w warunkach in vitro, przy wykorzystaniu komórek kościotwórczych MC3T3-E1. Powierzchnia tytanu przed nałożeniem powłoki chitozanowej została poddana utlenianiu. Po siedmiu dniach od nałożenia komórek na tytan pokryty powłoką chitozanową wykonano testy proliferacji, których rezultat analizowano na mikroskopie fluorescencyjnym Olympus BX 51. Zaobserwowany wzrost komórek wskazuje na uzyskanie dobrej bioaktywności powierzchni, jednak niewystarczającej adhezji pomiędzy tytanem a membraną chitozanową. Proponowana jest dalsza modyfikacja powierzchni tytanu i procesu nakładania powłok chitozanowych.Chitosan is a natural polymer from the group of polysaccharides, which has found wide application in biomedical applications to induce bioactivity of implant. The studies described were carried out test imposition of chitosan membranes with varying degrees of deacetylation on the surface of titanium, and then check the bioactivity of the material in vitro, using osteogenic cells MC3T3-E1. Titanium surface before imposition of chitosan coating has been subjected to oxidation. After seven days of the imposition of cells on titanium with chitosan coated, we performed proliferation test using fluorescent microscope Olympus BX51. The observed increase in cell indicates a obtain good bioactivity of the surface, however the adhesion between the titanium and the chitosan membrane is insufficient. Proposed a further modification of titanium surface and chitosan coating process

    Under Papal Auspices – the Relations between Bolesław V the Chaste, Duke of Cracow and Sandomierz and the Canons of the Holy Sepulchre in Miechów

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    Celem artykułu jest omówienie relacji między księciem Bolesławem Wstydliwym a bożogrobcami z klasztoru w Miechowie. Niemal od początku istnienia konwentu, miechowscy mnisi mogli liczyć na hojność ze strony możnych świeckich i duchownych oraz książąt, skutkiem czego była szybka rozbudowa klasztornego majątku. Życzliwą postawę względem bożogrobców okazywał także Bolesław V. Jego relacje z klasztorem – fundacją możnych Gryfitów, były odbiciem polityki władcy prowadzonej wobec tego rodu. Pierwsze przywileje dla miechowitów książę wydawał po objęciu tronu krakowskiego, nasilenie nastąpiło w latach 50-tych, a od początku lat 60-tych ilość ich spadła. Monarcha próbując ograniczać wpływy najważniejszych rodów, mniej wspierał rodową fundację Gryfitów w Miechowie. Zwraca uwagę, że konwent miechowski, jak żaden inny klasztor w księstwie krakowsko-sandomierskim, cieszył się ogromną protekcją i przychylnością kolejnych papieży. Wszystkie konflikty, gdzie jedną ze stron byli bożogrobcy, były rozstrzygane przez papieży na korzyść mnichów. Z powodu sporów o nieruchomości, upominany został sam Bolesław Wstydliwy.: The aim of the article is to discuss the relations between Bolesław V the Chaste, Duke of Cracow and Sandomierz and the Canons of the Holy Sepulchre in Miechów. Almost from the beginning of the monastery’s existence, the monks of Miechów could count on the generosity of the wealthy laymen and clergy as well as dukes, which resulted in rapid growth of their estate. Bolesław V was also benevolent towards the Canons. His relations with the monastery – a foundation of the wealthy House of Griffins, were a reflection of his policy towards the House. The first privileges for the Canons were granted after the Duke’s succession to the Cracow throne and increased in the 1250’s, to decrease in the 1260’s. The monarch, trying to restrict the influence of the most important families, supported the House of Griffins’ foundation in Miechów in a less extensive way. It should be noted that the monastery in Miechów, more than any other in the Duchy of Cracow and Sandomierz, enjoyed a considerable patronage and favour of consecutive popes. All conflicts in which the Canons were a part were settled in their favour. Even Bolesław the Chaste himself was admonished by the pope because of a conflict about the estate

    Otoczenie Bolesława Wstydliwego, księcia krakowskiego i sandomierskiego (1226-1279)

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    The purpose of this paper is to present the personal composition of the court and the milieu of Duke Bolesław V the Chaste, to present the relation of the ruler with the members of the court and with the nobles, and the influence - in various fields - of the milieu in the power exercised by the Duke. Treacherously murdered in Gąsawa Leszek the White (the father of Boleslaw V) left his son with many unsettled matters in the field of internal politics. During his reign, many times there were conflicts between families. Bolesław had to reconcile antagonized families and political groups. The reasserting of the position of the nobles was ensured by the long period of protective governance when Bolesław was underage. With the period of protective governance in Bolesław’s time, the phenomenon of the division of the knights of the Cracow and Sandomierz lands was established. More and more often, the nobles of Cracow and Sandomierz are mentioned in written works. The year 1243 - when Bolesław the Chaste took the Cracow throne - opens a long period of relative calm after years of continuous fights of the Piast dynasty to rule in the capital city. Political stability allowed for the economic development of the duchy. During this period, an event of great importance in the process of the unification of Poland took place, that is, the canonization of St. Stanislaus. Bolesław the Chaste's attitude towards the nobles at the time of fighting for Cracow was characterized by a policy of forgiveness. This policy ended in 1273, when a group of the nobles tried to deprive Duke Bolesław of his power. In my opinion, one of the main incentives that pushed the knights to the revolt was to depose the most influential families, and to entrust the offices to members of less significant families until that time. This probably stemmed from the troubles in relations of the nobles in power with Bolesław the Chaste’s successor, which Bolesław the Chaste anticipated. Probably, the Duke consciously tried to build an elite that only owed its position and wealth to him, and at the same time, to overthrow the most powerful of the nobles. During the fight for the throne of Cracow after the death of Leszek the White, and during the period of Bolesław the Chaste’s reign in Cracow, the church was of great importance. Its support was earned by endowing church institutions with numerous donations. Monasteries were an important political partner and their abbots were important people in the political elite. In the area of Bolesław's court, the Duke's office was particularly well-formed. Chancellors and vice-chancellors were supported by numerous chaplains and clerics in their work. In the times of the regency in Chaste’s time and his proper reign of the Duchy of Cracow and Sandomierz, the sources show, for the first time, the appearance of many land and court offices. In the long epoch of Bolesław the Chaste, significant changes in the system and administration of the state were recorded. Court offices were transformed into land offices. It can be clearly stated that Bolesław V's very long reign was characterized by good relations between the Duke and his milieu, which probably stemmed from both the personality and policy of the ruler

    Collaboration with the project repository

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    Celem artykułu jest przedstawienie aspektów pracy grupowej w projekcie informatycznym z wykorzystaniem repozytorium w procesie tworzenia oprogramowania. Omówiono narzędzia umożliwiające swobodny przepływ informacji o projekcie i dzielenie się nią. W narzędziach typu CASE artefakty projektowe gromadzi się w repozytoriach pracy grupowej, które wspomagają organizację pracy zespołu, umożliwiają śledzenie przebiegu pracy oraz kontrolę wersji artefaktów. Zaprezentowano zintegrowane platformy programistyczne systematyzujące pracę grupową zespołu projektowego z wykorzystaniem dedykowanych metodologii projektowych.The goal of the following study is to show the features of group work in a computer science project incorporating a repository in the process of software development. The tools of information sharing and unrestricted information flow were put up for discussion. In case of tools such as CASE, project artifacts are gathered in group work repositories which enhance organization of the team work, enable the progress monitoring and control of the artifact versions. The integrated programming platforms regularizing group work of project team with the use of dedicated project methodologies were presented