50 research outputs found

    Machine learning in safety critical industry domains

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    An EMG-Assisted Muscle-Force Driven Finite Element Analysis Pipeline to Investigate Joint- and Tissue-Level Mechanical Responses in Functional Activities : Towards a Rapid Assessment Toolbox

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    Publisher Copyright: © 1964-2012 IEEE.Joint tissue mechanics (e.g., stress and strain) are believed to have a major involvement in the onset and progression of musculoskeletal disorders, e.g., knee osteoarthritis (KOA). Accordingly, considerable efforts have been made to develop musculoskeletal finite element (MS-FE) models to estimate highly detailed tissue mechanics that predict cartilage degeneration. However, creating such models is time-consuming and requires advanced expertise. This limits these complex, yet promising, MS-FE models to research applications with few participants and makes the models impractical for clinical assessments. Also, these previously developed MS-FE models have not been used to assess activities other than gait. This study introduces and verifies a semi-automated rapid state-of-the-art MS-FE modeling and simulation toolbox incorporating an electromyography- (EMG) assisted MS model and a muscle-force driven FE model of the knee with fibril-reinforced poro(visco)elastic cartilages and menisci. To showcase the usability of the pipeline, we estimated joint- and tissue-level knee mechanics in 15 KOA individuals performing different daily activities. The pipeline was verified by comparing the estimated muscle activations and joint mechanics to existing experimental data. To determine the importance of the EMG-assisted MS analysis approach, results were compared to those from the same FE models but driven by static-optimization-based MS models. The EMG-assisted MS-FE pipeline bore a closer resemblance to experiments compared to the static-optimization-based MS-FE pipeline. Importantly, the developed pipeline showed great potential as a rapid MS-FE analysis toolbox to investigate multiscale knee mechanics during different activities of individuals with KOA.Peer reviewe

    Phenotypic effects of dietary stress in combination with a respiratory chain bypass in mice

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    The alternative oxidase (AOX) from Ciona intestinalis was previously shown to be expressible in mice and to cause no physiological disturbance under unstressed conditions. Because AOX is known to become activated under some metabolic stress conditions, resulting in altered energy balance, we studied its effects in mice subjected to dietary stress. Wild-type mice (Mus musculus, strain C57BL/6JOlaHsd) fed a high-fat or ketogenic (high-fat, low-carbohydrate) diet show weight gain with increased fat mass, as well as loss of performance, compared with chow-fed animals. Unexpectedly, AOX-expressing mice fed on these metabolically stressful, fat-rich diets showed almost indistinguishable patterns of weight gain and altered body composition as control animals. Cardiac performance was impaired to a similar extent by ketogenic diet in AOX mice as in nontransgenic littermates. AOX and control animals fed on ketogenic diet both showed wide variance in weight gain. Analysis of the gut microbiome in stool revealed a strong correlation with diet, rather than with genotype. The microbiome of the most and least obese outliers reared on the ketogenic diet showed no consistent trends compared with animals of normal body weight. We conclude that AOX expression in mice does not modify physiological responses to extreme diets.Peer reviewe

    Effects of post oxidation of SiO2/Si interfaces in ultrahigh vacuum below 450 °C

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    Growing SiO2 layer by wet-chemical oxidation of Si surfaces before growth of another insulating film(s) is a used method to passivate Si interfaces in applications (e.g., solar cell, photodiode) at low temperatures (LT) below 450 °C. We report on potential of LT ultrahigh-vacuum (UHV) treatments combined with the wet-chemical oxidation, by investigating effects of LT-UHV oxidation after the wet-chemical growth of SiO2 and before growing Al2O3 film on top of SiO2/Si. This method modifies the SiO2/Si and is found to (i) decrease defect-level density, (ii) increase negative fixed charge density, and (iii) increase carrier lifetime for Al2O3/SiO2/p-Si, as compared to state-of-the-art SiO2/p-Si reference interfaces without LT-UHV. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy shows that the LT-UHV treatment decreases amount of Si+3 oxidized atoms in chemically grown SiO2 and also amount of carbon contamination. In order to pave the way for further tests of LT-UHV in silicon technology, we present a design of simple UHV instrument. The above-described benefits are reproduced for 4-inch silicon wafers by means of the instrument, which is further utilized to make LT-UHV treatments for complementary SiO2/Si interfaces of the native oxide at silicon diode sidewalls to decrease the reverse bias leakage current of the diodes.​​​​​​​</ul

    Effect of small-scale snow surface roughness on snow albedo and reflectance

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    The primary goal of this paper is to present a model of snow surface albedo accounting for small-scale surface roughness effects. The model is based on photon recollision probability, and it can be combined with existing bulk volume albedo models, such as Two-streAm Radiative Trans-fEr in Snow (TARTES). The model is fed with in situ measurements of surface roughness from plate profile and laser scanner data, and it is evaluated by comparing the computed albedos with observations. It provides closer results to empirical values than volume-scattering-based albedo simulations alone. The impact of surface roughness on albedo increases with the progress of the melting season and is larger for larger solar zenith angles. In absolute terms, small-scale surface roughness can decrease the total albedo by up to about 0.1. As regards the bidirectional reflectance factor (BRF), it is found that surface roughness increases backward scattering especially for large solar zenith angle values

    Digitalisaatio, johtaminen ja etiikka terveydenhuollossa

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    Palvelut digitalisoituvat terveydenhuollossa koko ajan. Palveluita on siirtynyt digitaalisiksi, samalla kun uusia palveluita koko ajan kehitetään. Digitalisaation lisääntyminen tuo tullessaan myös uusia eettisiä kysymyksiä. Terveydenhuollon johtajat kohtaavat lähes päivittäin erilaisia eettisiä kysymyksiä. Tässä opinnäytetyössä selvitettiin, mitä Siun soten terveysasemien hoitaja- ja lääkäriesimiehet ajattelevat digitalisaation mahdollisuuksista, uhista sekä eettisistä kysymyksistä. Opinnäytetyö tehtiin tutkimuksellisena kehittämistyönä SotePeda 24/7 -hankkeen toimeksiantona. Aineisto kerättiin sekä kirjallisuuteen tutustumalla että tekemällä kysely terveysasemien esimiehille. Tuloksista kävi ilmi, että digitalisaation koetaan tuovan paljon hyötyjä, mutta myös uhkia ja eettisiä kysymyksiä. Eettisistä kysymyksistä ei keskustella tarpeeksi, eikä niitä vielä kunnolla kyetä tunnistamaan. Lähdekirjallisuuden ja kyselyn perusteella laadittiin suositukset, kuinka eettisten kysymysten ennakointi, havaitseminen, kysymysten käsittely sekä ongelmatilanteiden ratkaisut tulisi huomioida esimiesten perehdytyksessä sekä johtamiskoulutuksissa

    Hätäensiapu Heinäveden kunnan kotihoidossa : Hätäensiapukoulutus kotihoidon hoitohenkilökunnalle

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    Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli kartoittaa, millaiset ovat Heinäveden kotihoidon hoitohenkilökunnan tiedot ja taidot hätäensiapuun liittyvissä asioissa. Toisena tavoitteena oli selvittää, vaikuttavatko koulutustausta ja työkokemus taitoihin, sekä järjestää koulutus yleisimmistä peruselintoimintojen häiriöistä. Lopuksi loppukyselyllä tehtiin yhteenveto siitä, kuinka koulutus vaikutti henkilökunnan osaamistasoon. Tarve koulutukselle esitettiin Heinäveden kunnan kotihoidosta. Alku- ja loppukyselyt toteutettiin Webropol-kyselynä, jotka lähetettiin sähköpostilla jokaiselle kotihoidon hoitohenkilökuntaan kuuluvalle. Alkukyselyn tulosten perusteella laadittiin koulutussuunnitelma, jonka painopisteet valikoituivat vastauksissa esiin tulleisiin tiedollisiin puutteisiin. Power Point -esityskalvot tarkastutettiin kotihoidon vastaavalla lääkärillä, joka hyväksyi koulutuksen asiasisällön ja oikeellisuuden. Koulutustilaisuuksia suunnitellessa pidettiin yhteinen palaveri kotihoidon ohjaajan ja tehostetun palveluasumisen vastaavan sairaanhoitajan kanssa. He laativat työvuorolistat siten, että henkilökunta pääsi osallistumaan koulutukseen työvuoron aikana. Itse koulutustilaisuudet pidettiin pienryhmille, joihin kuului noin 10 henkilöä. Koulutus oli sisällöltään lyhyt teoriaosuus, jonka jälkeen kahdessa ryhmässä oli käytännön osuus elottoman ja tajuttoman kohtaamisesta. Koulutustilaisuuden jälkeen loppukyselyllä kartoitettiin koulutuksen vaikutusta hätäensiaputiedon syvenemiseen. Alkukyselyn perusteella havaittiin, että hätäensiaputietoa on, mutta itseluottamusta hätäensiaputilanteissa toimimiseen puuttuu. Monet arvioivat, etteivät omat taidot ole ajan tasalla. Koulutuksen jälkeisen kyselyn kaikki vastaajat kokivat koulutuksen olleen hyödyllinen ja hätäensiaputaitojen koettiin parantuneen. Suurin osa toivoi hätäensiapukoulutustilaisuuksia vuosittaisiksi, jotta taidot säilyisivät ajan tasalla harvoin eteen tulevien tilanteiden varalle. Jatkossa koulutuksen sisältöä voi hyödyntää muiden yksiköiden kouluttamiseen. Jatkotutkimusehdotuksena on aiheen laajentaminen muihinkin sairauskohtauksiin ja niiden ensiapuun kotihoidossa.The main aim of this thesis was to find out the level of skills and knowledge of home care staff in Heinävesi regarding CPR. The secondary aim was to study whether educational background and work experience affect the CPR skills as well as organise training about the most common life threatening situations/conditions. At the end, a summarizing survey was conducted in order to describe how the training had affected the staff’s skills. Both the preliminary and final surveys were conducted with Webropol about the CPR skills of the staff. This survey was sent via email to everyone, who works in home care within the municipality of Heinävesi. Based on the results a training plan was made to cover the topics of which there was a lack of knowledge. The training plan was inspected and approved by the doctor in charge of home care. When planning for the training sessions, a meeting was held with the nurse in charge of home care and her colleague. They organised their staff´s working hours to allow their attendance at the training sessions during their shift. Training sessions were held in small groups of ten persons. The training included two parts. The first part was a short theory session and the second part was a practical session, which consisted of how to deal with an unconscious person and perform CPR to a lifeless person. After the sessions a survey was sent via email to everyone who had attended the training. After the first Webropol-survey it was discovered, that the staff have knowledge, but they lack self-confidence to act in CPR situations. Many of them evaluated that their skills are not up to date or their skills are not good enough. After the training sessions a new survey was conducted. Everyone who attended felt that training had been helpful for them and their skills had improved. Most of the staff members wished for yearly training sessions to maintain their skills up to date for those rare occasions. In the future the contents of this training can be used to train other healthcare units

    Hoja 4569-IV Escalante

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    La presente carta geofísica contiene los siguientes mapas: - modelo de elevación digital [DTM] - patrón de líneas de vuelo [PLV] - mapa de intensidad del campo magnético [TMI] - mapa de intensidad del campo magnético reducido al polo [RTP] - mapa de cuentas totales de radiación gamma [TC] - mapa de tasa de exposición de radiación gamma natural [EXP] - mapa de concentración aparente en superficie de potasio [POT] - mapa de concentración aparente en superficie de torio equivalente [THO] - mapa de concentración aparente en superficie de uranio equivalente [URA] - mapa de cociente de concentraciones de torio / potasio [THK] - mapa de cociente de concentraciones de uranio / torio [UTH] - mapa de cociente de concentraciones de uranio / potasio [UK] - mapa imagen ternario de concentraciones de potasio, torio y uranio [TER]Fil: Servicio Geológico Minero Argentino. Instituto de Geología y Recursos Minerales; Argentina.Cubrimiento parcial de la hoja