1,566 research outputs found

    The GSFC Mark-2 three band hand-held radiometer

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    A self-contained, portable, hand-radiometer designed for field usage was constructed and tested. The device, consisting of a hand-held probe containing three sensors and a strap supported electronic module, weighs 4 1/2 kilograms. It is powered by flashlight and transistor radio batteries, utilizes two silicon and one lead sulfide detectors, has three liquid crystal displays, sample and hold radiometric sampling, and its spectral configuration corresponds to LANDSAT-D's thematic mapper bands. The device was designed to support thematic mapper ground-truth data collection efforts and to facilitate 'in situ' ground-based remote sensing studies of natural materials. Prototype instruments were extensively tested under laboratory and field conditions with excellent results

    Resilience of Working Agricultural Landscapes

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    Many alternative agricultural approaches have been developed as a response to the social and ecological costs of modern industrialized agriculture. These include diversified, organic, sustainably intensified, and ecologically intensified farming systems, each of which addresses different aspects of agriculture as a social-ecological system. However, clear theoretical models that account for human-nature coupling and the importance of scale are lacking. Global change, including climate change, land use change, and other human activities influencing social-ecological systems, is exacerbating uncertainty regarding agriculture system dynamics and increasing the need for comprehensive models that include a dynamical integration of socio-ecological-economic influences. Resilience theory and related ideas such as panarchy have begun to actively inform agricultural science and practice in ways that should help enable current agricultural practices to become more sustainable – and resilient. However, there are several key resilience concepts that have yet to be fully developed within the agricultural research community. In this chapter, we briefly present resilience and its relevance to agriculture, and then we focus on three interrelated resilience ideas that have received less attention in the agriculture literature: (1) the functional attributes which underpin resilience; (2) the possibility of alternative regimes in agricultural systems and the implications for both continued agricultural production and the ecological landscapes in which agricultural systems are embedded; and (3) the relevance of scale for understanding and managing complex agricultural systems. We finish by discussing a path forward for the continued development of theories that can adequately encompass the full complexity of agricultural systems

    Towards smallholder food and water security: Climate variability in the context of multiple livelihood hazards in Nicaragua

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    Climate variability and change affect both food and water security, as do other hazards, such as shifting food prices, plant pathogens, and political economic changes. Although household food and water insecurity affect billions, most studies analyze them separately. This article develops a relational approach to explaining household access to food and water in a multi-hazard context. We identify pathways linking hazards to livelihood vulnerability and assess the relative importance of climate-related hazards. Analyzing longitudinal data collected from two surveys of the same 311 smallholder households in northern Nicaragua, conducted in 2014 and again in 2017, we find that peak seasons of food and water stress are asynchronous across the agricultural calendar, resulting in a total of five to six months of food and/or water stress. Across households, we find a significant positive relationship between water and food insecurity, even after adjusting for household fixed effects. Households experienced less food and water insecurity in 2017 than in 2014, due in part to the end of a severe drought in 2016, but remained concerned about damage from a severe coffee leaf rust outbreak and unfavorable agrifood prices that reduce income and threaten food security. Higher incomes and larger farm areas correlated with improved food and water security. We propose a generalizable approach for the joint assessment of household food and water security, which foregrounds the influence of seasonality and climate variability in the context of multiple hazards. This approach and our findings can contribute to developing integrated risk reduction strategies, building resilient livelihoods, and informing policy changes and partnerships with organized smallholders to improve resource access and sovereignty

    The metabolic syndrome adds utility to the prediction of mortality over its components: The Vietnam Experience Study

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    Background\ud The metabolic syndrome increases mortality risk. However, as “non-affected” individuals may still have up to two risk factors, the utility of using three or more components to identify the syndrome, and its predictive advantage over individual components have yet to be determined.\ud \ud Methods\ud Participants, male Vietnam-era veterans (n = 4265) from the USA, were followed-up from 1985/1986 for 14.7 years (61,498 person-years), and all-cause and cardiovascular disease deaths collated. Cox's proportional-hazards regression was used to assess the effect of the metabolic syndrome and its components on mortality adjusting for a wide range of potential confounders.\ud \ud Results\ud At baseline, 752 participants (17.9%) were identified as having metabolic syndrome. There were 231 (5.5%) deaths from all-causes, with 60 from cardiovascular disease. After adjustment for a range of covariates, the metabolic syndrome increased the risk of all-cause, HR 2.03, 95%CI 1.52, 2.71, and cardiovascular disease mortality, HR 1.92, 95%CI 1.10, 3.36. Risk increased dose-dependently with increasing numbers of components. The increased risk from possessing only one or two components was not statistically significant. The adjusted risk for four or more components was greater than for only three components for both all-cause, HR 2.30, 95%CI 1.45, 3.66 vs. HR 1.70, 95%CI 1.11, 2.61, and cardiovascular disease mortality, HR 3.34, 95%CI 1.19, 9.37 vs. HR 2.81, 95%CI 1.07, 7.35. The syndrome was more informative than the individual components for all-cause mortality, but could not be assessed for cardiovascular disease mortality due to multicollinearity. Hyperglycaemia was the individual strongest parameter associated with mortality.\ud \u

    Discovering the indigenous microbial communities associated with the natural fermentation of sap from the cider gum Eucalyptus gunnii

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    Over the course of human history and in most societies, fermented beverages have had a unique economic and cultural importance. Before the arrival of the frst Europeans in Australia, Aboriginal people reportedly produced several fermented drinks including mangaitch from fowering cones of Banksia and way-a-linah from Eucalyptus tree sap. In the case of more familiar fermented beverages, numerous microorganisms, including fungi, yeast and bacteria, present on the surface of fruits and grains are responsible for the conversion of the sugars in these materials into ethanol. Here we describe native microbial communities associated with the spontaneous fermentation of sap from the cider gum Eucalyptus gunnii, a Eucalyptus tree native to the remote Central Plateau of Tasmania. Amplicon-based phylotyping showed numerous microbial species in cider gum samples, with fungal species difering greatly to those associated with winemaking. Phylotyping also revealed several fungal sequences which do not match known fungal genomes suggesting novel yeast species. These fndings highlight the vast microbial diversity associated with the Australian Eucalyptus gunnii and the native alcoholic beverage way-a-linah.Cristian Varela, Joanna Sundstrom, Kathleen Cuijvers, Vladimir Jiranek, Anthony Bornema

    Magnitude of Alloresponses to MHC Class I/II Expressing Human Cardiac Myocytes is Limited by their Intrinsic Ability to Process and Present Antigenic Peptides

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    In this investigation we have explored the relationship between the weak allogenicity of cardiac myocytes and their capacity to present allo-antigens by examining the ability of a human cardiac myocyte cell line (W-1) to process and present nominal antigens. W-1 cells (HLA-A*0201 and HLA-DR ÎČ1*0301) pulsed with the influenza A matrix 1 (58-66) peptide (M1) were able to serve as targets for the HLA-A*0201 restricted CTL line PG, specific for M1-peptide. However, PG-CTLs were unable to lyse W-1 target cells infected with a recombinant vaccinia virus expressing the M1 protein (M1-VAC). Pretreatment of these M1-VAC targets with IFN-Îł partially restored their ability to process and present the M1 peptide. However, parallel studies demonstrated that IFN-Îł pretreated W-1's could not process tetanus toxin (TT) or present the TT(830-843) peptide to HLA-DR3 restricted TT-primed T cells. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR measurements revealed significantly lower constitutive levels of expression for MHC class I, TAP-1/2, and LMP-2/7 genes in W-1s that could be elevated by pretreatment with IFN-Îł to values equal to or greater than those expressed in EBV-PBLs. However, mRNA levels for the genes encoding MHC class II, Ii, CIITA, and DMA/B were markedly lower in both untreated and IFN-Îł pretreated W-1s relative to EBV-PBLs. Furthermore, pulse-chase analysis of the corresponding genes revealed significantly lower protein levels and longer half-life expression in W-1s relative to EBV-PBLs. These results suggest that weak allogenicity of cardiac myocytes may be governed by their limited expression of MHC genes and gene products critical for antigen processing and presentation

    Proteomic analysis of early diabetic retinopathy reveals mediators of neurodegenerative brain diseases

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    © 2018 The Authors. PURPOSE. Current evidence suggests that retinal neurodegeneration is an early event in the pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy. Our main goal was to examine whether, in the diabetic human retina, common proteins and pathways are shared with brain neurodegenerative diseases. METHODS. A proteomic analysis was performed on three groups of postmortem retinas matched by age: nondiabetic control retinas (n = 5), diabetic retinas without glial activation (n = 5), and diabetic retinas with glial activation (n = 5). Retinal lysates from each group were pooled and run on an SDS-PAGE gel. Bands were analyzed sequentially by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC/MS) using an Orbitrap Mass Spectrometer. RESULTS. A total of 2190 proteins were identified across all groups. To evaluate the association of the identified proteins with neurological signaling, significant signaling pathways belonging to the category ‘‘Neurotransmitters and Other Nervous System Signaling” were selected for analysis. Pathway analysis revealed that ‘‘Neuroprotective Role of THOP1 in Alzheimer’s Disease” and ‘‘Unfolded Protein Response” pathways were uniquely enriched in control retinas. By contrast, ‘‘Dopamine Degradation” and ‘‘Parkinson’s Signaling” were enriched only in diabetic retinas with glial activation. The ‘‘Neuregulin Signaling,” “Synaptic Long Term Potentiation,” and “Amyloid Processing” pathways were enriched in diabetic retinas with no glial activation. CONCLUSIONS. Diabetes-induced retinal neurodegeneration and brain neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, share common pathogenic pathways. These findings suggest that the study of neurodegeneration in the diabetic retina could be useful to further understand the neurodegenerative processes that occur in the brain of persons with diabetes

    RNA editing signature during myeloid leukemia cell differentiation

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    Adenosine deaminases acting on RNA (ADARs) are key proteins for hematopoietic stem cell self-renewal and for survival of differentiating progenitor cells. However, their specific role in myeloid cell maturation has been poorly investigated. Here we show that ADAR1 is present at basal level in the primary myeloid leukemia cells obtained from patients at diagnosis as well as in myeloid U-937 and THP1 cell lines and its expression correlates with the editing levels. Upon phorbol-myristate acetate or Vitamin D3/granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)-driven differentiation, both ADAR1 and ADAR2 enzymes are upregulated, with a concomitant global increase of A-to-I RNA editing. ADAR1 silencing caused an editing decrease at specific ADAR1 target genes, without, however, interfering with cell differentiation or with ADAR2 activity. Remarkably, ADAR2 is absent in the undifferentiated cell stage, due to its elimination through the ubiquitin–proteasome pathway, being strongly upregulated at the end of the differentiation process. Of note, peripheral blood monocytes display editing events at the selected targets similar to those found in differentiated cell lines. Taken together, the data indicate that ADAR enzymes play important and distinct roles in myeloid cells

    Antihypertensive drug effects on long-term blood pressure: an individual-level data meta-analysis of randomised clinical trials

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    \ua9 Author(s) (or their employer(s)) 2022. Re-use permitted under CC BY. Published by BMJ. OBJECTIVE: Evidence from randomised trials of pharmacological treatments on long-term blood pressure (BP) reduction is limited. We investigated the antihypertensive drug effects on BP over time and across different participant characteristics. METHODS: We conducted an individual patient-level data meta-analysis of 52 large-scale randomised clinical trials in the Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists\u27 Collaboration using mixed models to examine treatment effects on BP over 4 years of mean follow-up. RESULTS: There were 363 684 participants (42% women), with baseline mean age=65 years and mean systolic/diastolic BP=152/87 mm Hg, and among whom 19% were current smokers, 49% had cardiovascular disease, 28% had diabetes and 69% were taking antihypertensive treatment at baseline. Drugs were effective in lowering BP showing maximal effect after 12 months and gradually attenuating towards later years. Based on measures taken ≄12 months postrandomisation, mean systolic/diastolic BP difference (95% CI) between more and less intense BP-lowering treatment was -11.1 (-11.3 to -10.8)/-5.6 (-5.7 to -5.4) mm Hg; between active treatment and placebo was -5.1 (-5.3 to -5.0)/-2.3 (-2.4 to -2.2) mm Hg; and between active and control arms for drug comparison trials was -1.4 (-1.5 to -1.3)/-0.6 (-0.7 to -0.6) mm Hg. BP reductions were observed across different baseline BP values and ages, and by sex, history of cardiovascular disease and diabetes and prior antihypertensive treatment use. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that BP-lowering pharmacotherapy is effective in lowering BP, up to 4 years on average, in people with different characteristics. Appropriate treatment strategies are needed to sustain substantive long-term BP reductions
