94 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Pemberian Dosis Pupuk Kandang Kambing dan Frekuensi Aplikasi Pupuk Organik Cair (POC) Mol Kohe Kambing terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Okra (Abelmoschus Esculentus.)

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    Okra is a plant that is consumed on its fruit and contains a variety of nutrients and is widely used by the community. This study aims to obtain the application dose of goat manure and liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) mol kohe goat that can increase the productivity of growth and yield of okra plants. This research was conducted on the agricultural land of the Sri Anom IV Temas farmer group, Batu District, Batu City. The study was carried out for 2 months starting from January 2022 to February 2022. The design used was a factorial randomized block design (RBD) consisting of two factors, namely goat manure (K) and liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) mol kohe goat (P). The first factor, goat manure (K) consisted of 3 treatments, namely K1 (10 tons/ha), K2 (20 tons/ha), and K3 (30 tons/ha). The second factor, liquid organic fertilizer (LOF) of goat kohe (P) consisted of 4 treatments, namely P1 (LOF 1 time), P2 (LOF 2 times), P3 (LOF 3 times), P4 (LOF 4 times). From these two factors, there were 12 treatment combinations, each treatment was repeated 3 times so that 36 experimental units were obtained. The observed growth variables were plant height and leaf area, while the yield variables observed were fruit length and fruit fresh weight. The results of this study indicate that there is a significant effect due to the interaction of goat manure dose and the frequency of application of goat mole on K2P2 plant height (20 tons/ha and LOF frequency 2 times) of 59.36 cm and K3P3 leaf area (30 tons/ha and LOF frequency 3 times) of 1575.50 cm2. While the yield variable, K2 goat manure (20 tons/ha) showed a good response to the fruit length of 11.63 cm. Meanwhile, goat manure K2 (20 tons/ha) showed a good response to fresh fruit weight of 63.02 g.Keywords : Abelmoschus esculentus., Goat Manure, Liquid Organic Fertilizer Microorganisme Local

    Penerapan Metode Discovery Dalam Pembelajaran Fisika Pokok Bahasan Elastisitas Dan Gerak Harmonik Sederhana Pada Siswa Kelas XI Semester 1 Sman-2 Palangka Raya Tahun Ajaran 2011/2012

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    Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji masalah-masalah mendasar sebagai berikut: Bagaimana aktifitas guru dan siswa dalam pembelajaran fisika pokok bahasan Elastisitas dan Gerak Harmonik Sederhana dengan menerapkan metode Discovery? dan Bagaimana ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa pada pokok bahasan Elastisitas dan Gerak Harmonik sederhana setelah diterapkan metode Discovery?. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (a) untuk mengetahui aktifitas guru dan siswa dalam pembelajaran fisika pokok bahasan Elastisitas dan Gerak Harmonik Sederhana dengan menerapkan metode Discovery, dan (b) untuk mengetahui ketuntasan hasil belajar siswa pada pokok bahasan Elastisitas dan Gerak Harmonik sederhana setelah diterapkan metode Discovery.Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif deskriptif dalam pengumpulan data. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah (a) lembar observasi (pengamatan aktivitas guru dan siswa, pengamatan keterampilan afektif dan psikomotorik), dan (b) tes hasil belajar (THB) kognitif sebanyak 34 soal dari 50 soal yang telah diuji validitas, reliabilitas, daya beda dan tingkat kesukarannya.Subyek penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI IA-4 SMAN-2 Palangka Raya yang berjumlah 35 siswa. Subyek diajarkan materi pokok Elastisitas dan Gerak Harmonik Sederhana dengan menerapkan metode Discovery. Subyek diberikan tes akhir pada akhir pembelajaran, untuk mengetahui hasil belajar siswa pada aspek kognitif.Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan adalah sebagai berikut: 1a) Aktivitas guru dengan penerapan metode Discovery terlaksana sangat baik dengan rata-rata total skor 129,75, 1b) Aktivitas siswa terlaksana dengan kriteria sangat baik dengan rata-rata total skor 1654,25, dan 2) Siswa tuntas pada THB kognitif sebanyak 24 siswa (68,57%) dari 35 siswa, ketuntasan TPK sebesar 57,14% (tidak tuntas), ketuntasan hasil belajar afektif siswa sebesar 92,86% (tuntas), dan ketuntasan hasil belajar psikomotorik siswa sebesar 85% (tuntas)

    The Contribution of Students Psychological Assesment in Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy (CDSE-SF)

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    This quantitative comparative research study examines Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale — Short Form (CDSE-SF-SF) between students who have taken psychologicalassessmenttestsandwhohavenevertakenapsychologicalassessment test, in junior high school students in Central Java Province. This study also measured the difference in Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy based on gender and the origin of the residency area. Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Theory functions as a theoretical framework, while sampling uses cluster random sampling to obtain students who have taken psychological assessment tests (N = 167), and those who have never followed (N = 186) students. Data collection was carried out through a direct survey consisting of 25-questions Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form (CDSE-SF-SF). T-test data analysis showed that there were significant differences between students who had taken IQ test, aptitude test and interests test with those who had never followed. The results is IQ test (t (353) = 2.744, p>0.05), aptitude test (t (353) = 4.327, p>0.05) and, interest test (t (353) = 4.991, p>0.05). This implies that the factors of individualparticipationinpsychologicalassessmenttestscontributesignificantlytothe Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy relationship. On the basis of these findings, it is recommended that career decision making must be improved in schools using career guidance and counseling strategies by involving other parties, one of which is the use of psychological assessment tests.     Keywords: Career decision-making self-efficacy; IQ test; Junior high school; career development


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    National sticky rice consumption during the last five years (2014-2018) tends to increase by 19.10% per year (BPS, 2018). Rice irrigation water management is very important to maximize the development of rice cultivation technology, especially to improve water use efficiency. This study aims to determine the effect of water application intervals on the growth and yield of several varieties of glutinous rice (Oryza sativa L. Var. Glutinosa). This research was carried out in March - July 2021 at the Green house of the Faculty of Agriculture in this location, which is located at an altitude of 550 meters above sea level with an average temperature of 270C-300C. The experiment used a factorial randomized block design (RAK) consisting of 2 factors. The first factor: interval of water supply consisting of 3 levels I0 (watered every day), I1 (watered every 6 days), I2 (watered every 12 days). The second factor is plant variety which consists of 2 levels: V1 = Siem variety (white), V2 = Payaman variety (black). The results data were tested with the BNT test (Least Significant Difference) at 5% level. Based on the ANOVA results, there was no significant interaction with plant height, number of leaves, number of tillers and leaf area. In each treatment, the best growth rate and yield between watering intervals and two varieties of glutinous rice (Oryza sativa L. Var. Glutinosa) were not foun

    Hubungan Depresi dan Pilihan Aplikasi Smartphone dengan Kecanduan Smartphone Pada Siswa SMA

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    Advances in information and communication technology offer a sophisticated smartphone that has the potential to lead to addiction. Previous studies found smartphone addiction is motivated by the presence of psychological factors such as depression experienced by a person. In addition, previous studies also found a determining factor that is the magnitude of smartphone addiction different depends on the types of smartphone applications selected. Therefore, current research aims to identify the relationship between depression and the choice of smartphone apps with smartphone addiction in students. Current research is quantitative research methods. The participants of this study were 307 students. The instruments used in the study consisted of a depression scale, smartphone addiction scale, and smartphone app selection questionnaire. The data was analyzed using product-moment correlation. The data analysis revealed a positive correlation coefficient value of 0.468 with a significance of 0.000 (p>0.05), meaning there was a positive association between depression and smartphone application choices with smartphone addiction in students. Thus, it can be concluded that the higher the level of depression experienced, the higher the level of smartphone addiction of students. Then, the choice of smartphone apps displayed a different impact on the level of smartphone addiction. Game applications have fewer percentages of voters compared to social media applications. However, game applications have a bigger influence on students' smartphone addiction


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    Personal growth initiative penting dalam domain kehidupan, terutama bagi kalangan mahasiswa yang sedang berada di masa pengembangan diri. Pengembangan diri pada mahasiswa sangant diperlukan guna mempersiapkan diri menghadapi kehidupan setelah lulus dari bangku perkuliahan.Nyatanya masih banyak mahasiswa yang belum memiliki personal growth initiative yang memadai sehingga berpengaruh pada kinerja belajar, perkembangan diri, karier, bahkan kesehatan mental mahasiswa. Jenis penelitian ini adalah expost facto, sedangkan desain penelitian ini adalah korelasional. Responden penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa yang berjumlah 364 mahasiswa Universitas Negeri Semarang, yang dipilih dengan teknik pengambilan sampelquota random sampling.Analisis uji hipotesis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan analisis regresi hierarkis. Hasil analisis regresi hierarkis menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan antara future time perspective dengan personal growth initiative (∆R=0,216, ∆F=11,456, p<0,01). Dari keempat aspekfuture time perspective, hanya aspek speed dan connectedness yang memprediksi secara positif personal growth initiative (β=0,203; β=0,217, semua p<0,01, berturut-turut). Jadi dapat disimpulkan bahwa semakin tinggi personal growth initiative individu maka semakin besar pula future time perspective individu tersebut, begitupun sebaliknya

    Pengaruh Dosis Mol Campuran Daun Kelor dengan Leri Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) Varietas Gardena

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    Pakcoy (Brassica rapa L.) is one of the most widely cultivated and consumed horticultural crops in Indonesia. The aim of this research is to increase the yield of mustard pakcoy by giving various doses of MOL mixed with Moringa and Leri leaves so that it is expected to increase the productivity of mustard pakcoy. The design used was a simple RAK experimental design where there were 5 levels, namely K0 = without MOL application, K1 = 200 ml/plant, K2 = 250 ml/plant, K3 = 300 ml/plant, and K4 = 350 ml/plant. The results showed that the MOL mixture of Moringa and Leri leaves for K1 treatment with a dose of 200 ml/plant gave the best effect on plant height of 25.50 cm, number of leaves of 9.58 strands, leaf area of 1154.65 cm2, and total fresh weight of 315.25 g.. The optimal dose of MOL mixture of moringa leaves with leri is 153.14 ml/plant with the total fresh weight of the plant was 302.83 g. Keywords : pakcoy, MOL mixture of moringa leaves with leri, , yield of pakco


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    Abstrak: Budidaya sayuran di Desa Torongrejo, Kecamatan Junrejo, Kota Batu masih dilakukan secara konvensional menggunakan pupuk kimia dan pestisida sintetis. Sistem budidaya semacam ini dalam kurun waktu yang lama akan menurunkan kesuburan tanah dan kualitas sayuran yang dihasilkan lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan sayuran organik. Tujuan kegiatan ini adalah: mempraktekkan pembuatan vermikompos hasil riset Perguruan Tinggi, mengaplikasikan vermikompos dalam budidaya sayuran organik dan mengevaluasi ketertarikan terhadap vermikompos kepada khalayak sasaran yang berasal dari Gapoktan, Taruna Tani dan Kelompok Wanita Tani sebanyal 34 responden. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini adalah melakukan praktek pembuatan vermikompos, demoplot aplikasi vermikompos dalam budidaya sayuran organik dan penyebaran kuisioner. Cara pembuatan vermikompos: (1) persiapan bahan organik sebagai bahan vermikompos, (2) Bahan organik yang sudah dihancukan dimasukkan ke dalam kotak vermicomposting, (3) Inokulasi cacing Lumbricus rubellus ke dalam kotak vermicomposting, (4) proses vermicomposting berlangsung selama 1 bulan. Kegiatan berikutnya adalah penyuluhan tentang cara budidaya sayuran organic menggunakan vermikompos dan pembuatan demoplot penanaman sayuran menggunakan vermikompos hasil dari produk riset. Hasil kegiatan ini menunjukkan antusias yang tinggi dari masyarakat Desa Torongrejo untuk membuat vermikompos yang ditunjukkan dengan hasil survey bahwa sebanyak 94.18% responden tertarik dan menginginkan informasi lebih lanjut tentang penggunaan vermikompos.Abstract: Vegetable cultivation in Torongrejo Village, Junrejo District, Batu City is still done conventionally using chemical fertilizers and synthetic pesticides. This kind of cultivation system for a long time will reduce soil fertility and the quality of the vegetables produced is lower than organic vegetables. The objectives of this activity are: to practice making vermicompost as a result of university research, applying vermicompost in organic vegetable cultivation and evaluating the interest in vermicompost to respondents from Gapoktan, Taruna Tani and Women Farmers Group as many as 34 respondents. The method of implementing this activity was to practice making vermicompost, demoplot the application of vermicompost in organic vegetable cultivation and distributing questionnaires. Methods for making vermicompost: (1) preparation of organic matters as vermicompost material, (2) crushed organic matters in the vermicomposting bin, (3) Lumbricus rubellus worm inoculation into the vermicomposting bin, (4) the vermicomposting process lasts for 1 month. The next activity was counseling on how to cultivate organic vegetables using vermicompost and making a vegetable planting demonstration plot using research product vermicompost. The results of this activity showed the high enthusiasm of the people of Torongrejo Village to make vermicompost as shown from the survey results that as many as 94.18% of respondents were interested and wanted more information about the use of vermicompost

    Uji Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Budi Pekerti dengan Pendekatan Konstruktivistik di SMP Kota Madiun

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    This research serves a thorough outlook on the effectiveness of models of learning morality in Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan subject by constructivist approach for the students of SMP-s around Madiun Municipality. The research makes use of quasi experiment approach by factorial design 2 x 2. The effectiveness of teaching-learning process is evaluated under qualitative method. The subjects of the research include 625 students which belong to grade 1 and 2 of SMP in Madiun Municipality. The analysis results in conclusion that constructivist approach raise the grade 1 students’ achievement by F(1.318)=4.463, p = 0.035. the consistent result is also achieved by the grade 2 students’ achievement by F(1.298) = 118.309, p = 0.000. The qualitatative evaluation on the model also shows significance