377 research outputs found

    Single Cell Fate Mapping in Zebrafish

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    The ability to differentially label single cells has important implications in developmental biology. For instance, determining how hematopoietic, lymphatic, and blood vessel lineages arise in developing embryos requires fate mapping and lineage tracing of undifferentiated precursor cells. Recently, photoactivatable proteins which include: Eos1, 2, PAmCherry3, Kaede4-7, pKindling8, and KikGR9, 10 have received wide interest as cell tracing probes. The fluorescence spectrum of these photosensitive proteins can be easily converted with UV excitation, allowing a population of cells to be distinguished from adjacent ones. However, the photoefficiency of the activated protein may limit long-term cell tracking11. As an alternative to photoactivatable proteins, caged fluorescein-dextran has been widely used in embryo model systems7, 12-14. Traditionally, to uncage fluorescein-dextran, UV excitation from a fluorescence lamp house or a single photon UV laser has been used; however, such sources limit the spatial resolution of photoactivation. Here we report a protocol to fate map, lineage trace, and detect single labeled cells. Single cells in embryos injected with caged fluorescein-dextran are photoactivated with near-infrared laser pulses produced from a titanium sapphire femtosecond laser. This laser is customary in all two-photon confocal microscopes such as the LSM 510 META NLO microscope used in this paper. Since biological tissue is transparent to near-infrared irradiation15, the laser pulses can be focused deep within the embryo without uncaging cells above or below the selected focal plane. Therefore, non-linear two-photon absorption is induced only at the geometric focus to uncage fluorescein-dextran in a single cell. To detect the cell containing uncaged fluorescein-dextran, we describe a simple immunohistochemistry protocol16 to rapidly visualize the activated cell. The activation and detection protocol presented in this paper is versatile and can be applied to any model system

    Penggunaan Brand Essence untuk Membentuk Brand Image dalam Naskah Video Iklan Natur Hair Care

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    Natur Hair Care adalah lini produk perawatan rambut yang diproduksi oleh PT. Gondowangi Tradisional Kosmetika. Dalam membentuk persepsi konsumen dengan sebuah merek diperlukan media yang dapat menunjang, salah satunya video iklan. Penulis yang berperan sebagai copywriter menulis naskah video iklan untuk merek Natur Hair Care. Dalam penulisan naskah, penulis menggunakan brand vision untuk membentuk brand image dari Natur Hair Care. Oleh karena itu, Skripsi ini ditulis untuk menjelaskan tentang penggunaan brand vision untuk membentuk brand image dari Natur Hair Care

    Peran Videografer di Echo Esports (PT. Echo Esports Indonesia)

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    Penulis melakukan magang di PT. Echo Esports Indonesia (Echo Esports) sebagai videografer dan melaksanakan serangkaian pembuatan video untuk keperluan Echo Esports. Penulis memilih bekerja magang di Echo Esports karena melihat perkembangan industri olahraga-el (e-sports) yang sedang berkembang pesat di Indonesia. Selama bekerja magang di Echo Esports, penulis membuat konsep kreatif dan merealisasikannya dengan melakukan proses syuting dan penyuntingan video hingga menjadi konten video yang diunggah di media sosial milik Echo Esports. Dalam bekerja magang, penulis menemukan beberapa kendala, seperti keterlambatan talent pada hari syuting, kurangnya peralatan syuting inventaris yang memadai, waktu pengerjaan beberapa proyek yang kurang banyak, keterbatasan perangkat keras penulis yang digunakan untuk penyuntingan, dan kekurangan pengetahuan penulis akan gim yang dimainkan. Solusi yang penulis lakukan adalah dengan melakukan efektivitas syuting agar seluruh konten dapat disyuting dengan baik, menggunakan peralatan syuting yang penulis miliki, meminta agar waktu pengerjaan proyek diperpanjang dan/atau membuat konsep kreatif yang sederhana tetapi tetap sesuai tema, mengalokasikan waktu yang lebih banyak untuk melakukan pascaproduksi, dan mempelajari dasar- dasar permainan yang penulis belum ketahui

    Ets1-Related Protein Is a Key Regulator of Vasculogenesis in Zebrafish

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    During embryonic development, multiple signaling pathways control specification, migration, and differentiation of the vascular endothelial cell precursors, angioblasts. No single gene responsible for the commitment of mesenchymal cells to the angioblast cell fate has been identified as yet. Here we report characterization and functional studies of Etsrp, a novel zebrafish ETS domain protein. etsrp embryonic expression is only restricted to vascular endothelial cells and their earliest precursors. Morpholino knockdown of Etsrp protein function resulted in the complete absence of circulation in zebrafish embryos. Angioblasts in etsrp–morpholino-injected embryos (morphants) failed to undergo migration and differentiation and did not coalesce into functional blood vessels. Expression of all vascular endothelial molecular markers tested was severely reduced in etsrp morphants, whereas hematopoietic markers were not affected. Overexpression of etsrp RNA caused multiple cell types to express vascular endothelial markers. etsrp RNA restored expression of vascular markers in cloche mutants, defective in hematopoietic and endothelial cell formation, arguing that etsrp functions downstream of cloche in angioblast formation. etsrp gene function was also required for endothelial marker induction by the vascular endothelial growth factor (vegf) and stem cell leukemia (scl/tal1). These results demonstrate that Etsrp is necessary and sufficient for the initiation of vasculogenesis

    Wnt5 signaling in vertebrate pancreas development

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    BACKGROUND: Signaling by the Wnt family of secreted glycoproteins through their receptors, the frizzled (Fz) family of seven-pass transmembrane proteins, is critical for numerous cell fate and tissue polarity decisions during development. RESULTS: We report a novel role of Wnt signaling in organogenesis using the formation of the islet during pancreatic development as a model tissue. We used the advantages of the zebrafish to visualize and document this process in living embryos and demonstrated that insulin-positive cells actively migrate to form an islet. We used morpholinos (MOs), sequence-specific translational inhibitors, and time-lapse imaging analysis to show that the Wnt-5 ligand and the Fz-2 receptor are required for proper insulin-cell migration in zebrafish. Histological analyses of islets in Wnt5a(-/- )mouse embryos showed that Wnt5a signaling is also critical for murine pancreatic insulin-cell migration. CONCLUSION: Our results implicate a conserved role of a Wnt5/Fz2 signaling pathway in islet formation during pancreatic development. This study opens the door for further investigation into a role of Wnt signaling in vertebrate organ development and disease