40 research outputs found

    Composition of Ions and Trace Metals in Rainwater in Bandung City, Indonesia

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    The basin shape of Bandung limits dispersion and transport of air pollutants. This topographical characteristic causes air pollutants to be trapped and accumulated within the basin, where urban areas  were located. In the issue of of sustainable city, rainwater could be potential sources of  fresh water. However, air pollution in urban area might alter the natural rainwater composition. Characterization of rainwater was  conducted by collecting rainwater bulk samples at 4 (four) sites located in a transect from high elevation to the lowest at the base of the Bandung basin. Identification of trace metals, cations and anions were performed in rainwater collected in Bandung City during rainy seasons in February to March 2016. Acidity (pH), conductivity, anions and cations (SO42-, NO3-, Cl-, Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+ and NH4+) and trace metals of Ag, Al, As, Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Sn, Sr and Zn were analysed. During the sampling period,  the rainfall rate ranged between 19.02 mm/week to 130.48 mm/week. The results show that rainwater pH were 4.10 – 5.95. The dominant chemical composition of rainwater were sulfat (37% – 39%) and ammonium (17% - 26%), followed by nitrate. The trace metals analyses indicated that lead (Pb) had the highest concentration (mean = 76.68 ”g/L). The concentration of the trace metals decreased in order of Pb, Fe, Zn, Al, Se, Cu, As, Ba, Co, Sr, Ni, Cd, Cr, Sn and Sb. Lead is a toxic compound, resulting from human activities, such as fossil fuel burning, mining and manufacturing. The initial analysis of rainwater composition including heavy metals suggested that rainwater contain various and potential harmful substances, including heavy metals. These findings are particularly important  and should be taken into consideration in the context of  rainwater as a water sources in urban area, e,g. rainwater harvesting for the domestic purposes and urban farming

    The Study of Correlation Between Heavy Metal Levels in Environment and Autism Case in Samarinda and Bantul

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    Autism is a disorder of pervasive development in children, which until now,the exact cause is unknown. The strongest allegations are genetic andenvironmental factors, especially heavy metals. This study aims to look therelationship between the occurrence of heavy metals pollution with theautism cases in Samarinda and Bantul. This study was carried out bymeasuring the levels of heavy metals in fish, vegetables, water and soil andalso hair of 30 autistic children and 10 control children in Samarinda and 30autism 4 control in Bantul.All samples were measured their heavy metalcontent (As, Hg, Cd, Pb) at The Central Nuclear Applied Science andTechnology Laboratory in Bandung. The result compares with the standardvalue and were found that the samples was exceeding the heavy metals valuein Samarinda is Arsenic in fish, lead in fish. While in Bantul, Mercury in fish,mercury in vegetable and lead in vegetable. In the hair samples result, thelevel of arsenic, mercury and lead were higher in autism children comparedto controls in Samarinda, while in Bantul only mercury and lead levels arehigher in hair of autism children than controls. Cadmium levelswere nodifference between autistic and control hair both in Samarinda and Bantul

    Pengaruh informasi akuntansi dan ketidakpastian tugas terhadap kinerja manajerial (studi pada PDAM Tirta Anom Banjar)

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    Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh dari pada informasi akuntansi dan ketidakpastian tugas terhadap kinerja manajerial di PDAM Tirta Anom Banjar. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deasin deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui data primer berupa angket. Sedangkan untuk menganalisis data yang diperoleh digunakan analisis koefisien korelasi produk moment, koefisien determinasi, dan analisis jalur untuk mengetahui variabel moderasi. Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji t dan dan uji F. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa informasi akuntansi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja manajerial pada PDAM Tirta Anom Kota Banjar, ketidakpastian tugas berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja manajerial pada PDAM Tirta Anom Kota Banjar, dan Informasi akuntansi dan ketidakpastian tugas secara bersama-sama berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja manajerial pada PDAM Tirta Anom Kota Banjar. Secara empiris dan hasil analisis variabel ketidakpastian tugas dapat memoderasi kinerja manajerial. Implikasi dari penelitian ini bagi manajer dan dewan pengawas dalam perusahaan, disarankan agar mampu merumuskan dan mengevaluasi kembali job description setiap karyawan sehingga ketidakpastian tugas dapat diminimalisir

    Pengaruh Diversitas dan Inklusi Terhadap Kinerja Organisasi

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    The influence of diversity and inclusion in the context of organizations has become a major focus in the modern business world. The growing complexity of the global business environment and the demands of diverse markets require organizations to better understand, value, and leverage employee diversity. The aim is to analyze the Analysis of the Effect of Diversity and Inclusion on Organizational Performance. The research method used is a literature study or Library Research with a qualitative approach. Based on the problems, objectives, research results and discussion, the following conclusions can be drawn. The management of deversity and inclusion has the view that the differences that exist in individuals are very valuable resources and need to be put to good use. Keywords: Diversity, Inclusion, Orhanization Performanc

    Effect of Community Education on Community Knowledge of Premature Rupture of Membranes

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    Premature rupture of membranes (PROM) is still a health problem with a reasonably high incidence among pregnant women in Indonesia. The PROM is defined as the rupture of membranes before signs of labor are observed. Better knowledge on the causes, signs, symptoms, and complications of PROM is believed to help in reducing maternal and infant mortality caused by PROM. This was a cross-sectional, analytic observational study conducted in Cipacing Village, Sumedang, West Java, Indonesia during the period of June-July 2022. . Community education was held to give better knowledge about PROM for women with an obstetric and gynecology specialist and fetomaternal consultant as the resource person. Total sampling was obtained from 62 women. Data were collection using pre-test and post-tests before and after the education session. The mean pre-test score was 6.48, while the mean post-test score was 7.96. A dependent T-test was used to determine the relationship between scores before and after the community education with a p-value of 0.0001. There was a significant increase in knowledge about PROM after the education session compared to before the session. This means community education is effective and impactful to increase the level of knowledge about PROM among women

    The Influence of Heavy Metal Levels on Autism Case in Bontang and Samarinda City, East Kalimantan – Indonesia

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    Autism is a disorder of pervasive development in children, which until now, the exact cause is unknown. The strongest allegations are genetic and environmental factors, especially heavy metals. To observe the influence of the environment (heavy metals) on the incidence of autism in two cities located in East Kalimantan (Bontang and Samarinda). measurements of heavy metal levels were carried out in each of the 30 autistic children and 10 control children respectively. Furthermore, with a case control study design, a comparison between the levels of heavy metals in autistic patients' hair and hair control was done. Also by measuring the levels of heavy metals in shells, fish, vegetables, water and soil and comparing the results with heavy metals in the hair. As the results, the levels of arsenic (As), mercury (Hg) and lead (Pb) were higher in autism children’s compared to controls, but cadmium (Cd) levels were no difference between autistic and control hair, both in Samarinda and Bontang. Likewise, in environmental samples (shellfish, fish, vegetables, water and soil) there was an elevation of As, Hg, and Pb levels in  some samples which corresponded to As, Hg and Pb levels in autistic sufferers' hair, but there were no environmental samples were found to have high levels of cadmium. This is also in accordance with the cadmium levels in sufferers'hair and control. High levels of heavy metals detected  in children with ASDs at two cities in East Kalimantan indicate a correlation with environmental exposure. Further comprehensive investigations are recommended to assess environmental hazards at this location

    Pengaruh Debt To Equity Ratio Dan Non Performing Loan Terhadap Return Saham Emiten Bursa Efek Indonesia Subsektor Perbankan

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    This study aims to determine the effect of debt to equity ratio (DER) and non performing loan (NPL) to stock returns of issuers of Indonesia Stock Exchange banking subsector. The method used in this research is descriptive quantitative. The population in this study as many as 43 issuers Indonesia Stock Exchange banking subsector but who qualified samples only 7 emiten. Technique of collecting data is done through secondary data that is financial report of emiten become sample. While to analyze the data obtained used path analysis. The results showed that DER and NPL have a very strong effect on stock return that is equal to 81,4%. Based on the path analysis of the effect of DER on ROA of 50.5% and the effect of NPL to ROA of 30.9%

    Perbedaan antara Jenis dan Derajat Kelainan Jantung serta Jenis Persalinan terhadap Outcome Ibu dan Bayi pada Kehamilan dengan Penyakit Jantung

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    AbstrakTujuan: Penelitian ini dilakukan upaya untuk menilai karakteristik dan outcome kehamilan dengan kelainan jantung baik pada ibu dan bayi di RSUP dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung dari tahun 2015 sampai 2017.Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional analitik (cross-sectional). Subjek penelitian adalah semua ibu hamil dengan kelainan jantung yang menjalani persalinan di RSUP dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung dari tahun 2015 − 2017 dengan menggunakan data sekunder. Hasil: Selama periode penelitian sebanyak 76 sampel penelitian yang diperoleh. Pada penelitian ini usia rata-rata ibu adalah 30 tahun, paling banyak pada paritas 1 dan 3 yaitu sebesar 31,6%. Usia kehamilan saat terjadi persalinan  > 37 minggu sebanyak 53,9%. Lama perawatan pasien rata-rata 7 sampai 8 hari dengan ruang rawat yang paling banyak adalah ICU sebanyak 32,9%, dan ruang rawat biasa sebesar 39.5%. Jenis kelainan jantung yang paling sering adalah kardiomiopati peripartum dan hipertensi, yaitu sebesar 42,1%. Jenis persalinan yang banyak dilakukan adalah seksio sesarea yaitu sebesar 64,5%. Penelitian ini memperoleh bahwa ibu dengan kelainan jantung yang hidup sebesar 88,2% dan meninggal sebesar 11,8% setelah menjalani persalinan.Kesimpulan: Ada perbedaan antara derajat kelainan jantung berdasarkan NYHA (New York Heart Association) dengan outcome ibu dan bayi pada kehamilan dengan kelainan jantung.Differences between Types and Degrees of Heart Disorders and Types of Labor in the Outcome of Mothers and Babies in Pregnancy with Heart DiseaseAbstractObjective: through this research conducted efforts to assess the characteristics and outcome of pregnancy with cardiac disease both in mother and infant in dr dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung from year 2015 to 2017.Method: an observational analytic (cross-sectional) research with subjects were all pregnant women with cardiac abnormalities who underwent delivery at dr. Hasan Sadikin Bandung from 2015 to 2017 using secondary data.Results:During the research period as many as 76 samples obtained. In this study the average age of the mother is 30 years, most at parity 1 and 3 that is equal to 31.6%, age of pregnancy during labor> 37 weeks by 53.9%. The average length of patient care was 7 to 8 days with the most hospital room was ICU of 32.9% and the regular room was 39.5%. The most common types of heart disorders are peripartum cardiomyopathy and hypertensive heart disease, which is 42.1%. Type of delivery mostly by cesarean section that is equal to 64.5%. The study found that mothers with heart abnormalities were 88.2% alive and died of 11.8% after going through labor.Conclusion: There is a difference between the degree of cardiac abnormalities based on NYHA (New York Heart Association)  classification with maternal and infant outcomes in pregnancy with cardiac abnormalities.Key words: Type and Degree of Heart Abnormality, Type of Birth, Outcome of Mother and Infan

    Cryptic diversity of a widespread global pathogen reveals expanded threats to amphibian conservation

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.Biodiversity loss is one major outcome of human-mediated ecosystem disturbance. One way that humans have triggered wildlife declines is by transporting disease-causing agents to remote areas of the world. Amphibians have been hit particularly hard by disease due in part to a globally distributed pathogenic chytrid fungus (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis [Bd]). Prior research has revealed important insights into the biology and distribution of Bd; however, there are still many outstanding questions in this system. Although we know that there are multiple divergent lineages of Bd that differ in pathogenicity, we know little about how these lineages are distributed around the world and where lineages may be coming into contact. Here, we implement a custom genotyping method for a global set of Bd samples. This method is optimized to amplify and sequence degraded DNA from noninvasive skin swab samples. We describe a divergent lineage of Bd, which we call BdASIA3, that appears to be widespread in Southeast Asia. This lineage co-occurs with the global panzootic lineage (BdGPL) in multiple localities. Additionally, we shed light on the global distribution of BdGPL and highlight the expanded range of another lineage, BdCAPE. Finally, we argue that more monitoring needs to take place where Bd lineages are coming into contact and where we know little about Bd lineage diversity. Monitoring need not use expensive or difficult field techniques but can use archived swab samples to further explore the history—and predict the future impacts—of this devastating pathogen