47 research outputs found

    Forced Onomatopoeia

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    Onomatopoeia is a familiar phenomenon in language. It refers to words that sound somewhat like their meanings -- e.g., bang, splash, hiss, boom, plop, etc. It is widely recognized that onomatopoetic words are based on fairly subjective, culturally determined ideas about the verbal equivalents of noises found in nature. In the February 1975 issue of Word Ways, Maxey Brooke pointed out that French dogs are understood to be sounding out a ouat-ouat sound, German dogs haf-haf, Chines dogs wah-wah, and so on

    James Moffettā€™s Lit Crit and Holy Writ

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    In one of Moffett\u27s final presentations, he traced parallels between literary criticism and the study of scripture from various traditions. He explained the development of his Points of View spectrum as a response to his high school teaching experiences and presented an updated version of the spectrum


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    Some lovers of language are merely smitten, others are outright crazy. I\u27m in the former category, so I devised an even dozen anagrams for the word anagram and let it go at that

    Quancrete Poetry

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    In t he February 1993 Word Ways, David Morice wrote about crossnumber forms, a rule-governed arrangement of grids composed of numbers that are spelled out. the goal in crossnumber forms is to discover nontrivial patterns of horizontal and vertical interconnectedness, as in two of Morice\u27s simple but elegant examples

    Beyond Trends in English and Language Arts Instruction

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    The corrosion behaviour of stainless steel SS304 was investigated in three major aqueous environments, namely dry, water-saturated and free-water conditions and in two different methanol environments, namely dry and watersaturated environments with 99% methanol +1% water. The sulfuric acid and sodium chloride reaction generated hydrogen chloride gas in all the experiments. An inert carrier gas such as argon pushed the hydrogen chloride gas to flow over desiccants to make the latter dry. The dry hydrogen chloride gas would then flow into the second flask to which a pre-weighted stainless-steel specimen was exposed at ambient conditions for 48 hours. The specimen was retrieved and subjected to the surface and chemical analysis using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)/EDAX. The presence of chloride would affirm the adsorption of chloride ions on the metal surface and vice versa. The specimen was then weighted to determine the corrosion rate. The results suggested that stainless steel would not corrode in dry hydrogen chloride gas. However, when saturated with moisture, its corrosion rate would increase by about one order of magnitude. In a free-water environment, the corrosion rate would triple. Hydrogen chloride gas would react with moisture or water, turning it into hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid is a reducing acid that attacks the Cr2O3 layer, leading to general and/or localised corrosion. The presence of methanol increased the corrosion rate of stainless steel by a factor of three to four

    Readers building fictional worlds:visual representations, poetry, and cognition

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    This article explores the complex nature of the literature classroom by drawing on the cognitive linguistic framework Text World Theory to examine the teacherā€™s role as facilitator and mediator of reading. Specifically, the article looks at how one teacher used visual representations as a way of allowing students to engage in a more personal and less teacher-driven transaction with a poem, and to encourage them to reflect on their own roles as active makers of meaning and knowledge in the classroom. The article shows how teachers can be mindful of the various contextual factors that can privilege and legitimise certain kinds of response in the classroom and be wary of external factors and pressures that can promote the idea of preconceived knowledge. The teacher in the case study presented was able to both facilitate the experience of reading poetry in an unmediated way and also develop her studentsā€™ metacognition in relation to the reading process itself. The article shows how Text World Theoryā€™s status as a socio-cognitive grammar may be of benefit to teachers in understanding the nature of communicative interaction and literary transaction

    Endometrial cancer - diagnostic challenges and treatment options

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    Karcinom endometrija zloćudna je novotvorina unutraÅ”njeg sloja maternice koji se u reproduktivnoj dobi žene ciklički zadebljava i ljuÅ”ti pod utjecajem spolnih hormona ā€“ najčeŔće svaki mjesec. NajčeŔći je karcinom ženskog spolnog sustava. Prema službenim objavljenim podatcima za 2021. godinu/HZJZ, tijekom 2021. godine ukupno je od karcinoma endometrija oboljelo 5.810 žena Å”to čini 18,40 % svih karcinoma te spada među četiri najčeŔća karcinoma u žena u naÅ”oj zemlji. Incidencija karcinoma endometrija približno iznosi 30.3/100,000 žena i ima tendenciju daljnjeg porasta. Drugi je najčeŔći karcinom u žena (iza karcinoma dojke) u dobi između 50 ā€“ 69 godina, a rizik obolijevanja raste sa životnom dobi. Oko 2/3 novotvorina javlja se u postmenopauzi, a tek oko 1/3 u razdoblju perimenopauze. Vrlo rijetko se nalazi u pacijentica mlađih od 40 godina. Predisponirajući rizični čimbenici za nastanak karcinoma endometrija su: starija životna dob, dijabetes, hipertenzija, pretilost, dugotrajna estrogenska dominacija (npr. kod dugotrajnih izostanaka menstruacije, amenoreja i anovulacija), PCOS, tumori koji stvaraju estrogene, Turnerov sindrom, estrogensko (mono ā€“ estrogensko) nadomjesno liječenje, nuliparitet (nerotkinje), karcinom dojke, karcinom kolona, liječenje tamoksifenom, genetski čimbenici rizika, kao Å”to je Lynchov sindrom itd. Najznačajniji epidemioloÅ”ki faktor je udruženost s dugotrajnom abnormalnom estrogenskom stimulacijom, bez kompenzirajuće gestagenske protuaktivnosti Å”to pospjeÅ”uje nekontrolirano dijeljenje stanica, smanjuje apoptozu i potiče malignu transformaciju endometrija. Glavni simptomi endometralnog karcinoma su: nepravilna vaginalna krvarenja ( 80 ā€“ 90%), purulentni (gnojni) ili roskasti iscjedak, bolovi u donjem dijelu trbuha itd. Nenormalna vaginalna krvarenja najčeŔći su rani simptom endometralnog karcinoma. Krvarenja u postmenopauzi u 40 ā€“ 60% slučajeva izazivaju sumnju na karcinom endometrija. Rano otkrivanje karcinoma najvažniji je preduvjet za uspjeÅ”no liječenje i suzbijanje trajnih neželjenih i fatalnih posljedica. Redoviti godiÅ”nji ginekoloÅ”ki pregledi uvelike povećavaju vjerojatnost za pravovremeno otkrivanje i adekvatno liječenje. Ovisno o stadiju bolesti koji se definira na osnovu međunarodne FIGO klasifikacije ista se može liječiti operativnim zahvatom, radioterapijom, kemoterapijom ili svime navedenim. Svrha pisanja ovog zavrÅ”nog rada je iznoÅ”enje i sažimanje elementarnih saznanja o karcinomu endometrija, njegovoj prevenciji, ranom otkrivanje te trenutno dostupnim metodama liječenja.Endometrial cancer is a malignant neoplasm of the inner layer of the uterus, which in a woman's reproductive age cyclically thickens and peels under the influence of sex hormones ā€“ usually every month. It is the most common cancer of the female reproductive system. According to official published data for 2021/HZJZ, during 2021 a total of 5,810 women were diagnosed with endometrial cancer, which accounts for 18.40% of all cancers and is among the four most common cancers in women in our country. The incidence of endometrial cancer is approximately 30.3/100,000 womens and tends to increase further. After breast cancer, it is the second most common cancer in women between the ages of 50 and 69, and the risk of the disease increases with age. About 2/3 of neoplasms occur in postmenopause, and only about 1/3 in perimenopause. It is very rarely found in patients under the age of 40. Predisposing risk factors for endometrial cancer are: older age, diabetes, hypertension, obesity, long-term estrogen dominance (e.g. in long-term absence of menstruation, (amenorrhea and anovulation), PCOS, tumors that produce estrogens, Turner's syndrome, estrogenic (mono- estrogen) replacement therapy, nulliparity (infertility), breast cancer, colon cancer, tamoxifen treatment, genetic risk factors, such as Lynch syndrome, etc. The most significant epidemiological factor is the association with long-term abnormal estrogen stimulation, without compensating gestagenic counteractivity, which promotes uncontrolled cell division, reduces apoptosis and promotes malignant transformation of the endometrium. The main symptoms of endometrial cancer are: irregular vaginal bleeding (80 ā€“ 90%), purulent or rosy discharge, pain in the lower abdomen, etc. Abnormal vaginal bleeding is the most common early symptom of endometrial cancer. Postmenopausal bleeding in 40 ā€“ 60% of cases raises the suspicion of endometrial cancer. Early detection of cancer is the most important prerequisite for successful treatment and suppression of permanent unwanted and fatal consequences. Regular annual gynecological examinations greatly increase the probability of timely detection and adequate treatment. Depending on the stage of the disease, which is defined on the basis of the international FIGO classification, it can be treated with surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy or all of the above. The purpose of writing this thesis is to present and summarize elementary knowledge about endometrial cancer, its prevention, early detection and currently available treatment methods