12 research outputs found

    Gambaran Pengetahuan Perawat Vokasi tentang Tugas dan Wewenang Perawat sesuai UU No.38 Tahun 2014

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    Act No. 38 Year 2014 on Nursing explains many things related to Nursing Act, in which one of them is the nurseā€™s duties and authorities. As a qualified nurse, understanding nurseā€™s duties and authorities based on the Act No. 38 Year 2014 in conducting nursing practice are required to create and improve optimal services and health developments. This research aims to find out the vocational nursesā€™ perception about nurseā€™s duties and authorities based on the Law No.38 Year 2014 on Nursing. This research refers to quantitative research with descriptive study and cross-sectional approach. Sampling technique used in this research was proportional random sampling with total number of respondents 180 by using questionnaire. Questionnaire A had 8 questions and questionnaire B had 21 questions. The vocational nursesā€™ understanding about nurseā€™s duties based on the Act No.38 Year 2014 on nursing at RSUD Tugurejo in the poor category is 136 people (75.6%), and the understanding about nurseā€™s authorities based on the Law No.38 Year 2014 on nursing at RSUD Tugurejo in the poor category is 110 people (61.1%). Based on the finding of the research, it is recommended for the nurses to provide more understanding and knowledge about their duties and authorities based on the Act No.38 Year 2014 on nursing act. Key words: Nurse, Act, Duty, Authoritity, Vocational Nurse. Bibliography: 49 (1998-2017

    Penerapan Training Need Analysis dalam Penyusunan Kurikulum Pelatihan Kompetensi Nursing Informatics Kepala Ruangan

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    Kompetensi Nursing Informatic sangat penting bagi kepala ruangan, dan akan menjadi lebih penting lagi di masa depan sehingga perlu dipertimbangkan adanya perencanaan strategis tentang peningkatan kompetensi manajemen kepala ruangan khususnya dalam kompetensi Nursing Informatics.Ā  Studi ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan Training Needs Analysis (TNA) dalam menyusun kurikulum pelatihan kompetensi nursing informatics kepala ruangan. Studi dilakukan pada bulan September sampai November 2020. Data diperoleh melalui wawancara, observasi dan survei dengan perubahan berencana melalui metode pendekatan action research. Metode pendekatan action research terdiri dari lima tahapan yaitu identifikasi (diagnosis) masalah, analisis, umpan balik, tindakan dan evaluasi. TNA survey menggambarkan 78% kemampuan computer literacy kepala ruangan kurang, 77% kemampuan informatics literacy kepala ruangan kurang, 72% kemampuan informatics management skilss kepala ruangan kurang. Berdasarkan TNA survey tersebut, didapatkan hasil interprestasi level nursing informatics competencies dengan 17 kepala ruangan memiliki skor NIC yang baik dan 58 kepala ruanganĀ  memiliki skor nursing informatics competencies yang kurang. Ā Kurikulum pelatihan kompetensi kepala ruang adalah acuan dalam perencanaan pelaksanaan pendidikan berkelanjutan kepala ruangan. Pada masa ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi berubah setiap hari, penting bagi kepala ruangan untuk upgrade dan up-to-date dalam informasi, penyusunan kurikulum pelatihan kompetensi nursing informatics kepala ruang adalah salah satu upaya dalam mewujudkan hal tersebut. TNA dapat diterapkan dalam penyusunan kurikulum pelatihan kompetensi nursing informatics kepala ruangan. TNA memberikan gambaran tentang tingkat kompetensi nursing informatics kepala ruangan sehingga penyusunan kurikulum pelatihan kompetensi nursing informatics didasarkan pada data dan tujuan atas keterbutuhan kompetensi yang perlu ditingkatkan

    The problem of physics learning: The effort to increase the interest and learning result of Newton laws

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    This study aimed to identify the problems and solutions of physics learning on the concept of newton's law of motion. The researcher used a qualitative descriptive study with a sample of students and physics teachers at Islamic Senior High School or Madrasah Aliyah in Malang. The data was collected through interviews and observations during two meetings. The first meeting was an interview section with the teachers to identify the problems in physics learning. The second meeting was the student observations for further investigation based on the findings from the interview data. This present study was designed for solving physics learning problems on the concept of newton's law of motion. The result showed that classroom learning still utilises a teacher-centred approach, resulting in poor interactive responses and learning outcomes. Besides, The school does not support enough facilities, such as learning equipment and laboratories. Therefore, teaching aids can improve the students' quality and quantity on learning the concept of newton's law of motion


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    ABSTRAK Ā  Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menggembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis Microsoft Sway pada materi Termodinamka SMA Kelas XI. Penelitian dilakukan di SMAN 4 Kepahiang. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dan pengembangan (R & D) dengan metode 4D yang telah dimodifikasi menjadi 3D dan terdiri dari tahap pendefinisian atau define, perancangan atau design, dan pengembangan atau develop. Tahap define terdiri dari hasil studi literatur dan analisis kebutuhan. Tahap design pada penelitian ini yaitu pemilihan media dan materi perancangan, serta perancangan awal media pembelajaran. Tahap develop dalam penelitian ini merupakan validasi ahli yang terdiri dari 3 orang ahli. Hasil dari validasi ahli dengan aspek kelayakan isi sebesar 86,65%, aspek bahasa sebesar 92,7%, aspek penyajian sebesar 87,5%, dan aspek kegrafisan sebesar 75 %. Total validasi yang dilakukan oleh validator rata-rata sebesar 85,45%. Dengan demikian media pembelajaran Fisika Materi termodinamika SMA Kelas XI Berbasis Microsoft Sway memenuhi kriteria sangat layak diujicobakan di SMA pada siswa kelas XI. Ā  Kata Kunci : Media Pembelajaran, Online, Microsoft Sway, Termodinamika SMA Kelas XI Ā  ABSTRACT Ā  This study aims to describe and develop learning media based on Microsoft Sway on Newton's Laws of Motion in high school. The research was conducted at SMAN 4 Kepahiang. This research is a research and development (R & D) with the 4D method which has been modified into 3D and consists of the stages of defining or define, design or design, and development or develope. The define stage consists of the results of the literature study and needs analysis. The design stage in this research is the selection of media and design materials, as well as the initial design of learning media. The develop stage in this research is an expert validation consisting of 3 experts. The results of expert validation with content feasibility aspects are 86.65%, language aspects are 92.7%, presentation aspects are 87.5%, and graphic aspects are 75%. The total validation carried out by validators is 85.45% on average. Thus, the Physicā€™s media learning for senior high school grade XI Thermodynamics Material Based On Microsoft Sway meets the criteria very worthy of being tested in high school for class XI students. Ā  Keywords : Learning Media, Online, Microsoft Sway, High School Grade XI Thermodynamic


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    Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic disease that requires long-term self-care so that patients can carry out self-care independently to prevent complications from Diabetes Mellitus. Self Care Behavior aims to examine and classify the extent to which people with Diabetes Mellitus carry out self-care in order to improve their well-being and quality of life. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and pain perceptions about Diabetes Mellitus and Self Care Behavior of Diabetes Mellitus sufferers. This research is a literature study that summarizes some of the relevant literature collected using Google Scholar which was published in 2015-2022. The results of the search found 56 identified journals and 7 journals that met the inclusion criteria. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between knowledge about Diabetes Mellitus and Self Care for Diabetes Mellitus patients and there was a significant relationship between perceptions of pain about Diabetes Mellitus and self care behavior for Diabetes Mellitus sufferers

    Perbandingan kualitas dokumentasi keperawatan berbasis elektronik dan berbasis kertas: Study literature

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    Paperā€based versus electronicā€based of health records in quality of nursing documentation: A literature review study.Background: Many technological developments in nursing services have emerged, one of them is electronic-based nursing documentation. The electronic nursing documentation has a good impact which increases the quality of service. But the readiness is still questionable.Purpose: Describing the quality comparison of electronic-based nursing documentation and paper-based nursing documentation.Method: This study uses a PRISMA literature review. Through the remote-lib.ui.ac.id database that is connected to various scientific publication pages such as, Scopus, Ebsco, PROQUEST Scholar-Articles with several key words such as electronic nursing documentation, nursing paper documentation, management information systems.Results: Electronic-based documentation has a higher level of quality documentation than paper-based documentation in terms of efficiency, effectiveness, patient focus and timeliness.Conclusion: Electronic-based documentation offers the optimization of nursing care, effective and efficient documentation, integrated nursing care and cost-effective through (paperless). Strong support from hospital institutions, organizations and government at the beginning of the nurse adaptation system and process is a challenge so that the application of electronic nursing documentation is realized properly.Keywords: Paperā€based; Electronicā€based; Health records; Quality; Nursing documentation.Pendahuluan: Pengembangan teknologi dalam pelayanan keperawatan banyak bermunculan, salah satunya dokumentasi keperawatan berbasis elektronik. Dokumentasi keperawatan elektronik memberikan dampak baik yang luarannya meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan. Namun kesiapan masih dipertanyakan.Tujuan: Menggambarkan perbandingan kualitas dokumentasi keperawatan berbasis elektronik dan dokumentasi keperawatan berbasis kertas.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan tinjauan pustaka PRISMA. Melalui Database remote-lib.ui.ac.id yang terhubung dengan berbagai macam laman publikasi ilmiah seperti, Scopus, Ebsco, PROQUEST, Scholar-Artikel dengan beberapa kata kunci seperti dokumentasi keperawatan elektronik, dokumentasi keperawatan kertas, sistem informasi manajemen.Hasil: Dokumentasi berbasis elektronik memiliki tingkat kualitas dokumentasi lebih dibandingkan dokumentasi berbasis kertas secara efesiensi, efektifitas, fokus pada pasien maupun ketepatan waktu.Simpulan: Dokumentasi berbasis elektronik menawarkan keoptimalan melakukan asuhan keperawatan, dokumentasi efektif dan efesien, asuhan keperawatan terintegrasi serta cost-effective melalui (paperless). Dukungan kuat dari institusi rumah sakit, organisasi maupun pemerintah dalam permulaan sistem dan proses adaptasi perawat menjadi tantangan, agar penerapan dokumentasi keperawatan elektronik terealisasi dengan baik

    Hubungan Karakteristik Perawat dan Safety Attitude di Rumah Sakit Jakarta

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    Sikap keselamatan perawat mempengaruhi tindakan dalam menerapkan implementasi asuhan keperawatan yang berbasis keselamatan pasien. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan karakteristik perawat dan sikap keselamatan, melalui penelitian cross sectional yang melibatkan 330 perawat di 3 rumah sakit veritkal Jakarta. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah Safety Attitudes Questionnaire dengan tambahan data demografi. Ā Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara karaktersitik perawat dan sikapĀ  keselamatan perawat. Jenis kelamin, posisi, jenjang karir, pendidikan, usia serta pengalaman kerja secara signifikan berpengaruh pada sikap keselamatan (P<0,05). Perbaikan dan peningkatan sikap keselamatan perawat dapat dievaluasi dan diperbaiki dengan mempertimbangkan karaktersitik perawat agar upaya upaya tersebut dapat tepat sasaran dan sesuai dengan kebutuhan