211 research outputs found


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    This paper aims to examine possible solutions for bilingual education in the context of a multicultural society based on the experience in the US. The US was built by migrants. The earliest example of bilingual education is found in the mid-nineteenth century. In the second half of the twentieth century, the federal government tried to include bilingual education as part of their national policy. Therefore, I have traced the history of bilingual education in the US through the first half of the twentieth century. Next, I have analyzed the general trend in the US government’s bilingual policy in the second half of the twentieth century. Finally, I have discussed the current situation in bilingual education in the US using the case in California as an example

    The dynamics of male-male competition in Cardiocondyla obscurior ants

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    BACKGROUND: The outcome of male-male competition can be predicted from the relative fighting qualities of the opponents, which often depend on their age. In insects, freshly emerged and still sexually inactive males are morphologically indistinct from older, sexually active males. These young inactive males may thus be easy targets for older males if they cannot conceal themselves from their attacks. The ant Cardiocondyla obscurior is characterised by lethal fighting between wingless (“ergatoid”) males. Here, we analyse for how long young males are defenceless after eclosion, and how early adult males can detect the presence of rival males. RESULTS: We found that old ergatoid males consistently won fights against ergatoid males younger than two days. Old males did not differentiate between different types of unpigmented pupae several days before emergence, but had more frequent contact to ready-to-eclose pupae of female sexuals and winged males than of workers and ergatoid males. In rare cases, old ergatoid males displayed alleviated biting of pigmented ergatoid male pupae shortly before adult eclosion, as well as copulation attempts to dark pupae of female sexuals and winged males. Ergatoid male behaviour may be promoted by a closer similarity of the chemical profile of ready-to-eclose pupae to the profile of adults than that of young pupae several days prior to emergence. CONCLUSION: Young ergatoid males of C. obscurior would benefit greatly by hiding their identity from older, resident males, as they are highly vulnerable during the first two days of their adult lives. In contrast to the winged males of the same species, which are able to prevent ergatoid male attacks by chemical female mimicry, young ergatoids do not seem to be able to produce a protective chemical profile. Conflicts in male-male competition between ergatoid males of different age thus seem to be resolved in favour of the older males. This might represent selection at the colony level rather than the individual level

    Study on Science Education in the Early Meiji Era of Japan (I) : How T. H. Huxley\u27s Idea of Science Education was accepted in Japan

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    In this paper, I Intend to consider how and to what extent the ideas of science and science education from Western Countries were introduced into and assimilated in Japan. Now I think it is necessary to tell about T.H. Huxley (1825-1895), the famous English scientist and science educator, who acted an important role in the popularization of science and the organization of science education in the latter half of 19th century in England. His ideas and works were introduced into Japan in the Early Meiji Era and affected the development of science education in Japan. I study the relation between T.H. Huxley and our science education

    Expression of SART3 antigen and induction of CTLs by SART3-derived peptides in breast cancer patients

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    We recently reported the SART3 tumour-rejection antigen as possessing tumour epitopes capable of inducing HLA-class I-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs). This study investigated expression of the SART3 antigen in breast cancer to explore an appropriate molecule for use in specific immunotherapy of breast cancer patients. The SART3 antigen was detected in all of the breast cancer cell lines tested, 30 of 40 (75%) breast cancer tissue samples, and 0 of 3 non-tumourous breast tissue samples. SART3 derived peptides at positions 109–118 and 315–323 induced HLA-A24 restricted CTLs that reacted to breast cancer cells from the peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of breast cancer patients. Therefore, the SART3 antigen and its peptides could be an appropriate molecule for use in specific immunotherapy of the majority of HLA-A24-positive breast cancer patients. © 2001 Cancer Research Campaignhttp://www.bjcancer.co

    Direct MinE–membrane interaction contributes to the proper localization of MinDE in E. coli

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    Dynamic oscillation of the Min system in Escherichia coli determines the placement of the division plane at the midcell. In addition to stimulating MinD ATPase activity, we report here that MinE can directly interact with the membrane and this interaction contributes to the proper MinDE localization and dynamics. The N-terminal domain of MinE is involved in direct contact between MinE and the membranes that may subsequently be stabilized by the C-terminal domain of MinE. In an in vitro system, MinE caused liposome deformation into membrane tubules, a property similar to that previously reported for MinD. We isolated a mutant MinE containing residue substitutions in R10, K11 and K12 that was fully capable of stimulating MinD ATPase activity, but was deficient in membrane binding. Importantly, this mutant was unable to support normal MinDE localization and oscillation, suggesting that direct MinE interaction with the membrane is critical for the dynamic behavior of the Min system

    ATP-regulated interactions between P1 ParA, ParB and non-specific DNA that are stabilized by the plasmid partition site, parS

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    Localization of the P1 plasmid requires two proteins, ParA and ParB, which act on the plasmid partition site, parS. ParB is a site-specific DNA-binding protein and ParA is a Walker-type ATPase with non-specific DNA-binding activity. In vivo ParA binds the bacterial nucleoid and forms dynamic patterns that are governed by the ParB–parS partition complex on the plasmid. How these interactions drive plasmid movement and localization is not well understood. Here we have identified a large protein–DNA complex in vitro that requires ParA, ParB and ATP, and have characterized its assembly by sucrose gradient sedimentation and light scattering assays. ATP binding and hydrolysis mediated the assembly and disassembly of this complex, while ADP antagonized complex formation. The complex was not dependent on, but was stabilized by, parS. The properties indicate that ParA and ParB are binding and bridging multiple DNA molecules to create a large meshwork of protein–DNA molecules that involves both specific and non-specific DNA. We propose that this complex represents a dynamic adaptor complex between the plasmid and nucleoid, and further, that this interaction drives the redistribution of partition proteins and the plasmid over the nucleoid during partition

    A Man-Made ATP-Binding Protein Evolved Independent of Nature Causes Abnormal Growth in Bacterial Cells

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    Recent advances in de novo protein evolution have made it possible to create synthetic proteins from unbiased libraries that fold into stable tertiary structures with predefined functions. However, it is not known whether such proteins will be functional when expressed inside living cells or how a host organism would respond to an encounter with a non-biological protein. Here, we examine the physiology and morphology of Escherichia coli cells engineered to express a synthetic ATP-binding protein evolved entirely from non-biological origins. We show that this man-made protein disrupts the normal energetic balance of the cell by altering the levels of intracellular ATP. This disruption cascades into a series of events that ultimately limit reproductive competency by inhibiting cell division. We now describe a detailed investigation into the synthetic biology of this man-made protein in a living bacterial organism, and the effect that this protein has on normal cell physiology

    Subcellular Min Oscillations as a Single-Cell Reporter of the Action of Polycations, Protamine, and Gentamicin on Escherichia coli

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    BACKGROUND: In Escherichia coli, MinD-GFP fusion proteins show rapid pole to pole oscillations. The objective was to investigate the effects of extracellular cations on the subcellular oscillation of cytoplasmic MinD within Escherichia coli. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We exposed bacteria to the extracellular cations Ca(++), Mg(++), the cationic antimicrobial peptide (CAP) protamine, and the cationic aminoglycoside gentamicin. We found rapid and substantial increases in the average MinD oscillation periods in the presence of any of these polyvalent cations. For Ca(++) and Mg(++) the increases in period were transient, even with a constant extracellular concentration, while increases in period for protamine or gentamicin were apparently irreversible. We also found striking interdependence in the action of the small cations with protamine or gentamicin, distorted oscillations under the action of intermediate levels of gentamicin and Ca(++), and reversible freezing of the Min oscillation at high cationic concentrations. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Intracellular Min oscillations provide a fast single-cell reporter of bacterial response to extracellular polycations, which can be explained by the penetration of polycations into cells