62 research outputs found

    Spontaneous sharp bending of DNA: role of melting bubbles

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    The role of centrally located and distributed base pair mismatches (‘melting bubbles’) on localized bending and stiffness of short dsDNA fragments is evaluated using time-dependent fluorescence lifetime measurements. Distributed melting bubbles are found to induce larger bending angles and decreased levels of stiffness in DNA than centrally located ones of comparable overall size. Our results indicate that spontaneous local opening-up of the DNA duplex could facilitate sharp bending of short DNA strands even in the absence of DNA binding proteins. We also find that the occurrence of two closely spaced melting bubbles will generally be favored when a large energetic barrier must be overcome in forming the desired bent DNA structure

    FLIM FRET Technology for Drug Discovery: Automated Multiwell-Plate High-Content Analysis, Multiplexed Readouts and Application in Situ**

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    A fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) technology platform intended to read out changes in Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) efficiency is presented for the study of protein interactions across the drug-discovery pipeline. FLIM provides a robust, inherently ratiometric imaging modality for drug discovery that could allow the same sensor constructs to be translated from automated cell-based assays through small transparent organisms such as zebrafish to mammals. To this end, an automated FLIM multiwell-plate reader is described for high content analysis of fixed and live cells, tomographic FLIM in zebrafish and FLIM FRET of live cells via confocal endomicroscopy. For cell-based assays, an exemplar application reading out protein aggregation using FLIM FRET is presented, and the potential for multiple simultaneous FLIM (FRET) readouts in microscopy is illustrated

    New insights into the fundamental role of topological constraints as a determinant of two-way junction conformation

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    Recent studies have shown that topological constraints encoded at the RNA secondary structure level involving basic steric and stereochemical forces can significantly restrict the orientations sampled by helices across two-way RNA junctions. Here, we formulate these topological constraints in greater quantitative detail and use this topological framework to rationalize long-standing but poorly understood observations regarding the basic behavior of RNA two-way junctions. Notably, we show that the asymmetric nature of the A-form helix and the finite length of a bulge provide a physical basis for the experimentally observed directionality and bulge-length amplitude dependence of bulge induced inter-helical bends. We also find that the topologically allowed space can be modulated by variations in sequence, particularly with the addition of non-canonical GU base pairs at the junction, and, surprisingly, by the length of the 5′ and 3′ helices. A survey of two-way RNA junctions in the protein data bank confirms that junction residues have a strong preference to adopt looped-in, non-canonically base-paired conformations, providing a route for extending our bulge-directed framework to internal loop motifs and implying a simplified link between secondary and tertiary structure. Finally, our results uncover a new simple mechanism for coupling junction-induced topological constraints with tertiary interactions

    Transcriptional activation by mitochondrial transcription factor A involves preferential distortion of promoter DNA

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    Mitochondrial transcription factor A (mtTFA/TFAM) is a nucleus-encoded, high-mobility-group-box (HMG-box) protein that regulates transcription of the mitochondrial genome by specifically recognizing light-strand and heavy-strand promoters (LSP, HSP1). TFAM also binds mitochondrial DNA in a non-sequence specific (NSS) fashion and facilitates its packaging into nucleoid structures. However, the requirement and contribution of DNA-bending for these two different binding modes has not been addressed in detail, which prompted this comparison of binding and bending properties of TFAM on promoter and non-promoter DNA. Promoter DNA increased the stability of TFAM to a greater degree than non-promoter DNA. However, the thermodynamic properties of DNA binding for TFAM with promoter and non-specific (NS) DNA were similar to each other and to other NSS HMG-box proteins. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer assays showed that TFAM bends promoter DNA to a greater degree than NS DNA. In contrast, TFAM lacking the C-terminal tail distorted both promoter and non-promoter DNA to a significantly reduced degree, corresponding with markedly decreased transcriptional activation capacity at LSP and HSP1 in vitro. Thus, the enhanced bending of promoter DNA imparted by the C-terminal tail is a critical component of the ability of TFAM to activate promoter-specific initiation by the core mitochondrial transcription machinery

    Automated fluorescence lifetime imaging plate reader and its application to Forster resonant energy transfer readout of Gag protein aggregation

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    Fluorescence lifetime measurements can provide quantitative readouts of local fluorophore environment and can be applied to biomolecular interactions via Förster resonant energy transfer (FRET). Fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) can therefore provide a high content analysis (HCA) modality to map protein-protein interactions (PPIs) with applications in drug discovery, systems biology and basic research. We present here an automated multiwell plate reader able to perform rapid unsupervised optically sectioned FLIM of fixed and live biological samples and illustrate its potential to assay PPIs through application to Gag protein aggregation during the HIV life cycle. We demonstrate both hetero-FRET and homo-FRET readouts of protein aggregation and report the first quantitative evaluation of a FLIM HCA assay by generating dose response curves through addition of an inhibitor of Gag myristoylation. Z ′ factors exceeding 0.6 are realised for this FLIM FRET assay. [Image: see text] Fluorescence lifetime plate map with representative images of high and low FRET cells and corresponding dose response plot

    Experiences in implementing uHTS--cutting edge technology meets the real world.

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    Driven by growing corporate compound files, the demands of target biology, and attempts to cut cost, the number of solutions to HTS has spiralled. In quick succession new assay technologies and screening platforms are appearing on the market, with the promise of screening faster than ever in low volume high density formats whilst providing high quality data. Within this world of rapid change, Pfizer has applied cutting edge technology to HTS by introducing screening in 1 microl formats utilising single molecule detection technology. Instead of resource intensive in-house development, Pfizer entered into a collaboration with Evotec OAI / Evotec Technologies and introduced their Mark-II EVOscreen platform. In this article we will outline the benefits of the approach taken at Pfizer, Sandwich, and introduce the Mark-II EVOscreen platform, illustrating the potential but also possible pitfalls of HTS miniaturisation

    Open source high content analysis utilizing automated fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy

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    We present an open source high content analysis instrument utilizing automated fluorescence lifetime imaging (FLIM) for assaying protein interactions using Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) based readouts of fixed or live cells in multiwell plates. This provides a means to screen for cell signaling processes read out using intramolecular FRET biosensors or intermolecular FRET of protein interactions such as oligomerization or heterodimerization, which can be used to identify binding partners. We describe here the functionality of this automated multiwell plate FLIM instrumentation and present exemplar data from our studies of HIV Gag protein oligomerization and a time course of a FRET biosensor in live cells. A detailed description of the practical implementation is then provided with reference to a list of hardware components and a description of the open source data acquisition software written in μ Manager. The application of FLIMfit, an open source MATLAB- based client for the OMERO platform, to analyze arrays of multiwell plate FLIM data is also presented. The protocols for imaging fixed and live cells are outlined and a demonstration of an automated multiwell plate FLIM experiment using cells expressing fluorescent protein-based FRET constructs is presented. This is complemented by a walk-through of the data analysis for this specific FLIM FRET data set
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