99 research outputs found

    Uneingeschränkte Solidarität: Das neue strategische Konzept der NATO und die Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland

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    This article focuses on the analysis of the new strategic concept of NATO (Lisbon 2010) and its effect on German foreign and security policy. During the Cold War, the (old) Federal Republic of Germany had done well to recognize its limited sovereignty while at the same time expanding its economic and political influence in NATO and the EC/EU. This approach has not fundamentally changed with the unification of Germany in 1990. Since then Germany has been developing its imperial ambitions cautiously, embedded in the aggressive NATO military pact and the militarization of the EU. The credo of the new Germany is the enforcement of both;, German economic and geo-strategic interests as a nation cannot be achieved alone, but only within the range of existing alliances

    Militärinterventionen : verheerend und völkerrechtswidrig. Möglichkeiten friedlicher Konfliktlösung

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    Militärinterventionen : verheerend und völkerrechtswidrig. Möglichkeiten friedlicher Konfliktlösung

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    The overall aim with this thesis is to create a broader understanding of how the EMS tool works in local authorities. This means to study whether EMS is a useful tool for managing the environmental impact from the local authorities' activities and by highlighting its strengths and weaknesses as a tool. EMS is a tool that is used on a voluntary basis that aims at improving organisations' environmental performance. There are several standards for designing EMSs; however, this thesis focuses on EMSs designed according to the principles of the international standard ISO 14001 and the EU regulation Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). The standards are based on a wide range of requirements. If these requirements are fulfilled, the organisation can choose to get its EMS certified by a third party. The EMS tool is frequently used in the private sector, and it is sometimes argued that it is designed for private (industrial) organisations. However, local authorities worldwide have shown an increased interest in EMSs since the mid 1990s. The EMS use in the private sector has been subject to some critique. For example, there is a risk that the tool is used only to get another certificate in order to increase their legitimacy, which means that there is a risk that the environmental issues are neglected. Until now, little academic research has been conducted concerning EMS use in local authorities. Therefore, it is interesting to study what approaches local authorities have to EMSs. Mainly Swedish local authorities have been studied for this thesis. Many Swedish local authorities have been using EMSs for a fairly long time, which means that they have a certain amount of experience from this using tool. The local authorities' approaches to EMS use have been studied from several perspectives using postal surveys, interviews, and case study methodology. This means that the research has a strong empirical foundation. The EMS use in Swedish local authorities is fairly common, since almost half of them are in the process of implementing EMSs in all or some of their departments. The main reason for implementing EMSs is to improve the structure of their environmental management. The local authorities often use ISO 14001 and/or EMAS as inspiration and design the EMSs according to their local conditions and ambitions, thus certification of the EMSs is seldom an aim. Although many local authorities seem to use EMSs in a reflective and sensible way, several barriers or difficulties - for example, maintaining continuity and ensuring follow-up of the environmental improvements - have been discovered. Furthermore, the EMSs that are being implemented often exclude environmental impact related to their exercise of authority since it is difficult and abstract. Including environmental impact related to these activities is often seen as a matter of maturity. To develop the organisations' EMSs, internal and external communication and interaction is experienced as very important. Such issues contribute to the EMS maturity processes, since the local authorities find new inspiration, knowledge, and motivation to further develop the EMS processes and, as a consequence, improve their environmental performance

    A phenomenological study of the elementary school experiences of Inuit children who choose to remain in school and graduate

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    Six participants were interviewed in this phenomenological research study in order to hear their stories of their elementary school experiences that encouraged them to remain in school and graduate. These participants were carefully chosen based on a set criteria they all had in common including, but not limited to, being of Inuit heritage, being first language lnuktitut speakers, having lived their entire lives and received their education from kindergarten to grade 12 in the same Inuit community, and having successfully completed or nearly completed high school. Data was collected in two interviews with each individual participant. Interviews were carefully managed to keep any personal bias of the researcher from being revealed. The nature of these interviews was a form of guided conversation, eliciting participants' past educational experiences rather than following a direct question/answer approach. Once data from interviews was collected, it was analyzed and categorized into six broad themes: Relationships with Significant Adults, Relationships with Peers and Socialization, Recognizing Inuit Culture in School, Feeling Valued/Self Esteem, Safe and Welcoming Schools, and Having Future Goals and Aspirations. The information gathered in this study confirms that in Nunavut, Inuit students have the same basic needs and require the same support in school to be successful in life, as do their southern counterparts. Suggestions to inform and improve education in Nunavut are designed to reflect the Inuit perspective and worldview

    Monodisperse N‐Doped Graphene Nanoribbons Reaching 7.7 Nanometers in Length

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    The properties of graphene nanoribbons are highly dependent on structural variables such as width, length, edge structure, and heteroatom doping. Therefore, atomic precision over all these variables is necessary for establishing their fundamental properties and exploring their potential applications. An iterative approach is presented that assembles a small and carefully designed molecular building block into monodisperse N-doped graphene nanoribbons with different lengths. To showcase this approach, the synthesis and characterisation of a series of nanoribbons constituted of 10, 20 and 30 conjugated linearly-fused rings (2.9, 5.3, and 7.7 nm in length, respectively) is presented.We are grateful to the Basque Science Foundation for Science (Ikerbasque), POLYMAT, the University of the Basque Country (SGIker), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (MA 5215/4-1), Gobierno de Espana (Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad CTQ2016-77970-R and CTQ2015-71936-REDT), Gobierno Vasco (BERC program and PC2015-1-01(0637)), Diputacion Foral de Guipuzcoa (OF215/2016(ES)), CICECO-Aveiro Institute of Materials, POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007679 (FCT ref. UID/CTM/50011/2013), ON2 (NORTE-07-0162-FEDER-000086), and the FP7 framework program of the European Union (ERA Chemistry, Marie Curie Career Integration Grant No. 618247 (NIRVANA)). This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 664878. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement no. 722951)

    An Expanded 2D Fused Aromatic Network with 90-Ring Hexagons

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    Two-dimensional fused aromatic networks (2D FANs) have emerged as a highly versatile alternative to holey graphene. The synthesis of 2D FANs with increasingly larger lattice dimensions will enable new application perspectives. However, the synthesis of larger analogues is mostly limited by lack of appropriate monomers and methods. Herein, we describe the synthesis, characterisation and properties of an expanded 2D FAN with 90-ring hexagons, which exceed the largest 2D FAN lattices reported to date

    A Wavy Two-Dimensional Covalent Organic Framework from Core-Twisted Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

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    A high degree of crystallinity is an essential aspect in two-dimensional covalent organic frameworks, as many properties depend strongly on the structural arrangement of the different layers and their constituents. We introduce herein a new design strategy based on core-twisted polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon as rigid nodes that give rise to a two-dimensional covalent organic framework with a wavy honeycomb (chairlike) lattice. The concave–convex self-complementarity of the wavy two-dimensional lattice guides the stacking of framework layers into a highly stable and ordered covalent organic framework that allows a full 3D analysis by transmission electron microscopy revealing its chairlike honeycomb facets and aligned mesoporous channels. Remarkably, the waviness of the framework does not disrupt the interlayer π–π stacking that shows charge transporting properties similar to those of planar covalent organic frameworks. The implementation of core-twisted aromatics as building blocks for covalent organic frameworks brings new possibilities in the design of highly ordered organic materials

    Frieden schaffen ohne Waffen: Für nichtmilitärische Konfliktlösungen in und durch Europa: Beiträge zum Fünften Dresdner Friedenssymposium am 15. Februar 1997

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    Das Fünfte Dresdner Friedenssymposium zum Thema „Frieden schaffen ohne Waffen. Für nichtmilitärische Konfliktlösungen in und durch Europa“.:Verzeichnis des Inhalts und der Autoren. Symposiumbeiträge: - Wolfgang Scheler, Die Friedenskonzeption in veränderter Sicherheitslage. Konsistenz und Modifikation. - Gerda Zellentin, Gesellschaftliche Gruppen und nichtmilitärische Konfliktbearbeitung - Chancen und Risiken. - Hans-Jochen Vogel, Schalom und adé? Kirchliche Friedensbewegung und Konziliarer Prozess in der DDR wirken weiter. Mit einem Zeitzeugnis aus dem Jahre 1984. Aus der Diskussion: - Peter Strutinsky, Frieden durch Demokratie? - Wilfried Neumann, Unsere Aufgabe: Erziehung zu Frieden und Versöhnung. - Lorenz Knorr, Kriegsursachen und friedliche Konfliktregelung. - Peter Gerlinghoff, Frühzeitige Konfliktanalyse - eine Vorbedingung ziviler Konfliktbewältigung. - Gerd Hommel, Für nichtmilitärische Konfliktlösungen und Überwindung von Ausgrenzung aus Glaubens-, ethnischen und politischen Gründen. - Ingeborg Philipp, Kosmisches Zeitalter. - Jan Šumavsky, Die Beziehungen zwischen Deutschen und Tschechen und die 'Deklaration'

    Optical Emission Detector Based on Plasma Discharge Generation at the Tip of a Multimaterial Fiber

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    Experimental development of a compact optical emission detector based on the assembly of a polymer-metal and a standard silica fiber is presented in this paper. This device is exploited in a proof-of-principle experiment for gas detection application by means of plasma spectroscopy in the visible-Near Infrared spectral region. A multimode fiber (MMF) is associated with a functional hollow dual-electrodes elongated structure fabricated by the direct preform-to-fiber homothetic co-drawing. A potential of 1.5 kV is applied between the two electrodes embedded inside the composite cladding, which generates an atmospheric pressure dc glow discharge at the tip of the fiber bundle. The emitted light is then collected by the MMF for optical diagnostics. Probing of different atmospheres is presented at the end of this study